Watching Old Photos

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Timothy's POV

Whilst Jude was gone to the attic so that to gather all photos she has, I got the huge photo album with its velvet cover from one of the drawers as I had some time until she returns. As I wiped the photo album's dusty cover due to that it hasn't been touched and cleaned for the last 6 years. I don't have any clue when it was the last time when I had seen my old photos the last time. Anyway as I wiped the photo album's cover, thereafter closing the drawer as the photo album was in my hands, expecting my wife to arrive as soon as possible, I could hear her moderately loud footsteps, coming from upstairs as well. 

Jude's POV

It wasn't easy for me to find all photos that I have from a long time ago due to not only the creepiness of the attic room with its spiderwebs in the most upper corner of each wall with its dusty furnitures, barely having any idea when they have been cleaned and shined like stars the last time. 

As I hasted to descend the stairs, thus heading to the living room back so that to watch photos with my soulmate in the living room. Once I established myself in the living room, I sat next to Timothy as I questioned with whose photos we shall begin firstly:

-So whose photos do you prefer to watch more now?- I posed the question as I looked down at my photos and his photo album which was in his hands.

-It really doesn't matter, rare bird!- He answered in sassy way as he rendered me to cackle as well which enforced his cackle from other side either too.

-Well, I am curious how you used to look when you were younger as we...*sighing in a relief* start with yours first.- I replied in cold-blooded way as I wore a broad smile across my lips.

-Okay. *starting to show me his first photos where he was very young as it was clearly evident on which photo how old he was* Here is me when I was born actually and the second one is a several days after my birth. Whilst the third one is my parents with my older brothers who were mildly older than me unlike me who was the newborn baby in his mother's arms as well. - Timothy couldn't help, however, smiling whilst showing me his older photos which made my smile to grow significantly as my eyes moisted slightly, my fingertips delicately touching each photo.

-Aww, you looked so adorable like a baby. When you used to be a baby, did you used to cry a lot as you would render somebody's ears to bleed? - As I took a look at each early childhood photo of Timothy, I couldn't resist that cuteness as he used to be a cute little boy who grew in an attractive, charismatic and marvelous man. Once I finished with the pronounciation of the final sentence, we giggled when I enquired my husband.

-*cackling* Thank you, honey! Well, it was somehow in the middle. I used to be that annoying baby that weeps until it isn't soothed, while on other hand I restrained myself from crying, inflating the house with baby cries and screams. *kissing my lips lightly as we rotated our faces, consequently, keeping on with the photos* How about you too?

-When I was baby as how my mom told me was that I didn't cry a lot. Further, she gave me the ideal nickname for me since my first days of birth a lioness.- We let ourselves to burst out laughing in hysterical way which lasted for a while.

-Oh, you were such a courageous baby, weren't you, Judy?- He teased me as it made the things worse. We released a cackle that fulfilled the living room with spirituality. 

-I was. Unlike you, Mister Howard!- I mocked Timothy as he tickled playfully my waist with his thin fingers as I giggled and wriggled a bit, sensing my cheeks heating once again.


After the tickling, we continued to watch the photos along. Then we watched the other photos where he was barely 1 years old, a little after his 1st birthday since his birth and many others. Futhermore, I was quite fascinated and pretty impressed when I beholded the first photos of his adulthood where I can tell that he was really handsome, despite that he is currently much handsomer, in my opinion. The next a half an hour period of time passed as quickly as we didn't realise, adding commentary for each photo as we cackle almost every time.

Afterwards it was my turn to show some photos which had remained as my unique treasure, in spite of their not large quantity in numbers. They were about 20, unfortunately. By the way, it's better to keep 20 older photos of me rather than zero. When I took a deep breath whilst holding my initial photo, Timothy was betrayed by himself as his smile grew rapidly as he watched my childhood, teenage years and early adulthood photos. 

-Just look at yourself, Mrs.Howard! You were such an adorable and pretty baby.- As he touched gently with his index finger's tip my baby face on the photo as I could remember that baby which I used to be with the blonde hair, big like moon eclipse hazel eyes, white like the snow skin color which were amongst my essential memories of me when I used to be a newborn baby. 

-Aww!- I restrained myself from peeling more words as I was cherishing and relishing this moment where we watch ourselves as babies, little children, teenagers and young adults with laughters, smiles, joys and so forth, besides some sneering commentaries as they haven't been took definitely serious at all. I have never watched old photos of myself and somebody else who had the ginormous wish as well, sadly.

Thereafter I leaped on the next photos where I was with my mother Hazel including my father when I used to be 6 months old only as I grew rapidly like a tree for a half an year period of time.

-You are bigger girl here.- He commented the photo where I was 6 months old toddler.

-*giggling innocently* Yeah but not as much as on the other photos where you are going to see me as bigger girl.- Then we moved on the third photo where I was 1 year old only where it was obnoxiously obvious how I evolutated with the time, gradually changing myself.

-Aww, you are so cute here as you hold this red balloon! 

-I know, thank you anyway, sweetie!

Hence, we skipped on the forthcoming photos where I was 3 years old on my 3rd birthday, wearing a floral light red dress with my mother by my side whose smile was twinkling like a ray of sunshine, giving a life to the photo itself, regardless how old is it apparently. We discussed each photo a little before to pass on the upcoming one. The 4th one is me as a 5 years old little girl who was playing with 2 girls from my kindergarden, just a year before to go to school. It was a painful and sorrowful year when my father left me and my mother, two women orientating by themselves through the mist and abysmal seas of the sophisticated world. The 5th photo of mine was actually my first day at school, a little before to turn 6 years old. 

A several minutes later...

When we reached the last photos, there was a photo with me and Casey when we were 20 years old. It was the 18th one. Once I glanced at the photo my former fiancé, I felt extremely ashamed and guilty in the same time as I sensed remorses that eat me alive with every passed second. Further, I can recognize some jealousy in Timothy as he looked at the photo with the person who particularly ruined my life as he sighed dissatisfied, panting as well. His chocolate eyes were focused on the photo by the way, his smile faded abruptly.

-Oh...that photo with the person who did the worst to you.- Timothy stated in dim annoyance through his cletched teeth.

-I know! - I lowered my head as I felt guilty and ashamed for that my recent husband beholds a photo which absolutely ruined his ecstatic mood as I was holding the photograph in the same time.

-Don't be abashed! *he tilted my head as he hold my chin as I looked aboved right at his ravishing chestnut eyes which were filled with serenity from all of a sudden as his broad and radiant smile emerged again like a rocket across his face* Honey, I know that it is amongst your memory photos but that is in the past between you and Casey. Pardon for my jealousy and wrath, Judy!- He excused himself as we were staring at each other's eyes. 

-Everything is fine, my love! I am completely comprehending how do you feel every time when you see me with somebody who is definitely atrocious. 

-Exactly, babydoll!- He leaned slightly his head as we kissed each other's lips in luscious and precious way, therefore continuing to watch my older photos.

Afterwards we moved on the last two ones after that jerk left me. The 19th one was me with my jazz band whilst the last one was me as I participated in Briarcliff, back in 1949, posing with around 8 more nuns and Mother Claudia herself. 

-And this one...*pointing at my final photo with the other nuns* is the cherry of the cake in Briarcliff with Mother Claudia, me and other nuns. 

-It looks so good. *chuckling* Honestly, you are the most beautiful nun that I had and have ever seen in my entire life! - Tim admitted candidly what does he thinks of me especially when I used to be a nun as he added a commentary about the photo itself. 

-You are not rather serious, are you?- I asked a rhetorical question in mordant way as we giggled again.

-Of course, it is deliriously obvious that I am grave! Don't be silly, sweetheart!

-I know. I am just playing. 

A several minutes later...

I was quite lazy to prepare something for dinner as I decided to make a simple vegeterian salad for both of us as I managed myself to drink a glass of water instead of an alcoholic beverage now due to my pregnancy. 

Once we saw next to each other on the dinner table, having a humble romantic dinner in our own way, we started discussing together about our brilliant news which had happened to us today:

-How did your day passed at work, my love?- My husband questioned as he was paying fully attention to me as his splendid, glistening chocolate eyes were pierced into mine.

-It passed super, darling. *he nod his head as he was pending from me to keep on, gesturing* My boss and my colleagues found out that I am already pregnant in the 2nd month. - I said with gleeful voice as after finishing my sentence I bit from my vegeterian salad with the lettuce, cut carrots and other green vegetables.

-That is wonderful to hear it! Weren't they shocked once they learnt it from you?

-They did.- I answered in ordinary way as I sipped of my glass with fresh water, wearing a broad smile across my lips.

-Pleased to hear that! Anyway as I have informed you that I am tomorrow on interview that I need to tell you something really important.

-What is it, darling? I am listening.- Suddenly I felt like Tim is going to tell me something very grave like he is prepared with the pauses from time to time during his speech.

-Today I received via the mailbox a letter from my older brother John who contacted me 10 years later after I left England, writing on the letter his phone number as I phoned him, speaking to him for a half an hour. After dinner I can even show you the letter if you are rather enthusiased.- Tim responded with his velvet, tranquil voice as he surprised me due to that his dish with the meal was intact as some veggies were missing. It was certainly apparent that he is more intrigued to speak to me rather than to take some of his time to eat.

-Your brother John? That sounds really interesting. What you have exactly discussed with him?

-Well, we have discussed together how our lives are nowadays, even mentioning the fact that I am not a priest as I smartly and diplomatically explained to him my motives as I gave up one of my biggest dreams so that to sacrify for the happiness for the person who I cordially love mostly. I mentioned your name as I discussed wih him one of my most gruesome sins which I have ever done that you can recall ideally as a result to this,  I realised what a fool I was until I had our final discussion with you in the asylum, a little before to get you out of the snake pit. Additionally, John promised to pay a visit to us in the upcoming weekend.- Timothy explained to me everything as he didn't miss anything during this second concetrating to each word he had syllabled until this moment.

-That is awesome! What you have talked about me except about your biggest and worst sin of yours? - I asked with more enthusiasm as my inquisitive side was unlocked, sipping my water.

-I told him that we are a married couple, expecting in the next 6-7 months our first child. He was tremendously rejoiced to hear those news. 

-Aww, that is really cute! I suppose that your brother is a nice person.

-He is actually. He is the only person in our family with my father Timon who support and respect my decisions mostly. *inhaling and exhaling in the same time* Unlike my another elder brother Daniel, my younger sister Anna and my mother Julietta.

-Well, I am delighted to hear that somebody from your family actually cares and respects and supports your decisions and perceptions if they aren't the most proper ones.- I said with soothing voice as took Timothy's big, veiny hand into my petite, mellow one. 


To be continued...

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