Coincidentally Accidental

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Isabella's P.o.v


Waking up with loud series of knocks on my bedroom door was really not how I planned to spend my morning.

I groaned again, pulling the soft pillows over my ears while trying as much as possible to block out the horrid noise coming out from those unusual terrible knocks, one even loud enough to damage my eardrums.

"Isabella!!!" The voice screamed out again, hitting the door with another series of loud bangs.

That's it! I blindly searched for my phone and sucessfully managed to check out the time.

It was 7:30am everyone! Freaking 7:30!!! And if you are probably wondering, Yes!

I've never been accustomed to using an alarm clock because apparently, my mother always does the waking.

After groaning for like the millionth time this morning, I sleepily sprung up from my bed with half eyes opened, wore my fuzzy slippers grudgingly, and headed towards the door sluggishly.

Opening the door slightly, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was no other person than my beloved and wonderful cousin, Amelia. Just great!

As expected, she looked gorgeous. Her brown hair cascaded smoothly down her back, outlining her slim jawline. Her petite figure fitted perfectly with the beautiful pink floral blouse she wore, a shin-length pencil skirt showing off her thin legs, and her black high heels to do the finishing, which by the way made her about five more inches taller.

"What are you staring at me for?" She snapped smilingly, probably with the misconception that I envied her in a way. It's true though. She's is literally better than I am in terms of looks, beauty and most of all, fashion.

"Why are you here?" I retorted impatiently, yawning slightly as I did.

"Ewww...your breathe smells." Typical Amelia squealed, holding her nose in utter disgust. She moved like five steps backwards from the room's exit and I simply shrugged in response, literally quite satisfied with her usual typical dramatic reaction.

"Oh haven't had your bath yet." She finally said in realization, staring at my pyjamas again with a disgusted look on her face. I just rolled my eyes at this and tried walking away and slamming the doors shut instead since she was not ready to talk and quit acting, Drama queen!

"Mum wants you to prepare breakfast." Amelia suddenly announced haltingly stopping me from my tracks.

"What?" I exclaimed and turned around to face her again. Since when did I have to cook breakfast when we literally have a cook in the house. I mean, this is some kind of joke right.

"Do I seriously have to repeat everything?" She gushed looking down at her perfectly manicured fingers.

"Listen to me, waking up early to prepare breakfast will never, ever be my job to do, so quit dreaming Amelia." I gritted my teeth in utter annoyance.

"Suit yourself Isabella." She replied smiling smugly at me. Jeez, I think i'm beginning to dislike her already.

"I really don't know why you woke up late on a school day so it's really not my fault okay." She continued, making it seem like she was trying to reason things with me or something.

"Are you done?" I snapped, cutting her a bit off guard. She shot me an icy glare, probably didn't expecting I would talk back at her like that. Well, she deserved more than that for ruining my morning.

"No, actually. We are all waiting for you at the dinning area so you might need to prepare them now, you know how much mother hates late breakfasts." She finished walking away swiftly, her long hair hitting my face intentionally while I just tried suppressing myself from yanking a strand from it.

I slammed the door angrily as soon as she left and headed towards the bathroom yawningly, ready to start my daily morning routine.

Getting out of the bathroom, I threw on my white crop top and wore my black skinny jeans and an army green jacket before packing my hair into a neat ponytail and slipping my legs into my worn out white converse. Still didn't have enough money to get a new one.

Anyway, I rushed down the stairs immediately I was done with dressing and instantly made my way into the kitchen.

* * * * * *

Grabbing my toast slightly off a random empty dish, I rushed out of the kitchen as soon as I was done making breakfast for my lovely aunt and so-called cousins, and finally, made my way to the front door just in time to find my cousins ditching me as they drove off in another blue convertible.

I simply let out a sigh and headed out of the house immediately after bidding Maria a goodbye. Literally, the only person I think acts human in this 'prestigious' mansion of ours.

The trip to my school was a bit too far, but I'm used to walking anyway. It was the only means of transportation my mother and I had back in Texas. As for cabs, we used it on few occasions.

I turned down on a side walk and began to stroll as fast as I could, but still managed to take a few glances at the houses that surrounded me. It was a really beautiful estate indeed with terrific huge magnificent mansions and houses of different kinds.

My feet thumped against the warm concrete as I hurriedly made my way to another street, jogging and running at the same time.

It didn't take me too long, I eventually found myself on a busy road while I continued pounding my feet on the pavement even faster. The time read 8:30, and I was only halfway from getting late for school. Well, it's really not my day.

And when I say not my day, I mean Not My Day!

While staring at my watch and running at the same time, I suddenly collided with an upcoming car with a near disastrous accident.

I saw the car as it swerved sharply to the left, the carefree driver very narrowly avoided hitting the pole on the offside of the road only to hit me instead as a replacement, knocking me off to the ground. I collapsed on the hard ground instantly, letting out a groan at the agonizing pain.

After making several demoralizing attempts to stand up on my feet I somehow managed to get off the ground, barely able to stand uprightly.

Soon, the owner of the brand new exorbitant black convertible, rushed out of the car immediately to view the sudden incident. I recognized her as a teenage girl, most likely of my own age line.

But what took me off guard was her 'I don't care attitude' about the situation. Yes, she did come out, but only to check out her car first. Her eyes searchingly looked around the whole vechicle, making sure there weren't damages on it perhaps, totally ignoring I, the victim.

Finally, she eventually turned towards my direction looking down at the small injury on my right knee, before turning out her wallet from no where and the next I knew, she slipped off a number of currencies or notes from her luxuriously expensive wallet, and handed it over to me.

"Here, your medical bills." I stared at the money more than surprised to say the least and then at her.

"I don't think that will be enough." I blurted out sarcastically but to my dismay, she took out her wallet again, and brought out more dollar notes, counting them as she did.

"Uh huh, just a little bit more,"

"Is this okay?" She handed over about thirty dollars or something, I didn't care enough to know how much it was.

"No, you know I can't afford to treat this wounds myself, and I might need enough transport fees because I can't walk properly and....oh thank you very much." I continually blabbed and ranted while she stupidly continued to add more and more notes, probably enough to buy me a whole island.

Eventually, I finally accepted the money since I had literally drained everything from her wallet. Over a hundred dollars was handed over to me instantly, and with great pleasure, I felicitously received it and did a recount of the notes in front of her.

Just as soon as I was done counting literally rubbish, I pratically threw every single note and hurled it at the blondie, tossing it over her like garbage. Molten anger stirred within me like lava and I felt a flicker of irritation rush through me. But seriously?__

"Who do really take me for? A pauper? I can fend myself, thank you very much and by the way young lady, Money does not solve everything." I spatted out the words in utter disgust and annoyance leaving the blondie petrified and dumbstruck as she stared at the whole money scattered all over the ground terrorstricken.

I was never the heartless type, still now, I'm not. But I Just simply hate being treated like a commoner. A simple sorry would have done the trick, at least.

Honestly, I had no idea a car was behind us, watching and gwaking at the scenario surprisingly.

While struggling to leave the scene, ambling forward with my already mutilated right leg. I was literally walking like an old woman with a bented knee and believe me when I say this, with this crippled leg of mine, I might probaby take up to a whole year to arrive to school.

"Hey, wait up!" A deep voice called behind me.

Recognising the voice so well, I spun around almost immediately only to meet face to face with another black Mercedes convertible. I watched as the car slowly came to a halt beside me on the side walk.

It was no other person than the school's 'golden boy,'

Instantly, Ryan rushed out of his car and headed towards me.

"Are you okay?" He panicked, looking down at my wounds worriedly. Okay, I was surprised. I mean, this is literally the jerk I almost had a fight with just yesterday, right?

"I am. Thanks for asking," I replied bluntly, with a bored baritone, and tried walking out on him. What was I thinking? He was probably here to make jest of me or something.

"Of course, you're not, and don't think you are walking all the way to school like this." He said, furrowing his eyebrows at me like he actually felt a bit concerned about my hopeless situation.

"I don't have to think, I am." I retorted suppressing an eye roll.

"Isabella, I am politely offering you a ride to school__"

"Ryan, I am politely saying a 'no thank you'!" Obstinately, I recoiled, emitting a frustrated sigh from the poor guy. He should just give up, and stop acting like he cares. No one ever cares, and neither would he.

Or maybe I was wrong,

"Fine! You asked for it," And before I could react or protest any further, Ryan lifted me up from the hard ground, carrying my whole body in bridal style, while out of the blue, I struggled to get out from the hard grasp around me but to no avail.

I found myself seated at the front seat in no time, still in shock at what just happened, while he, slammed the car door as soon as entered only to turn towards me, moving closer and closer to where I was seated until we were only an inch apart. I could literally feel his breathe close to me.

"What do you think you're doing." I spurlted out, dumbfounded at the sudden act.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He recolied, fastening my seat belts for me before returning back to his former position. I literally face palmed for thinking he was going to do something otherwise, but let out a sigh of relief anyway.

"Kidnapping me, obviously. I clearly said__um, nevermind!" I stopped talking since he wasn't listening anyway. Instead, his whole attention was on the driving wheel in front of him.

Letting out a short breathe take, he pressed down the gas and the car zoomed off so fast I could barely even breathe. I grasped the edges of my seat but that didn't help anyway since the speed kept increasing almost reaching it's limit.

Not only am I scared of us getting arrested by the officers for driving too fast, I'm even more than terrified at the thought of dying in a brutal accident especially with this mangled leg of mine.

Either way, we made it to school unharmed. Yeah, I know, a great testimony indeed.

I was literally about to start up another rant about 'how to freaking drive carefully if you are not ready to die' but Ryan rushed out of the car as soon as it was parked in the usual parking lot, and headed towards my side of the car.

He opened the door hastily and to my surprise, carried me bridal style all over again and headed towards the school's clinic, emitting a lot of attention as we passed through the school's premises.

I didn't bother struggling this time, it was a bit pointless doing that anyway. Instead, I completely ignored the million pairs of astounded and astonished eyes watching the scene in utter disrray and cuddled closer, hoping I wouldn't fall especially with the rate at which he was running.

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