MOON 1 - Part 3

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Season: Newleaf
Weather: Sunny

Prey: 34
Sticks: 22
Moss: 43
Herbs: 30

Interaction 1- Nightkit, WolfSilverMoon01
Hunger: 9/10
Thirst: 8/10
Health: 100/100
Age: 2 Moons
Energy: 6/6
"Me and Breezekit will be going now, then" Leafkit said. "I'll just go and..find Honeykit. If you need help you can always ask me or my brother" You said before slowly making your way out of the nursery. As you exited the nursery, you noticed your brother talking with Beepaw and Lightpaw. Towards your right you noticed Mousestripe talking to Owlflight. Towards your left, you saw the Watering Pool.

A. Go to Honeykit
B. Go to Mousestripe and Owlflight
C. Go to the Watering Pool

Interaction 2- Honeykit, CatPerson1515
Hunger: 9/10
Thirst: 8/10
Health: 100/100
Age: 2 Moons
Energy: 6/6
You suddenly got an idea and decided you could help them. "What about I help you? I can go get sticks or Moss for you when you need it. That way, you'll finish faster" You offered, bouncing up and down. "Like you can help. You're just a tiny kit. Go back to the nursery" Beepaw snorted, once again rolling his eyes. "You only became an apprentice last moon and now you're thinking you're better than every cat" Lightpaw said, frowning before looking back at you. "That's a great idea!" She purred. "What about you go get some moss? There should be some at the medicine cat den or you can go to the elders den. They might have some spare moss as well" She told you.

A. Go to the elders den
B. Go to the medicine cat den
C. Tell her you should get going and that Nightkit might be looking for you

Interaction 3- Leafkit, QueenPoisonstar
Hunger: 9/10
Thirst: 8/10
Health: 100/100
Age: 1 Moon
Energy: 6/6
You paused for a moment before shrugging. "Me and Breezekit will be going now, then" You said. "I'll just go and..find Honeykit. If you need help you can always ask me or my brother" Nightkit nodded before slowly making his way out the nursery. You hopped out the nest before heading outside the nursery for the first time. You were able to tell that Breezekit was following you due to the small sound of pawsteps behind you.

A. Go look at the fresh-kill pile
B. Go to the apprentices den
C. Go to the elders den
D. Ask Breezekit where she wants to go first
E. Suggest going to the Watering Pool

Interaction 4- Breezekit, Marie_Frisk
Hunger: 9/10
Thirst: 8/10
Health: 100/100
Age: 1 Moon
Energy: 6/6
When Leafkit stated that she and you will be going now, you stayed still for a moment to see what Nightkit will say. "I'll just go and..find Honeykit. If you need help then you can always ask me or my brother" Nightkit nodded before slowly leaving the nursery. You watched him for a moment before following after Leafkit as she headed out the nursery. While you looked around camp, you noticed there were a lot more cats in RushingClan than you thought.

A. Suggest a den (State which den you want to suggest going to in the comments) to go explore
B. Head over to the Watering Pool
C. Ask Leafkit if she wants to go check out the fresh-kill pile
D. Wait for Leafkit to lead

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