Eel Belts?

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Aviva POV

(Y/n) has been a great help looking for and studying some animal giants I never knew about, and some new things about other giants that we already know, like how dexterous Humpback Whales are when catching fish. Oh, he's just so cool and enthusiastic while also being his usual disciplined and courageous self.

Chris: *walks in* Hey, Aviva.

Aviva: *shakes herself back to reality* Oh, hey brothers. How'd it go?

Martin: Great! We checked out those new Bald Eagle eggs and they seem to be developing nicely.

Aviva: Awesome!

Chris: What are you and (Y/n) up to?

(Y/n): *over monitor* We're checking out eels!

Martin: *excited* Oh, I love eels! Which one are you after?

(Y/n): You'll see, when I move this branch of coral.

(Y/n) moves the coral around only to be rushed by a snake looking creature.

(Y/n): WHOA! *arm bitten* OW!

Aviva: *worried* (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Get off me! *pries fish off* There. Sorry about that.

Aviva: (Y/n), are you alright?!

(Y/n): Don't get too worked up my suit took most of the damage, only a slight cut, no need to worry.

Aviva: What was that thing? It kinda looked like a snake.

Chris: *looks at screen* Not a snake, but a- *gasp of excitment*

(Y/n)/Chris/Martin: Green Moray Eel!

Martin: Wow, one of the top predators of the coral reef.

Chris: Able to grow over 8 ft. long, one of the largest species of eel in the world, second only to the Giant Moray and European Conger.

Aviva: *watches eel* Wow! And to think I mistook that for a snake.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): It is pretty easy to mistake this creature for a snake simply because of the way they move, but they are in fact a fish.

Aviva: *over comms* A fish?

(Y/n): Yup, eels are fish. They don't have scales but that doesn't stop them from being able to defend themselves.

Aviva: *thinks* Hmm.

(Y/n): Oh, I know that look, that beautiful brain of your's is turning it's gears.

Aviva: Tell me more about the Green Moray Eel, why does it have such colors? What does it eat?

(Y/n): Aye, aye, Captain. Let's follow this one. It's a large female, females tend to be bigger than males.

Martin: *over comms* I'm gonna name her......

(Y/n): Alpha. Her name is Alpha, check this out.

I see Alpha heading in the direction of another green moray eel, Alpha goes on the attack first and charges her opponent.

(Y/n): Whoa! A rare wildlife moment two alpha predators fighting for control over a hunting ground.

The two eels go at for only a few seconds but...

(Y/n): And Alpha wins! *checks watch* Oh, sun's about to set.

Aviva: Meaning?

(Y/n): Feeding time for the eel. During the day, the green moray hides in the reef and ambushes prey from the crevices of coral, but at night these eels goes on the hunt in the open. Let's see where she goes.

I start following Alpha for several minutes and she seems to be tracking something.

(Y/n): Eels actually have poor eyesight, so they search for prey with smell, and their long, thin, streamlined body allows them to search anywhere for all sorts of creatures, fish, crustaceans, even sharks and cephlapods.

Aviva: What?! Sharks, no way they can take on sharks.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, well check this out.

With my flashlight, I see Alpha is tracking a reef shark.

(Y/n): Alpha takes cover behind a rock. Waits for the shark to get closer and.... *Alpha charges* BOOM! Take down!

Aviva: WHOA! That's incredible!

(Y/n): Green moray eels can catch and eat just about anything, including lionfish.

Aviva: Lionfish? Really?!

(Y/n): Yup.

Aviva: How do they do that without getting poisoned?

Martin: Well, first thing you should know is that green moray eels aren't actually green, they're brown.

Koki: What?! I don't know if you're colorblind, but that eel is clearly greenish yellow.

Chris: Martin's right. This species of eel is actually brown.

(Y/n): The reason they look green is the layer of slimey mucus that covers their body.

Jimmy: Slimey mucus? Ew.

(Y/n): You see moray eels don't have scales like most fish do, but they still need a way to defend themselves, enter the mucus. Not only does the mucus allow morays to easier squeeze through tight coral and rocks without being scratched or bruised, it also helps defend against shark teeth and lionfish barbs among other attacks.

Aviva: *spanish* Incredible! *English* This is already giving me great ideas for a moray eel power disc. Keep the info coming, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Well, Alpha's on the move again after that young shark dinner. Right behind you Alpha!

I keep swimming close behind Alpha as she traverses the coral reef in search of more food.

Donita POV

Donita: Oh, what kind of animal styled belt should I do? *looks at various animal pictures* No. *swipe left* No. *swipe left* Ew, definitely not. *finds green moray eel* Oh! Now that color green is stylish! Oh I could use it for all sorts of belts or straps for purses. DABIO!

Dabio: Uh, yes Donita?

Donita: We're going to the Gulf of Mexico for eels.

Dabio: Okie dokey, Donita.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): Oh boy, looks like we got something going on here.

Martin: What you got buddy?

(Y/n): Not sure yet, but Alpha is definitely onto something.

I continue following Alpha until she comes upon a-

(Y/n): *amazed* A Goliath Grouper!

Aviva: What?! Okay, hold on, as big as Alpha is, there's no way she can take on a Grouper that big.

(Y/n): No, no. She's not gonna eat him. Just watch.

Alpha swims near the Grouper they eye one another, the grouper shakes it's head, then Alpha goes into the coral and rocks, until suddenly a small group of fish swim out of the rocks scared and into the Grouper's waiting jaws.

Everyone: Whoa!

Jimmy: Wait, what happened?

Chris: The eel went into the reef to scare fish out into the open where the Grouper was waiting and swallowed those fish.

Martin: And look at the remaining fish!

Aviva: They're going back into the reef.

Alpha suddenly strikes from the rocks and takes a fish for herself.

(Y/n): Where Alpha was waiting for the grouper to scare the fish back to her. This kind of relationship is called cooperative hunting, where two different predator species use each of their skills to find and catch prey.

Aviva: Wow, so both benefit from this arrangment. This would make an awesome duo of creature power suits

(Y/n): Nice!

Suddenly, as Alpha emerges from the coral, she is immobilized by a pinkish light beam.

(Y/n): Hey, what are you doing with Alpha?! Get back here!

Chris: Dude, what's going on?!

(Y/n): Get your lazy butts out here and help me find out!

Martin: Yes, sir!

I keep following Alpha's captor until I find a pink submarine.

(Y/n): Oh great. Only one person I know that has a pink getaway vehicle.

Martin: *distance* (Y/n)!

Chris: (Y/n), where are-

I pull the brothers into cover and get them to be quiet.

Chris: *sees pink submarine* Donita Donata? What would she want with moray eels?

(Y/n): I don't know and I don't care. We need to get inside the sub, find Alpha and get her back to the wild.

Chris: Any ideas, Marine?

(Y/n): Well, only way in is the front door. Let's go.

Aviva: *over comms* Hold up guys. Your new power discs are ready, you might need them in there. Jimmy teleport!

Jimmy: Ready, and, Zap it. *teleports discs*

(Y/n): *grabs eel disc* Alright! Green moray eel powers! Can't wait.

Chris: Looks like Martin and I are the Groupers in this situation.

Martin: That's alright, because we're going to be the grouper.

(Y/n): What do you mean?

Martin: We'll draw Donita's attention and ypu make your way inside, other than the front door.

(Y/n): Okay, as a team. Martin, get her attention.

Martin and Chris spread out to help the distraction while I touch another captured moray eel.

(Y/n): Activate Creature Powers!

The suit forms around me and I immediately fall in love with this suit.

(Y/n): Whoo hoo! The streamlined yet powerful body. Look how I swim through tight spaces with ease. I love this suit, Aviva!

Aviva: Alright, now go save Alpha.

(Y/n): Roger that. Martin, whenever your ready.

Martin and Chris activate their suits as a grouper passes by and-

Martin: Oh, no! Donita is so close, I hope she doesn't see that I've found more Green Moray Eels!

Donita: *intercom* What more lovely eels? Where? Dabio, send the mannequins! Now!

Dabio: Uh, got it Donita.

Multiple mannequins start after Martin.

Chris: Yoo whoo! Over here, there are way better eels here.

As the brothers confuse Donita's bots, I make my way to the water intake valve and make my to the engine room and when I'm on solid ground, deactivate my suit and sneak through the sub looking for where Donita may be hiding Alpha and any other eels.

3rd Person POV

As (Y/n) makes his way through the sub as Chris and Martin play around with Donita's mannequins, Donita, however, is annoyingly getting suspicious of what could be happening. As (Y/n) finally finds the room where Donita and, more importantly, Alpha is being held. Alpha is starting to lose her green colors, (Y/n) needs to act fast. But before he can-

Donita: *turns to (Y/n)* Ha! Pose beam.

Donita's pose orb immoblizes (Y/n) in place and Dabio approaches and grabs him.

(Y/n): Aw man, younger me would be really disappointed with me right now.

Donita: Did you think I forgot our last encounter? How, primitive of you.

(Y/n): Look Donita, those moray eels are not high fashion, look without their mucus covering their skin the eels will be in real danger. You have to release them.

Donita: Fashion waits for nothing, now that I have them, these beautiful animals are going to kick start my belt and shoulder strap line.

(Y/n): *groans* As usual, another useless fashion accessory, just like you.

Donita: We'll see who's laughing soon enough. Dabio, place him in that cell.

Dabio picks (Y/n) up and a cylindrical tube, but not before (Y/n) hand brushes against Alpha's skin and takes some mucus with him. As soon as the cylindar closes, the pose beam let's (Y/n) go.

Donita: Let's see you get out of this one, *mockingly* soldier. Hahahaha!

Dabio: Hahahahahaha!

Donita: Alright, Dabio keep an eye on our guest, we can use him as a unwilling model, should he survive. *presses button*

The cylindar floor opens to a grate and starts filling with water.

(Y/n): Oh, that's just perfect.

Donita is distracted by the Kratt brother's again long enough for (Y/n) to reactivate his eel power suit and actually squeeze through the grate and into the pipes. At this point Dabio turns around and notices (Y/n) is gone.

Dabio: Uh, Donita? Wild Kratts can't turn invisible, can they?

Donita: Of course not, Dabio!

Dabio: Oh good, guess that means (Y/n) has escaped.

Donita: *turns around worried* What?! Find him!

(Y/n) though, has made it to a glass seal just above the pose orb.

(Y/n): *sigh* How am I gonna get this seal open without hands? *thinks for a moment* Oh of course, moray eels can contort their bodies into knots to pull prey from crevices.

(Y/n) grabs the handle with his suits jaws and contort his lower half into a basic knot, then pulls as hard as he can and actually pries the seal off, water gushes into the compartment and soaks the pose orb, causing it to malfunction and releasing the eels inti the water slowly filling the room.

Donita: Dabio! Do something!

Dabio: Uh, what do you want me to do?

Donita: Get us out of here! Now!

(Y/n) leads the eels out of the sub before it starts chugging away from the Gulf, hopefully for good.

Chris: Haha! I knew you'd get out of there, (Y/n)!

Martin: I gotta admit I was a little worried for you back there. Donita can be dangerous at her best.

Aviva: Eh. I had total faith in you, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thanks. Ow! Hahaha!

Alpha surprised (Y/n) by latching onto his head then wrapping her body around (Y/n)'s power suit.

(Y/n): Aw, you're welcome, Alpha. Now go on and live a good life. Maintaining the ecosystem by being the top predator of the reefs. *Alpha swims away*

Martin: Bye Alpha!

Chris: Thanks for showing us your secrets!

(Y/n): Well, I'd say that's creature mission accomplished.

Chris: Yeah, we found out a lot of the awesome things about moray eels.

Martin: And stopped Donita from making another silly fashion statement with animals.

(Y/n): And now Alpha is back to where she belongs-

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): Living Free and in the Wild!

Aviva POV

Whew, things got a little hairy for a minute there, but as usual, (Y/n) somehow figures a way out of a bad situation and save animals at the same time, he's so amazing.

Aviva: *heavy blush appears* Why do I feel this way about him all of a sudden? I don't like him that way, do I?

(A/N): And CUT! Alright, great work everyone, as always take lunch and we'll get back to it.

Thanks to all you readers for bearing with me through this slippery chapter. I hope you all have a good day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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