Honey Seekers

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(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *relaxing deep breath* Ah, what beautiful morning on the savannah.

Martin: *grunts as he moves his heavy backpack* Took the words- whoa! Took the words right out of my mouth.

Chris: Alright guys, today is the day we find which is roughest, toughest animal in Africa.

Martin: That's easy. I already know, the lion!

(Y/n): No way. If you ask me, it's the hippo.

*stomach growls*

Chris: Whoa, did you hear that?! Was that a lion?

(Y/n): Nah, that was my stomach. I'm hungry. *checks pan of food* Awesome! Guys, breakfast is ready. My dad's family famous biscuits and gravy. Dig in!

Martin: Don't mind if I do. *takes a bite* Mmhmm! That is seriously good how do you do it, tell me.

(Y/n): *takes a bite* I could, *swallows* *menacing* but then I'd have to imprison you for the rest of your life.

Martin: *scared expression*

(Y/n): *laughs* You should see your face!

     Chris laughs along until Aviva comes online over our creature pods.

Aviva: *over comms* I think you guys are going to find the leopard to be the toughest by the way. But that will have to wait because Koki just intercepted a transmission from Gourmand.

(Y/n): The illegal endangered species chef?

Koki: *over comms* The one and only. It appears to be on it's way to Zac Varmitech.

(Y/n): Oh great, like we don't have enough deal with, now Zac is coming here too.

Koki: I'll play the message for you guys. Here it is...

Gourmand's Message: Mr. Varmitech, I invite you to Kalahari, Africa, for a menu of mystery animal, served with a very special honey sauce. Mmm, mmm, mmm. *message ends*

(Y/n): Sorry guys, breakfast is on hold.

Martin: Yeah, a mystery animal with a honey sauce.

Chris: Hmm, what animals are associated with honey?

(Y/n): Well, we can figure it out on our way to the Kalahari.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): To the creature rescue!

       The three of us hop into the Createrra and start driving when Aviva calls and asks.

Aviva: *over comms* Uh, where are you going?

Chris/Martin/(Y/n): To the Kalahari!

Aviva: But you're already in the Kalahari. *giggles*

(Y/n): *as the Createrra stops* Oh, yeah.

Chris: Okay, let's break it down. If honey sauce is on the menu, then Gourmand will be searching for a beehive. He always collects his own ingredients.

Martin: And if we find him there, we can stop from taking the animal he has caught or tries to catch.

(Y/n): *as we get out of the car* So, to find a beehive, we have to first find a bee.

Martin: *stands on top of car* Okay, I'm a honeybee. What do I do? I wake up and buzz off!

     Martin jumps over me and Chris' heads and then seems to float in midair like a bee.

Chris: Ah, the personal Insect-o-copter pack.

(Y/n): Do you really need that?

Martin: Hey, why walk when you can fly? I'm a bee and I'm looking for flowers!

(Y/n): Hey, that's where all the honeybees go. We find a flower, we find a bee, then follow it back to the beehive. Let's move!

     A little while later, the brothers and I find a small stand of flowers where we find some-

Martin: There! Oh, we bees love flowers, because it gives us that sweet sugery water called nectar.

Chris: *gets closer to bee* Whoa, look!

(Y/n): Um dude, you should back off a bit.

Martin: Yeah, us bees like our space.

Chris: *moves closer* He sucks up the nectar with his tounge and stores it in his stomach.

     The bee then turns around and lands on Chris' nose, then-

Chris: Uh-oh. *sting* Ouch!

     We check on Chris as the bee flies away.

Chris: The bee was just doing his thing, then I-

(Y/n): Stuck your nose into busy bee's buisness?

Chris: Yeah, I bugged him. So, of course he stung me. Honeybees only sting to protect themselves or their hive.

     The bee starts to fly away.

Martin: Oh, these bee can get really riled up.

(Y/n): That's why they're called the Africanized Honeybee.

Chris: Sometimes called the Killer bee.

Martin: The most aggressive....

Chris: Honeybee....

(Y/n): in the world!

     We all gasp at a revelation.

Chris: *opens Creature Pod* I think we just found the toughest animal in Africa, the African Honeybee!

Aviva POV

Koki: At 0.0003 pounds, he's just a little guy, so he gets bonus points for taking on a giant like Chris. That gives him a 8 on the tough-o-meter.

Martin: Nah, the lion is the toughest! Come on, he's a predator who attacks! *pounces on (Y/n)*

(Y/n): Ah! Lay off, I'm not chopped liver! *Martin gets off*

Chris: Take it from someone who's been stung, it's the Honeybee.

Martin: Uh, Chris. Is that your nose or a tomato on your face? *laughs*

Chris: I'll always remember to give a Honeybee their space.

(Y/n): I still say it's the hippo. Hippos can withstand attacks from even very large groups of predators like lions or hyenas. Plus he's also got his own weapons 1 ft long, sharp teeth that are strong enough to pierce through boats and cars!

Koki: That is a tough call. Taking out the size difference these three are pretty evened up on the meter, I'll need more data.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): Uh-oh. Hey, the bees are leaving.

    The brothers look at the bees leaving.

Chris: We've got to follow them, we need to stop Gourmand.

Martin: Follow that bee!

    We continue following the bee over some pretty serious terrain, until we come to a field of long grass.

Martin: There he is! *points out the bee*

     Martin and Chris run ahead of me.

Chris: Whoa!

     I see Martin and Chris jump or dodge out of the way of something, until I unwittingly crash into a lion!

(Y/n): *crashing and rustling in grass* Ahh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you! It was an accident!

Lion: *threatening roar*

Martin: See? Told you, the lion is the toughest!

(Y/n): Not the time, Martin!

Chris: Keep an eye on that bee!

     We continue following the bee until we finally come across a beehive.

Martin: Whew, we made it.

(Y/n): *notices something in the tree* Hey, you in the tree! Aren't you-

      Suddenly, Gourmand appears in the branches and takes some honey comb, then rolls down the tree and into us like a bowling ball knocking over rolling pins, literally.

Chris: *as we recover* *angered* Oh, nice move, Gourmand! Annoy the bees and pin the blame on us why don't you!

Martin: Uh, guys? What's the difference between one angry bee and a swarm?

(Y/n): About 4,999 stingers. Why?

     Martin points behind us and Chris and I turn and see the bee swarm charging us.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): AHHHHHH!

      We start making a run for it while the swarm of bees chase us, and these guys can chase an offender for up to a mile.

Gourmand: And while you guys run, I will visit another hive! And there, I will find the mystery meat for my menu! I'll give you a clue! It has ferocious flavor!

Chris: It's not over Gourmand!

As we run, I don't notice Chris and Martin jump out of the way until too late and see the same lion I crashed into earlier.

(Y/n): Not again! OOF! *crashes into lion again* Sorry! I didn't see you! Again!

Lion: *roars*

(Y/n): Ah man, I'm gonna get a bad reputation now, for rolling over lions!

     The lion, surprisingly, also runs away from the swarm of bees.

Martin: What? The lion is running from bees?

Chris: See? Bees are tougher!

(Y/n): You don't need to tell me twice!

    Finally though, the swarm gives up and goes back to their nest and we all catch our breath as Koki fills us in.

Tortuga Crew POV

Koki: Well, a lion running away from a swarm of bees. That gives the Honeybee a bonus point on the tough-o-meter and one up on the lion.

Chris: And Gourmand just got one over on us.

(Y/n) POV

Martin: You know for a fry cook, he's got some skill in the wild.

(Y/n): He won't get away next time we meet.

Chris: But first we should find the mystery animal before he does.

      Just then, a small bird starts fluttering around the three of us, using a special call-


   This call gets my attention for sure.

(Y/n): Hey there little fella. Do you need something?

     The bird continues to use that same call and some part of me wants to follow this bird.

(Y/n): Guys, I think she's trying to tell us something.

Chris: (Y/n), come on focus, we need to find this mystery animal before Gourmand serves it up for dinner. We don't have time to follow an 8 inch tall, brownish, yellow-bellied, curve billed bird doing a song-and-dance display.

    We all gasp as we all realize the identity of this species of bird.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): It's the Honey Guide!

Martin: Of course! She's trying to tell us where the honey is.

Aviva: *over comms* You guys should've eaten more breakfast.

Chris: I didn't even have any, yet.

Aviva: Come on though, why would a bird be telling you where the honey is?

(Y/n): *as the honey guide rests on my finger* Because she's a Honey Guide.

Chris: Yeah, a honey guide finds a beehive full of honey.

Martin: Then she finds an animal that can smash into the hive.

(Y/n): Like a human or, more commonly, a Honey Badger.

Aviva: Honey Badger? What's that?

(Y/n): A medium sized carnivore.

Koki: *pulls up video of one* Looks tough.

Chris: Then the human-

Martin: -or Honey badger.

Chris: -Follows the honey guide to the beehive and smashes into it.

(Y/n): In the process both animals get food to eat. It's what's called a symiotic relationship, everybody wins with this kind of teamwork.

Martin: Kinda like how the three of us go out and find really cool animals, then show you everything they can do.

(Y/n): Then you create awesome inventions that help us with our creature missions.

Aviva: *over comms* Symbiotic relationships? A kind of teamwork. Where everybody wins.

(Y/n): Exactly. The honey guide and the honey badger-

Chris: Make a great team too.

Aviva POV

Aviva: Honey guide? Honey badger? Wow, this could make a great dynamic duo of creature power suits. What else you got on them Koki?

    Koki pulls up a scan of a Honey badger's skeleton.

Aviva: Wow! This skeleton is designed for some serious muscle. Wild claws!

(Y/n) POV

Martin: *listens to honey guide's call* Hmm, you make a sweet little sound, and eat honey. I'm gonna call you Sweet tweet!

(Y/n): Alright then Sweet tweet. We hear you loud and clear.

Chris: Lead the way, Theet tweet. *chuckles* That's hard to say.

(A/N): Seriously, try saying Sweet tweet five times fast.

      We take off after Sweet tweet and a while later, we come upon the same lion I've been crashing into, so to avoid that mistake I skid the brothers to a stop.

(Y/n): Uh, heheh. Hey there, Mr. Lion. Um, listen pal. I didn't mean to roll over you earlier. I couldn't get out of the way in time.

     The lion sniffs the air and starts to back away a little unnerved.

(Y/n): What? Oh, you're not afraid of me? See, I knew I was gonna get a bad reputation with the lions. I'm the Lion Roller now.

Chris: That doesn't make any sense. Lions are aggressive, super tough predators. Why would they be afraid of you? *hears rustling in the grass*

Martin: Ha. So, (Y/n)? Think you're pretty tough, huh? Think you're really ferocious?

(Y/n): Well, the lion seems to think so.

Martin: *turns me around and points out* It's not you. It's a honey badger!

    The three of us get out of the way as
a full grown honey badger passes us and snarls at the lion and makes him back off.

(Y/n): Whoa! Now that's one tough creature.

Martin: So tough, a lion'll think twice before tangling with him.

Koki: *over comms* Wow! That puts the honey badger right up there with the honeybee. It's too close to call.

(Y/n): And the honey badger also has a fierce sweet tooth. The badger is still following the Honey guide.

Aviva POV

Aviva: Honey guide. Honey badger. Now that's a real dynamic duo. Let's program some creature power suits!

Koki: I'm right with you, "honey".

   We both get a laugh and start working on the power discs and I have the audacity to ask.

Aviva: Okay, who wants Honey guide? And who wants Honey Badger?

      All the boys start calling out for the badger.

Koki: You had to ask?

(Y/n) POV

Chris: Hey, it's my turn for the more powerful creature power.

Martin: I had caterpillar powers last time!

Chris: Well, a butterfly is not exactly powerful.

(Y/n): Save some room for the new guy?!

Koki: Uh guys, you're not gonna have powers.

Aviva: Because the animals you need to touch in order to activate the suits are getting away!

     The three of us look and see the Honey guide and badger getting further and further away.

(Y/n): After them!

      We chase after them for a while longer until we come across another beehive, this time tucked away in between some rocks.

Martin: All right! The little bird did it. It led us straight to another beehive.

Chris: Now, it's the Honey badgers turn to do his thing.

      We watch as the badger starts to tear into the hive, the bees start getting agitated and surrounding him.

(Y/n): Ah man, nobody can be that tough.

Chris: *wincing* He's gonna get so stung.

    And indeed, the badger did get stung, and it reacts to the pain and thrashes around a bit before recomposing himself.

(Y/n): No animal can survive that many beestings!

Chris: *the badger turns around* He's gonna run for it.

    Quite the opposite, the Badger presses his butt to the hive and releases a foul smelling spray onto the hive.

(Y/n): Of course! I almost forgot! The Honey badger belongs to the weasel family, and he can spray a foul smelling odor from underneath his tail, onto his enemies, just like it's equally stinky relative, the skunk.

     The smell finally hits our noses and we all grow disgusted looks as the smell passes.

Chris: Blech!

Martin: Ew! That stinks!

(Y/n): Is there such a thing as too stinky? Ech!

Chris: Yeah, he'll actually attack a whole swarm of bees!

Martin: And stand up to a lion.

(Y/n): I think the Honey badger is officially the toughest animal in Africa.

Koki: *over comms* Wow! Being able to stand up to bees like that gives the Honey badger a 9.5 on the tough-o-meter. The toughest yet!

Martin: But for all his ferociousness, he still has a soft spot for his little friend. Sweet tweet. Two very different creatures working together.

(Y/n): Yup, one is the guide. The other grabs the goods. And they both get food.

Chris: Now that's a cool Symbiotic relationship! *pulls out slice of toast* And I can finally have breakfast.

    We all start laughing at Chris, until I see Gourmand erupt out of the grass and throw two nets, one at Tough-o, the honey badger, and one at us. I dodge roll out of the way just in time, the brothers, not so much.

Kratt Brothers: Huh? Hey!

Aviva POV

Koki: Oh no! We need to teleport those power discs with honey guide and honey badger powers. Like now!

     Koki turns to a sleeping Jimmy.

Koki: Jimmy! Wake up!

Jimmy: *in his sleep* Is it breakfast already? *snores*

Aviva: Forget it, it takes Jimmy forever to wake up. Besides, I'm in the mood for a bike ride.

     I rush below deck and get on my hover bike and race towards the boys.

(Y/n) POV

Gourmand: Haha! *picks up netted honey badger* You little piggy. You are the mystery meat. A medallion of Honey badger drizzled in a honey demi-glaze!

(Y/n): Not this time, Gourmand!

     I charge in and wrestle Gourmand to the ground and release Tough-o.

(Y/n): Run Tough-o! Whoa!

      I get pulled back to the ground as Tough-o starts running away, Gourmand tries to go after it but I grab his leg and trip him up. Tough-o must've wanted payback because he came charging right back, I try to tell him to run, but Gourmand gets out of my hold and drop-kicks me into a large boulder, knocking me out.

Martin/Chris: (Y/n)!

3rd Person POV

     Gourmand recaptures Tough-o, then hoists the still netted brothers and runs off with his catch.

Martin: (Y/n)? (Y/n), wake up!

Chris: Uh, bro? I think we have more important problems.

     The brother see the swarm of bees hovering around them.

Martin: Don't move a muscle, bro.

Chris: No way.

Martin: They're looking for Gourmand, but to a bee, one human looks just like another human. They'll take it out on us.

      Sweet tweet then perches herself on the branch above the brothers.

Martin: Please. Don't start singing, Sweet tweet.

Chris: Any sound could set them off.

     Sweet tweet grooms her wing causing a feather to fall off and land right on Chris' nose.

Chris: Ah... ah... ah...

Martin: Don't sneeze. The feather is stuck to the honey.

Chris: Ah... ah.. Ahchoo!

    This sets the bees off and the swarm charges the brothers, luckily Aviva snags them and (Y/n) just before the bees get to them.

Chris: Whew, thanks for the save, Aviva.

Aviva: Thanks, the buzz bike can-

Koki: Incoming! Zac's jet is passing over you!

     Sure enough the turbulence from Zac's passing jet stumbles the bike a bit before Aviva regains control while keeping an still unconscious (Y/n) from falling off.

Aviva: *frustrated* Ugh, Zac is so annoying.

Chris: After him! Before dinner is served!

      As Aviva comes to a stop a little ways away from Gourmand's mobile restraunt by a watering hole, (Y/n) regains consciousness.

Aviva: You okay, tough guy?

(Y/n): Yeah. Ow, maybe a little less fine. *rubs his head*

Aviva: Okay guys we have to get in there and save Tough-o. But I only have 1 disc of both the honey guide and the honey badger. What do we do?

(Y/n): *sees someting in the water* Hmm, hey Chris, you have that Hippo power disc on you?

Chris: Yeah?

(Y/n): Can I borrow it?

Chris: *sees what I saw in the water* Oh yeah. *hands me the disc*

Aviva: Okay guys, do what you do best. *tosses the brothers a power disc*

Chris: Oh yeah, honey badger powers!

Martin: Aw, I get the little bitty birdie.

     Martin grabs the honey guide feather off Chris' face, Chris pulls out a tuft of honey badger fur he picked up, and I get to the water and touch the hippo, then....

Chris/Martin/(Y/n): Activate Creature Power Suits!

      After our suits activate, we all admire our suits.

Chris: Oh yeah, honey badger powers!

Martin: Whoa! That's the toughest suit ever made. Well, at least I'll have a bird's eyeview.

(Y/n): Come on guys, let's do this. Chris attack from the side I'll attack from the water.

Chris: Pincer attack. You've got it, partner.

     Chris and (Y/n) get into position, but Chris sort of jumps the gun and rushes Gourmand, Gourmand responded by throwing dough balls and restraining Chris and deactivating his suit? Aviva tried to help Chris but was captured too. (Y/n) then smashes through the bottom of the dining balcony and charges Gourmand but Zac pulled a fast one and twenty Zacbots piledrived him and restrained him after deactivating his suit.

(Y/n): Oh crud.

Gourmand: Hahaha! Now you all get to watch as we have Honey badger for dinner.

     Martin meanwhile, watched what happened and is now confused about what to do now.

Martin: Aw man. What am I supposed to do with the powers of the- *gasps* honey guide.

     Martin proceeds to fly all over the surrounding savannah luring every honey badger he can find, this confuses Koki.

Koki: Martin, this is not the time to be doing a sing-song routine!

Martin: I'm not just singing, I'm harnassing the power of the honey guide! And I'm taking everyone to dinner at Gourmand's.

      A few minutes later and Gourmand is almost ready to cook Tough-o when-

Martin: Hello Gourmand! Just step away from the honey badger, nice and easy. I've got the place surrounded.

(Y/n): *to himself* You've got to be kidding me?

Gourmand: Oh? With a flock of little birdie men like you?

     Martin easily dodges Gourmand's dough balls, still with a smug look as he states.

Martin: Whoa! It's not me you need to worry about. It's them.

     Suddenly, 10 honey badgers start swarming the place and tearing it apart.

Chris: Oh this is going to be good.

     The badgers release Aviva and Chris, Chris reactivates his suit and helps (Y/n) with his Zacbots. Martin frees Tough-o, then Tough-o and Gourmand have a intense growling and staring contest, until Tough-o turns around.

Gourmand: Don't you turn your back on me!

(Y/n): Hold your breath! *deep inhale*

      The heroes hold their breath as Tough-o sprays Gourmand in the face with his stink spray. Gourmand got a full whiff of it and screamed at how aweful it smelled and made a run for it, Zac too was disgusted by the stink and made a run for his jet along with his remaining Zacbots.

(Y/n): Everybody off the balcony, now!

      Everybody gets off just in time as Gourmand and Zac run away beyond the horizon.

Chris: Yeah! Way to go, honey badgers! *grabs some toast and jar of honey* Finally, breakfast.

Martin: So, do we all agree that the honey badger is the toughest animal in Africa?

     Chris is about to take a bite when Tough-o takes the honey lathered toast.

Chris: Yeah. I think I'll give it to him.

     The crew all start laughing as the camera pans away from them and returns later that night at the Tortuga HQ.

(Y/n) POV

     I am sitting on my hammock and see everyone sleeping after a hard day's rescuing animals, when memories start flashing in my mind. They were of a different time in my life and not a very good one, as I surpress those memories and pull out my dog tags I kept hidden under my shirt. I put the tags away and turn out the lights and try to get some sleep, but it's not going to be a peaceful night for me.

(A/N): Whew, Honey Badgers am I right?! Tough as nails, able to take on and intimidate just about anything that gets in their way, but always has a soft spot for a little singing birdie. You can find relationships like this all over the world where both animals get something out of the deal. All you have to do is look around, nature is out there, it's just a matter of taking the time to finding them. So be sure to join me on our next exciting adventure. Until then, this is you friendly storyteller. PEACE OUT!!!

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