Let the Rhinos Roll!

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(Y/n) POV

The brothers are on the African Savannah they just finished scouting for some missing rhino and told us the mission was a success. Me?

(Y/n): Come on, Aviva. I told you, I'm fine now.

Aviva: (Y/n), you nearly died just a couple of weeks ago because you were neglegent to not only your bodies needs, but you also ignored standard procedure. So until you get it into your head to take your health seriously, you're off mission until I say so.

(Y/n): Uuuuuugh. *groans*

Aviva: If you're bored, then maybe you can help Koki.

(Y/n): Computer programming isn't my strongest feature, I'd probably just end up fritzing it out.

Chris: *over comms* Aviva? Come in.

Aviva: *answers comm* Go Chris.

Chris: *over comms* Something odd just happened to a Black Rhino on the Serengeti.

Aviva: I'll teleport you something to get a birds eye view on the situation. *teleports* Voila. A collapsable hang glider.

Chris: Thanks-

(Y/n): Hey! Do you guys want help?

Chris: Only if Aviva has cleared you for full time again.

(Y/n): Gah! *walks away*

Avivav POV

Chris: I think cabin fever may be getting to him, Aviva.

Aviva: Yeah, I know.

Chris: Then why not just clear him and let him get back to the work he loves.

Aviva: I-I don't know.

Martin: Think about it, but we're a little short handed in the field right now, we need all the help we can get.

Aviva: I'll.... keep thinking on it.

3rd Person POV

(Y/n) lays back in his hammock and sighs as he knows he can help but Aviva won't let him.

Martin: *walks into Tortuga* Hey guys! I've got Nubs, a baby rhino!

(Y/n): Where's the mom?

Martin: Chris is looking into it, but the Createrra took a beating.

(Y/n): *sigh* I'll fix it.

(Y/n) walks down to the cargo bay and actually mends the Createrra fairly quickly, when he gets a call on his Creature Pod.

(Y/n): *answers* Chris?

Chris: Hey dude, has Martin returned with Nubs?

(Y/n): Yeah, I just finished fixing the Createrra.

Chris: Cool. Listen, I could really use your help out here. Think you can sneak away to these coordinates? *shows map coordinates*

(Y/n): ..... Be right there.

(Y/n) POV

I hate doing this to Aviva, but something is going on and I need to figure out what. I put on my Creature Power Suit, climb into the Createrra and drive out to the ccordinates Chris provided and see him waiting in some bushes.

Chris: Great timing, dude.

(Y/n): *crouches in bushes* What do we got?

Chris: Well, I tracked a group of Black Rhinos being herded here by a park ranger into that tent.

(Y/n): That is strange. Let's wait and-

*plane engines start up*

Suddenly, the tent falls away and reveals a large cargo plane starting to take off.

(Y/n): Or we can get aboard that plane first and improvise.

Chris: No rhinos taking off on our watch!

Chris and I each grab a grappling hook, fire and latch the hooks onto the plane. We are pulled off the ground, but we manage to reel ourselves up the cable, I grab Chris and throw him into the plane's back hatch and follow suit just before it closes.

Chris: *groans* Good move. Thanks.

(Y/n): Sorry about the landing.

We hide behind some crates and see the park ranger putting the rhino's in chains.

Chris: What kind of park ranger chains up animals.

(Y/n): Clearly, that's not a park ranger. Stay low and follow me.

Chris and I sneak past the rhinos and park rangers and reach the cockpit and see something a but worrying.

Martin: *on-screen* *makes funny faces* Wanna hear me make rhinos sounds? *imitates rhino grunts*

(Y/n): *growls* Zach Varmitech.

Chris: Of course it's another Zach attack on creatures. *calls on Creature Pod* Martin, stop whatever you're doing, Zach can see inside the Tortuga-

Zach: Green guy, Marine dropout, so glad you could make it. Oh, Blue boy can't hear you cause this plane prevents your silly little Creature Pod from working. Oh, too bad. *evil cackle*

Angry, I try to rush Zach but am restrained by three Zachbots, Chris is also caught and we're thrown into a cage.

Aviva POV

I have scanned Nubs' skeleton to get a Creature Power Disc started.

Aviva: Okay, skeleton scan complete, once I run the DNA, you and Chris will be able to use some awesome rhino inspired powers.

Martin: *realizes* Oh man! What am I doing?! I've been here forever. *calls on Creature Pod* Dude, it's me. I'm on my way back to you.

(Chris): No need. It was just some rangers doing a census on the rhino population. Take care of the baby rhino until we're done. Toodles! *Creature Pod turns off*

Weird, but okay.

Martin: Huh? "Toodles"? Chris can be such a geek.

Aviva: MK, I've got it, get over here!

(Y/n) POV

One of the Zachbots was actually disguising themselves as Chris, and I am kinda in disbelief, Martin didn't recognize that. Sigh, what a dork.

Zach: Everyone has a bulldozer, but I'm going to have rhinodozers. With Blue Boy distracted, I can finish my rhino-dozers.

(Y/n): You've gotta be kidding?

Chris: Rhino-dozers?

Zach: My greatest invention ever.

(Y/n): *deadpanned* About as great as my armpit.

Zach: Except, you're now stuck here and I'm about to win against you and your Wild Ratts.

Chris: That's Wild Kratts!

Zach: Whatever. With 3000 lbs of strength, my rhino-dozers can dig up trees and flatten things so I can build a parking lot.

Chris: Leave the rhinos alone, Zach! They're seriously endangered. They belong living free and in the wild.

Zach: Not this week! And you Wild Ratts are going to help me. And because I know Aviva... *(Y/n) growls* I knew the baby rhino would inspire her to work on the Creature Power Suits, and then reveal the charge code I need for my rhino-dozers. I gave tge rhino a contact lense with an added camera feature so I can see right in your headquarters.

To prove his point, he showed us live footage from inside the Tortuga.

Aviva: *on-screen* I found the charge code. Ready for testing!

Martin: *on-screen* Yes!

Zach: *smug* Told ya.

Chris: No!

(Y/n): *shakes cage violently*

Aviva POV

Aviva: Let's try a rhino horn.

Martin is wearing a helmet with a nub of a rhino horn on top, but as soon as I increase the horn size, Martin collapses under the weight.

Martin: Well, at least we know why rhinos have those massive shoulders. *laughs*

(Y/n) POV

Zach: Hey! That's not what I want to watch! Stop acting goofy, Blue Boy!

Chris: That's my bro.

(Y/n): One thing you can always count on Martin for is a good laugh. *chuckles*

Aviva POV

Aviva: Sorry, MK. Let me recalibrate the horn density.

Martin: Like I have a choice.

Aviva: Okay, here's the DNA code for horn growth and their strong charge impulse.

(Y/n) POV

Zach: Pause. Capture. See? Now I have all I need to control the charge impulse of my rhino-dozers. I chose the Black Rhino for their lack of brains, they'll charge at anything, *chuckles* even trees.

(Y/n): Lay off, scab eater! It's because they have poor eyesight.

Zach: Dumbness.

(Y/n): Poor eyesight!

Zach: Whatever! With this code, I can control my rhino-dozers!

I shake the cage again in vain.

Zach: Relax, loser. The only thing that can break those bars is uh, well nothing. *presses buttons* Zachbots! Prepare the rhino-dozer's to flatten the African Savannah. I'll deal with you two later.

Chris: Now what?

(Y/n): I... *sigh* I don't know.

Aviva POV

Aviva: *rest hand on Nubs* Nubs is feeling a little toasty.

Martin: *touches Nubs* You're right. How do you keep a overheated rhino cool? *gets idea* I know!

Martin takes me and Nubs to a mud hole not far from the Tortuga and Nubs jumped right in and starts happily rolling around in it.

Martin: *laughs* Rhinos love mud for four reasons, Aviva. It cools them down, protects them from getting sunburns, and keeps flies away.

Aviva: That's three.

Martin: And.. *jumps into mud* it feels great! You just can't keep a rhino out of the mud.

Aviva: Looks like you can't keep a Martin out of it either. *laughs*

Martin: (Y/n) would be enjoying this too if you didn't keep him locked up in the Tortuga all the time.

Aviva: *blushes in embarrassment* *sighs* I... want to let him get back to work, but after what happened when he got sick... (Y/n) is the only best friend I've ever had, I'm scared about losing him or him getting hurt again.

Martin: Oh come on, Aviva. He's does what he does not because he wants to get hurt, it's because he loves helping animals and does what he feels is right. He's an example that all conservationists should try and follow, he's brave, he's smart, he's passionate about wildlife, and denying him that is more detrimental to both of you than helping.

I begin to think, maybe I have been too much of a worry wart, I mean, I really grew to like (Y/n) because of his outdoorsmanship and smarts about large animals.

(Y/n) POV

Chris and I sit in our cage watching as the rhinos are armored up and outfitted with bulldozer blades.

Zach: Hey Wild Ratts! Still think I won't get away with it?

(Y/n): I'm gonna make sure-

Zach: Oh wait, I don't care!

Zach pulls out a controller and presses a button on it causing the rhinos to charge forward and destroy a large pile of crates.

Zach: *giggles* My rhino-dozers will flatten anything I want them to!

Chris: No way, Zach! We might be locked up, Martin'll stop you.

Suddenly, some oxpecker birds start flying around Zach's head.

Zach: *flinches* Ah! Get off me you pesky woodpeckers.

Chris: *chuckles* Try oxpeckers. And they can't help being attracted to parasites.

(Y/n): Ha!

Zach: Think I'm funny, huh? Me too. But you won't be laughing when I knock down the barn hiding your turtle ship.

Chris: You'll never find it.

Zach: I already did. The contact lense also has a little nifty tracking device.

Zach shows us a picture of the Tortuga hiding in the barn.

Zach: Zach got your tounge? *device beeps* Oh goody. We've arrived at the demolition location. Time to destroy some nature! Let's get this parking lot started! *walks away*

Chris: *saddened sigh* What now, (Y/n)? Looks like Zach is going to win this time.

(Y/n): *grunts* Not if I have anything to say about it.

Aviva POV

I walk down to the cargo bay to look for (Y/n).

Aviva: (Y/n), I really want to.... *trails off*

I see the Createrra is missing and (Y/n) is not here either. I run back up to the control center.

Aviva: Guys, (Y/n) and the Createrra are gone!

Martin: And we just found this contact lense on Nubs.

I take a look at the lense under a magnifying glass and see an unpleasent symbol.

Aviva: This has Zach Varmitech written all over it.

Martin: *gasp* Oh no. That's what was wrong. Chris was wearing a red shirt, he always wears green. And he'd never tell me to keep a baby animal for as long as I want.

Aviva: If Chris has been captured, I think we can safely assume (Y/n) is with him, but where?

(Y/n) POV

As the plane lands, Chris sees what I'm doing and asks...

Chris: What are you doing?

(Y/n): *grunts* I'm trying to.... *grabs object* get a tick.

Chris: How's that going to help?

(Y/n): We need to get out, oxpeckers are the "key". *soft whistle* Oxpecker? I've got a nice tasty tick for you.

One of the oxpeckers sees the tick I'm holding and flies to me, I place the tick inside the lock and the Oxpecker goes after it.

Chris: Ha, genius.

*cage lock unlocks*

(Y/n): Haha. *open cage* Thanks Oxpecker, we'll take it from here.

Zach and the rhino-dozers start to disembark from the plane, Chris and I catch up and hop on the last one.

Chris: *bumpy* What now?!

(Y/n): Honestly, I didn't know if we'd get this far. *calls on Creature Pod* Aviva!

Aviva POV

Aviva: (Y/n)?! Are you-

(Y/n): I'm fine, I'm fine! Just listen! Zach is using the Black Rhinos as bulldozers and is headed right for you! Get out of there now!

I check the sensors outside and confirm what (Y/n) just told me.

Aviva: Emergency Escape Protocol!

Jimmy: Maximizing thrusters!

Koki: *presses buttons at computers* Thruster 4 is still powering up!

Aviva: *presses buttons at another computer* Diverting all non-essential to thrusters!


The Tortuga goes into hover mode and gets out of the barn just before Zach's "rhino-dozers" flatten it. Zach though continues pursuing us, I finally use the camera on (Y/n)'s Creature Pod to get a visual on him.

Aviva: (Y/n), you can do it! Free those rhino's!

3rd Person POV

(Y/n): *confidant smirk* With pleasure!

(Y/n) quickly climbs onto the back of his rhino and starts playing a game of leap frog and hops from rhino to rhino, hoping they keep their horns steady, getting closer to Zach.

(Y/n): Surprise!

(Y/n) leaps at Zach, but both manage to stay on the rhino's back. He tries to reach for the controller, but Zach just barely keeps it out of reach.

Zach: Get off me, brute!

(Y/n): Give it!

Zach: No!

(Y/n): Give it!

Zach: No!

Zach then presses a button on the controller and their rhino comes to a sudden stop. The back lash sends (Y/n) forward and onto the front of the rhino's snout, while Zach recovered on the back. He looks forward and smiles, he then presses a button and the rhino charges faster.

Martin: Zach's gonna make (Y/n) the meat of a rhino sandwich!

Aviva goes to the Creature Power creator and presses the 'Enter' button, and withing seconds the first Black Rhino Power Disc is made. Aviva runs back to the open cargi bay door and shouts...

Aviva: (Y/N)! CATCH!

Aviva throws the Power disc, (Y/n) sees it and manages to catch it and slip it into his suit. Before he could do anything, he needed to get out of his current situation. So he starts slowly moving his way down to under the rhino and manages to not be hit by feet, (Y/n) then latches his grapple onto the Zach-armor, grabs onto the cable and let's go of the rhino.

Aviva: Please, (Y/n), you can do it.

(Y/n) is now being dragged by a black rhino charging at 35 miles per hour, he pulls himself up the cable and finally onto the back of the rhino again. He surprises Zach and tackles him and, again, reaches for the controller.

Chris: (Y/n)! The rhinos can't take much more of this!

(Y/n), decides to just go for it, elbows Zach in the gut, but the controller falls onto the rhino's helmet and is caught on it's horn. (Y/n) tries to reach for it, but just as he falls forward, a Zachbot picked up the controller. (Y/n) fell onto the rhino's head, which it reacted by tossing him high into the air, but it inadvertantly hits the activation button on his Creature Power Suit. The rhino power suit forms around (Y/n) as he flies through the air, he then lands on his feet pretty far ahead of the stampede. Aviva is a little worried until the dust clears and (Y/n) is alright.

(Y/n): Rhino power activated! Hah!

Zach: *grabs controller* Zachbots get him!

Three Zachbots rush forward but (Y/n) smashes through them with his own charging power.

Zachbots: *growls* Rhino-dozer's charge!

(Y/n) continues charging forward but manages to aim his horn and skewers Zach's controller.

Martin: Yeah! He did it!

Chris: The rhinos are free!

(Y/n): Who's up for a mud bath?! *imitates baby rhino call*

(A/N): End Music here.

This gets all the rhino's attention and they all follow (Y/n) to the mud hole, Martin and Aviva visited earlier.

Martin: You can't keep a rhino out of the mud. Let the rhinos roll!

Once the rhinos get in the mud, their armor shorts out and breaks off them and the rhino Zach was on bucked him off and face first into the mud.

Zach: Ach! Help! I'm contaminated!

(Y/n): Here let me help.

(Y/n) picks up Zach and maneuvers him then football kicks him in the rear, sending Zach far away.

Chris: *gestures* Field goal is good!

(Y/n): *pumps arm* Yes!

Chris and (Y/n) laugh as the Tortuga lands, Martin let's Nubs back to his mom and the whole crew watch the rhinos, until-

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *is pushed* Whoa!

I fall face first into the mud, and when I pulled my head out, he sees Aviva trying to put on a cross expression but is trying to stifle laughter.

(Y/n): What was that?!

Aviva: That was for scaring me.

(Y/n): Oh, so this is punishment?

Aviva: Yes! *laughs*

(Y/n): Okay then.

I suddenly grab Aviva and flip her into the mud as well, she pulls her herself up as I laugh my butt off.

Aviva: *sharp exhale* That's not funny, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): No seriously, it is hilarious. Watch. *laughs harder*

Aviva finally starts laughing with the rest of us.

Chris: *calms down* Well, that's another Creature Mission acomplished.

(Y/n): Yeah! Saving the world with creature powers is awesome!

Chris: Martin? How did you not know that wasn't me in the video? I always wear red, and I'd never tell you to keep a baby animal.

Martin: I guess I was a little distracted.

(Y/n): A little?

Chris: And "Toodles"? I never say "Toodles".

Martin: I did think that was pretty dorky, even for you.

Everyone: *laughs*

Later that night, I am wrapping some cuts I got during the stampede, when I feel a hand grab the bandages.

Aviva: Let me.

Aviva sits behind me and bandges up the rest of my scratches and bruises.

Aviva: I... wanted to say, I'm sorry.

(Y/n): For what?

Aviva: For basically keeping you prisoner in the Tortuga.

(Y/n): I forgive you.

Aviva: I consider you a really good friend, after you fell sick, I spent so many nights wondering what if you don't make it back? I'm not sure what I'd do without you. So, I kept you here because I was too afraid to let you risk getting hurt again. *sniffles*

(Y/n): I understand, but the work we do is important to us all. I will try to be more careful, but we can't let that fear stop us from doing our jobs.

Aviva: I know. I'm sorry.

I managed to pull Aviva into a hug and rub the back of her head.

(Y/n): We're going to be okay. We just need to trust each other to do the best we can.

Aviva: Promise.

After a few minutes, Aviva pulls away and goes back to her hammock while I get ready for bed in mine. There will be many more danger in the missions to come, and the Wild Kratts will meet those challenges head on, because we're the best at what we do.

(A/N): Dang it! Writer's block is a killer for me. I can only apologize so much for the tardiness of this chapter. I am working on the plot line to more as well, so hopefully the next few weeks will see several more chapters filled with more Creature Adventures. Hope you'll stick around and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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