Quillber's Birthday

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(Y/n) POV

Today is Aviva's birthday and the crew want to make a special present for her and asked me to get her out of the Tortuga for the day. Currently, it's just before sunrise and I pick up Avalanche and sneak over to Aviva's hammock and get the pup to lick her awake.

Aviva: *squints as she feels licks* Ah, ah, ahhh! Avalanche!

(Y/n): Good, you're awake. *picks up Avalanche*

Aviva: (Y/n)? *wipes her face* What are you doing?

(Y/n): *stoic* Want to watch the sunrise, let's go.

I set Avalanche on the ground and walk out to the ramp of the Tortuga and wait a couple more minutes when Aviva finally shows up and sits next to me, while Avalanche hops in my lap.

Aviva: *wipes sleep from her eyes*

(Y/n): Wake up, or you're going to miss it.

Aviva and I watch as the sun finally breaks the horizon.

I breath deeply as I feel the warmth of the sun on my face and I sigh feeling like I'm being energized.

Aviva: *still waking up* Wow....

(Y/n): Yeah, wow.

As the sun starts to light up the landscape of the African Savannah, Aviva and I stand up. And while Aviva gets changed and ready for the day, I tune up the Createrra for a full day of creature adventures. I then hear Avalanche get really excited and I take that as a sign that someone is approaching. I turn around and see Aviva with her mobile invention kit on her back.

(Y/n): *chuckles softly* Think you'll need that?

Aviva: You never know what creatures we'll come across.

(Y/n): True enough. Hop in.

Aviva climbs into the Createrra, Avalanche happily hops into her lap and I climb into the driver's seat. I start the jeep and we head out into the bush.

Aviva: So? What's on the adventuring menu today?

(Y/n): Defenders.

Aviva: Interesting, what kind of defenses work best?

(Y/n): Exactly, the relationship between predator and prey is like a evolutionary arms race of sorts. Prey want to escape, predators want to catch them. What do you say?

Aviva: *excited* Oh! This is gonna be so exciting!

I drive us deeper into the bush, passing by several animals along the way.

Aviva: *sighs contently* I love the African savannah. There is just so much wildlife to see and explore.

(Y/n): Couldn't have said that better. But we're looking for one defender in particular-

We suddenly hear a deep lowing noise, I step on the brakes and bring the Createrra to a stop and look around until-

(Y/n): Whoa! Look!

Stampeding past us is a large herd of Africa's Cape Buffalo.

Both Aviva and I watch in amazement as the thundering herd passes in front of us. The herd kicks up a big cloud as well, causing us both to cough as Avalanche barks at the herd from the safety of the car. I recover from my coughing fit and see the herd is now drinking from a nearby watering hole.

(Y/n): Wow! Cape Buffalo are among my favorite African animals.

Aviva: Me too, but at the same time, they make me nervous. With horrible nicknames like the Black Death and all that.

(Y/n): Those names came because people were being stupid around these animals. Still the cape Buffalo is extremely dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. And it's partially thanks to both their huge size and almost impenetrable Skull.

Aviva: *intrigued* Really?

(Y/n): Yeah. An adult male cape Buffalo can grow almost six feet tall and weigh almost 2400 pounds! Making the only real threat to them an entire pride of lions.

Aviva thinks to herself for a moment and I can already see the wheels of invention turning in her head.

Aviva: Okay then, what sets them apart from other animals on the savannah?

(Y/n): Well, they are the most numerous giant herbivore on the savannah. Meaning the impact they have on the world around them is immense. The travel in huge herds to better protect the calves and themselves. They can run up 35 miles per hour at a full charge.-

Before I list off anymore facts, a roar is heard, Aviva and I look and see five lions approaching the herd.

(Y/n): *chuckles with excitment* Here we go. Let's see what happens here.

Aviva and I watch as one of the Buffalo notices the lions and let's out a alarm call, alerting the whole herd. The herd then stampede away.

(Y/n): Being in a herd is a defense tactic in itself. Because you have more eyes keeping watch and therefore, less of a chance for predators to sneak up on you.

I stop talking as we hear a distressed animal calling and look to see a Buffalo calf by itself.

(Y/n): But sometimes members can get left behind in the chaos.

Aviva: Oh no. The lions are gonna get that calf!

I hear a series of growls and bellows and look to see the Buffalo herd coming back as the lions start to move in on the calf. I grow a smirk and say.

(Y/n): Not quite. Look.

Aviva looks as the Buffalo herd charge towards the lions and easily drive them away and abandon the hunt.

(Y/n): A herd of Buffalo are next to impossible to defeat in a group.

Aviva: *spanish* Incredible!

Aviva pulls out her mobile invention kit and scans one of the Cape Buffalo. When she sees their stats, she is immediately impressed.

Aviva: Wow! Cape Buffalo are built for power.

(Y/n): You got that right. They are considered one of Africa's Big Five for a pretty good reason.

Aviva: Big Five?

(Y/n): Lions, Leopards, Elephant, Rhino and Buffalo. Animals that are notoriously difficult and dangerous for humans to take on 1v1.

Aviva: Wow. I'll have to design some Cape Buffalo power suits when we get back.

Satisfied, and with the buffalo getting irritated by our presence and Avalanche's barking, I drive us deeper into the African bush.

3rd Person POV

Back at the Tortuga HQ, Koki and Jimmy are trying to get Aviva's surprise birthday together. Koki calls the Kratt brothers, who are supposed to be getting Aviva a present.

Koki: Chris? Martin? Did you find a present for Aviva yet?

On the video screen, Martin is seen poking his head out of a log as he answers.

Martin: *voice-over* Not yet, Koki.

Chris then comes on screen hanging upside-down from a tree and says.

Chris: We're working on it.

Koki is unconvinced and asks.

Koki: Looking in a log and a tree for a present?! Come on guys. I'm counting on you to get something nice for her.

Chris: Trust us,-

Chris falls from the tree, lands on his feet and stands back and continues saying.

Chris: We'll find a great present for Aviva.

Koki is still a little skeptical as she approaches Jimmy filling balloons with helium. Koki says.

Koki: Jimmy and I will have all the decorations ready to go, but I need you guys to hurry.

Chis stands next to a burrow on his left and a mud wallow on his right as he says.

Chris: You can count on us Koki.

Martin suddenly rises from the mud wallow and tells Chris.

Martin: Nothing in here, Chris.

Chris then turns to the burrow next to him and says.

Chris: I'll check down here.

He then dives into the burrow. Koki rolls her eyes as she says.

Koki: Oh brothers.

Jimmy meanwhile, loses control of a balloon he was filling. The balloon flies of the helium hose and flies away. Jimmy is hit in the face with the helium gas as he struggles to turn it off. Once he finally does he says in much higher voice.

Jimmy: Ah, my balloon. Come back, balloon.

Suddenly, the balloon comes flying back and hits Jimmy in the face, knocking him over, while also causing the rest of the balloons to fly away. Koki then groans and says to herself.

Koki: If this birthday party happens, it'll be a miracle.

(Y/n) POV

I keep driving us through the bush and have seen plenty of Defenders, like termites, Pangolin, Rhino, crocodile and even tortoises.

Aviva: If I had to choose a defense tactic, I'd definitely choose a big, sturdy shell to hide in. Kinda like the Tortuga.

(Y/n): Well, turtles and tortoises do have some of the best defenses in the animal kingdom for sure. But I think, there might be a better defense tactic out there.

Aviva: What kind of animal has a better defense than turtles?

(Y/n): We'll have to keep looking to find out.

We eventually stop by a cluster of rocks and decide to take a break for lunch. I get out then pick up Avalanche and let him roam around.

(Y/n): Stay close, Avalanche.

Aviva: I've got the picnic basket.

I am about to sit down on a rock when I feel something sharp poke my rear, I yelp as I jump in the air.

(Y/n): OW!

I run back next to Aviva and look back at what poked me.

Aviva: What was that?!

(Y/n): Not a rock, I can tell you that. Ow!

The animal in question appears from behind the rock and reveals itself to be..

(Y/n): An African Crested Porcupine!

Aviva is immediately impressed but seeing after what happened to me, she does keep a safe distance from it, as I say.

(Y/n): Talk about a pincushion of sharp quills. Ow.

I pull the three quills from my rear as Aviva states.

Aviva: Amazing! So many quills.

(Y/n): Hehe, sorry for almost sitting on you, uhhh, Quillby.

Aviva: Won't she miss those quills when she loses them?

(Y/n): No, quills are basically modified hairs. They grow like hair, they act like hair, and they are replaced like hair. Only difference, these hairs could kill ya, if you're not careful.

Aviva: Huh? A special hair that nature turned into a defense.

(Y/n): Exactly.

Aviva: Hmm, I wanna learn more about porcupines. Let's follow her?

(Y/n): Sure thi- OW!

I turn around and see Avalanche, wagging his tail, and holding the final quill from my rear.

(Y/n): Good boy.

Avalanche sees the porcupine, grows curious, and approaches. I immediately grow concern.

(Y/n): Avalanche. Leave it.

Quillby sees Avalanche and sees his curiosity as a threat. She stamps her feet and rattles her tail quills to try and scare Avalanche. I tell Aviva.

(Y/n): A porcupine can't shoot it's quills, but they are so loosely attached, that one touch is all it takes for Avalanche to get a face full of quills. Avalanche! No!

Avalanche finally listens and backs away from Quillby, especially after she charged backwards. The pup yelped and scurried behind me, Quillby relaxed and went about her buisness.

Aviva: Wow. Seeing that backwards charge and the mere threat of those quills.

(Y/n): Yeah, those quills are even enough to defeat lions.

Aviva: Incredible! How do they work?

To answer that, I grab one of the quills that I removed from my rear and show it to Aviva. She uses her Creature Pod to scan the quill and examine it closer as I explain.

(Y/n): Well, these quills are sharp but smooth.

I then show a side by side comparison of another quill.

(Y/n): Unlike North American porcupines that have small barbs on the ends. Once they get stuck in a target, it becomes very difficult and more painful to pull them out.

Aviva: Oh, that looks painful.

(Y/n): You don't have to tell me twice.

Avalanche barks and I turn to see Quillby walking away into the brush.

(Y/n): Oh, Quillby's leaving.

Aviva looks and sees Quillby leaving and says.

Aviva: Let's head back to the Tortuga, so I can start making Porcupine power suits.

(Y/n): Copy that, Captain!

Late in the afternoon, Aviva is working in her lab, but is still a little disappointed that the rest of the crew seemingly forgot her birthday. Suddenly, Chris and Martin fall into the main room panting from running.

Martin: Zac is lifting animals off the savannah!

(Y/n): What?!

Aviva: *deadpanned* You mean stealing them.

Chris: Yeah! With your balloons-

(Y/n): Dude!

Chris covered his mouth, realizing what he said. But Aviva grew excited and hugged Chris and said.

Aviva: You did remember!

Koki: We were going to throw a surprise party for you. And (Y/n) was supposed to get you out of the way for a while.

I rub the back of my head and chuckle nervously, everyone then joins in and says.

Crew: Happy Birthday Aviva!

Martin the presents a folded uo rancid sock and says.

Martin: Open your present!

Aviva works past her initial disgust, and unfolds the sock to reveal the Porcupine quills. She says getting slightly emotional as she says.

Aviva: *gasps* Porcupine quills! They're beautiful!

Martin: They're from all of us.

Chris then points behind him and adds as another porcupine enters the Tortuga.

Chris: And our pal, Quillber.

(Y/n): Huh, that's not a bad name.

Aviva: Thank you. A natural work of art and function.

Chris: That's right.

(Y/n): Specialized hairs nature turned into one of the best defenses in the creature world.

Martin: Oh, and I have an idea on how we can use them to defend these creature's from Zac.

(Y/n): You mean other then just punching him in the nose?

Aviva gets straight to work and seeing how the quills function again while Jimmy is testing the rocket boots as part of Martin's plan. Aviva then called me while I looked for anymore floating animals.

Aviva: Won't be long now, guys. Porcupine creature powers on the way.

(Y/n): Good. We've got some animals to rescue.

Martin: Geez, this plan is goofy, even for Zac.

Jimmy is putting the rocket boots on the Kratt brothers and myself, I then see Aviva running to us with three disc's in her hand.

Jimmy: Rocket boots, ready to go

Aviva: Heads up!

Aviva tosses the disc's to us, I catch mine and slip it into my suit. Martin then says.

Martin: All right, Quillber. Give us that porcupine defense power.

The three of us touch Quillber's head and then.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): Activate Creature Powers!

The porcupine creature power suits form around us, and I feel very.... safe.

(Y/n): Awesome!

Martin: Porcupine powers!

Martin straightens the quills on his back and almost stabs Jimmy.

Jimmy: Whoa! Whoa! Watch the quills!

Martin relaxes his quills and says.

Martin: Oh, sorry Jimmy.

I activate my rocket boots and tell the brothers.

(Y/n): Wild Kratts! Rollout!

Chris/Martin: To the Creature Rescue!

I take off into the air with the brothers close behind. We fly up to Zac's blimp.... why a blimp?

(Y/n): Zac. Only gonna say this once, stop what you're doing and surrender.

Chris: You can't use these animals as your robots!

Martin: Yeah. They don't like being in the sky. They wanna go home.

Zac: Oh no you don't Wild Rats!

(Y/n)/Chris/Martin: It's Wild Kratts!

Zac: *rolls his eyes* Whatever! I'll do whatever I want! And guess what? My Zachbots are recharged.

A small platoon of Zachbots fly straight at us, the brothers ready themselves, but I stop them and order them.

(Y/n): You brothers get the animals. I'll take care of these guys.

Chris: Are you sure?

Martin: There's an awful lot of them.

(Y/n): They hit me with a tree in Borneo.

The brothers finally agree and fly down to help the animals by popping some of the balloons the animals were attached to. I face off against 20 Zachbots, I wait for three to get close.

(Y/n): Careful, porcupines don't like using their quills, but if we have to....

The three zachbots keep charging and I turn my back to them and stiffen my quills. The zachbots don't stop and skewer themselves on my suits quills and fall to the ground.

(Y/n): Lost some quills in that defense. Brothers! Hurry!

Aviva: *over comms* (Y/n), to your left!

I look left and see a few more Zachbots, I turn my back to them and stiffen my quills. I then fly backwards towards the Zachbots, one of them gets skewered on my quills. I then use the robot's body as a battering ram to slam into several others.

After I recover and look to see both Maze, the baby zebra, and a warthog down to the Createrra. I take out a few more Zachbots by charging into them Iron Man style. But I notice I'm really running low on quills.

(Y/n): Almost empty guys!

Chris is then seen flying into Zac's blimp and pulling out Thornsly, the baby elephant. Martin flew up next to me as Chris approached and said.

Chris: Last but not least.

(Y/n): Don't worry Thornsly. Almost over.

Chris pops a few of the balloons and Thornsly starts floating back down to the ground.

Chris: That's all of them.

Martin looks at my back and says.

Martin: Just in time.

(Y/n): Yup, I think I'm out of quills.

Aviva: *over comms* You did great (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Thanks, birthday girl.

We then hear Zac off-screen.

Zac: I'll show you!

Chris: Look out!

Chris and Martin dive to get out of the way of Zac's blimp, I however, don't react in time and am hit. Now I'm stuck on my back like a bug on a windshield. Zac then thinks it's a good idea to mock me by saying.

Zac: Not so tough without your spikes are you?

Nervous at first, but then we both hear a tearing sound and Zac asks a little worried.

Zac: What was that?

I move my back a little and realize.

(Y/n): *confidant* Oh, maybe I had one quill left after all.

I pull myself up and off the blimp and then fly next to the brothers. I see my quill pop a hole in the blimp and the escaping air suddenly pushes the blimp away to who knows where. I yell out.

(Y/n): Mind the sudden stop at the end!

Chris: Hope he likes loop de loop rides.

We then hear Zac yell out in the distance.

Zac: I don't like loop de loop rides!

The brothers and I burst into laughter at Zac's due justice.

A few minutes later and we're back on the ground, deactivate our suits and free the captured animals.

Chris: Mission Accomplished! We got the creatures back where they belong.

(Y/n): And the porcupine quill defense strategy definitely saved the day. Thanks Quillber.

Jimmy: And we finally got the decorations up for Aviva's birthday.

(Y/n): Oh, that reminds me. Be right back!

I run into the kitchen and check on the oven where I had Koki throw in a cake I made last night. I pull it out and head back outside with the others as we celebrate not only Aviva's birthday, but also two newly born Porcupettes, or baby porcupines.

Timeskip Later That Night

I am doing a bed check to make sure everyone is in bed and asleep. I walk through the quarters and see Jimmy, Koki, Chris, Martin and Avalanche all fast alseep. I then notice Aviva lab light still on, and I quietly walk over to her admiring the porcupine quill necklace the rest of the crew made for her.

(Y/n): Hey.

Aviva notices and gasps slightly before sitting up straight.

(Y/n): Busted.

Aviva: Sorry. I was just putting the last of my tools away and just-

(Y/n): I know.

I lean against the edge of the table and we both seem to reflect on the day we've had.

Aviva: Today was a good day.

(Y/n): I'm glad.

Aviva: Not just because it was my birthday, but because you and I got to spend some time together too. It was fun seeing you in your element.

(Y/n): Thanks. It was nice to just be out in nature not having to worry about potentially being in a poachers crosshairs.

Aviva: Sure you're not getting soft in your old age?

(Y/n): *chuckles* Maybe....

I pull up a chair and sit across from Aviva as my mind reflects on my life.

(Y/n): When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was be good and protect. The military seemed like the best option. I guess..... somewhere down the line, I got sick of seeing the absolute worst of humanity.

Aviva scoots her chair closer to me and listens very carefully.

(Y/n): I thought, I was making a difference by taking out poachers, but nothing ever changed. I became cold, distanced and untrusting of everyone. And after what happened with Clayton...... I closed off all emotion and feelings. I was on requested leave when you guys asked me to join. I saw how people really are, they'll pretty much do anything to get what they want.

Aviva: You think we're all like that?

(Y/n): *chuckle* Maybe, at one point I did. But seeing all of you, just loving what you're doing and still managing to do what's right......

I let Aviva take my hand in hers, her gaze tells me to not bury it anymore.

(Y/n): It's given me hope again. Thank you.

Aviva: We care about people as much as we do animals. With your help, we're able to do this job better. I'm thanking you right back.

I smirk at the compliment, we both stay quiet for a minute before I stand and say.

(Y/n): All right, enough of me being sentimental. Off to bed with you.

Aviva: *chuckles* Yes, sir.

(A/N): AND CUT! Great work everyone! All right, we've got a lot of work ahead of us, so lunch break and then back to work. Go over the scripts before shooting the next round of scenes.

Anyways, enjoy the next couple chapters and I hope you'll welcome me back with open arms. See y'all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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