Stuck on Sharks

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(Y/n) POV

Today, might just be one of the most important days of my career. The Wild Kratts and I are off the coast of Australia looking for one big fish. The brothers and I are out on our Manta Riders near the shore looking for a specific location. We're also having fun just leaping out of the water like we're flying.

Martin: These Manta Riders can really move!

Suddenly, an adult Manta Ray breaches alongside us, and even I'm impressed by this ray.

(Y/n): Whoa! And so can real manta rays.

We then dive down under the surface and follow the ray a little further.

(Y/n): Oh, I've got a feeling we're in for one of our greatest adventures yet!

Chris: You're not lying.

Martin: And all we have to do is find a great white shark.

(Y/n): Yeah, people know so little about great white sharks. They're still one of the most mysterious creatures on the planet.

Aviva can hear the conversation over our comms and chimes in.

Aviva: *over comms* I don't think I've ever seen you this excited before (Y/n).

(Y/n): With good reason. We're about to do what most scientists have never been able to do before. How can I not be excited?

Chris: And to find them, we need to go to the one place that the world's largest predatory fish likes to go.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): To the cleaning station!

A shadow soon covers us and the brothers grow nervous.

Martin: If we get there.

I look up and see not a shark, but a definitely the largest ray in the world.

(Y/n): A Manta Ray. A completely harmless filter feeder, but still huge.

The Manta Ray dives and swims ahead of us, Chris then figures.

Chris: Hey, he might be going to the same place we are.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, both sharks and rays visit these cleaning stations.

I am still blown away by this Manta Ray, it's absolutely huge.

Martin: Look at the way the ray moves gracefully in the water.

(Y/n): Most of a Manta ray's size are those giant wings, or pectoral fins. They can reach a wingspan of 29 feet and weigh close to 2 tons.

Chris: And yet he looks like he's flying underwater like he weighs nothing.

We catch up to the massive ray again and Martin says to it.

Martin: Hey buddy, what do your think of our Manta Riders? You know they're designed after you.

Chris suddenly starts laughing and I look and see the reason why, but Martin...

Martin: What? They are.

Chris: No I know. I just wish this remora would stop tickling me. *laughes* Come on, pal. Cut it out. We're on a mission.

Remoras are scavengers, eating leftovers from larger predators.

Martin: Wow! Remoras have the coolest heads. I think we should name him "Sucker-Head."

(Y/n): Oh, There's probably a better name you could've picked.

Chris: I think Sucker-Head works just fine.

We then watch another remora attach to the Manta Ray we're following.

Martin: Yup, that one just latched onto the Manta using suction. Looks like he wants to hitch a ride.

A fast moving shadow passes over us and I look up and see a large Great white shark. At first, I'm fascinated.

(Y/n): Wow! A great white shark.

Martin grows a little worried as he asks me.

Martin: Uh, (Y/n)? Don't great white sharks eat rays?

(Y/n): Yeah so?

Martin: And don't our Manta Riders look like rays?

(Y/n): Yea-Ohhhh.

Chris/Martin: Hide!

The great white keeps after the real Manta ray while we hide behind some coral. Martin then says.

Martin: Uh, maybe taking our Manta Riders on a great white shark adventure isn't the best idea.

Chris: Definitely not.

I look at Chris and see six remoras attached to his mask. He shakes off all but one, and that gives me an idea.

(Y/n): But Sucker-Head may have the right idea. If we want to tag along with a great white shark, we've got to go remora.

I use my comms to call Aviva back.

(Y/n): Aviva, change in tactics. We're coming back to the Tortuga.

The brother's and I return to the Tortuga and place Sucker-Head in a large tank for Aviva to study.

Aviva: This is the coolest fish ever. Okay, stick to the glas one more time for me Sucker-Head.

A few seconds go by and Sucker-Head does stick to the side of the tank. Aviva is impressed as she observes.

Aviva: Got it. When he attaches, he backs up and those special bony ridges get raised. That makes his head sucker stick on. It's kinda like a-

A spring noise is heard before I get beaned in the head by a sucker dart.

(Y/n): Ah! What the-!

Jimmy: *sheepish* Uh, a suction dart. Sorry (Y/n).

I get my revenge as Koki launches a full size plunger at his rear and reels him in on a fishing pole.

Koki: Or a plunger.

Aviva decides to build a submersible that's resembles a remora with a sucker on top. A few days later and sure enough.

Aviva: Okay, that ought to do it.

(Y/n): And in record time. Nice job, Aviva.

Aviva tries to hide a blush, Chris and Martin marvel over the new invention and hop inside and tell her.

Chris: All set, Aviva.

I chuckle as I shake my head. I then climb into the sub and tell Jimmy.

(Y/n): Jimmy, time to miniaturize.

I get in and close the sub as Jimmy does so, Aviva says.

Aviva: If it's okay, I'm gonna sit this one out.

As soon as we're miniaturized, Martin tries to swim but just flops around like a-

Martin: Like a fish out of water.

I get fed up with the flopping around and take the controls away from Martin and tell him.

(Y/n): Have a little patience. Aviva, can you put us in the water please?

Aviva: *giggles* Sure thing.

Aviva picks up the sub and sets us down in the water. I check the radio and tell her.

(Y/n): All right. All set and ready for adventure. Dive, dive, dive.

I take us down under the surface and follow Sucker-Head to find a Great White Shark to latch onto. And to find one, we go to the one place a shark will surely stop at.

(Y/n): Okay, here we are.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): The cleaning station!

At first glance, the cleaning station looks like just a bunch of rocks and coral clusters.

Koki: *over comms* That's it? That's the cleaning station? And what's the remora sucker doodly doing?

Sucker-Head is seen just swimming around seemingly without rhyme or reason, but...

Martin: Oh, a remora swims around like that until he finds a new shark or ray to latch onto.

Chris then points outside the sub and says.

Chris: Incoming shark!

I look and see a large female headed towards the cleaning station.

(Y/n): Whoa! She looks like an 18 footer, but a few specimens can reach almost almost 20 feet, but this is about as big as great whites get.

Chris: Oh yeah, definitely the largest predatory fish in the world right there.

Koki then chimes back in and asks.

Koki: *over comms* But what is she doing here? What gets cleaned here?

(Y/n): She does. Check this out.

I dive a little closer to avoid the shark and several little fish come out of the coral and I explain.

(Y/n): And he and his buddies do the cleaning. They're called cleaner wrasse.

I look up and see the shark pull swim above us and into the cleaning station.

Chris: Oh, she's pulling into the cleaning station.

She then takes a certain posture with her mouth agape.

Martin: Look at the body position. She's saying, "Clean me!"

(Y/n): Basically, she's saying to the Cleaner wrasse that she promises not to eat them as she gets cleaned.

Chris: And the fish version of a dentist says, "No problem. It's what I do."

(Y/n): The cleaner fish are picking gunk and parasites from the sharks mouth, but can clean any part of a shark or fish. For them it's food, and the shark gets cleaned, it's a good deal.

Martin: Sharks, rays and all kinds of fish line up at these cleaning stations.

I then see Sucker-Head moving towards the shark.

(Y/n): Sucker-Head's making his move. We'll follow suit.

I watch how Sucker-Head latches onto the shark and I steer the remora sub to do the same and easily latch on.

Chris: Whoo hoo! Way to go, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thanks. I'm gonna call this Great White....

Martin: How about, "Razormouth?" Look at those teeth.

I look and see the razor sharp teeth of the shark and for once....

(Y/n): You know what, Martin. I'll go along with Razormouth. Check out the new rows of teeth coming in behind the old ones.

Chris: Oh yeah. Sharks never stop growing new teeth. We only have two sets of teeth in our mouth and that's it.

Martin: Sharks though, have new ones that replace the old and duller ones as they fall out.

(Y/n): That way, great white sharks are always ready to hunt.

I look and see a cleaner fish knock an old, loose tooth out of the shark's mouth. I then deploy a robot arm on the sub and grab it.

(Y/n): Aviva, get a load of this tooth.

I send a scan of the tooth to Aviva and she observes.

Aviva: What are this jagged ridges along the edges of the tooth.

(Y/n): They're serrated. Like a buzz saw, they're super sharp, helping the great white shark slice through the meat of it's prey, like seals, fish, whales and even other species of sharks- Whoa!

We are suddenly perked around as Razormouth starts swimming out of the cleaning station and headed back out to the open ocean.

Aviva POV

I'm able to track the Wild Kratts movements and notice something.

Aviva: Looks like she's headed out to sea again. I wonder where she's going?

Koki then types on the keyboard next to me and says.

Koki: It says here that scientists have recently discovered that great white sharks travel long distances to get to different places for food.

Jimmy then says as he readies to bite into an apple.

Jimmy: Me too. The trek from the couch to the fridge wears me out.

I can't help but laugh a bit as Koki explains.

Koki: I mean really far, Jimmy. Sometimes over 12,000 miles. That's a quarter way around the world. In fact there may not be as many great white sharks as people think. It just might be the same ones visiting different places.

I get a little worried for the guys as I say.

Aviva: Well, wherever she's taking them, I just hope the remora sub can hold on long enough to discover the secrets of the great white shark.

Timeskip 3 Days Later

(Y/n) POV

We have been attached to Razormouth for three days and so far it's been smooth sailing, and Martin thinks he knows why.

Martin: Ah, this is the life. Cruising around the oceans on a top predator. We've got nothing to worry about.

Chris seems to go along with him and says.

Chris: Yeah, smooth sailing, great white shark-style.

I shake my head as Martin continues.

Martin: Yeah, must be nice being a shark. I mean, who's gonna mess with you?

Razormouth suddenly dives to avoid something and I say nonchalantly.

(Y/n): I'll give you both one guess what that was.

Martin and Chris both look outside and see the one creature that will attack a great white shark.

Martin: Oh, Uh okay, I forgot. There is a creature that will mess with a great white shark. An orca.

Chris then states as the attacking orca comes back after Razormouth.

Chris: And he's not done yet.

Martin: And he's not alone.

Another male orca appears and I tell the brothers..

(Y/n): Razormouth hasn't gotten this far in life by being stupid. Hang on!

Razormouth swims faster as Martin says.

Martin: No wonder these guys are nicknamed "wolves of the sea" and can take on a great white. They hunt in packs.

Chris: Go Razormouth go!

(Y/n): Tightening sucker grip.

Razormouth responds to threat by diving deeper than the orcas can follow.

(Y/n): Whoo! Now that is a good defense. Sharks have gills not lungs, so they don't need to return to the surface to breath like orcas do.

Martin looks outside as the orcas give up the attack and says.

Martin: And it worked, cause there they go.

(Y/n): Good job with that sucker strength, Aviva.

Aviva: *over comms* That was a good test.

I check the map and tell everyone...

(Y/n): Okay, back on mission. It looks like we're still headed west. She's definitely headed somewhere specific.

Aviva: Hey (Y/n). While we're traveling, let's do a body scan of Razormouth, check on her health and all.

(Y/n): Affirmative, Aviva. Chris, take the controls.

I get out of the pilot's seat and head to the back of the sub. I look around and find the sub's personal ROV unit. I set it up and tell Aviva.

(Y/n): ROV ready for deployment.

I seal off the room to prevent flooding and say.

(Y/n): Seals secured. Opening outdoor hatch.

I open the door and water comes into the room, I already had my mask on and deploy the ROV. I then remote control it and take a full body scan to Aviva.

(Y/n): Body scan complete. Are you getting this, Aviva?

Aviva POV

I look at the incoming body scan and tell (Y/n) over the radio.

Aviva: Receiving the scan. This will help me make a great white shark creature power disc's. Nice work, (Y/n).

(Y/n): *over comms* Only the best for you, Aviva.

I blush as I look over the scan and report my findings.

Aviva: Wow, a shark's skeleton is made almost completely out of cartilage, except for their teeth. Unlike other fish, that have a boney skeleton like us.

(Y/n): *over comms* That's why piecing together the prehistoric history of sharks has been so difficult, because cartilage doesn't fossilize as well as bone.

Aviva: There's her stomach, and further down there's- *gasps* Wait a second.

I get a closer look at a certain part of Razormouth's body scan and discover something incredible.

Aviva: She's--She's gonna have babies! Baby sharks!

Koki: Babies?

Jimmy: Babies?!

Chris/Martin: Baby sharks!

I focus in on the baby sharks and they actually look pretty cute. Jimmy then brings up something.

Jimmy: That's impossible. Sharks are fish and fish lay eggs. I'll prove it!

(Y/n): *over comms* Uh, Jimmy...

Jimmy rushes over to a shelf and explains.

Jimmy: My grandfather and I found this on the beach last summer.

Jimmy turns back and shows us their discovery.

Jimmy: It's an old shark egg case. Like the shark version of an egg shell.

Koki types on her computer and tells everyone.

Koki: Jimmy's right. Some sharks, like cat sharks. They're attach them to seaweed with those stringy hooks. And they stay there until the baby sharks are ready to hatch out.

Jimmy gets a little over excited and tries to rub it in my face as he says.

Jimmy: Ha! Boo-yeah! Knew I was right.

Koki then continues.

Koki: But Aviva's scan is correct too.

I try to dish a little punishment back.

Aviva: Ha. Boo-yay. Er, whatever.

Koki: With other sharks, like the great white, the eggs hatch inside the mom's belly.

Jimmy: *astonished* Wow! That's different than most other fish.

(Y/n) POV

I get excited and tell the brothers.

(Y/n): YES! Razormouth is gonna be a mom. She's gonna have pups.

This, naturally, confuses Jimmy, as he asks.

Jimmy: Pups? What? She's having baby dogs too?

(Y/n): *chuckles* Uh, no. Baby sharks are also called pups.

This gets Aviva to laugh as she states.

Aviva: Shark puppies. That's cute.

I then realize something and tell the brothers.

(Y/n): Hey, if Razormouth is having pups, *gasps slightly* maybe that's where she's headed.

Martin gets my meaning right away and says.

Martin: Yeah, a nursery. A shark nursery. Other sharks, like lemon sharks, have special places they go to have their pups.

Chris: And maybe, great whites do too. No one has ever seen a great white nursery before.

I get even more excited as I take back the pilot's seat and say.

(Y/n): Something science has yet to discover. Oh! I can hardly wait!

A little while later, we're still headed west with Razormouth. And my stomach starts to growl.

Chris: I'm starting to get hungry.

Martin: I'll bet Razormouth is getting hungry too. She hasn't eaten in days.

(Y/n): It's a good thing we're in this remora sub. Great White Sharks don't eat remoras very often. Sea turtles, fish and seals are the great whites favorite.

Chris: Whoa! Check out those nostrils. I wonder what smells their picking up?

I bring up footage of a hunting shark and explain.

(Y/n): That nose is so good, it can pick up the scent of an injured fish from 3 miles away.

Martin then added.

Martin: And those eyes, they've got a special ability to roll back into their head and membrane covers them up when she's on the attack to protect her eyes from getting poked.

Chris then noticed something and said to us.

Chris: Uh, guys, she seems to be looking up.

I look and see what he's talking about and say.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, she's probably- Whoa!

Razormouth suddenly dashes up towards the surface, I am quick to tighten the sucker on the sub as tight as it will go.

Chris: She's going so fast, I can't see a thing!

Martin: *holds back from barfing*

(Y/n): I hope the sucker holds!

And just as quickly as Razormouth swam up, she grabs a tuna fish, then swam back down. The turn was violent enough to shake the remora sub off and we spin in the water to a gentle stop. The three of us were dizzy and tried to figure out what happened.

(Y/n): Whoaaaa..... I guess great whites like tuna fish too.

I lose balance and collapse again, but Martin and Chris manage to stabilize themselves as I get up into my chair.

Chris: *dizzy* Yeah. Hold the mayo.

Martin: And Sucker-Head gets the leftovers.

I finally come too and start to get my senses back and see Sucker-Head swimming and feeding on Razormouth's leftovers as Chris says.

Chris: Another good reason to stick with sharks, a free meal. A free ride and a free meal? Man, these remoras have it easy.

I then make an observation and say.

(Y/n): And look, Razormouth just leaves the little remora alone.

Martin: Yeah, like most animals, sharks have certain foods they like to eat, and everything else, they'd just rather stay away from.

Chris: Which includes people, cleaner fish and remoras.

Suddenly, Razormouth is caught in a steel net and starts being taken to the surface.

Chris/Martin/(Y/n): Razormouth! Look out!

I am quick to drive the sub to the surface, Aviva can hear everything we're doing.

(Y/n): Hang on, girl. We're coming for ya!

As soon as we surface, we open the hatch and I see Razormouth in a cage on a gas powered, dirty, old boat. I start to think of who is sailing this boat until the pilot comes into view and it's an unpleasant one.

Gourmand: *laughing evilly*

(Y/n)/Chris/Martin: Gourmand!

Gourmand grows confused as he hasn't seen us yet, and tries to pick his ear out to make sure he heard right.

Gourmand: I've been out to sea too long. I thought I heard those pesky Wild Kratts.

(Y/n): We're over here, you jerk!

Gourmand finally sees us, but laughs because we're miniaturized and says.

Gourmand: *laughs* The Wild Kratts, riding in a bathtub toy. Isn't that nice.

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up while you still can. What are you doing with that shark, Fatso?

Chris: Yeah, she's got places to be you know.

Gourmand: I do know.

Martin/Chris: You do?

Gourmand: Yes, she's going in my soup. Now putter away. I've got shark fin soup to make.

(Y/n): Shark fin soup?! You're disgusting!

Chris: You wanna use her fins for soup?

Gourmand: Yup. But only her fins. *laughs mockingly*

Chris: You can't do that! Without her fins, she can't swim. She'll die.

Martin: Yeah, plus she's got-

Gourmand starts his engine and drives away splashing all of us in the process as Martin finishes his sentence.

Martin: Baby shark pups.

Gourmand mocks us by saying.

Gourmand: Au revoir! *laughs*

I growl to myself as my rage seethes to the surface.

(Y/n): Why that no good piece of fish bait!

Aviva POV

I am astonished that this kind of thing actually happens.

Aviva: Taking sharks for their fins?! I had no idea people actually did that.

I rush over to Koki who has more information on why and how finning sharks is done.

Koki: Some do. It says here that between shark fin soup, and hunting sharks for sport, people kill about 100 million sharks every year.

(A/N): Before you ask, YES, that is a real statistic! 🤯

Jimmy spits out his drink and asks with real worry in his voice.

Jimmy: 100 million? Like 1 and 8 zeros?

Koki: Yeah, and less than 10 people die from sharks every year. And it's usually because the shark mistakes them for natural prey, like seals.

I can now understand (Y/n)'s frustration with this kind of human behavior.

Aviva: Sounds like sharks have more reason to fear us than we do them. So, time we helped sharks fight back.

I finish printing the creature power disc's and tell the guys.

Aviva: Brothers, you take the remora disc's. (Y/n), you take the shark disc. Jimmy, teleport!

I throw the disc's to the teleporter and Jimmy zaps them to the guys.

(Y/n) POV

The disc's appear above us and I grab the shark disc and slip it into my creature power suit. The brother's do the same then dive into the water to touch Sucker-Head.

Chris/Martin: Activate Creature Powers!

The brother's suits form around them and they surface to try them out. I then grab the shark tooth we grabbed earlier and smirks as I press my suits button.

(Y/n): Activate Creature Powers!

The suit returns me to normal height and forms a 20 ft long shark suit around me. And boy, do I feel powerful.

(Y/n): Awesome! Great white shark power!

Martin: Follow that boat, sharkface.

Chris/Martin/(Y/n): To the Creature Rescue!

The brothers latch onto the underside of my suit as I easily catch up to Gourmands boat. As we get close, I tell the brother's...

(Y/n): Remora brothers. Deploy sucker heads.

Martin/Chris: Go!

Martin and Chris detach from me and sneak under the boat while I dive down to gain the speed and momentum signature to the great white shark.

The brothers latch onto the underside of Gourmand's boat and start swimming backwards.

Martin: Turbo fins, full reverse.

Chris: Right with you, bro!

Gourmand: Hey! Who is driving this boat?!

Martin: That would be us.

Chris: With Remora power!

Gourmand spots the brothers through a underwater window and yells.

Gourmand: Get off!

Martin Sorry, I'm stuck!

Gourmand climbs back up to the steering wheel and deploys the full power of his engine.

Gourmand: Full power. That'll shake them off.

The brothers, however, don't let the boat get away and hold the boat in place. Chris calls down to (Y/n).

Chris: (Y/n), in position!

Martin: All systems go!

(Y/n): Hold her steady. Here I come, with great white shark power.

I start my speedy charge towards the boat, but I'm aiming for Razormouth's cage instead, hoping to free her.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, the thing about a great white shark's charge, it turns them into living torpedoes! This species moves so fast, they launch themselves out of the water!

I do just that with my suit and manage to release Razormouth back into the water. I recover and see her escape, I then tell the brothers.

(Y/n): All right, brothers. Razormouth is free!

Chris and Martin acknowledge and detach their suckers from Gourmand's boat, causing the already full speed engine, to suddenly speed it and Gourmand away and out of the sea.

Chris/Martin: Have a nice trip, Gourmand!

We all laugh as Gourmand screams as his boat speeds away.

Chris: Looks like his cage is full again.

Martin: Yeah, but that is a very different catch than he expected.

The three of us laugh at this too. We then follow Razormouth in our suits all the way to the supposed shark nursery. The rest of the crew followed us and set the Tortuga on the ocean floor.

Aviva: Hey, guys. I think we made it just in time.

The three of us swim up to the cockpit as Razormouth swims around the area.

Martin: I think she's found what she's came here for.

Chris: Yes! This could be it.

(Y/n): The mythical great white shark nursery. And this place, it's perfect. A shallow bay away from the dangers of the open oceans.

Martin: Yup, to keep the pups safe from sharks, whales and orcas.

Chris: Yeah, other sharks have nurseries just like this. It's just that no one's seen where a great white goes.

Aviva frantically knocks on the glass of the Tortuga and gets our attention and says.

Aviva: And you won't either if you don't look!

I quickly look and see the emergence of three great white shark pups.

(Y/n): Amazing! A great white shark pup.

Jimmy: Now that's my kind of puppy.

Avalanche barks at the sound of puppy and we all chuckle at this before Aviva notices Razormouth leaving.

Aviva: Wait, where's Razormouth going?

(Y/n): Back out to the open ocean.

Aviva: What about the pups?

(Y/n): It's okay, Aviva. Great White Shark pups have every tool and skill they need to survive the second they're born. They're on their own.

Koki: All alone?

(Y/n): Okay, not completely alone. Check out Sucker-Head.

We all watch as Sucker-Head attaches to one of the shark pups.

Chris: He's got Sucker-Head.

Martin: And Sucker-Head has a new ride.

We all laugh as the shark pups swim away.

(A/N): Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Sorry for this one's tardiness. Work is always keeping me busy. I'll get onto a more regular routine soon. Anyways, sharks are awesome creatures, and don't really deserve all the fear and hate they get. And shark fin soup? Ew, I don't know a single person who actually eats that. We have to do everything we can to stop stuff like this from happening. If you see something suspicious, call your local authorities and stay safe. Also, if you see a real shark, or any other animal, please keep a safe distance and never try to interact with them. This is RWBYKnight and I'll see y'all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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