Tazzy (Y/n)?

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(Y/n) POV

The Kratt Brother's, Martin and Chris, and myself are on the small island of Tasmania, tasked with doing a census on one of Earth's most misunderstood animals. Which one? Well, we're gonna have to find one to answer that.

Right now, the three of us are hiking through the Tasmanian ancient temperate forests, at night. Chris packed more than what he needed and thus is carrying a much bigger and heavier backpack then Martin, or me for that matter. As Martin and I wait for Chris to catch up for the fifth time, we hear the unmistakable growl of this islands largest meat eater.

Chris catches up as we listen and says as he passes us.

Chris: Sounds like we're getting close. Tasmanian Devil's, here we come.

Martin replies as he and I follow Chris.

Martin: Sounds like a scary movie to me.... That's it!

(Y/n): What's it?

Martin and rejoin Chris as he sets his backpack down. Martin shines his flashlight in Chris' face as he says.

Martin: That's one reason why we have to tag them.

I move Martin's flashlight out of Chris' face as Martin continues.

Martin: Because everybody's afraid of them and we have to show what they're really like.

Chris adds on saying.

Chris: And there aren't that many left, so we have to keep track of them and make sure they don't disappear forever.

Martin grows sad as he exclaims.

Martin: *gasp* That would be so sad.

I activate my Creature Pod and radio the crew.

(Y/n): Wild Kratts Field Team to Tortuga Command. Do you copy?

Aviva answers first and says.

Aviva: Loud and clear, (Y/n). Go ahead.

(Y/n): We are closing in on some Tasmanian Devils. Then we can begin tagging them.

Aviva: Copy that, (Y/n). You have the magnetic tags?

I tap my backpack and reply.

(Y/n): Right in my pack.

Aviva: Good job. Just place each tag on their ear. It won't hurt the animal and it'll send a signal for us to track them. Be careful out there.

(Y/n): Will do, Aviva. Over and Out.

Aviva POV

Back in the Tortuga, I close the radio and keep making more magnetic tags for the guys to tag tasmaninan devils with.

Koki: *chuckles softly*

Aviva: What are you laughing about?

Koki: Nothing, just watching you and (Y/n) work together.

Recently, Koki has been teasing me and (Y/n)'s platonic work relationship, calling us work spouses or something.

Aviva: What's that supposed to mean? (Y/n) and I are just friends.

Koki: Please, you've got him wrapped around your finger.

Aviva: What does that even mean?

Koki: Come on Aviva. (Y/n) is great.

Aviva: A lot's happened, I used to think he didn't like anybody. But he's more than just a kickbutt soldier and hardcore adventurer. He's also brave, funny, gentle and loyal to a fault....

I get lost thinking about (Y/n), but then shake myself back to reality and blush heavily and finish.

Aviva: But we're just friends, okay?!

Koki isn't buying it but let's it go for now. Truthfully, something has changed between (Y/n) and me recently, I just can't tell what it is.

(Y/n) POV

Chris and I grab the magnetic tags and the fly cam.

(Y/n): The Fly Cam is probably the safest way to tag the tasmaninan devils.

Chris: Got the Fly Cam right here.

Chris holds the Fly Cam, and I give it one magnetic tag. Since I'm the only Wild Kratt, other than Jimmy, with a pilot's license, I grabbed the controller for the Fly Cam and start flying. The brothers and I keep up while we look for tasmaninan devils. While we walk, we continue hearing tasmaninan devil growls.

Chris: By the proximity of those growls, we must be only a few yards away.

Martin asks as we continue trekking through the undergrowth.

Martin: Uh, not that I'm a scaredy-cat, but you sure you guys want to do this?

(Y/n): Like it or not, Martin, this is why we're here, before we lose a valuable animal forever.

Chris: Yeah, T-devils are disappearing so quickly, so the more we know about them, the better we'll be able to protect from becoming extinct.

Suddenly, as Martin shines a light on a log, we hear a loud tasmaninan devil growl and see a massive looking creature.... wait a minute.

Martin: Ahh!

Martin jumps into Chris' arms in a panic.

Martin: Okay! Maybe I am a scaredy-cat.

I notice this is just a shadow and look at the bottom of the light beam and see a Tasmanian Devil on the log.

(Y/n): Guys, it's just a shadow. Look! A tasmaninan devil.

The brothers calm down and Chris chimes in and says.

Chris: Found nowhere else in the world except Tasmania.

Suddenly, Martin starts laughing and I grow confused and ask.

(Y/n): Why are you laughing?

Martin responds as he laughs.

Martin: Is this really the best time to tickle me?

(Y/n): Chris?

Chris: Neither of us are tickling you Martin.

Martin: Then who is? *laughs*

The three of us then grow a slightly worried expression as we look down at Martin's feet and see another Tasmanian Devil.

Tasmaninan devil: *growls*

Martin/Chris: Ahhh!

Martin and Chris both freak out and jump into my arms, but I can't hold both of them and lose my balance. We all tumble to the ground, but quickly recover as we see the reason behind that T. Devil's growling.

(Y/n): Whoa! Check out the feeding frenzy.

The brother's look and are fascinated by the T. Devils munching on a dead animal carcass. Gross, but cool.

Chris: By the way they're munching, you'd think that carcass was a word-class ice cream sundae.

(Y/n): To them it is.

Martin: Man, scavengers have it made. You find an animal that's already died, and then eat it.

I start maneuvering the Flycam to place the tag on one of the T. Devils as Chris says.

Chris: And if you're going to eat dead things at night, those long whiskers on their face help them feel around in the dark.

I am solely concentrated on the tagging process that I don't notice the Brother's scoot8ng away from me as I say.

(Y/n): It also helps to know where other T. Devils are too close.

I finally notice the brothers and grow confused, until I hear a growl next to me and come face to face with another T. Devil.

(Y/n): Whoa!

It caused me to jump back in slight fear as it growled at me and I join the brothers on a fallen tree.

Chris: Yeah, we were too close. He's defending his meal.

I look and see what Chris was talking about and add.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, look at this one jockeying for position at the dinner table.

Martin: All those snarls and the way he's standing tells the other guy, "I'm tougher than you so back off!"

(Y/n): Yeah, believe it or not, most animals, big or small, will try to avoid violence if they can because they don't want to put their own bodies at risk of injury. If you're hurt you can't hunt, and if you can't hunt you starve.

We watch as the first T. Devil finally drives away the second one by growling louder.

Martin: Whoa. That guy won the standoff so he's the one who gets the prize.

We continue watching as the T. Devil returns to the carcass and snaps a bone in two with just his jaws, making loud snapping and crunching sounds.

Martin/Chris: Whoa!

Martin: Can you hear that?

(Y/n): Yeah, pound for pound, T. Devils have the strongest jaws of any mammal. They can crunch through teeth, bones, almost anything.

Martin: If I had jaws like a T. Devil, I could crunch a branch no problem.

Martin tries to anyway, for whatever reason but just ends up hurting himself.

Martin: Ow! Problem in my mouth.

I roll my eyes and try to get a tag on one of the T. Devils with the Flycam and do so expertly.

Martin: Nice one, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Keep the tags coming, Chris.

Chris: Got them here.

Martin: Oh, you T. Devils are safe now that the Wild Kratts are on the job.

Martin slips and falls off the tree as I keep placing tags on more T. Devils.

Aviva POV

Back on the Tortuga, I'm taking a quick water break after making so many tags for (Y/n) to use. Koki then gets an alert on her computer and says.

Koki: It's a creature alert from Wild Kratt Kid Kenny in Tasmania.

Koki answers the call and Kenny is shown on-screen as he says.

Kenny: *on-screen* Hi, Kenny here. I'm from Tasmania, and I'm not seeing as many devils around here as I used to. Neither have my friends.

The second Koki sees footage of a T. Devil feeding frenzy, she instantly becomes grossed out and turns away.

Koki: Ugh. Gross. Rotten meat.

Kenny: *on-screen* Oh yeah. They're pretty scrappy.

Jimmy: I think it's cool.

Koki: Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick. But, take a look at this, Kenny.

Koki pulls up a map of Tasmania and shows several blinking dots on-screen and says.

Koki: Each of these dots represents a tagged T. Devil moving around in real time.

Aviva: Excellent work, Koki. With this program, we'll be able to track all the T. Devils that (Y/n) and the brothers tag.

Kenny is grateful and says.

Kenny: *on-screen* Oh, wow, thanks. I'm really glad you guys are here to help. I'd be sad if they disappered.

With Koki still grossed out, I reassure Kenny by saying.

Aviva: No worries. That won't happen on our watch.

Kenny: *on-screen* Thanks. And call me if I can help.

Kenny ends the call and take another sip of water as I walk back to my lab. Jimmy then comments on Koki's grossed out expression.

Jimmy: I haven't seen you that grossed out since you watched down four peanut butter cheesburgers topped with brussel sprouts and whipped cream.

Koki really grosses out remembering that day and says.

Koki: Did you have to remind me?

I just hope that Koki being grossed out doesn't keep her from doing her job.

(Y/n) POV

Two more T. Devils are competing over a different carcass.

Martin: Both T. Devils are tough, but the hungrier one always comes out on top.

Chris: Yeah, a smaller, hungrier one, can actually away a less hungry, bigger one.

The brothers climb two trees while I remain behind a bush trying to tag these two T. Devils.

(Y/n): Amazing. These guys can eat over half their body weight in 30 minutes. That's like me eating.... almost 300 hot dogs.

Martin: *whistles* That's a lot of carcass.

As we continue watching the T. Devils, a baby T. Devil joins the feeding frenzy and Martin is instantly enamored by him.

Martin: Aw, look at this little tough guy.

We approach a little as Martin continues saying.

Martin: You look scary, you sound scary, you act scary, but you're actually pretty cute.

As the baby T. Devil chews on a bone, Martin laughes and says.

Martin: I'm gonna call you T-bone.

(Y/n): Wow, an actual good name for once.

Martin: Oh, ha ha. I come up with great names.

T-bone runs off with a bone in his mouth and Martin takes off in pursuit, while I keep tagging other T. Devils. As I do, a full grown T. Devil walks up to me and places his front paws on me to sniff my under my chin.

(Y/n): Whoa, guys check this out. Uhh, you're not gonna give me a taste test are you?

Suddenly, the T. Devil bites and chews on my Creature Power Suit, this immediately alarms me.

(Y/n): Whoa! Hey! Get off!

The T. Devil let's go as I stand and I try to check the suit, but I'm not Aviva and can't tell if something might be wrong.

(Y/n): This could cause a Creature Power Suit malfunction. I think I'm okay though.

Suddenly, I lose all senses and my mind goes blank.

3rd Person POV

(Y/n) presses the activation button on his Creature Power Suit, and sure enough, the suit did malfunction and activated a tasmaninan devil Power suit around him. He then catches a whiff and sniffs around.

(Y/n): Mmm, something smells good.

He runs off into the undergrowth following the scent. Chris and Martin follow T-bone back to the clearing, T-bone rubs his head against Martin's leg and he says.

Martin: (Y/n), I think T-bone likes me.

The brothers look around but don't see (Y/n).

Chris: (Y/n)? Where'd you go?

Elsewhere, (Y/n) is still in his tasmaninan devil suit and let's out sniffs and drooling sounds as he seemingly gets closer to whatever he's tracking.

(Y/n): Mmm... *sniffs* Ah....

Finally, he finds a carcass with flies buzzing around it. (Y/n) leans down to take a bite, but is suddenly yanked away by the Kratt brothers. (Y/n) growls and looks at the brothers before his suit deactivates, and he has his wits about him again.

(Y/n): Guys? Why are you yanking on me?

Martin and Chris pull (Y/n) off the tree he was hanging on and Martin says.

Martin: Because, you were just about to eat a carcass.

(Y/n) doesn't believe him and laughs.

(Y/n): What? I'd never eat rotten meat. Come on, let's get back to tagging the T. Devils.

(Y/n) walks off, the brothers are quick to follow as Chris says.

Chris: Seriously, (Y/n), trust us. Your suit is malfunctioning like mad.

(Y/n) still doesn't believe them and brushes off their concerns.

(Y/n): No, I wasn't.

Suddenly, (Y/n)'s suit malfunctions again and turns him back into a T. Devil. He turns around and snarls at the brothers while drooling as he towers over them.

Chris: Ah! You're turning into a T. Devil.

Martin: Eww! Stop drooling on us!

As (Y/n) sniffs around again, the brothers step off-screen and call Aviva.

Martin: Aviva, help!

Aviva's video call is projected from Martin's Creature Pod and Martin explains.

Martin: There's something wrong with (Y/n)'s suit.

Chris taps Martin's shoulder as he looks back at (Y/n), who is off-screen, but Martin only pays attention to Aviva as she responds.

Aviva: (Y/n) looks fine to me.

The camera zooms out as Martin looks and sees (Y/n) back to normal.

(Y/n): Never felt better.

Martin: Wha-But... Huh? He was just craving carcass meat.

(Y/n): I'm fine, guys. Let's get back to tagging those T. Devils.

(Y/n) walks away, leaving the brothers frustrated.

Chris: Oh man.

Aviva: You guys are the ones acting weird. But we're on our way.

The brothers catch up to (Y/n) watching two more T. Devils fighting over a bone.

(Y/n): Check this out. When T. Devils get angry or are fighting, their ears turn bright red. Making them easier to tag.

(Y/n) tries but misses and the tag falls to the ground. (Y/n) then starts growling again as he says.

(Y/n): Oops, I- *growls* dropped one.

(Y/n)'s suit malfunctions and reforms the T. Devil suit around him while he holds the controller. Martin backs away as he says.

Martin: I can't understand what you're saying dude.

(Y/n) rejoins the brothers as his suit deactivates again.

Martin: You just went all Tazzy on us again.

Chris: That's it. Hand over the remote.

Chris tries to take it, but (Y/n) simply raises it above their heads and says.

(Y/n): Relax, bros. I've never been more focused.

Martin jumps trying to reach the remote, but (Y/n) keeps it out of reach as all three argue.

Martin: On what? Being a T. Devil?

(Y/n): You guys are malfunctioning.

Chris: No we're not.

(Y/n): Yeah huh.

Martin: Nu-uh.

The brothers finally manage to get the remote away from (Y/n) and take over the tagging of the T. Devils. When they find two more during it out over another carcass. (Y/n) sniffs the air and let's out his tounge with his mouth watering. He then turns to the brother's and asks.

(Y/n): Why am I suddenly craving a raw steak that's been left out overnight?

The brothers grow smug expressions and Chris says.

Chris: Because you're half Kratt and half T. Devil.

(Y/n) is still unconvinced and says.

(Y/n): No, I'm not. Look at me. I'm in control.

As T-bone passes by the guys, (Y/n)'s suit malfunctions again and turns him back into a T. Devil. He growls at the brothers, then turns and runs after T-bone.

Martin: Oh no. Here we go again.

T-bone points his nose up into the air and growls. (Y/n) approaches behind him and says.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, I smell that too, T-bone. *growls and sniffs* Rotten carcass somewhere around here. Got to find it.

(Y/n) sees T-bone climb a tree and grumbles as he follows suit and realizes why.

(Y/n): Oh yeah. We can smell from up here. *growls* My nose is super sensitive too. *sniffs* I feel like I could smell a rotting carcass from half a mile away. *growls and sniffs* T-bone, I think the smell us coming from that way- Ahhh!

(Y/n) had leaned back too far and fell out of the tree and onto the ground. The impact also deactivated his suit as the Kratt brothers approach.

Chris: Only young T. Devils can climb trees; not (Y/n) Devils in totally out of control Creature Power Suits.

(Y/n) recovers and reassures the brothers again.

(Y/n): Relax guys. I'm fine.

(Y/n) starts to get an idea as T-bone growls up in the tree.

(Y/n): Hmm, maybe the little T. Devils climb trees to get higher and get a better sniff on the carcasses. *sniffs* This way.

(Y/n) runs off into the undergrowth with the brother's close behind.

Aviva POV

Jimmy is flying us to the guys so I can check on (Y/n)'s supposedly malfunctioning Creature Power suit.

Aviva: We're getting close to the guys location.

I notice Koki isn't at her workstation and ask.

Aviva: What's up, Koki? Aren't you supposed to be keeping track of the tagged T. Devils?

Koki responds, clearly grossed out.

Koki: I can't get any work done because rotten meat and carcasses gross me out.

Aviva: I hear you, but as part of the Wild Kratts crew, we're gonna meet all types of animals. Live ones and ones that have died of natural causes.

Koki: Yeah, but animals that eat rotten stuff? Yuck!

Jimmy's voice is heard from the cockpit.

Jimmy: Hey, somebody's got to eat maggoty meat. At least it's the T. Devils and not us.

Koki tries to hold back a barf as she walks away from the conversation. She'll come around, I hope.

3rd Person POV

The brothers and (Y/n) have caught up with some more T. Devils feasting on the bones of another carcass.

Martin: Nothing left but bones.

Chris: And the T. Devils are still munching away.

(Y/n): Look at all that good stuff inside. Bone marrow. That's nutritious food if you can get to it.

Martin: Right, and not every animal has the tooth and jaw strength to bust open the bone and get to the marrow.

(Y/n): But T. Devils do. *grumbles*

Suddenly, (Y/n)'s suit malfunctions again and turns him back into a T. Devil. He then grabs a bone, a set of jaws form around his mouth and he starts gnawing on it. Chris feels something and says.

Chris: Hey, stop breathing on my neck.

The brothers turn around and freak out at the sight of (Y/n) chewing on a bone.

Martin: Your teeth are huge. And they're growing.

The suit deactivates and (Y/n) returns to normal. Chris then says.

Chris: T. Devil teeth never stop growing. Why? That's why.

The Wild Kratts watch as the T. Devils keep chewing on the bones.

(Y/n): Yup, chewing on hard bones wears them down. They need teeth that keep growing so they can crunch bones.

This causes Chris to come up with a hypothesis.

Chris: The great thing about being a scavenger is that you can eat things that other creatures can't. Nothing goes to waste when a T. Devil is around.

(Y/n): It's nature keeping balance. Want a bone, T-bone?

He holds the bone to the ground, but T-bone isn't with them. The guys look around confused.

(Y/n): T-bone?

Martin: He was just with me a minute ago.

Chris pulls out the handheld tracker and says.

Chris: Hm, I'm not getting any signal on the T. Devils.

Martin: Awesome, (Y/n) has lost his T. Devil mind, and now T-bone is lost too.

(Y/n): What do you mean lost?

Martin: I'm getting no signal from his tracker.

Martin tries to contact Koki.

Martin: Koki, come in!

The view switches to inside the Tortuga where Koki is nowhere to be seen when Martin video calls.

Martin: Koki?

Koki pokes her head through the door into the main room and says.

Koki: Oops. I'll be right there, Martin.

Koki runs to her computer and checks on the tagged T. Devils and sees something alarming.

Koki: Oh no!

Aviva heard this and turns to Koki.

Aviva: What's wrong, Koki?

Koki responds with.

Koki: Ten T. Devils are quickly moving west together. That's unatural. And then their tracking lights go out and their gone.

Martin then asks.

Martin: Is tag number 9 (that's T-bone), one of the disappearing T. Devils?

Koki sadly responds with.

Koki: Yup.

Aviva then adds.

Aviva: And number 8: his mom.

Martin: Oh no.

(Y/n): Koki, gives us their last known coordinates and get there fast.

Koki: Got it. Sending coordinates.

The reason for the T. Devils disappearance is because Zac Varmitech is stealing them to use in his new line of security robots. After's installed them T. Devils into the robots, he orders his Zacbots.

Zac: Hover back, Zacbots. Introducing the T-devil Bot 2000. *snickers*

Zac presses a button on his hand held robot controller, the T. Devil Bots activate and start hovering towards Zac. The T. Devils inside snarl at Zac as the Bots move closer. Zac freaks out and presses a button to order the Bots to stop and regains his confidance and says.

Zac: Now that's what I call kid-proofing.

Back in the jungle, (Y/n)'s suit has malfunctioned again and turned him into a T. Devil. He runs alongside the brothers as the near the coordinates.

Martin: My GPS tracking function is going nuts. We must be close.

The three reach the coordinates and see a familiar looking plane.

Chris: Is that Zach's plane?

(Y/n): *grumbles* What's he doing here?

(Y/n) then notices his reflection in the hull of the plane and is surprised when he sees the T. Devil suit he's wearing.

(Y/n): Is that me?

Martin: That's what we've been trying to tell you, dude.

(Y/n): *grumbles* Hey, I'm pretty wild-looking. And I've got great night vision. It's black and white but sharp as a tack.

(Y/n) uses the powers in his suit to leap up and peak inside the plane through the window. He sees Zac admiring and cackling at his T. Devil Bots. (Y/n) hops down and says to the brother's.

(Y/n): He's using our T. Devil buddies for evil. *growls* Wait, did I just growl?

Martin: Nah, it was more like- *roaring*

(Y/n): Cool.

Chris: Koki, Zach's got the T. Devils.

Koki's face is shown on hologram as she tries to explain herself.

Koki: I'm so sorry, guys. Rotten meat grosses me out, so I wasn't keeping track of the Tasmanian Devils. And I didn't notice when they started disappearing.

Chris: Whoa, slow down, Koki.

Suddenly the plane starts it's engines and starts taking off.

Martin: Uh-oh. Zac's leaving.

Zac sees the guys outside and decides to mock them by saying.

Zac: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na! I have the Tasmanian Devils and you don't! Catch me if you can Wild Rats! *laughs*

Zac flies away, and Koki says.

Koki: And because of me, he's getting away with the T. Devils.

(Y/n): No time to lose. Come pick us up in the Tortuga.

Koki: We're on our way.

A few minutes later sees the guys back aboard the Tortuga while they try to follow Zac. Koki informs Jimmy.

Koki: Okay, the T. Devil tags are sending a signal from inside Zac's jet. 42 degrees south, 147 degrees east.

Jimmy got it.

(Y/n)'s suit is still malfunctioned, but this time, instead of (Y/n) sniffing for food, he keeps sniffing around Aviva or her lab.

(Y/n): Mmm, this smell. *sniffs* I like this smell.

Avalanche was cowering away from (Y/n)'s suit, but the Martin talks to Aviva.

Martin: Aviva, you've got to deactivate him. He's been driving us nuts.

Aviva pulls out a screwdriver and approaches (Y/n), but when she does, (Y/n) starts snarling aggressively at Martin and Chris.

(Y/n): *snarls*

This freaks everyone out.

Martin: Whoa, dude! Don't bite us.

Chris: Yeah, we just need to stop your suit from malfunctioning.

(Y/n) realizes what he did and tries to apologize.

(Y/n): Sorry guys. *grumbles*

Aviva: Just hold still so I can deactivate your suit.

Aviva reaches up, but (Y/n) backs away and tries to explain.

(Y/n): Wait! Don't deactivate me. I have T. Devil powers. We're misunderstood creatures, but now I know why. I could have the key to get the others back. *grumbles*

Aviva: Ah! Don't you dare bite me, mister.

(Y/n) felt sorry and said.

(Y/n): I'd never hurt you, Aviva. I like you too much. *growls* I know we sound mean, but we're not. We don't hunt like predators. All we do is scavenge. We're nature's recycles, like vultures and coyotes.

Aviva tried to hide a blush, but understood (Y/n)'s reasoning.

Aviva: I get it. When a T. Devil eats a dead animal it becomes part of the live animal. Like when I recycle old, used parts into my newest invention.

(Y/n): Exactly.

Martin urges Jimmy to hurry as we fly into the U.S.A. At his home, Zac spies on two kids playing baseball on the sidewalk. He cackles to himself and says.

Zac: Time to chase away those pesky kids for good. *orders* T. Devil 2000s, go get them.

The large security Bots hover outside towards the kids. When the kids notice, they see the T. Devils snarling and growling at them. The kids scream in terror, when the Tortuga appears above them and (Y/n)'s voice is heard.

(Y/n): Don't be scared of the T. Devils!

Chris: Yeah, they won't hurt you.

Girl: It's the Wild Kratts. Hurry, we're being attacked by Tasmanian Devil robots.

(Y/n) hops out of the still hovering Tortuga while Chris and Martin rappel down on ropes. (Y/n), in his malfunctioned suit, growls at the robots causing them to hover back a little ways. The girl asked the Kratt brothers.

Girl: Is that (Y/n)?

Martin: Yeah. He's a T. Devil. Long story.

The robots move forward again and (Y/n) growls before saying.

(Y/n): Don't be afraid. T. Devils aren't dangerous. They just like eating dead things.

Zac actually has the confidance to come out and try to contradicte (Y/n)'s statement.

Zac: They're lying, pesky kids. You should be very afraid. Trust me.

The kids aren't buying it and the boy says nonchalantly.

Boy: Why should we trust you?

Girl: You're a meany.

(Y/n): Okay, here's the plan. If you have any old food toss it in front of you.

The kids do just that and toss an old sandwich, banana peel, pizza slice and a half eaten apple in between them and the T. Devils. (Y/n) tries to resist the urge as he says.

(Y/n): Oh, they won't be able to resist that.

Zac tries to get between the robots and the food on the ground and says.

Zac: Animals are no match for technology.

Martin retorts with.

Martin: You are so wrong.

The robots push Zac out of the way and the T. Devils are getting into a feeding frenzy as they surround the rotten food.

Chris: Looks like the T. Devil scavenging instincts are kicking in.

One by one, all the T. Devils break out of their confinement and start chowing down on the food.

Zac: No!

The Wild Kratts are excited and relieved that the T. Devils are free.

Martin: Yes! You did it kids!

Boy: Tasmanian Devils aren't scary.

Girl: They're the world's greatest clean-up crew.

Zac had had enough, he pulls out a shotgun and charges at the group. (Y/n) tackles him away and pries the gun away from Zac's hands. (Y/n) then stands up and breaks the shotgun in half before snarling aggressively at Zac.

Zac: Ah! Get away from me!

Zac runs back to the safety of his house and closes the door. (Y/n)'s nose picks up an appetizing scent and drools as he says.

(Y/n): Yummy. Last week's moldy pizza. *grumbles* I-I can't resist it either. It's disgusting, but I just gotta have a bite.

The brother's and the kids try to hold (Y/n) back....

Martin: Uh, Aviva!

(Y/n) manages to get out of their grip and goes for the moldy pizza. Aviva is quick to rappel down from the Tortuga. While she swings in midair, she stops halfway down. The rope swings her around and she tackles (Y/n) away from the pizza. The two roll on the ground till they come to a stop. (Y/n) tries to get up, but Aviva holds him down and uses a screwdriver to deactivate his suit for good.

(Y/n): *grumbling turns into panting* Huh? Wha?

(Y/n) comes back to his human senses and looks up and sees the hold Aviva has him in and asks.

(Y/n): Hey, didn't I teach you that hold?

Aviva breaths a sigh of relief and let's (Y/n) go. The Wild Kratts gather up the T. Devils, say goodbye to the kids and load up into the Tortuga, headed back to Tasmania.

Martin: Whoo hoo! We saved the T. Devils!

Chris: And are going to return them back to living as one of nature's coolest clean-up crews.

(Y/n): Yeah, and I was proud to be one of you.

Koki: And sorry for being grossed out by maggoty meat. I promise it'll never stop me from doing my job again. I like you little guys, but what you eat makes me a little nauseous.

(Y/n): Good, cause I thought of a good punishment for you to make sure you don't forget.

Koki: *sighs* Yes sir.

Martin: And just so everyone knows, I was the tag master for this adventure. I totally nailed.

Chris: Hey, I thought we both did great.

(Y/n): Yeah, but I was the T. Devil and totally nailed it. Right T-bone?

T-bone: *snarls*

(Y/n): *grumbles*

Aviva: Hey, I thought I deactivated you.

(Y/n) POV

Everyone laughs and returns to their work stations, I hand Koki her chore list and then go and break up a growing fight between one of the T. Devils and 5 month old Avalanche.

Aviva POV

I glance over at (Y/n) and remember when he said he wouldn't hurt me because he likes me too much. Could Koki have been right and I just refused to see it?

(A/N): And CUT! Great work everyone! Take the rest of the day. I'll return the T. Devils back home.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! What did you think of this episode? Did you learn something new about tasmaninan devils? What do you think of scavengers? Let me know in the comments.

Also, if you want to see a custom chapter about your desired animal you haven't seen on here yet, let me know in the comments as well.

So, be sure to join on our next exciting adventure. Until then, this is your pal, RWBYKnight. Catch you later. PEACE OUT!!!

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