Missio 2: property raid

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Tokyo kingdom's park...the biggest park in Tokyo kingdom and one of the largest parks in the world...now it's lifeless...abandoned...destroyed by the orcs.
Meanwhile saya was walking around the park excited like a child.

Saya: ohh~~~! This place is awesome! *keeps walking around* I really hope lord black gives it to me! I love this place!!

As saya was acting like a child a group of orcs and ogres appeared out of nowhere.

Orc1: check this out boys! We have a nice catch!

Orc2: oh I can't wait to fuck her brains out!

Ogre1: oh I'll make her my pig! I will fuck her so hard that she won't be able to live without my cock!

Ogre2: me too!

Saya: that's so mean~! I'll have to kill all of you now!

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As so as she said that the orcs and ogres attacked her at once as she kept dodging their attacks.

Orc1: stay still!!

Saya: haha! nope~~!

Orc2:*tries to slash her* you bitch!!

Saya: we'll that's mean *beheads him* poor thing... oh well! It doesn't matter I'm having so much fun here!!

Ogre2: you crazy slut!*attacks her rapidly*

Saya: asagi won't be able to survive this one! *keeps dodging and slashes his chest* sorry handsome but I have to kill you! Hehe~!*kills him*

Meanwhile with Oboro

Oboro:*walking through the graveyard* why do I have a feeling like someone is watching me? *looks around and sees a building* that must be it...*goes to the building* I still can't shake that feeling...*hears some groaning* zombies!


Oboro: oh how cute *summons by blades* come at me!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the zombies approached Oboro...she starts shredding them to pieces like hot knife through butter

Oboro: this is easy! *keeps slicing them*

She kept slicing and slicing until she heard a loud thud and then another one once she looks around she saw a huge zombie heading her way

Giant zombie:*roars loudly*

Oboro: this should be fun!

She jumped on his had and starts to slash the zombie

Back with saya

Orc50: p-please have mercy on me please!

Saya: nope~! *stabs him in his face killing him instantly* and that's that

She kept looking for the power switch which eventually found but there was a little problem.

Saya: hmm I need a key...oh well let's go find it!

She starts looking for the key but she met a hooded figure.

Saya: and who are you! Who who!?

?: you've brought the devil...and he's already declared a war with you.

The hooded figure spoke with a feminine voice that was so creepy yet so soothing.

Saya: and who is that devil? Who who!?

?: am afraid you are going to have to wait and see for yourself.

The hooded woman said as she disappeared in front of saya.

Saya: oh that's the key! Let's go back and bring this one back to life!!

Saya took the Kay and went back to the power generator and turns it on.

Saya: YAYYYYYY~~~~!!!!! IT'S ON!!

As soon as she started to celebrate...her radio starts ringing

Edwin: did you do what asked you to do?

Saya:  yes sir it's on~~!

Edwin: good job saya...now Oboro will be with yes.

Saya: yes lord black~~!

Meanwhile with Logan.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As Logan got inside the tower he was welcomed by all sorts of demons as he fought his way to the roof and then he approached the roof as he opened it he saw a long staircase as he went through the stairs...he saw a man standing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

?:*looks at the carves of my sword*

Logan: hey dude you have to leave or else

?:*turns to face him*

Logan: silent treatment huh...? Well then...*points my gun at him* oh this will be fun!

?:*whispers* you got the right...

Meanwhile with asagi

Asagi finally saw her her sister Sakura and her friend murasaki after three months of sexual torture from raising the sensitivity up to 10000x times normal sensitivity...a smooth breeze of air would set then an a raging inferno.

Asagi: sakura...murasaki...it'll be fine...we will get out of here...

Sakura:*sobbing* w-we are stuck in here!! My virginity was stolen away from me!!!*cries loudly*

Murasaki: m-me too...*looks down* my virginity was taken away by your boyfriend asagi...kyousuke stoke it away from me...

Asagi: murasaki...*looks down* I'm sorry...

Meanwhile with Logan.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Logan:*hits the wall* damn he's good but I'll finish this *starts shooting at the man*

?:*starts spinning the bullets and lines them and sends them back to him again*

Logan:*dodges and charges at him*

?:*hits his chest with the hilt of the sword*

Logan:*coughs up blood* H-how are you this strong?

?:*teleports in front of him and stabs him in his chest* foolishness logan...*turns the sword upside down and stabs deeper* foolishness...might controls everything...and without strength you cannot protect anything...*stabs even deeper* let alone yourself...*pulls the sword out quickly and takes his amulet*

Logan: w-who are you...?

After Logan asked his question the answer shocked him as the man Combed his hair back and spoke clearly:

?: I'm the devil who declared the war on the nomad.

Logan: j-John!!!!!? B-but how!!?

John: shut up...*stabs him in his throat and beheaded him* as if I need to explain everything to you...hm? *looks at his radio and hears black voice*

Edwin: Logan you haven't updated on your mission yet...

John: Logan here... yeah I just reached the power supply *mimicking Logan's voice* but it seems that the power won't turn on...I need a little pick me up...

Edwin: alright I'll send the chopper now...

John: I'll be waiting.'just you wait...I'm coming and I'm bringing hell with me...scum' so the others are here huh... I can take advantage of this.

(A/n): well another chapter done tell me what you think until tomorrow...have a great day! Stay tuned and see ya!

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