Mission 7: the great war.

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(3rd person pov)

It has been two weeks since John's returns he rescued the last two members of asagi's crew:

1: mizuki yukikaze.

2: rinko akiyama.

As for rinko's brother tatsurou, let's just say they will not get along.


Asagi: if we're going to have this war...then we need to find the last two members of my crew.?

Y/n: and they are?

Asagi: mizuki yukikaze and rinko akiyama. Our only key to find them Is rinko's brother tatsurou.

Y/n: and where can we find this tatsurou?

Sakura: in gosha academy or the taimanin academy.

John: well then let's get a move on.

<time skip>

John: are you sure this is the place?

Murasaki: yes...that's his dorm room. *knocks on the door*

(Murasaki's pov)

I heard the door locks unlocked as the door slowly opened, when we saw him...he was a complete mess

Tatsurou: lady murasaki!?

Murasaki: shh...keep quiet, we need to talk.

Tatsurou: I-I don't think that is a good idea.

John: you don't much of a choice kid *walks in*

Murasaki:*walks in as well*

When we walked in...the first thing hit us was that awful smell and amount of tissues scattered around the entire dorm, we cut off his night...John was looking around the dorm to see if there's anything useful for us.

Murasaki: where's yukikaze?

Tatsurou: I-i don't know.

John: don't you lie to us boy...we're not in the mood.

Tatsurou: I swear I don't know!

Murasaki: isn't she supposed to be with you every night...?

John:*looks at the screen* is that her? *Points at the screen*

Murasaki:*looks at the screen*

When I turned on the video...I was disgusted my what I saw...but most importantly it pissed John off, what we saw is yukikaze was being raped my many men and looks like she was enjoying it, then I heard a loud smack, when I turned around I saw John holding tatsurou by his neck.

John: you fucking disgusting cuck!!

Murasaki: John! Stay quiet!

Tatsurou: please don't hurt me!

John: oh I'm not just gonna hurt you...I'll make a man out of you...*looks deep in his eyes as my eyes glows* where. are. they.?

Tatsurou: they're in neo eden!

Murasaki: neo eden?

Tatsurou: yes they're being treated like sluts there! Please bring her back to me...I beg you

John:*knocks him out and takes him* not gonna happen...I'll send y/n to support you...i have some unfinished business with this useless cuck.

Murasaki: go easy on him please.

John: no guarantees. *chuckles and kisses her cheek* later beautiful!

Murasaki:*blushes madly* i-idiot!

<time skip>

Y/n: so John became a play boy huh *smirks* that's kinda cute actually.

Murasaki:even you!?

Y/n: what I'm just stating facts...anyway we got two hot chicks who need to be rescued.

Murasaki: right!

(3rd person pov)

As y/n and murasaki arraived, y/n starts revving his sword and readied blue rose, while murasaki looks at the small building.

Murasaki: let's do this!

Y/n: let's crash that party!

They charged at the building killing everyone inside except yuki and rinko.

Y/n: they're out of it.

Murasaki: we need to bring them back home quickly.

~present day~

John walked out of a chamber as blood was covering his hands

Oboro: that stubborn.?

John: you don't have the slightest idea, I'm tired of him! But no matter we need to prepare for the Great War.

Oboro:*sighs* yeah yeah...we know...you have two days.

John: I know.

(Meanwhile in the nomad)

(3rd person pov)

Black was pacing back and forward worried about the attack John was planning on...and saya's condition didn't help either.

V,asagi: honey relax we've already talked about this... plus his tower is burned to ashes...you shouldn't worry about it anymore

Black: that's what they want you to believe...it's Vergil...the one who humiliated me years ago...that's one of his powers.

V,asagi: by Vergil...you mean Vergil Sparda?


V,asagi:*shocked* then h-he's still alive.

Black:*nods again*

V,asagi: SAYA!!

Saya: yes lady~~!

V,asagi: assemble the men! We're going on the offensive!

Saya: yes~~ lady asagi!

Black: John...you're life ends today.


John: that fateful day...when you ordered your goons to kill me...if they didn't...would I be in your place...and you mine...? *sits on my chair* let's settle this...black.

Asagi: you're really doing this...? There are millions upon millions of them there!

John: you should come to realize that I killed  legions upon legions of those low life vampires when I was only seven...what makes you think a bunch of orcs could kill me? I have the power!

Asagi: well you're not going there alone, you have our support!

Yukikaze : that's right! We can't let you go alone!

Rinko: we followed you till the end...master John!

Murasaki: master John! You saved our lives...it's the least we can do!

John: I appreciate the respect...I really do...fine you shall come with me.

Dante: I guess you've gained their hearts eh play boy?

John: hehe...it's called loyalty.

Asuka: master John I've picked a large amount of demons coming our way!

John: get ready for the Greatest war you'll ever be! Y/n go with Sakura and and Ingrid and finish off the ogres! Dante, asagi,and Oboro, take out the orcs! Asuka give them air support! I'll take black and his bitch down.

All: right!

John: let's go! *attacks the demons*

(3rd person pov)

John was slashing everything that moves in front of him as Dante and yukikaze were shooting the ogres rapidly meanwhile murasaki and asagi and Oboro were everything into a pile of red smoke.

John:'tch! They can't follow a simple plan! But whatever they're making it easy to me to go them'

Asuka:*starts bombing the demons* woohoo!!

Y/n: damn it asuka you're gonna kill us!

Asuka: then take cover dumbass!

Y/n: cunt...

Sakura: c'mon y/n less talking more fighting!

Y/n:*goes full devil trigger*

Y/n: they asked of it *attacks the demons quickly*

As y/n were slashing them Ingrid was in her flame show burning the demons in front of her.

Ingrid: for the sake of my beloved I will not stop! Haaaa!!! *summons a large wall of flame* inferno!!

As she summoned the wall of flame the demons were terrified.

Orc1: what the fuck is that!!?

Ingrid: die!!*sends the wall at them and burns them all and falls* damn! I can't lose now and they just keep coming! *gets up slowly*

Dante:* stands next to ingrid* you good?

Ingrid: I'm fine!

Dante: we have a long way to go!

Rinko: let's not lose hope!

Sakura: c'mon John!


John just made it in a wasteland only to see saya standing there

John: where are they?

Saya: not telling you~!

John: then die...* transforms into devil trigger state*

Saya: hmph! You're not the only one who can transform! *transforms into demon spider*

Saya: now you die~~~!

John: you're not worthy of my opponent! *summons Beowulf*

Saya: *attacks him with my sharp legs*

John:*dodging her attacks*

Saya:*summons the tentacles* stay still!

John:*starts ripping the tentacles apart* show me your motivation!!

Saya:*keeps attacking him*

John: *summons Yamato and slashes her legs* now you die...*starts swinging Yamato and slowly sheaths it*

Yamato: sssssssss ^click^

Once the sword clicked, saya was torn into pieces as John turned back to normal.

John: now where are they...? *sees a factory* I think I know. *starts walking towards the factory*


Asagi:*panting* there's no end to them...I might have to use it! *transforms into demon*

D,asagi: now shall we carry on?

Murasaki: so any of you scums wants to fight me!?

Sakura: c'mon chumps let's go!!

Dante: looks like we'll hit the jackpot today baby!

Y/n: bring it!!!

When y/n shouted, all of them attacked the demons, as for oboro and Ingrid...they were being covered by asuka

Oboro: I-I know I did a lot of vile...unforgivable things to all of you *spits out blood*

Asuka: don't talk Oboro! You're losing too much blood!

Oboro: I'm not gonna make it...I wanted to be...loved...I wanted to be like the original! I wanted to be cared for...I am nothing but a copy...and a miserable one at that...it was then when they showed up in my life, asagi taught me hatred...John taught me passion, ironic...that I fell in love with both of them...t-tell them that I love them...*closes my eyes* I'm gonna take a break...

Asuka: Oboro? Oboro!? Oboroooooo!!!!

Ingrid: Oboro...

Asuka: wake up!! Please don't leave us!!!!


John reached the factory only for him to see them.

V,asagi: glad you could join us Johnny

Black: it sure has been a while, how long was it...? A year? No matter, this place will be your grave.

John: the day has finally come to put your heads as a trophy, that day you took everything away from me...today...right now...I will take everything away from you...

Black: then c'mon...show me what the new dark slayer is all about!

John: oh I will show you alright.

Black:*transformes into vampire king form* let us begin.

John: oh yes we shall.

V,asagi: I'll let you handle this love.

Black: of course asagi.

Then they clashed at the same unbelievable speed.

Black: you sure got a lot better.

John: and you're still shit! *starts slashing him*

Black:*blocks with my other three arms and slashes him*

John: *blocks with Beowulf and kicks him away*

Black:*punches him away* not bad...but I'm just getting starts...

John: I haven't even warmed up yet.

Black:*charges at him*

John:*summons force edge and charges at black*


Rinko:*falls* there's too many...

Dante: honey get your sweet ass up hurry!

Yukikaze: I need to rest!

Y/n: we'll rest later! John is not done yet!

Asagi: rinko...stand up.

Rinko:*stands up* yes lady asagi.


John: I've honestly got to say...you're still shit. *panting*

Black: then explain why you haven't killed me yet? *panting*

John: I was just sizing you up...but If you want to die that fast then you'll make me a one last favor.

Black: whatever you do is futile.

John: you're still an idiot...*goes sin devil trigger*

Black: now that's new.

John: prepare to die.

(A/n: hey y'all what's up sorry I didn't upload yesterday I was extremely tired...I'm still tired though...anyway that's the chapter let me know until then see ya!)

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