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{I Don't own Gakuen Alice}

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After the party a lot of stuff had happened over the past few weeks, and the blonde female sat writing in the journal that had been given to her, she never had a birthday like the others, so everyone at the school made her a day to celebrate it, though she shared it with her brunette friend it still made the blonde happy.

She wrote about the new friend she made over new year, and the kiss shared at the Christmas dance,  her face still heated up thinking about it, she had no clue as to why though, she was still clueless of how much she was falling for the blonde boy with the animal pheromone Alice.

The female shut the journal and let the nurse help her get ready for bed again, the two always would sleep side by side no mater what, the older women didn't want to lose the blonde again due to a promise she made with a white haired female long ago.

When waking up next morning the blonde female got dressed without the brown haired females help, and that made her glad seeing as she was learning, the bandages around her neck were gone yet there was a burn scar on her neck in the shape of hand prints, the brown haired woman always felt sad seeing the blonde's scars.

Soon the two of them made it down the halls of the school toward the blondes class, upon opening the door something was off , a black haired girl with matching eyes was sitting next to the black haired red eyed male, and she was sitting to close as the blonde male was at the edge and where the blonde female normally sat.

Bella felt uneasy and worried,  her eyebrows raised a bit in confusion, this girl next to Natsume was setting off the alarm in her mind, the alarm screaming danger , and it had the blonde female feeling scared again like she had when she was in that cell, she shivered thinking about it.

The blonde male had gotten up and walked over wrapping his arms around her , sensing her uneasiness and fear, he could tell by the look on her face and couldn't help but go to her, lately he had been feeling more protective of the female with the scars, he couldn't help it he felt connected to her some how.

The brown haired nurse let a small smile show as she watched them , she held back tears of the memories of who they reminded  her of, she couldn't help it, picturing an older girl and boy, the girl with green hair  and the male with very pale blonde hair, the two blondes love reminded her of her friends when they were younger.

The brown haired female shook her head to remove the thoughts, not realizing the mind reader in the room was quite confused by them, as he stared at the woman with brown hair and green eyes, she was filled with mystery and secrets, also love for the older male who liked to dress a bit strangely. 

The nurse soon bid farewell to the young blonde female , and she soon walked out of the room hoping she'd be able to contact someone outside the school, the nurse new everything was about to change in the past few months of this year, and something big was going to happen, something big and dangerous.

When it happens she would take the female away from this school for her protection, as the principal has his eyes on her along with the girl with brunette hair, with the stealing Alice and whatever Alice the blonde had they'd make perfect weapons, but the brown haired female didn't want that, she didn't want the blonde female to be a prisoner again, and this time to this school.

Soon the teams were paired up for the sports festival , and a certain someone in the class was feeling sad and confused, that had been the brunette girl, she wondered why she felt so odd when that female clung to the black haired males arm, she was clueless just like the blonde, both oblivious when it comes to love.

The blonde female had went off to go use the restroom, but she hid behind a wall and listened to the girl dangerous girl and Natsume talking, she didn't enjoy the crude words they said to one another, but she was glad seeing the black haired male disliked the female as much as she did.

The girl soon returned to class thoughts on her mind , wondering if she should try and tell someone about the female, she reached her hand into her skirt pocket, and it wrapped around something, the recording device that Mia had given her , for a strange reason.

Se never explained to why she needed it, though maybe it could come in handy, as the female was taught how to use it by the brown haired nurse, and upon pulling it out she realized it was on, had she forgotten to turn it off, the girl with blonde hair wondered as she played back the recording seeing it was the conversation from the hall way.

The blonde didn't know if it was the right thing to due, but upon going to go change for the sports festival she handed the recording off to one of the friends she made, one who was smart and could help with exposing the female, and so her and that friend decided to expose the girl and her lies.

So here she was now hiding in the room tat her brunette friend had been brought into, recorder in hand as she recorded what the dangerous girl was saying to her friend, she didn't want to risk getting caught so she just sat still recording everything this girl was saying.

When they left she waited a bit before sneaking out of the storage shed, just in time to see her friend get dragged off, the blonde female watched this and soon decided to run after with two others, but the four were sent back by the shadow user, once back she handed the recording off to the one who was helping with this.

The blonde female sat on the ground watching everyone, as they had told her she wasn't allowed to participate , they did however let the blonde cheer her team on, she was glad she was allowed to do something,  she would give a fake smile to the girl who acted so kind, but was actually very evil.

This girl was trying hard to steal everyone from the brunette girl, and here she sat by the blonde talking and annoying her, as this woman hugged her arm acting like they were best friends, the black haired evil girl was just so curious about the blonde, seeing as she knew nothing about her, the only thing she knew about this blonde was she was found in the woods by the school.

Soon the blonde female was saved as it was her teams turn to do their performance , she was pulled off to get changed and did, now here she was in a costume and in the air holding hands with her friends, soon something happened sending the brunette falling.

Vines shot out of the ground wrapping around the brunette before she hit the ground, and the vines placed her on the ground, the brunette had fainted due to the shock of falling, the blonde female had fainted as well as the Alice that had been lifting her up stopped, and she feel to the ground as well.

The streaks in her hair had gotten more noticeable, as she fell to the ground, but something caught her, a bubble had appeared around her and had brought her down before it popped, and they heard a cough and saw it was the nurse Mia, holding her hand over her mouth as she coughed blood.

Her Alice's shortened her life each time they were used, and this was no exception , as the nurse was taken away along with the girls, soon the two younger females woke up and were questioned , and than were sent back to the festival.

Rumors that were spread died that day, as they found out who had been causing all of this confusion, it turned out to be the new student , no surprise there, it turned out she had been using her Alice to control others, even if it was one that shortened your life span as well.

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