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{I don't own Gakuen Alice}

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Her light blue eyes sparkled a bit as she stood beside the ones she had began to trust, she couldn't help but stare at the blonde boy in a dress in-front of them, she had no idea why she as most called it liked seeing him like this, he was cute as most would say to her.

The boy couldn't help but blush, he had told them not to come to the play but they did anyway,He felt Embarrassed do to the fact the girl he liked was staring at him with sparkling eyes, his face got a bit brighter seeing how cute she looked, her blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail today, and he noticed she was wearing the clip again.

The same clip he had gotten her without her knowing it was him,  she also had that dark blue ribbon in her hair holding it back, he had began to realize why he got them it was because he Liked her , he really hoped it was just a silly crush because if he kept it going his heart may be broken.

The mind reading boy couldn't help but read their thoughts, he decided to tell the black haired male with red eyes what the blondes were thinking, and the black haired boy had smirked he knew he was right about his blonde friend liking the silent girl, he also knew his friend would only sink deeper instead of pulling himself out.

He also realized that someone else in the class had feelings for the blonde female, well it was more of a sisterly type of love but still he knew that the annoying polka dot girl liked the blonde girl as well as a sister, they have been growing closer lately.

The brunette girl smiled and held onto her new friends hand, she also thought the blonde boy looked cute as a girl, soon they were standing around talking with someone else when something happened causing an explosion of some sort of prank that caused some sort of sticky gum goo stick people together.

The blonde and Brunette had somehow gotten stuck together as well, a girl who was going to play the prince had gotten stuck to some girls and asked the brunette to play the prince, she basically begged her.

"What about Bella Chan?" the brunette asked "Me and her got stuck together", that would have been a problem if Narumi hadn't decided that the blonde would play the princes rabbit friend at the last moment, so that is how the blonde female was now dressed in a white shirt with puffy white shorts , and white rabbit ears.

The two had been pushed on stage and played a few parts together, soon they were at the part with the princess and Narumi held up a sign saying 'The Prince kisses the princess to wake them up', someone wasn't happy about this so when Mikan the brunette was leaning in saying sorry an apple was thrown making the girl jolt up and the lights went off.

And once they had no one had realized a certain blonde had been pushed down by someone in the dark, her lips meeting the other blondes lips, he knew it was her by the glowing blue eyes in the dark, she was pulled back up by the brunette and pulled off the stage once the lights had been switched back on.

No one really knew what happened when the lights had went off so when the day of the last dance came a day after this , everyone believed that the brunette had kissed the blonde boy when she hadn't really and it was the blonde female, said blonde female was at her seat next to the blonde boy, she was feeling really afraid by all the attention she was getting.

For some reason that is unknown by the blonde, she had somehow gotten a fan club over night and the girls and boys of her class wanted to be her partner for the last dance, including the green haired female who had hurt her in the past, the reason she had a fan club now was due to her cuteness in the play the other day.

"Dance" that word had them stop and stare at the blonde who said the words , her voice was still very quiet but sounded a bit better than before "I go with Ru?" it sounded like a question , the blonde boy from was she asking him to dance the last dance together?

His face began to go pink , as the fans couldn't help but think the girl was so cute "Ruka Kun don't turn down her cuteness~" the girls said in sink "We don't mind that much if Bella Chan dances with Ruka Kun!".

Most were surprised by this fans don't normally do this or say this, but they probably meant the two could only dance once together at the dance tonight, that was probably what the blonde female was asking him, yeah that had to be it he realized tonight would be her first dance she had ever been to, or so he hopes so.

Time soon flew by and here he stood wearing a suit he was given to wear, he couldn't help but freeze when seeing the blonde female wearing the dress every other girl had been given to wear along with the angel wings, he couldn't help but think the girl actually looked like one.

He noticed the ribbon was around her right wrist instead of in her hair, he felt himself pushed forward and he was now dancing with the brunette girl instead of the female he wanted to dance with, he really did want to dance with her, but he still hand't gotten the chance to due to others dancing with her.

Soon it had been time for the final dance and that was when he was able to dance with her, he didn't think they would dance the last dance together, would this make them a couple?, now that he thought about it were they?

They were not neither were they dating but here they were dancing together for the last dance, Together , he wondered if they would end up together in the future, maybe they would, but for now he would enjoy dancing with the girl who barely knew how to dance.

Staring into her eyes, not knowing what the future had in store for them at all.

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