Chapter 4: Dads Little Talk

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My family sat down at the dinner table. It was awkward and silent. I stuck my fork in my mash potatoes. "Not hungry?" mom asked me. I looked up at her. "No, not really" I looked down at my food. "Too much excitement?" mom smiled at me. "Yeah, way too much" I slightly laughed. "I heard from my boss that you joined a club at school" Dad added, sticking broccoli in his mouth. I looked up at him surprised. "How did he find out?" I asked. "His son is in the club and he won't stop talking about you" I felt my dads anger boiling. He didn't like the thought of me being with someone. "Who's his son?" I asked, looking down at my food. "Jumin Han" my eyes widened. "I never knew you worked for his dad" I poked at my potatoes again. "Be carful around him Y/N. If anything, he could be like his father. A womanizer" dad said so calmly. "D/N L/N!" Mom yelled at him. "What!? His father is! He's had what, three, four wives!?" Dad yelled. I lowered my head. I she hearing my parents fight. Thy don't fight all the time though. So I guess I'm lucky. It's just scary. Cause there both really good at negotiating. I just sat there in silence. "Are there any other boys in the club?" Mom sigh and looked at me. "I don't want any boy near her" Dad said in anger. "There's a girl in the club too" I tried to make him feel better. "Oh come on, you never know if she could be lesbian!" Dad added. "There's nothing bad about being lesbian, honey" mom patted my leg. "I don't approve of it" Dad poured. "D/N that's rude" mom scowled at Dad. "It's just how I was raised" Dad shrugged. I stood up from the table. "I'm going to go to my room" I walked away from the table. "You haven't eaten anything" mom looked back at me. "I've lost my appetite. If I'm hungry later, I'll come down and eat something" I told her beefier walking up to my room.
I flopped onto my bed and sighed. My dad was so strict and I hate it. He thinks that he knows all the wrongs and rights when really, he knows nothing. But I somehow love him. He is my dad after all. But if I did turn out to be lesbian, I wonder how gay would go down.
I pulled out my phone and noticed everyone talking in the group chat. I took a deep breath in for confidence. I entered the chat room.

~Y/N Has Entered The Chat Room~

Yoosung: Y/N! Hi!

Jeahee: Hello Y/N

Zen: Y/N's on?

Jumin: Yes you idiot

707: Everyone's still fighting T-T

Y/N: Hi

707: Y/N! Can you help us?

Y/N: What's wrong?

Zen: I'm trying too prove that cats are little demons

Jumin: And I'm telling him that their not

Jeahee: You see Y/N, Zen's allergic to cats

Zen: I hate cats!

Jumin: How dare you

Jumin: Cats are majestic creatures

Yoosung: What do you think Y/N?

I smiled at there nonsense. If this was what would normally go on in the group chat, I was excited.

Y/N: I don't know......

Y/N: I like cats,

Zen: Nooooo T-T

Y/N: but I can't really just say that I only like cats

Y/N: So I can agree with both sides

Zen: Your not going to pick one?

Y/N: No

Jumin: I understand

Jumin: Some people don't like cats and some do

Jumin: In your case, your on both sides

Zen: And you don't understand me!?

Jumin: No, because you hate cats

Jeahee: I think we should change the topic

Yoosung: I agree with Jeahee!

Zen: I'm not changing the topic till he understands me!

Jumin: I will never understand a cat hater like you

Y/N: Why don't we talk about the beginning of the school year project?

Jeahee: Oh yes, I am very excited for that

Yoosung: Oh! Is that, that project the whole schools doing?

Jumin: It's a big party a believe

Y/N: Yeah! That one!

Zen: I almost forgot about that

Jumin: How could you? The principal has been reminding us about it since our club will be holding it

Zen: Shut up!

Y/N: I'm really excited about planning it

Jeahee: I am too

Yoosung: I wonder what the theme will be!

Jeahee: Well, we can make it whatever we'd like

Zen: Whatever we'd like?

Yoosung: We're not going to make the theme you, Zen......

Jumin: What about cats?

Yoosung: -_-

I put my phone down and thought for a second. I looked up to see my bulletin board on my wall. It was full of all sorts of things like, pictures and flyers. I noticed a flyer with a picture beside it from the costume event I went to with my old friends. It was a really fun event. It was if the theme was...... anything and everything.

Y/N: Anything!

Yoosung: What?

Jeahee: ?

Y/N: Sorry, I mean, the theme can be anything and everything!

Y/N: For an example, people could come dressed up as whatever they would like or wear whatever they'd like and, we can decorate it with random things! That way, everyone gets what they want!

Jumin: That's actually a smart idea

Jeahee: I agree

Zen: I like it. It's creative and unique!

Yoosung: Good job Y/N!

707: I like it too!

Yoosung: Where have you been?

707: Awwww, is the cutie Yoosung worried about me~?

Yoosung: No! You just haven't been talking a lot!

707: I was hacking

Jeahee: Like usual

"Y/N! It's 9!" Mom yelled up to me. "Thanks mom!" I yelled back. I've been trying to go to sleep at a decent time so I asked my mom for help.

Y/N: Well, I have to go. Talk to you all tomorrow!

Jumin: Goodnight

Zen: Sleep tight~

Jeahee: Sleep well

Yoosung: Have a goodnight!

707: Don't let the bed bugs bite!

~Y/N Has Left The Chat Room~

I smiled and turned off my phone. I lied it on my bedside table and pulled over my covers. I didn't feel like changing out of my cloths so, I just fell asleep in them.

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