Ch.14||Aphmau's Sister?||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color
-(E/C) eye color

After that whole fiasco With Michi we headed over to he guys house to introduce Maya to them,
"Hey Maya I'm Garroth"

"Nice to meet you Garroth" Maya said

"Sup I'm Dante"

"Hey Dante, I'm Maya" Travis was the last one to finally introduce himself,
"Sup baby, that names Travis" he said as he winked and smirked. Maya punched him straight in the face! He fell back landing on a Chair making the chair fall backwards... We all laughed.
(Travis is literally my fav. Character)
"Dude I'm only 15!" She said crossing her arms.
"Really? You look a lot older..." Travis said getting up rubbing his cheek, there was a large red mark, "man you punch like your fist are mad of metal!" He continued.
"Heh that why I'm called Maya the iron fist." She smiled, Katelyn was impressed by her punch.
"Heh Iron fist, cool I'm called Katelyn the fire fist" Katelyn smiled, I feel like those too with get along really well. "How did Michi get you?" Asked Dante
"Well that stupid cat, put a potion on me making me black out... Next thing I knew is that I had ears and a tail and tied up in a room." Maya said sounded angry, "That Cat will pay!" She continued. It was around dinner time so Dante offered to make dinner for everyone, he was making beef tips and noddles. I asked if he needed help
"Hey Dante, want help?"

"Sure!" He said grabbing the steak out of the fridge, I was grabbing the noodles a pot to boil them in. Laurance, Travis, and Garroth were trying to pick out a movie that we can all watch till dinners done... Of course they were arguing about which movie, Hehehe those boys are too cute😊
I finished boiling the noddles and I went to go to the sink to strain them but I bumped the center Island, hitting my hip on it. I slipped still had the noddles in my hand, I felt arms under my arms.
"Are you okay?" It was Dante, he caught me.
"Yeah I'm fine Dante..." I said blushing a little, I saw on the corner of my eye the Guys all glaring at Dante.
"Hey Guys! She was about to fall I wasn't going to let that happen" Dante said lifting me up so I could stand, I giggled; the boys went back picking a movie to watch. Maya suggest a scary movie.....
"Why don't you go watch the movie, I'll finish up here" Dante said playfully punching me in the arm,
"You sure?"
"Positive!" He smiled, I smiled and went to the living room; I sat between Laurance and Garroth. Laurance was a little fidgety,
"What's wrong Laurance?" I asked him
"N...nothin!" He shouted
"Bahahahaha is little Laurance afraid of a scary movie" Travis said teasing Laurance,
"Pfft what! No! I..I'm not scared!" Laurance said rubbing his arm, awe he so cute trying to act tough when you know he's scared.
"It's okay Laurance I'm here" I smiled and blushed a little, Garroth did a slight growl.
Katelyn started the movie, we were watching The House of Wax ..... I was really scared, we were all watching and a jump scare happened I jumped and screamed a little grabbing Laurance to hide behind, He giggled
"I thought you were scared!" I said in a shaky voice
"Hehe I've already seen this movie, I know when the jump scares are going to happen" he smirked, I blushed alittle . Another jump scare happened and I almost jumped into Laurance arms, I buried my head into his chest.... I was so scared, he rubbed my head; I looked up and he smiled, he had such a sweet and warm smile.

Laurance's POV?!?!

(Y/N) buried he head into my chest, Man she was beautiful. She was so scared, I put my arms around her and made he feel safe... I saw her blush a lot, Garroth kept giving me a death stare and he texted me like five time. I read my phone,

G- dude really!

L- what jelly?

G- No!

L- cmon Garroth it fine!

G- Fine! Fine for you!

I stopped texting him, wow he was super jealous... I mean I would be too if I were Garroth, having the most beautiful girl in your arms. We paused the movie cause Dante finished dinner,
"I grabbed two plates one for me and one for (Y/N),
"Thanks Laurance!" She smiled, wow! That smile it perfect.... I got lost in her
Beautiful (E/C) eyes. She giggled
"Laurance you okay?"
"Y..yeah I'm fine!" I blushed slightly, wow I really blushed.... We sat down and she sat in the middle of me and Garroth, we didn't have a lot of seating so couple of people had to sit on the bar stools. We were eating and a loud knock was heard on our door, Garroth got up and went to answer it.....

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