Ch.17||Confident "Love"||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color
-(E/C) eye color

I opened my eyes to see baby blue staring in to mine, I froze and blushed....... I got lost, was in a trance; I felt..... Different...
"(Y/N) A..Are o..okay?" He stuttered,
"Y..yes I..I'm fine.." I stuttered and smiled. He gently places my feet onto the ground, and everyone looked at us.
Laurance, Dante, Aaron, and Travis didn't seem to happy. We both blushed super red, Guess you tell that it was Garroth. The girls were fangirling and Kawaii~chan kept taking pictures, Garroth was super red; It was cute....
"Thanks Garroth, for catching me." I smiled,
"Your welcome, j..just please be careful next time." He nervously said rubbing his arm. I walked back up the deck stairs and helped Aphmau make burgers for everyone, Garroth went over to Laurance and all of them; They weren't too happy..... All I could think about was Garroth.... His cute smile.... His baby blue eyes.... His sandy blonde hair.... His cute blush.... Gah! Stop thinking like that, I like all of them.... But who do I love?.....

Garroth's POV:

Can't stop thinking about her....
I...I her..... But what if she doesn't love me back, she went back up on the deck and I went over to Laurance, Dante, and Travis; they seemed jealous.
"Really smooth Garroth..." Dante said
"W..wah do mean?" I asked
"You could have said more!" Dante said
"DANTE!" Laurance shouted
"Wah... I like her too but, I'll help out a friend." Dante said to Laurance. I looked over an saw (Y/N)'s beautiful smile, what would have happened if I said more? I wish I was more confident around her......

Your POV:

"Hey Aph! Where did Maya go?" I asked
"Oh Maya went back home, she was grabbing more stuff cause she's staying here for a month!" Aph said
"Oo! Cool! Can't wait to see her again!" I said, Aph changed the subject..
"SOOO (Y/N) you and Garroth!" Aphmau teased,
"Garroth and I arnt a thing..." I responded
"Yet...." Aph said giggled, I blushed...
"I don't know.... I.. I like all of them.." I said redder than a tomato......
"Heyy!" We heard a yelled come from the gate.
"Lucinda!!" Aph and I yelled. She ran up to us and we gave her a huge hug!
"Happy see me, I see" Lucinda laughed.
"Of course!" I said giggling.
"So update me with all the gossip!" She giggled, we all laughed. They boys saw Lucinda here and they said Hey, well besides Travis....
"Hey baby... Looking good." He winked at Lucinda.
"Ugh Travis......" She said rolling her eyes,  "by this candle he do sleep, hidden from the day in the night so deep, O lady moon Guide his dreams, cover him in your beautiful beams, as candle flame dies, please close his eyes." She casted on Travis, he fell to the ground in a deep slumber.
"LUCINDA!" We all shouted
"Oh don't worry he'll wake up in about an hour or two..." She snickered. Laurance and Garroth picked up Travis and brought him Inside, we all laughed;
"Lucinda, that had to be the funniest thing I've seen.." I said between laughs
"I can do so much more..." She laughed.
"I'll be right back.... I gotta go do something." She went inside. Hmm why did she go inside?

Lucinda's POV:

Aphmau told me that Garroth, and (Y/N) have something going on.... Hmm but Garroth is way too shy to do anything, I Walked inside, and went to Garroth; well asking Laurance if he could leave.
"So Garroth.... Do you like (Y/N)?"
"W..wah... Where did a q..question like come up?!?" He said nervously
"Garroth come down, just tell me or I'll but a truth spell on you..." I smirked.
"O..okay... Yes.. I do like her..."
"Hehehe, well here a confidence potion; use it wisely." I said
"I'm not going to use this!"
"Well if you decide to... Here." I handed him the potion, he just looked at it and put it in his pocket, we then both walked outside and saw Laurance flirting with (Y/N), she was Giggling and smiling and blushing...
"Thinking about using that potion now?" I nudged Garroth in the Arm.
"No...." He walked off and sat on at the table outside.

Your POV:

Laurance was telling my the funniest jokes, i couldn't stop laughing; I turned red from laughing so hard. I saw Garroth come out, but he looked kinda sad.
"Excuse me Laurance.."
"Okay!" He said, I walked over to Garroth,
"Hey Garroth... What's wrong?" I sat next to him...
"Garroth... There's somethin" I said, Lucinda came over and gave both of us a drink of water.
"Thanks Lucinda...?" We both said,
Garroth took a sip and was about to talk to me when something happened.... His eyes went from a baby blue to a dark blue....
"Garroth? Are you okay?"
"Yes I've never been better" he smiled..
"Um Garroth? Somethings off about you.."
"There nothing wrong with me, M'lady!" He said
"Umm M'lady? Since when have you said that?" I asked
"Hehe since now, you look stunning!" He said picking me up bridal style. I couldn't help but giggle, but this wasn't the Garroth I know..... LUCINDA! He twirled me around and placed my feet on the ground. He was dancing? He twirled me and dipped me.... Then I saw his eyes change back to normal. He still had me in a dip, he froze...
"Garroth?" I said, He pulled me up and kissed me! Our lips met and Garroth kissed me.... His soft lips met mine and the whole world stop.....

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