Ch.31||The Date||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

Finding out Kawaii~chan pregnant was only the start to my day..... Oh boy....
When Dante found out she was Pregnant the reaction was the best thing ever! Ahh! So cute! All of us girls Fangirled and Dante and Kawaii~chan were going spend the day with each other. I went home and got ready for the day, I took a quick shower and got dressed in a pair of black jeans and a (F/C) crop top. I went down stairs and made myself a late breakfast, some toast and bacon! I sat down and started to eat when I heard a knock on the door, i Sighed and got up and walked and answer.
"Hey Garroth!"
"Um....I..I.. Was wondering....umm if you would like to..... Go to...dinner with me tonight?" He stuttered and blushed,
"I would love to!" I smiled and blushed a bright red.
"G..great!" She smiled big,
"Hey wanna hang out today?"
"S..sure!" He stuttered and blushed a light pink, awe so cute! He walked inside,
"So did you hear the new?!"
"What news?"
"Kawaii~chan's pregnant and Dante's the father!"
"What really!?"
"Wow congrats to those two." Garroth and I hung out of a while when it got close to lunch time,
"Hey are you hungry?" I asked him,
"Um sure I could eat." I got up and Garroth followed me into the kitchen,
"So whatcha want?"
"Whatever cookin!" She smiled and blushed, I grabbed out some Chicken and rice, veggies. I started the stove to cook the chicken, I heard the radio turn on and it was playing "like I'm gonna lose you" by Megan Trainor. I smiled, and started to sing,
"Oh in gonna love yooou like I'm gonna lose yoou, like I'm saying goodbyeyeye!" I felt arms wrap around my hips and a head rest on my shoulders, I blushed.... This was a side of Garroth I've never seen before.
"Your a beautiful singer!" He whispered in my ear, I giggled his deep soothing voice ringed in my head.
"(Y/N)...I...I Lov...." He began to say when the fire alarm when off! Ah! I left the chicken on too long, I got distracted! I waved a rag to stop the smoke, well there goes lunch.
"Sorry Garroth what were you saying?"
"Um...I..well..nevermind it's not important." He seemed to be upset,
"So what time are we going on that date?" I smirked, his frown turned into a smiled and he blushed.
" Is at 6!"
"Hehe sounds great!" I blushed, we never actually made lunch after burning the chicken we just have up. Hehehe, Garroth and I hung out till four when he went back home to get ready, wow two hours to get ready that a lot! I called Aphmau, Kawaii~chan, and Katelyn over to help me pick out something;
"Ahh!!! (Y/N)~senpai and Garroth~Kun are going on a date!!"
"Wow! Garroth really had the courage to ask you." Katelyn chucked,
"Ooo! We have to pick you out something nice! Where are you going?" Aphmau said
"I don't know he never told me."
"Well what are we waiting for let's got pick (Y/N)~senpai a dress!!" We all ran upstairs and all the girls ripped through my closet, They searched high and low to find the "perfect" outfit for my date tonight.
"Ekk! I think I found the dress!" Aphmau said pulling a Navy blue dress out of my closet,
"OMI it's perfect~ It's even Garroth~Kuns favorite color! Blue!" Then Kawaii~chan pulled out a pair of Black heels.
"Go! Put it on!" They all yelled at me,
"Okay okay geez!" I ran into the bathroom and put on the dress, oh my Irene was it beautiful! I walked out and the girls eyes twinkled,
"Oh (Y/N)~senpai looks perfect!!! Ah too Kawaii to think Garroth~Kun is lucky to have (Y/N)~senpai!"
"Wait you think I'm Dating Garroth?"
"Yeah." They all said,
"Um... We're not dating..."
"Huh! Do you thing Garroth~Kuns going to ask?!" Kawaii~chan jumped excitedly,
"I don't know..."
"Well anywho! Let's get you ready!" Aphmau said, they curled my hair and did my makeup. Wow was this too dressy? Was I not dressy enough? They finished and I put on my heels,
"Ah!! You look super Kawaii!"
"Wow (Y/N) Garroth's going to love it!" Aph said,
"Yeah! You look amazing!" Katelyn said, I smiled.
"Thanks guys!" I heard a knock on the front door,
"Oh I got it! I want to see Garroth's reaction when he sees you!" Aph said running down the stairs, Then they all followed.
"(Y/N)! Come down stairs!" They shouted, I then walked down and appearing from down stairs I saw Garroth jaw drop. I turned red, he was wearing a dark navy blue dress shirt and black dress pants with a cute black bow tie. He was speechless,
"Wow....(Y/N) you look gorgeous!" He smiled, he held out his hand wanting me to accept it; I gladly did! He looked so handsome, I almost was speechless.
"Shall...we...go!" He stuttered,
"We shall!" I blushed, and we walked off to his car; I heard the girls Fangirling! He walked me over to the passenger side and opened it up for me.
I blushed,
"Thanks you Garroth!"
"Your welcome!" He got in the driver side and we headed to the restaurant.
"Almost there! Cover you eyes I want it to be a surprise!" He said, I covered my eyes and when the car stopped Garroth jumped out and ran to my side opened the door and lead me out.
"Open your eyes!" I opened them to see huge restaurant! Oh my Irene! It was a water front restaurant so it was right on the lake,
"Garroth! Oh my Irene you didn't have to do this!"
"Yes I did!" He grabbed my hand, and our fingers interlocked; we walked into the restaurant hand and hand. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by the receptionist
"Name please!"
"Ro'Meave, Garroth Ro'Meave."
"Ah yes sir right this way!" As we walked through the restaurant I was In Awe it was so beautiful and fancy, the place lit up like fairy lights.
"Your table for two." I looked at it was a beautifully set up stop for only Garroth and I, there were candles and flowers everywhere! We were the only two in that spot, peacefully place among the water sat a table and chairs. Garroth walked over and pulled out my chair for me, and then he sat down.
"Garroth you didn't have to do all this for me!"
"Of course I did, I do love I love your smile...." He awkwardly rubbed back of his neck, I giggled he blushed a bright red.
"Would you like something to drink?" He asked,
"Yes please." He grabbed my wine glass and filled it up, I smiled and he filled his glass too. I've never been on this much of a fancy date.... I didn't know what to that bad? The table was small so Garroth and I were pretty close to each other, I looked out to the water and felt a hand rub my cheek. I turned and got lost in Garroth baby blue eyes.... He leaned in and we met for a kiss, When his lips met mine time just stopped..... It felt like it revolved around Garroth and I.

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