Ch.9||Oh Brother||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color
-(E/C) eye color

"Well if your not her boyfriend, then don't be making moves!" Vylad said angry.

"I wasn't..." Aaron said

"Pfft sure!" Vylad rolled his eyes

"Kinda sounds like your jealous..." Aaron said, it did kinda sound like Vylad was jealous.... Then.....
Knock knock knock
I walked over and opened the door, it was Garroth. "Hey..." I slammed the door in his face. Oh my Irene of course he has to be here now, I opened the door and slipped through.
"Sorry Garroth.... I..I just didn't expect you to be here!" I lied, I kept a promise not to tell Garroth or Zane his brother was here; let alone him finding out Aaron's here! "'s okay, I was just wondering if you wanted to go get coffee sometime" he smiled and blushed a light pink. "I... I would love to Garroth but not right now it's not a good time.." Of course Zane had to come over at the wrong time...
"Hello (Y/N)" Zane said not caring his brother was there. "Hi Zane" I said quickly, "hello baby brother" Garroth said giggling. "Uh! Really Garroth" Zane said Rolling his eye, why did they have to be here now....
"Umm Guys gotta go.." I said slowly opening the door.
"Is something wrong?" Garroth asked
"No Garroth nothings wrong... Just I'm a little busy right now.." I opened the door slightly and they heard Vylad talking, "Don't make a move on her!" They heard.
"Uh... (Y/N) who's that?" Garroth asked
"N...nobody!" I said biting my lip.
"I think that sounded like Vylad" Zane said crossing his arms knowing I was lying. "U...mmm" I said rubbing my neck. "(Y/N)!" Vylad said ripping open the door, "Baby brother!" Garroth yelled "Garroth, Zane!" Vylad hugged Garroth, "Awe Zane hug our baby brother" Garroth said pushing Zane over to Vylad "WHAT! I don't hug!" I laughed and so did Vylad and Garroth. Garroth pushed Zane into a hug with Vylad, I laughed so hard cause Zane was refusing to hug.
"We didn't know you were in town baby brother, Why are you at (Y/N)?" Garroth said a little jealous.
"Yeah I didn't want to tell you guys cause... Well I wanted to do this all by myself, and I'm staying here for the week." Vylad said

"For the week! I..I mean why didn't you ask me?" Garroth said

"Well I told you I got an apartment, and I'm getting my stuff there this week and I needed a place to stay and (Y/N) offered" Vylad said, then Aaron walked out. "AARON!" Garroth and Zane yelled, Vylad just rolled his eyes.
"Um I'm heading back home, I had fun hanging out with you, bye"

"Bye Aaron" I said waving goodbye to him.

"Why in the name of Irene was he here!" Zane said angrily,

"Woah guys he's just my friend and we were hanging out" I said, all the guys seemed jealous. "Hey guys why don't all hang out today! It would be nice to have you all!"

"S..sure! That would be nice" Garroth smiled and blushed

"That sounds nice...." Zane said, we all walked into my house. We hung out and talked, we watched movies... Just had fun well Garroth and Vylad did, Zane didn't seem like he was... But It was getting late and Garroth and Zane headed home, I was tired so I headed up stairs and fell fast asleep........

Vylad's POV?!?!

It was early, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.... "Uh... Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Moring sweetheart!" A voice said on the phone
"Mommy!? Why are you calling this early?"

"Oh what! Your mama can't call to talk...hmmm"

"I..its just its early mommy"

"W..well also I called cause, you never told me you where in town... My didn't you?"

"Uh mommy how did you find that out?"

"Oh Gar Gar sent me a picture of all you hugging... It was super cute! Also I saw on Aphmau's Instagram of Zue Zue with a girl!!"

"Wah! No that's not Zane's..."

"Oh y...your saying t..that's not his...." Zianna begins to cry.

"Oh mommy don't cry!..... Shoot! My phone died! Dang it!!" I ran downstairs and plugged my phone in. "Dang it!! I know she's going to call Garroth!" I ran straight over to his house and banged on his door. "Oh hello Baby brother!"

"Garroth! There's no time to explain but mommy called and....."

"Oh look Mommy's calling!"

"NO!" I yelled but Garroth answered it.

"Hello mommy! What brings you to call?" Garroth said

"Oh Gar Gar! I called because, Vylad hung up on me"

"Vylad! Why would you do that to mommy?"

"I...I didn't mean too, my phone died!"

"Well anyway Gar Gar, Zane's new girlyfriend... I wanted to meet her!"

"What? Zane doesn't have a girl friend"

"Garroth! Mommy thinks that (Y/N) is Zane's girlfriend! I tried telling her... But my phone died!" Vylad said in a slight whisper

"Mommy there just friends! Zane doesn't have a girl..."

"B...b...but" Zianna begins to cry.

"M..mommy don't cry! O..okay! Yes
(Y/N) is Zane's girlfriend!" Garroth said

"Oooo! Yay!! I'll be over today to met her!"

"WHAT!!! you can't!" Garroth said but mom already hung up.

"Ahh! We have to go to Zane's now!" Vylad said already running.

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