Chapter 19

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Emma's POV

I felt around my neck, feeling for my locket.

"My locket!" I cried. "It's missing!"

"What's so important about a locket?" Bunny asked.

"It's like Jack's staff," I explained. "Without it, I can't really do anything."

"I could make a new one. Maybe," said North.

"No, you don't understand," I complained. "It's not the locket itself, it's what's inside the locket."

"What's inside the locket?" Jack asked. He knew what it was like to not have something really special. It hurts.

"It had ashes, a grain of dreamsand, the feather from a phoenix, moon dust, a snowflake, a flower petal, a leaf, and a piece of grass," I listed. "The problem is, to make the locket, everything must be brought together under the light of a lunar eclipse during a blue moon."

"That's very specific," Tooth said. "When's the next time the moon thingy is going to happen?"

I walked over to a computer and searched. "Not for another thousand years," I moaned.

"Looking for this?" Pitch walked out of the shadows, holding my locket.

"Hey! Give that back!" I yelled, running straight towards him.

"I don't think so," Pitch replied, throwing my locket to the ground and smashing it.

It felt like something inside of me snapped in two. I howled as pain overtook me.

"That didn't happen when I broke Frost's staff," Pitch muttered.

Jack's POV

I watched as Emma started to glow gold. Pitch muttered something and started to back away. Suddenly, Emma burst into flames. She levitated off of the floor and spoke.

"Fear shall die this night, yet there will always be fear. That is the reason I, Emma Overland Frost, have been chosen by the Man in the Moon to be the Keeper of Light, the one who dissolves fear and brings peace," she said. Then Emma's body crumpled to the floor. Pitch was nowhere in sight.

I ran over to Emma. "Emma, can you hear me? Emma?"

She lifted her head and looked at me. "Hi Jack."

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