chapter 15 (dusk debut!)

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3rd pov
It was a few days since the whole mind controlling incident and everything was fine and normal. Serena was making flower crowns in the flowery Field with Bonnie while her pokemon was playing. The five Pokemon was having practicing their performances just for fun and to improve they're performances. (Y/n) and braixen was on a clearing about to do their performances Sylveon, pancham and dusk was going to watched, braixen and (y/n) started on their performances while singing

(I love this amv so much I couldn't help but add it on this story!)

Both-bold italics

Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun
But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run
Rule number two, just don't get attached to
Somebody you could lose
So le-let me tell you

Braixen created rings of fire as she danced and (y/n) jumped through them easily.

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

(Y/n) and braixen gracefully dance was they sang, (y/n) was ribbon danced and braixen was making small fireworks using her fire stick

'Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you

Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek
But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat

Rule number four, gotta be looking pure

Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more, more

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

Serena ,bonnie, dedenne and squishy noticed the performance and happily watched
Bonnie's eyes gleamed in delight

'Cause I lo-lo-love you

Girls, we do, whatever it will take

Cause girls don't want, we don't want our hearts to break in two
So it's better to be fake, can't risk losing
In love again, ba-abe

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you

'Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

They finished they're performance, Bonnie, dedenne and Serena clapped loving the performance. Braixen looked at (y/n) blushing, "woah (y/n) your voice is amazing!" Braixen complimented, (y/n) hid her face in embarrassment, she normal didn't like singing in front of others but sometimes she couldn't help it when she was dancing plus they were her friend! While the group still had fun doing there own performances a notification appeared on her phone. "Hey look the next showcase is in two days and it's being held in snowbelle city!" Serena said excitedly with a happy gleam in her eyes. Dusk was actually happy to hear that sense snowbelle city is cold and that's were he'll be having his debut. "Yay I can't wait to go and play in the snow!!" Bonnie said jumping up and down. The group returned all their Pokemon back to their pokeballs and got ready packing up what they need and Put on their winter clothes and left to go to the train station.

5 hours later

They arrive at the snowbelle city train station, Bonnie ran out of the train with clemot running behind her trying to catch up to her. Serena realsed her five Pokemon out of their pokeballs, dusk loved the cold wind on his fur. Serena noticed Shauna and Nini talking together, Nini noticed her and waved along with Shauna looking in her direction. "Hi Serena!" Shauna said running up to her with Nini following. All three of them group hugged, Nini and Shauna noticed dusk and her eyes shined fangirling a little bit, "hey Serena is that your weavile?" Nini asked. "Yeah his name is dusk he can be grumpy sometimes" serena sweat dropped but smiled. "Aw we he's adorable!" Shauna, "weavile...(do not call me cute...)" Dusk Huffed in annoyance blushing slightly from the compliment. The three girls chatted soon miette showed up and joined in the conversation for a little bit while their Pokemon along with Bonnie, clemot and ash played in the soft cold snow. "Well we all have to go and perfect our performances" Nini said, they all left leaving in different directions with their Pokemon following them. Serena and her team walked through the beautiful city decorated with posters,banners and talking about the upcoming performance.


The group went to a skating rink just for fun for all their hard work from practicing for the whole showcase Serena was going to use Sylveon,(y/n) and dusk since braixen would melt the ice and pancham doesn't really like the cold that much. Bonnie was playing with clemot's Pokemon while he was working on a invention and ash was training with his pokemon. Dusk calmly skated on the rink with ease, Serena skated before but it's been awhile so she was a little rusty at it, dusk was a natural at this and help balance Serena balance with ease, Sylveon gracefully skated with the help of her ribbons. (Y/n) was struggling trying to keep herself from slipping but she kept falling, Sylveon skated over to her and helped her up. Sylveon blushed a little "need any help" Sylveon said smiling warmly. "I-im not g-good a-at balancing o-on the ice" (y/n) said still trying not to fall. Sylveon wrapped her ribbon around her wrist and helped her stay steady, Sylveon skated slowly while gently holding (y/n)'s wrist. (Y/n) slowly started to get the hang of it and was getting alot more balanced at skating thanks to Sylveon. Serena was skating on her own and so was dusk, dusk glanced over in jealousy as Sylveon helped (y/n) skate, he wish he was the one helping you skate not her!


It was a 2 hours of practicing perfecting their performance for tomorrow, it was getting dark and they went to a hotel to rest for the performance.

The next day

They got dressed and left the hotel they got to the showcase, ash, clemot and Bonnie took their seats waiting excitedly for the showcase to start. The first part of the showcase was the vanillish gathering contest, it was sort of like rhyhorn herding who ever with one of their pokemon can gather the most vanillish wins this round. Serena chose Sylveon to help her. Serena was going up against 2 other contestants. Serena look at all the vanillish and there was a lot of them. The other contestants were starting to gather some of the vanillish already. Serena told Sylveon to use her ribbons to guide them to their spot, they started to gather up more vanillish, meanwhile the team was watching all this on the monitors in the waiting rooms cheering her on. Thanks to Sylveon they managed to gather up the most vanillish winning this part of the contest meaning she was going to move on to the next round.


Next up was the Pokemon baking performance, Serena was going to be using (y/n) and dusk for this part to help her make the pokepuffs. Serena watched on the large monitors, as Shauna and her Ivysaur danced while making the pokepuffs so well they got a pretty good score for there pokepuff for it looking amazing and tasting amazing. Now it was Serena,(y/n) and dusk's turn, Serena ,(y/n) and dusk all walked onto the cooking stage ready to dance and make pokepuffs. Everyone watched in delight as Serena ,(y/n) and dusk danced as they cut the fruits mix the batter and putting it in the oven and having fun doing so, they took them out a decorated them with blue and white frosting with a different shades of blue sprinkles and a snowflake decoration. Each of the judges pokemon the pokepuffs and gladly approved. The three girls with their pokemon a next of them waiting for who one this round. Serena, (y/n) and dusk won this round and moving on to the next round!


And for the performance Serena Sylveon, (y/n) and dusk were getting ready for the performance with the help of braixen and pancham. Serena went into the dressing room and took a minute or two to change into her performance outfit.

Serena's outfit wore a fashionable fleece captain hat, a sparkling winter pastel blue loliltha fleece dress with pom poms on the bottom of the dress and poncho along with the bow tied on the poncho,dark blue warm leggings and winter boots with bows on the middle and flaaffy fluff in them, Sylveon,(y/n) and braixen fangirled on how amazing the outfit look. Next was Sylveon's turn

It was sort of like a winter version of her regular performance outfit. She wore a sparkling pastel blue opened poncho with lots of fluff and pom poms, dark blue stocking with fluff, decorative gems on her and a dark blue bow wrapped around her tail."so cute!" Serena said fangirling, Next it was dusk turn

Dusk wore a sparkling blue opened poncho with fluff and pom poms and thing fabric with pom pom on the bottom connect to fluff on the top of the poncho, decorative gems on the middle and on both his ears. "Hawlucha Lucha!(Wow you look awesome!)" (Y/n) said, dusk blushed and looked away , "t-thanks" dusk stuttered,now it was (y/n)'s turn.

(Ngl I feel pretty proud of all these designs!)
Sort of like Serena's poncho (y/n) wore a sparkling pastel blue poncho with fluff on the top and bottom along with pom poms and a large dark blue bow on the middle, she had a pastel blue bow on her top feathers with pearls. Even her wings sparkles a bit from the outfit. Braixen, Sylveon,dusk and pancham all blushed pretty hard from how adorable she looked.
(Y/n) noticed dusk seemed to be nervous, most likely because of the showcase, "don't worry dusk you'll do great" (y/n) said as she smiled warmly. "Ok let's do our best!" Serena said clearly excited, they watched as the tall purple hair woman from last time left the stage with her wobbuffet Meowth and gourgeist after they finished their performance. Serena and her three choosen pokemon walked on to the stage ready to do their performance


"Ok everyone let's do this" Serena said, Sylveon,(y/n) and dusk all made happy cries.dusk threw Sylveon and (y/n) up and down as they did flips landed gracefully on the ground, "dusk use ice wind then use ice shard" Serena said as she danced. Dusk used ice. Wind making it start to snow, next he used ice shard Making big ice blocks. "Now (y/n) and Sylveon use attract!" Serena commanded. Sylveon and (Y/n) jumped into the large blocks of ice and gracefully used attract. "Now dusk use ice beam!" Serena said as she gracefully. Dusk used ice beam hitting the attract hearts making it rain pink and blue. "Ok dusk make a icey slide!", Dusk created a icy slide

(Y/n) flew onto it carrying Sylveon on her back, dusk easily climed up onto the top they all got onto the top and slided down. (Y/n) ribbon dance she slid down withe ease with Sylveon and dusk. Everyone watched in amazement from to beautiful ice crystal slide. Once they reached the bottom Serena said "now for the finale sylveon use moonblast, (y/n) use shadowball and dusk use ice shard!" Serena said. All three Pokemon did their moves combining into a yellow,purple and blue snowflake explosion, they all posed finishing their performance. Everyone got up clapping total enjoying the performance. It was now time to see how see who won the snowbelle pokemon showcase. Monsieur pierre stood in front of all the performers along with their Pokemon holding a letter, he began to open the letter and read it out loud "and the winner of the snowbelle city pokemon showcase is.... Mademoiselle Serena and her pokemon!" Pierre announced. Serena hugged her pokemon happy that they won the snowbelle pokemon showcase. Braixen and pancham celebrated as they watched the monitor happy they won.


They left the stage after they got their next princess key. Bonnie ran up to Serena with stars in her eyes. "That was so awesome!!!" Bonnie fangirled, "I have to agree you all did amazing" clemot fangirled. "It was so awesome when they slid down the ice slide" ash added, Serena blushed and smiled. As they all left (y/n) said "Hawlucha Hawlucha!(see I told you you'd do amazing!)" , Dusk smiled "weavile (thank you (y/n))". They all left the building happy Serena won the showcase and was excited about the next one.


(Author's note this chapter is 2245 words!!!)

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