chapter 3 (practice and jealousy!)

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3rd pov
the next day you was released out of your pokeball, you yawned and stretched your wings. Serena bent down to talk to you "ok (y/n) we're going to do some performance practicing" Serena explains, you nodded ready to start practicing. Braxien,Sylveon,pancham and (y/n)  stood in the grass plains. "Ok Braxien uses flamethrower and (y/n) use shadowball!" The two moves combined and explode into a rain of beutiful sparkles "now Braxien dance with flamethrower and (y/n) ribbon dance!" Serena commanded, braxien and (y/n) danced flawlessly with amazing flips and spins. "Very good you too, ok Sylveon and Pancham your turn" Serena said, (y/n) and Braxien watched Sylveon and Pancham do their part for the performance which to you it looked so amazing.

Braxien pov
(Y/n) and I watched as Sylveon and pancham do their part for the performance, i looked over to (y/n), she watched their performance with such was actually kinda cute."Wait...." I thought to myself "did i just call her cute....NO I CANT DO THAT BRAXIEN YOU JUST MET HER...........but i cant help it she's.... She's adorable!" I thought to myself I felt my face heat up a little........ "Do i liker her?". I was argued with myself whether i like (y/n) are not. I felt a small talon tug on my paw a little i looked down to see (y/n) looking up at me tugging on my paw. "Braxien its our turn to practice silly" (y/n) giggled. My face heated up more...."could this be love at first sight?".

3rd pov
For a good hour serena and her four pokemon practiced their dance and their moves. The team took a break which gave (y/n) some time to interact with her team mates for a bit. "Hey (y/n) i was wondering if you liked to ribbon dance with me?" Sylveon asked quite nervously, "sure!" (Y/n) said happily. Sylveon was shocked but very happy that she gets to spend time with you.

Sylveon pov
I was shocked.....she actually wants to spend time with me. I blushed a bit......but then i thought about it a little why was it I felt so nervous when i waited for her answer...and why was i so happy when she said yes. I felt as if i had more questions than answers. I was broke out of my thoughts when (y/n) haved her small claw in front of me. "U-um s-Sylveon are you o-ok?" (Y/n) asked "u-u-um y-yeah im fine!" I replied fast. "Oh ok" she said, (y/n) and i went to play ribbon dance, I could have sworn i felt mean looks on me when i ribbon danced with (y/n). But i didn't care i felt great when i was around (y/n)....... A-am I in love?

Braxien pov
THIS ISN'T FAIR HOW DOES SYLVEON HAD (Y\N)'S ATTENTION! I then realized why did i feel so mad when (y/n) is with Sylveon and not me. I looked over to pancham and he seemed to be giving Sylveon a dirty looks.......what was that word called again......jealously? Am i jealous, no I shouldn't like I said earlier you just met her like two days ago. But still i felt that pain in my heart when ever i saw (y/n) laugh to whatever Sylveon said. "Ok everyone lunch!" Clemot yelled, all the pokemon sat down, as i sat down i thought of a little, ill try to get (y/n)'s attention first before anyone else can!

3rd pov
All the pokemon went to sit to eat. (Y/n) struggled to tuck your ribbons in your fur Sylveon noticed and thought of a great solution. "Hey (y/n) may i see your ribbons?" (Y/n) hesitantly gave them to Sylveon. Sylveon took the ribbons and tucked them in (y/n)'s fur on your hear and tied them.

(Drawing by me :3)
"Perfect!" Sylveon said when she was finshed tieing, "t-thanks!" (Y/n) replied Sylveon and (y/n) went to go sit down. Before Braxien could try to get your attention pancham beat her to it. "Hey (y/n) sit next me!" Pancham said as he patted the grass a next to him. (Y/n) sat next to him and Sylveon sat on the other side next to (y/n) as their trainers placed everyones pokemon food in front of them. As pancham and (y/n) chat Sylveon and Braxien secretly looked at pancham with jealousy. After everyone was finshed eating everyone went back to doing their thing' ash and his pokemon went back to battle training. Clemot went back to working on his inventions as bonnie played with bunnelby luxary chespin dedenne and squishy. Meanwhile serena was still curious if you can do moves that a hawlucha cant like shadowball. "Ok i have an idea!" Serena announced to her pokemon "we'll do some battle training,Braxien and (y/n) you'll be battling against each other, ill comand Braxien's move meanwhile (y/n) i will like to see what moves (y/n) does" serena explained, (y/n) and Braxien nods and gets ready to battle each other.

(Random question: who do you want (y/n) to be with the most?)

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