chapter 7 ((y/n)'s debut!)

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3rd pov
The next day (y/n) felt better about finally talking about her past with greninja, she was even a bit cheerful today. Greninja on the hand was still thinking about it, why did he tell you his backstory, and why did he feel so calm and relax. He didn't want to face the fact that he might like you or even love you. Even when he turnex into ash-greninja when practicing. After beating goodra in a quick practice battle. "is everything ok greninja you seem a little......Distracted" ash asked worried. Greninja nodded his head yes meaning he was fine, as they continue to practice greninja made sure not to think about (y/n). She was no more than a distraction who he didn't like......right? "Hmph! Greninja's acting as if nothings up but there definitely is. I noticed the way he looks at (y/n), i can feel my blood boil just seeing it. Greninja better back off!" Hawlucha thought to himself in total jealousy.

Serena's team today kept practicing their prefomance because the next day the showcase will start and it'll be (y/n)'s debut. They're all pretty excited, but (y/n) on the other hand was quite shy and nervous about it. The group took a quick break and Braixen sat next to her. "So (y/n) are you excited for the showcase!" Braixen said excitingly. "U-um i-im q-quite nervous..." (Y/n) admitted shyly. Sylveon walk towards the two pokemon hearing what they said. "I know how you feel (y/n) when i was a eevee i was soooo nervous and i still am sometimes but i they are so fun!" Sylveon said happily, (y/n) felt a little better after she said. Then they all went back to practicing. They're prefomance was getting better as. They kept practicing with breaks in between to rest. "You guys are all doing great!" Serena said encouragingly. (Y/n)'s flying part of the prefomance was amazing. Even pokemon from ash and clemot's team watched it in amazedment. Serena's team was so ready for the showcase.

The next day

The next day everyone left to the nearest train station to get to the town where the showcase will be held at. "Im so excited!!" Bonnie said in excitement running to the station holding dedenne and squishy. "B-bonnie dont run so fast!!" Clemot yelled trying to catch up to her. "This is going to be so cool!" Ash said excitedly, "pika!(yeah!)" Pikach agreed. Serena with her pokemon following behind her. When they got in the train Serena returned all her pokemon back to their pokeballs. Serena noticed other pokemon performers. Serena,bonnie,clemot and bonnie sat in their seats chatting excited about getting to the town where the showcase will be.


The train ride was finally over and they reached dendemille town where the showcase would be held. The town was decorated for this occasion. Serena released her pokemon so they could also so the beautiful town. "Ok everyone we're here!" Serena announced. "Braixen(so pretty!)" Braixen said in delight. "Pancham(so cool)" pancham said. "Sylveon syl(its beautiful!)" Sylveon said her eyes sparkling in excitedly. (Y/n)'s eyes gleamed in amazement it was so beautiful. "Hey Serena!" They all looked over to see a girl with dark green blue hair with a pink top hat running towards them in excitement

"Hi nini!" Serena said waving to her. Nini's pokemon followed her. Nini noticed (y/n) and bent down to look at her "omg did you get a new pokemon!!" Nini said excitedly ), "yeah her name is (y/n)" serena smiled, (y/n) was startled because of course she didn't know who she was. (Y/n) hid behind Braixen's tail. Nini had a sad expression "aww does she not like me?" Nini said sadly. "Its just (y/n) is shy but she'll get use to you" serena said. (Y/n) came from behind Braxien's tail, nini gently pet (y/n)'s feathers. When she was finished petting her Sylveon went to introduced (y/n) to nini's pokemon.

Instead of smoochum trying to smooch pancham she tried to smooch (y/n), (y/n) was unawared but pancham held smoochum back stopping her until she finally gave up. Meanwhile Sylveon,(y/n) and Braixen chatted with farfetch'd and gothita. Farfetch'd tried to flirt with (y/n) but she didn't noticed, Sylveon and Braixen glared at farfetch'd making him instantly stopped afraid. "Hi serena and nini!" A girl yelled, she had long curled hair with a hot pink shirt with black bow designs and a ivysaur following her.

"Hi shauna!" Serena said happily. Shauna noticed (y/n). "Serena is that your hawlucha?" Shauna asked , "yep her name is (y/n)" serena explained "she's so cute!" Shauna complemented as ivysaur blushed looking at (y/n). Another girl came towards them next she had blue hair with her slurpuff and meowstic following.

"Hi miette!" shauna said in delight.
"Took you long enough to get here" miette joked. She noticed (y/n) as well "so im guessing that hawlucha is yours?" Miette said looking at serena. "yep her name is (y/n)" serena said
The four girls chatted with each other and of course miette flirted with ash but he was clueless about it. But serena got a bit jealous. Meanwhile (y/n) talked to all their pokemon trying to get to know each othet better.

Later at night serena,ash,clemot and bonnie went to a hotel to rest for the next day. (Y/n) was curled in a fluffy ball a next to Braixen and Sylveon. As everyone slept (y/n) couldn't she got up and went outside the hotel to stare at the stars. Sylveon soon woke up and noticed (y/n) outside, she got up to sit next to her, (y/n) was startled but instantly calmed down when she realized who it was "is something wrong (y/n)?" Sylveon asked worried. "Im just nervous thats all" (y/n) replied, soon Braixen,pancham and Serena woke up and noticed Sylveon and (y/n) wasn't there they looked to see them outside and went to sit with them

They sat they're in silence until serena broke it by speaking first "(y/n) are you nervous about the showcase tomorrow?" Serena asked. (Y/n) shyly nodded in embarrassment. "No need to feel embarrassed (y/n) i was pretty nervous when i did my first performance" serena admited. (Y/n) smiled shyly Braixen, pancham and Sylveon also said encouraging things to help (y/n) not feel nervous anymore. They eventually went back to bed to get ready the next day.
The next day was the day of the showcase they all left the hotel to get ready. Serena,Braixen,Sylveon and pancham got dressed while (y/n) waited patiently since she didn't have a outfit yet. Meanwhile ash,bonnie and clemot sat with dedenne, pikachu and squishy on their laps wating for the showcase to start. Bonnie and ash sat in excitement so exticed to see Serena's performance.

Serena pov
For the first part of the prefomance called pokemon styling which i did in my first performance. For this one ill choose (y/n) since she doesn't have a performance outfit yet. We all stood infront of a the small styling room that each contestant would be going in. After monsieur perrier explained to the audience what was going to happen. (Y/n) and i walked in to our styling room. (Y/n) stood on the round elegent stool. The two of us picked looked through the various colors fabrics and designs until we found colors and fabrics that would look both amazing on her but also go with the rest of the group. I started to cut the fabric after i measured (y/n). We added pretty things to her outfit. After we finshed she looked so adorable!!!

(Drawing by me :3)

She had a black bowtie with reddish pink heart in the middle, her skirt had a black elastic band around her and it was the same reddish pink under the top part was a lighter shade of it and last but not least she wore black stockings with light pink lacing on the top and bottom. It was so cute and it went with the rest of the team's performance outfits including mine. Outside of the styling room they announced that time was up. We left from the styling room standing infront of them. Each contestant walked on the run way with their pokemon, all they're outfits looked so good as the audience cheered in admiration. Soon it was our turn to walk down the runway walking calmly making sure not to trip or anything like last time. We walked down the runway and back perfectly. "Amazing job (y/n)!" I said, "ha cha!(thank you!)" She replied happily but i sadly didn't know what she said. So many people clapped for all of the contestants including us i was so excited ready for the next part.

Sylveon pov
Braixen,pancham and i was in the lounge with other pokemon and they're trainers. We heard foot steps coming towards us we looked to see miss Serena and (y/n).....(y/n) looked incredible! She was so cute i could tell Braixen and pancham felt the exact same way just judging the way they stared at her in awe. The next part of the showcase was the pokepuff baking performance. Serena chosed Braixen and pancham for this, (y/n) and i watched on the large screen with other pokemon as we watched nini, smoochum,gothita and farfetch'd make their pokepuff for the judges pokemon to try it to give it a rating.

They gave nini's puff a good rating and now it was serena,Braixen and pancham's turn. They started to dance while they started to make their pokepuff .

They all made their pokepuff flawlessly. "Woah those looks amazing" (y/n) said, "yeah they are!" I agreed now hungry for a pokepuff. They added frosting and fruits on them making them look so tasty. When they finshed the judges try them and they gave them a good rating. (Y/n) and i cheered even though they couldn't hear us through the tv. They came back "ok everyone the next part is the actually performance!" Serena announced so excitedly. Braixen,pancham and Serena got dressed in their performance outfits.

3rd pov
They watched on the large tv the other performances.this gave (y/n) some time to gain the confidence for her debut. The team watched as a tall woman in a purple dress with her wobbuffet,meowth and gourgeist and they're spectacular performance.

(Y/n) couldn't help but think they looked familiar from somewhere but maybe she just confusing them for someone else. After their glorious performance it was now their turn. As they started to walk on to the large round stage (y/n)'s nervousness started to creep up on her again, Serena turned to look at (y/n) "dont worry (y/n) you'll do great!" Serena encouraged. They stood on the stage pikachu,dedenne and squishy blushed couldn't help it because how adorable (y/n) looked in her outfit, "ok everyone ready!" Serena said to her pokemon, they nodded yes ready to perform.

All for pokemon front flipped, Braixen made a fire ring and Sylveon and (y/n) gracefully jumped through. "Braixen use flamethrower, (y/n) use shadowball" (y/n) and Braixen used shadowball and flamethrower, the two moves combined exploding into a beautiful rain of purple and red dust, the crowed cheered, "Sylveon use moonblast and pancham use shadowclaw on it" serena said dancing gracefully. Sylveon elegantly jumped while using moonblast and pancham did a awesome flip while doing using shadowclaw on the moonblast exploding into the sparkles. "Pancham use stone rush" serena comanded, pancham used stone rush making large blue stones to appear. (Y/n) and Braixen jumped on the stones jumping from one to the others doing flips and spins Braixen made fire tricks while (y/n) ribbon danced. The crowed watched in total awe never seeing that before. The crowed cheered loving the performance. Braixen and (y/n) back flipped of the stones as Sylveon,pancham and Serena danced. (Y/n) and Braixen landed perfectly on the ground. "Ok Sylveon uses fairywind Braixen flamethrower and pancham use stone edge on it" all three of the moves combined making it rain pink,red,blue. "Now (y/n) turn it into a sparkling tornado!" Serena said. (Y/n) started to flying around the sparkles fast, the sparkles began to form together in a tornado. "Now release!" Serena yelled. (Y/n) released the tornado making it rain sparkles everywhere. (Y/n) landed back on to the ground and the grouped posed, the whole crowded got up clapping for the amazing performance. "Amazing job everyone" serena said to her pokemon as they started to leave the stage.

Now finally it was time to find out who won this showcase. Monsieur Pierre stood in front of all the performers holding a letter that was from the judges of the name of who ever gets the princess key. He open the note. "The princess key will be going to....... Mademoiselle serena!" Pierre announced. Serena started to cry as he happily handed her the key. Her pokemon gave her a big group hug. "We did it we got another princess key!" She said cheering with her pokemon as the crowed cheered for her.

As they walked down the hallway after changing back to their regular outfit nini,shauna and miette congratulated her, even if miette was a little jealous about it. They noticed ash clemot and bonnie with pikachu, dedenne and squishy. "That was so awesome!!" Ash said. "All their outfits was so so CUTE!!!" bonnie said with stars in her eyes. "It was indeed pretty amazing" clemot said. As they left (y/n) was excited for the next performance because it was so fun!

Author note:2339 words!!! My longest chapter!)
(Time for a random question: would you watched (y/n)'s debut?)

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