chapter 9 (childhood friends)

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"(Y-y/n)!!" The weavile said in complete shock tears started to spill from his eyes, "dusk!" (Y/n) said as she started to cry. They both leaped into each others arms hugging tightly crying. "I-i-ts b-been so long (y-y/n)!" He said happy, "it's s-so so n-nice to f-finally s-see you a-again!" (Y/n) replied back.

(Drawing by me :3)

(Y/n) looked at him again and her eyes shined in both shock and delight. "Woah you've evolved!!" (Y/n) said shocked. "Yep ive finally evolve with lots of training and battling other pokemon!" He said pridefully but he could feel his face heat from the compliment. "So where have you been all this time?" He asked curious. "I have a amazing trainer named serena and ive made friends with Braixen,Sylveon,and pancham who's also in our team". Dusk was shocked but intrigued by it, "Woah what's it like?!" He said curioused. "We do these things called showcases were we prefom infront of so many humans with our trainer!" (Y/n) explained excitedly. Dusk was shocked because (y/n) was always the shy nervous type, so he was happy that (y/n) is being more cheerful. (Y/n) heard the faint sound of her name being called, dusk tilted his head confused. "Thats my trainer serena i must go but ill see you again when its night!" (Y/n) said as she picked one more berry from a tree. She gave dusk one last hug and he hugged back blushing, (y/n) left going back to her trainer. Dusk watched as (y/n) left to go back to her trainer, dusk felt sad but he knew he would see her again soon. Dusk left in a different direction and found a nice tree to lay on. Dusk layed on it and thought about (y/n), he had so much to think about. her and dusk was friends for so long, dusk started to remember a few of the flashbacks of when they were friends.

Flashback 1:
A sneasel sat near a river staring down at it in sadness. Dusk was a sneasel and was a alone, other baby pokemon would be friends with him but quickly later replaced by someone else and leave him behind. Dusk started to feel tears pool up in his eyes and started to cry. "Nobody wants to be my friend" he thought. He then felt a small claw tap on his shoulder. He quickly turned around startled, he turned around to see a small female hawlucha holding a berry that was big than her tiny claws. "W-what d-do you w-want" he quickly relied harshly. The hawlucha was startled but calmed down quickly, "i-i heard you c-crying so i w-wanted to see if you was o-ok" the hawlucha stuttered."i-im fine t-thanks" dusk replied as he quickly wiped away the tears, they both heard Dusk's stomach growled, dusk blushed in embarrassment. The hawlucha sliced the berry in half with her claws and gave the happily gave the half to dusk, he hesitantly took it and ate it. The hawlucha sat next to him eating the berry looking at the sky watching other flying types flying around. (Y/n) watched in amazement. (Y/n) looked back at dusk "so whats your name?" The hawlucha said politely. Dusk yours?" Dusk asked. "Im (y/n) nice to meet ya" (y/n) replied. "(Y/n) sweetie where did you go?!" Dusk and (y/n) heard a faint voice, they both turned around to the trees and bushes to see a shiny aromatisse emerged for the bushes.

(Drawing by me :3)

" *sighs in relief* Oh thank  theyre you are, haven't i told you not go so far away from home?" The aromatisse scolded. "Sorry miss pecha" (y/n) apologized getting up ready to go back, she turned to dusk and said," i hope to see you again dusk!" (Y/n) said as she started to leave with pecha. "U-um same to you" he said back to her. Pecha smiled from the adorable interaction. (Y/n) helded pecha's claw and they started to leave. (Y/n) gave dusk one more wave by until they went back to the woods.

Flashback 2:
Dusk later learned (y/n) leaved in a small tree village full of different pokemon and he even started live in the village since everyone there welcomed him. (Y/n) and dusk soon started to become friends, but dusk still didnt trust her enough. He prepared his self for the moment she would say she didnt want to be friends anymore, But that never happened. (Y/n) was so nice and never said that which shocked dusk a bit. Pecha would always fangirl a little on the inside whenever (y/n) and dusk would hang out together. Dusk felt him self trust (y/n) the longer he hanged out her. Dusk and pecha watched as (y/n) was learning how to fly being taught by a altaria named cloud pecha knew. Pecha new many different pokemon that would help raise (y/n). They watched as (y/n) learning how to fly, but then (y/n) accidently crashed into a tree and fell on to ground. Cloud instantly flew to the ground and pecha and dusk ran towards them to see if (y/n) was ok. "Are you ok (y/n)?!" Pecha and cloud asked. (Y/n) injured her arm from the fall and had to take a break for a while. Pecha took (y/n) to a leavanny named garden. Garden used her string to wrap it around the injured part of (y/n)'s arm. Later (y/n) layed on the soft grass sad about what happened and dusk sat a next to her "ill never be able to fly" (y/n) mumbled to herself. "Dont worry (y/n) you'll learn How to fly soon" Dusk encouraged. "T-thank you dusk" (y/n) quietly said cuddling next to him and dusk cuddled back. Pecha,cloud and garden saw the whole thing and they all fangirled.

Flashback 3:
(Y/n) and dusk was now best friends and would hang out as much as they could. (Y/n) and Dusk explored around the forest looking for berries. Until they got attakced, it was a large shiny arbok with 2 ekans with him. They attacked you both injured dusk was badly injured with many wounds that started to bleed. (Y/n) stood infront of him blocking the three mean pokemon protecting dusk. The arbok and ekans defeated her and they took the berries dusk and (y/n) collected laughing as they slithered away. (Y/n) managed to get up and ran over to dusk who layed on the ground with his injures bleeding (y/n) was shorted than dusk but she manged to carry him back to pecha and garden, garden and pecha healed them both up. When dusk woke up (y/n) gave dusk a big hug crying and explained what happened. It was at the point Dusk started to have feelings for (y/n), she was so caring for him and stayed by his side while others would have abandon him. Ever since that attack (y/n) was alot more shy and timid more so than usual, the attack really shaken her up.

Flashback 4: ever since that day (y/n) saved him, he started to have a big crush on her and they became the best of friends. The two would battle train together with the help of mienshao named shao,chat and etc. There was this one time where (y/n) was dancing practicing with garden meanwhile dusk was practiced battling on a empty tree, he punched the tree he tool a glimpsed over at you for a minute and saw how graceful you looked while dance practicing. "W-woah....." He said to himself blushing than a berry fell hitting him on the head because he wasn't paying attention.

Garden soon made ribbons connected to smooth sticks using her strings and made them in (your favorite color) gave them to you. you was so happy to have dancing ribbons
The two of you would now dance practice together which was fun.

Flashback 5: the two of you went to collect berries together which was fun to collect and eat some of them. As the two of you looked around they heard a noised, dusk standed infront of (y/n) protecting her. They saw a large garchomp and dragonite coming to attack the two of you. Dusk ran while (y/n) flew. The two of them accidentally went in different directions. When the two of you finally stopped running they realized they we're both lost and couldn't find each other. Just like that dusk's first genuine friend and his first crush was missing. The two of you tried to find each other but that sadly never happened. Dusk and (y/n) had to survive in the wild and fend for theirselfs. Dusk eventually evolved into a weavile after getting into battles with other pokemon and lots of training.

He thought he wouldn't ever see (y/n) again. but that moment when he saw (y/n)'s adorable face, his feelings for you came back in a instant he was in love with you. He started to think about if he could join your team with your trainer serena.You was one of the sweetest pokemon he's ever met
And he didn't want to loose you again.

Meanwhile It was night and everyone was asleep and (y/n) left her pokeball and went into the woods in search to see where dusk is to see him again.


Ok so i looked at the comments and i saw the name that won was dusk since it had most votes so his name is now dusk which works because it's dark at dusk and it gets cooler when it gets dark :3

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