Best Day Ever

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Author's notes-So now we're onto season two, the question is do you feel guilty, and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Well I solved it for you, you and Velvet decide you'd rather be friends now Yang's your girlfriend. If you don't like that I don't care. Anyway let's get this baby flying, for it is my baby. WARNING LEMONS.

You were the only person actually eating breakfast, well Nora was throwing food into Yang's mouth but somehow you feel that doesn't count. After last term you'd decided to play Yang's little game with her, as for Pyrrha she'd definitely lost at truth or dare, why didn't you get her and Jaune in the Closet. (Oh yeah because that spoils season three.) Yang is sitting next to you her hand on your thigh. Ruby drops a hug white binder on the table, you look up from your full English breakfast. "Sisters, friends, Weiss." Ruby says
"Hey" Weiss complains. You carry on eating.
"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream."
"This aught to be good" yang says. Nora throws another grape.
"A dream that one day, the five of us would come together, as a team and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!" This causes you to look up momentarily but only so you can sip your tea.
"Did you steal my binder?" Weiss asks.
"I am not a crook." Ruby answers.
"What are you talking about?" Blake questions.
"I'm talking about kicking the semester off with a bang" you feel Yang tense up and know a bad pun is in coming, Crap."I always kick my semester off with a Yang." Yang says. "Eh!? guys? am I right?"
"I'd rather kick it off with a bang." You whisper to her. Her eyes widen as she realises what you just said. She laughs, Nora hits Yang with an Apple. Who throws an apple? "Come on guys, it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today." Ruby explains.
"I don't know wether to be proud or scared of what you have in store." Weiss says. Yang throws an Apple back at Nora. "I don't know" says Blake. "I think I might sit this one out."
"Sit out or not, I think however we spend this last day we should do it as a team. " Weiss says. You see Yang making waving motions with her hands as Weiss is hit in the face with a pie. Fuck.

Nora stands at the end of the hall on a castle made of tables. Let's make this quick. Ruby shouts something but you see melons racing towards you. You block then with a shield of fire then persist to shoot fire balls at them. Yang stuffs her hands inside some roast turkeys she's not touching me without washing those hands. She punches the remaining melons. Blake flips over yang and picks up two baguettes. You know what? I'm just going to sit down. Heading back to your bench you sit down and carry on eating. You see Yang fly through the roof. For a few minutes everyone just beats eat other up with food then after the rest of your team is knocked out Ruby flies across the room creating a tornado. Everyone splatters on the wall. Glynda storms in and repairs the room. Ozpin appears behind her. Then Yang lands on you. Owwwww. While being crushed into the floor your scroll buzzes, "who is it?" Yang asks as you pull your scroll out. You leap up throwing Yang off you, you look at the message again. "Oh Crap." You say.
"My brothers are coming to beacon." You answer. (Yep that's fucking right)
"What's wrong?" Ruby asks.
"That doesn't sound so bad" Blake says.
"Did I mention we're triplets, identical triplets. Well apart from the hair they dyed theirs."
"Wait there are more of you?" Yang's eyes glow.
"Don't get any ideas Yang. My brothers aren't like me personality wise." You explain "one's more, Weiss and the other's more. Ruby. I'm the most, fiery."
"So what are their names?" Weiss asks.
"There's Jack, he's like Ruby and Benson or Ben who's like Weiss."
"What's Jack's weapon?" Ruby asks excited.
"He'd be mad if I told you."
"So when are they getting here?" Weiss inquiries trying not to sound excited. You message your brothers.
"Oh noo..." You run quickly from the hall pulling Ozpin and Glynda backwards into the vacuum as you Sprint past. Ruby catches up to you. "We have an hour" you say before going even faster than before.

You get back to the dorm and work on cleaning the place up. Do I take down the posters or not? Jack likes posters but Ben likes art. "Oh damn it" you say clawing at your hair. The scroll buzzes again, we're bringing Crimson. Stopping you smile, Crimson is a puma you created from your fire. She managed to become sentient, she was a part of your soul. After you'd finished there was five minutes left so you head to the courtyard. The rest of your team was already there. "What are you guys doing here?" You panic. "Leave before they see you"
"Afraid of them meeting your girlfriend?" Yang pouts.
"Fine, but why are the others here?"
"Emotional support." Yang answers.

After a few minutes of waiting your brothers arrive, both are dressed in long trenchcoats that dust the ground Jack's purple and Ben's light blue. Both had backpacks matching their clothes and hair which was dyed. "welcome to beacon" you squeak ecstatically. All three of you hug in a circle. "Little brother there is a yellow haired girl waving at us." Ben says without breaking the hug. "Your three minutes older than me." You say "wait does she have lots of hair." You ask.
"Tons of it." Jack answers.
"That's my girlfriend, Yang." Jack immediately breaks the hug and rushes towards Ruby buzzing with electricity. "What's that?" He glares excited at her weapon.
"This is Crescent Rose" Ruby pulls out her scythe. Jack's eyes start glowing. Ruby fires a shot and Jack has put his hands over his head and onto a backpack which contained his weapon. "No Jack, from what Y/ N has told us his teammates are formidable opponents. Oh and Y/ N this is your's." He reaches at his trenchcoat pulling it back a black puma with a flaming mane ran at you. She jumps on you and you embrace her. "Crimson I missed you so much." You whisper in her ear. "Where's sky and blue."
"They're around." Ben says.
"What is that?" Blake asks as you put Crimson down.
"Its crimson"
"So she's like a pet?" Ruby says. All three of you gasp and gather in a circle again.
"She called a piece of your soul a pet, kill her." Jack suggests.
"I concur" says Ben
"Wait she's my teammate. No one at this school has a familiar."
"Fine but I still want to fight them" Ben says.
"No Ruby she's a piece of my soul. I'll explain later." You explain.
"Team RWBY excluding Y/N. We three brothers of the L/N family challenge you to a fight." Ben announces. They group into a circle and start talking. Eventually they break. Ruby takes a big breath "yes, race you to the arena" she sprints off and you roll your eyes before you and your brother's chase after her.

You and your brothers stood opposite team RWBY. The audience is quite a bit larger as Jack, Ben and you all go to different schools so there were three schools of friends. Velvet was counting down this time.
"5" not this again
"4" team RWBY draws their weapons.
"3" you place both hands on your case.
"2" Jack puts both his hands behind his head.
"1" Ben pulls out a suit case.
"GO!" Team RWBY runs toward you and the sound of three weapons transforming fills the air. Your flamer transforms in your hand. Jack pulls a huge cannon with a ball at the end it courses with visible electricity. Ben's suit case transforms into the smallest of your weapons but it has two barrels the rims frozen. Fire ice and electricity are all shot at team RWBY Blake is hit with a bolt of lightning and Ruby is frozen to the ground. Your fire blocks Yang's path to you and sets Weiss ablaze.

Ruby breaks out of the ice and sprints at Ben his Ice cannon changes into a scythe twice the size of him. He slashes Ruby back then into the air. Kicking her into the ground and finally knocking her out with a scythe to the face.

Blake gets up shaking off the electricity and charges Jack. He calmly puts the cannon back behind him and it changes back into a backpack. Blake has a smile on her face and carries on sword pulled out. Last minute Jack pulls out two swords linked to the backpack through cables. He blocks her sword and pulls a trigger. Electricity zaps through Blake's sword and knocks her out cold.

Weiss extinguishes her dress and leaps at you. Your flamer becomes a chainsaw and you flip over her. She gets uppercutted by your chainsaw and you jump up with her, you raise your hands and a death stalker made of flame knocks her into the ground with a huge flaming claw.

You and your brothers circle Yang. "Let's hope you live up to expectations. Goldielocks" Jack cackles.
"I wonder if you're good enough to date Y/N." Ben says.
"Go easy on us" you smile. Terrified. Ben and Jack shoot you peculiar looks. You whistle and Crimson leaps out of the audience. Ben and Jack do the same. A purple condor lands on the floor beside Ben and a large white bear crashes through the entrance and stands behind Ben. "Well I guess you've heard great things" she readies a fighters stance. You look at Jack and raise an eyebrow. He changes his swords into the cannon, "Meet Teslords" he laughs.
"Meet Crescent-Frost" Ben says readying his white scythe.
"You've already met my Flamesaw" you switch to the flamer. Ben dashes at her and slashes with his scythe Yang punches the tip and knocks Ben back he stops himself by digging the scythe into the ground. Jack shoots bolts of tesla at Yang and she convulses. While she's busy you set fire to her, her hair catches alight. No, oh Fuck no. Yang puts her hair out but about half an inch is singed off the ends burnt black. "You!" She shouts she punches her fists together and her hair glows golden. I'm so screwed. She charges at you and delivers a right hook then a left. Then uppercut to your jaw, she punches you into the ground then collapses as lightning leaves Jack's hand and hits her. While she's on the ground Crimson claws her with flame before leaping off her. Ben knocks her across the arena then helps you up. "She's not that good." He then hits the roof, Yang stands before you hair glowing she's really angry. "Love you" you say. She calms down and looks at you, "really?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
"For what?" You shroud her in flames and switch to the chainsaw. You drill it into her stomach and turn the flames on as high as they go. She is catapulted into the crowd on the other side of the arena, "no one messes with my bros" She gets up and is shot with Jack's cannon. He high fives you. Yang jumps back into the arena. Ben crashes through the roof and his scythe lands directly on Yang's head. She punches him up again then pummels him into the ground. Jack gets out his swords and attacks Yang she kicks him in the face then punches him in the stomach. Knocking him out. She looks at you and growls I shouldn't of pulled that trick. Yang puts her arm around your neck and slams you into the ground. She punches you into the ground. You kick her off you and Ben hooks her with the scythe and slams her into the ground. She grabs the scythe her hands freeze to it and she pulls it towards her and smashes Ben into the ground knocking him out. Oh dear. You throw away your flamer and concentrate your semblance. "Y/ N what are you doing?" Jack asks. You slam your hands on the ground shattering the arena floor your body lights on fire and you punch Yang in the stomach. She hunches over and you grab her head and knee her in the face knocking her out. You fall to the floor panting your head next to Yang's. "Ouch" she says.

-back at your dorm-

"So today was, interesting." Ben says still embarrassed at Yang knocking him out.
"We need to get back to our rooms, bye Y/N" Jack says before all three of you hug again. Weiss looks saddened at the thought of Ben leaving without proving herself to him. You were surprised at the speed most of team RWBY lost. And at how long Yang lasted. Weiss and Ruby decide to walk back with your brothers to their dorm and Blake was out with Sun.

After everyone leaves Yang looks at you a devilish grin on her face. Great. Yang pushes you against the wall holding your hands above your head. She grinds her hips against your crotch causing you to grow hard. She pushes you onto her bed and unbuckles your trousers. This had become a somewhat regular thing when your teammates left the room or while they were all asleep. Yang pulls down your trousers and boxers in one go and stares at your member. She takes your top off and kisses your neck, you take off her jacket and top. Then she wriggle off her skirt. You both lie there naked before you pull Yang in for a kiss. Opening her night stand draw you retrieve a condom. (Safety first) She tears it open with her teeth and rolls it down over your Cock. She has to hug close to you as if she didn't she'd hit her head. Lifting herself up she hovers over your member and rams herself down on it. She slowly moves her hips pulling you out then pushing you in, she's quite tight, and her warmth feels great on you. Her breasts against your chest she only has to bounce her hips to ride you. You kiss her neck and she gently bites your ear. "Yang, I love you" you say panting.
"I love you too Y/ N." She wraps her legs around your's and kisses you. You gently squeeze her breasts in your hands and she moans. She starts bouncing faster and she starts running her hand through your H/ C hair. "Maybe you should dye it to match your brothers" she suggests. Her hips are now moving faster than you though humanly possible the slapping of flesh and panting the only sounds. "Y/N" she pants, "Y/ N, I'm Cumming." She moans loudly.
"Me, me too" You yell. She lifts her self off then slams down on last time before she tenses. And fluids gush out of her she moans "Y/N" at the top of her lungs then collapses on you, you empty your load while still inside her. She rolls off you. "Should I really dye my hair red?" You ask.
"Yeah you'd look great." You hug Yang and pull her in for a long messy kiss which leaves saliva dripping from both your mouths. You detach from her and head to the bathroom where you put the condom in the bin and clean up. Yang lies on her bed. Closing the door you get a box of fire red hair dye out of your bag you'd kept it for if you'd decided to go red.

As you leave the bathroom you see Yang in her pyjamas curled in a ball. Asleep. The rest of your team hadn't come back yet so, you go to look for them with your new red hair. You message your brothers and find them in the library. "Hey Y/N" your hair's red now" Jack chirps. Everyone looks at you surprised and Crimson comes to greet you. You give her a hug then put her down. They seemed to be playing a board game. "I'm going to bed guys see you in the morning" you announce before leaving.
"Tomorrow we work on those clothes of yours" Ben says looking at your F/C hoodie and trousers. Weiss nods In Agreement. You wouldn't mind wearing the trenchcoat get up to be honest. Getting Crimson to follow you, you head back to your room. You get changed then jump onto your bed and Crimson hops on top of you when your under the blankets.

Author's notes- dude I didn't know you had a brother or two that's great. I'll do my best to draw pictures of your family's weapons I'm an okay drawer. I don't really have anything to say for the end of this chapter. However this is my largest chapter. Almost three thousand words long. *wipes tear away* it's so beautiful especially considering last chapter was my first ever lemon. And yes I am trying to make this author's note cover the remaining few words before three thousand. I have a few more ideas on stories to write but I'm New to wattpad and RWBY is the only popular fanfiction I'd like to write. Back on I used to write
Ark: Survival evolved fanfiction. Happy three thousand words yay me!

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