The Armoury

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Author's Notes - It is me, again. Zenith and I have another juicy chapter full of what we all love. Fanfiction, otherwise we wouldn't be here, now let us begin...

"Get up!" Someone shouted at you and pulled you out of the bed. "I gave you this building to work from not to fucking have sex!" He shouted again. After you had recovered from the shouting man you looked to see it was Zenith. "This is going to be a massive fucking pain in the ass to clean. Get up!" He pulled you to your feet "Neo, leave I'm sure your boss has business with you." He threw Neo's clothes at her and she caught them before leaving. Zenith rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Did. Did you even look at the armament we have stored in the basement?" You shook your head. "You humans are actually more excited by sex than new tech. Ahh!" He pushed you back onto the bed and left. "Put some fucking clothes on and meet me downstairs." He growled before leaving the room and slamming the door. you could hear him shouting again outside and someone reply to him. "Yes sir, I will be on it immediately." The familiar voice of Mr Killer replied. Mr Killer opened the door and placed a set of armour on the end of your bed, it was black with red details and very obviously built for combat. It didn't look very sturdy though. There was a light fitted to the side of the helmet and a retractable black visor. "Courtesy of Master Zenith, it will stop anything from a blaster round to a doomsday cannon." He said before leaving. "For a Butler he is pretty rude. Don't you think?"

"Yes" You answered simply before changing into the combat armour.

"You haven't forgot our deal. Have you?" The Demon asked as you place your helmet on top of your head and retracted the visor. There was a tech panel on your left wrist which was touch screen and displayed your heart rate and current mood. Error. Was what it read. "Huh, so much for fancy technology" You smirked. Proud. The screen read. "Fuck you, you're a suit of armour." After you had an argument with the wrist mounted device you walked out of your room to find Monochrome, Dexter and Aqua lined up. Aqua embraced you in a hug. "I was going to say hello last night. But you seemed a bit busy." She taunted punching your arm. They were all dressed in the same combat armour, Mono's was black and white. Dexter's was black and green and Aqua's was black and blue. "Master Zenith has asked me to escort you to the basement." Mr Killer said approaching you and your team. You could now see that he had a rapier by his waist, similar to Weiss' but had no apparent Dust, it was also about twice as long. He began walking away downstairs and you followed him. The house was old but well kept, a few of the floorboards creaked as you stepped over them. When you made it to the basement you saw Zenith staring at Aqua's eyebot. "Does this. Thing. Have an AI." He asked turning around to face you. "No. And his name his Blue." Aqua growled at Zenith who looked hr up and down with a look of pity. "So, are you the addict or the assassin?" He showed his teeth at her. You could see that he struck a nerve on both her and Monochrome. "T-t-the As-assassin." She choked on her words. "And your black and white friend must be the addict. And you.." He circled Dexter, "You are the poor bastard who lost his family. To what was it again?" He looked down at Dexter.

"Grimm sir." He didn't back down at Zenith's challenge barely even moving.

"I like you. You're strong." He smirked before turning to you, "And your just a guy who's girlfriend cheated on him." He chuckled causing you to be slightly annoyed. "And now that you're all disheartened, onto business, after all. We do have many, many things ahead of us. And don't worry you'll all get what you want by the time this is over. Now here are your tools of war." He pressed a button and the furthest brick wall spun and the room was illuminated in light, there was a huge variety of weapons available. You could see Aqua forget what happened before and rush towards the weapons. "Not yet." Zenith flipped her onto her back, "You will not know what this stuff is or what it does. That is the only reason I am here. To show you." He pressed another button and the room extended into a shooting range with fast moving targets at the end of it. Zenith picked up an assault rifle looking weapon and flipped it. "This my dear students is an disintegration rifle. Most deadly and will take out most people's aura in one or two shots. It can switch from automatic to single action, unfortunately when in automatic it will overheat in a few seconds. There are scope and range attachments available and the sound of a shot is quiet enough to not need a silencer." He aimed across the room and fired at one of the targets; it exploded into dust and fell to the floor. "Make sure what you're shooting at is what you want to kill, the damage caused by this cannot be survived by humans. Or Grimm." He threw the rifle to monochrome and reached for a grenade like weapon. "This is the single most powerful weapon here. In orbit around Remnant is a ship. A Tyrant class Artillery Cruiser designed by me, it is called the Aquarius. This grenade and the four others you have are homing beacons for a weapon to horrible to use. However the beam can be focused to destroy only a few targets. Use these wisely as you won't be getting anymore." He threw the ordinance beacon to Aqua who handled it with glee and inquisition. Zenith walked over to the wall of weapons again. "Now, I've seen the weapons you're up against, the Ember Celica, Gambol Shroud, Crescent Rose; and the list goes on. And personally I think all your weapons are inferior." This caused a commotion amongst all four of you. "yes Y/N you beat Yang, but it was close and only after she had been weakened by your brother's. I you're going to..." Zenith smirked "Kill her; then you are going to need upgrades." He grabbed a gun metal grey box and tossed it to you, you pulled the trigger and it transformed into a far superior Flamesaw. It was lighter but felt sturdier and filled with endless possibilities, the nozzle was further spread for wider range of attack. When you pulled the trigger again you were greeted by the friendly face of your chainsaw, but there were two instead of one, side by side. "Try it again, there is a new setting." Zenith smiled, pleased with his creation. You complied and pressed the trigger again, the metal expanded and clawed its way around your body until finally settling - in a form you recognised as an exo suit. There were smaller chainsaws attached to your arms from the back of your hands, a long chain was wrapped around each arm and could be used as whips. "I like it." You chuckled "Does it come in red?"

Author's Notes - And that is an end to another beautiful chapter. Well almost beautiful. Probably because I wrote half on one day and the other on another. Anyway don't forget to vote and share with whoever you think may like. Zenith out...

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