chapter 1: new kids? (edited)

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Yuma POV

'blah blah blah blah, this class is so boring, I feel like I want to pass out I said to myself, I looked next to me Kotori, busy taking notes, like the good person she is, I sighed a little nap won't hurt me right?

"Yuma!, Tsukumo Yuma! wake up immediately" I jumped at the sound, I jump out of my seat drooling and shocked, "y-yes sir!?" I was gasping that was scary "I don't want this behavior in my class, if you do this again I'll send you to the principals' office!" Mr kay shouted I nodded "good you may take your seat" I sat down I have never seen him this mad before, Kotori facepalmed, and sighed, "I told you not to sleep in class!" Kotori whispered at me "tsk" I looked at the board things I don't understand the lesson,

and I never will

- words from a dumb 13-year-old

*knock knock* Mr kay stopped his lesson, he opened the door, a very pale kid with blue hair that looked weird and another one with the same hair but black and his skin a bit darker than the other one, "ah! students meet the new students, can you introduce yourselves?"

everyone looked at the two of them "I'm astral" "I'm mist" pffft- who names their child mist (my mom named my sister mist so shush Yuma) and astral he- well I got nothing bad to say about his name, I think it means about stars or something, I don't know,

"astral, you may sit down in front of Yuma, Yuma please stand up so astral knows who you are," I stood up from my seat, why, I looked up at him he reached the seats, he went in front of me looked at me "tsk, weirdo" what. did. he. just. say?!, he then sat down, "and mist you may sit next to astral" this mist guy then sat next to astral, and looked behind "your right he is a weirdo" excuse me!? how did he hear this dude saying I'm a weirdo, he's like next to the teacher, I'm at the back like what?!, "excuse me?!" "Yuma, astral, and mist, no talking in class" the three of us nodded, I swear I think I saw those two smirks, the lesson continued


*ding ding ding*

It's lunchtime now. YES I got up from my seats other students run-up to astral, mostly the girls I could hear things like "omg! can I be your friend?!" and "w-would you come and e-eat with me?!" and "MARRY ME" :0... Kotori got up from her seat too, and went to astral, "Hi I'm Kotori" "I don't care" gasps and silence filled the room, "u-h, sorry" she laughed nervously she then sighed and went out of the classroom, and astral stood up "mist lets go and eat" "yeah yeah, move!" after about a minute the girls still won't get away, to be honest, I started eating and watch them, this is very entertaining to watch hehe, well eventually mist snapped "MOVE! YOUR ALL ANNOYING!" the girls ran probably scared, I snorted, no guy dared to yell at girls before, I think I was some of them crying,

"what are you laughing at weirdo?" I looked up, astral is staring at me, eye to eye hands-on my desk, back like what principals do when you're in trouble pose I sweated "he-he-" I laughed suspiciously "YUMA! why did you start eating here let's go!" I looked at the door frame to see Kotori, I looked back at astral and then went away, I grabbed my lunch and ran next to tori, those eyes look like the devil himself I shivered

"astral's eyes look like they were soulless when looking at me," I said to Kotori "you also noticed? he looked at me when I introduce myself, he looked creepy" I nodded he is creepy, he also had mismatched eyes, "he looks weird" she nodded "who are you calling weird weirdos?" me and Kotori frozen, that wasn't astral's voice, we looked back to see mist!

"Who are you calling weird huh?!" "w-we weren't talking about you!"

Kotori stuttered "I know that! who is the weird one eh?!"

"asstrash-" oh shit- I said that out loud I covered my mouth "excuse me?" fuck fuck fuck fuck

"What did you just call my brother?!" asstrash lol Kotori snorted

he grabbed me by the collar, bitch fuck- we in the hallway the hell are the teachers at?!

"if I hear you call my brother that again" he dropped me I landed on my butt

"you will be sorry"


"wait did you follow us?" Kotori looked at mist,

"no" he then walked away


"Pretty sure he followed us"

she agreed

"hey Kotori?"


"you haven't hit me all day"

"why want me to hit you?"


"you called astral asstrash please-"

we both snorted Kotori laughed


MR kay?!


end of chapter one lmao I'm trying to reach about 100 words,


words: 800

day: 22/09/2021

also, it's almost my birthday lol

anyways bye


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