Sleep Talking (EMBARRASSING)

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Snow's P.O.V
I'm sitting in my room at the lab with Chaud the rrbz member, HEALING HIM! I have no clue why but I feel like I should help him. Like I need to cause it hurts me to see him like that. Even if I'm the one who did it. "I hope I didn't hurt you too bad, but you never learn." I say. "And to tell the truth you look cute when sleeping." I say quietly to myself. To my surprise he chuckled, I jumped at the sound. "Are you awake?" I asked. Hopeing for no answer. Then he spoke, "hmmm, Snow no Keara, no I need to think! I love, I love, argh! I love them both!!" He yelled in frustration and I felt happy from what he was saying and a slight blush slid to my cheeks. Except he started crying, I didn't know what to do, he really looked mixed up. I shook him and he didn't wake up. I was scared! So I got professor, luckily he had a drink thing that woke him up. He was crying, I hugged him. First he looked shocked but hugged back. Im just happy he's okay and stopped crying!

Chaud's P.O.V

I was beaten by Snow again. I didn't mind I'm used to it. But I started thinking. Why did I say that "Fiesty I like that." Then I passed out. For some reason I do think I like that in her. I only said HER. Now here's the trick, I like Keara and Snow. I looked up and saw two pictures, Keara smiling at me on my left and Snow smiling at me on my right. "Hmm Snow no Keara, no I need to think! I love, I love, argh! I love them both!!" I yelled at the pictures. They merged into on picture straight infront of me. 'If it were only that easy' I thought. I feel to my knees and.... Cried. I cried cause I can't choose the girl I love more, I really love them both. I felt someone try to wake me, but I didn't want to wake up I wanted to stay and cry in this dream forever. Hopeing my problems would stay out there as I stayed in here. A little later I felt myself swallow something. I instantly woke up still crying. I looked up to see a relieved Snow who came and hugged me. At first I was shocked, was she worrying? I shrugged it off and hugged back. It really felt nice.
When she let go she smiled. Then this lab coat dude ruined the moment. "Ok you and your brothers can go home now, your all healed up!" He said. I didn't wanna leave but I listened and dragged myself home, still sucked up in thoughts of Snow and Keara.

Blossom's P.O.V

I was at the lab with my evil counter part HEALING HIM for some reason. Its like a nerve in my body wanted me to help. So I followed my gut and healed him. Now he's sleep peacefully. "Your cuter than expected when sleeping." I sighed. He snickered, which startled me. "A-ar-are you a-awake?" I luckily got no response. Then "Why is this so hard!? I can't have them both! Its Momoko or Blossom I gotta choose!!! I-This -Why is this so HARD?!?!?!?!" He yelled in frustration. I don't know why but I was alittle glad he said that. Then he started crying. He looked so sad. I tried to wake him, but failed. I got the professor from Keara's room. I told him the problem and he gave Brick some drink. Then he woke up tears falling. All I could do is hug him. He was hesitant but hugged back. I'm glad he's alright now.

Brick's P.O.V

I remember my Blossy beating me again. Its okay the usual. I open my eyes to see two pictures of the girls I really love most. First Momoko smiling at me on my left and Blossom smiling at me on my right. I cant choose. "Why is this so hard!? I can't have them both! Its Momoko or Blossom I gotta choose!!! I-This-Why is this so HARD?!?!?!?!" I yelled at the pictures now upset. They came together as one.'I wish.' Then I started...Crying. I really don't know. I felt my body being moved, but I stayed still, crying in my confusing dream. I didn't want to leave it, I could cry here forever and forget my problems. Then I drunk something that woke me up. When I did, I was still crying. Then Blossy hugged me. I was alittle hesitant but did hug back. After she stopped hugging she gave me warm smile. Then "You should go back home, Chaud is already there alone and all healed up. He might like your company." Lab coat dude said. I didn't want to but did as told, thinking of the dream the whole time.

Bubbles's P.O.V

I was healing Boomer from the damage I've done. The others were complaining to themselves but I didn't mind. "Boomie you look so adorable while sleeping." I said. He laughed a bit. Oh no did he hear me. "Boomer are you a-a-awake?" I asked. "Ahh, this isn't fair! They are both special to me, I love them both! Miyako and Bubbles are too important for me to chose one!" Boomer yelled in his sleep. I giggled while a blush left my cheeks. He then quietly started sobbing, which turned to full cries. I wanted to wake him but he wouldn't get up. I ran and got the professor from Momoko's room. He said "No need to explain he won't wake up correct?" I nodded. He gave Boomer a drink that woke him up. He was still crying and breathing heavily. I wrapped him in a tight hug. After he realized I was hugging him he hugged back. Im soo happy he's alright.

Boomer's P.O.V

I'm in a dream. I realized this while looking at two pics. I (obviously) just got beaten (again) by bubbles. Well on the pictures I saw the two girls that mean the world to me. It was Miyako on my left and Bubbles on my right. Both were smiling right at me. I'm guessing I have to choose? "Ahh this isn't fair! They are both special to me, I love them both! Miyako and Bubbles are too important for me to choose one!" I yelled into nothing. I was stuck. Then the pictures became one. 'As if' I thought. Then I started to...cry. I'm just...stuck. I felt shaking and moving but I wasn't getting up. I could just cry out my issues down here, forever. Then I drank some drink that woke me up. I was still crying and breathing heavily. Then Bubbles hugged me. It took a while to notice. Once I focused I hugged back. Then she let go and smiled. The lab coat sighed. "Boomer now that your up and healed, I recommend going home. Your brothers: Chaud and Brick are probably already there. Just waiting for you and the others." He said. I nodded and walked home. "I have a headache from all this thinking." I mumbled while continuing walking.

Buttercup's P.O.V

I'm in the room healing the Baka Fido. Otherwise known as (yep you guessed it) Butch the Rowdyruff. I wanted to leave him but I didn't. "Wow, butch actually looks...innocent while sleeping." I said shocked while looking at him. Then he laughed, I'm guessing at me. "You laughing at me Fido?!" I yelled. I got an surprising answer."Oh my little hotties. OK so who better, let me think. Buttercups awesome but so is Koaru. But who do I...LOVE? Argh!"
He yelled in anger and sadness. 'He loves me?!, Is all I could think of. Then he quietly sobbed. I tried waking him but he didn't wake up. So I slaped him. He flinched but didn't wake up. I ran and got professor. He shshed me and made Butch drink something. Luckily he woke up with tears running down his face. I slapped him. "Don't scare me like that again!" I yelled. Which he was surprised to, then I surprisingly hugged him. He was surprised too. Finally he hugged back. But I'll have revenge. It'll be so sweet.

Butch's P.O.V

I was knocked out cause my butterbabe just k.o.ed me. I look up at these two pictures in front of me. They were the two most beautiful girls ever, and I had to choose. With Koaru on my left smiling and Buttercup deviously smirking. To me they both were the best things ever. "Oh my little hotties. So who better, let me think. buttercup is awesome but so is Koaru. But who do I....LOVE? Argh!" I yelled confused. The pictures merged together to one picture, 'That'd be a miracle.' I thought.
I went soft. I couldn't help myself. I just stood there quietly sobbing to myself. I felt shaking, then I felt a slap. I flinched but kept crying. I was to sad to leave or wake up. Then I found myself drinking something, then I woke up. I still had tears running down my face. Then buttercup slaped me. I'm completely shocked. Then "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" She yelled. Maybe she does care? Then she hugged me, soon later I hugged back. She let go smirking at me. I really blush light pink. "I heard what you said in your sleep." She said. I blushed redder. The last thing she said was 'Revenge Fido'. "You should go Chaud Brick and Boomer are waiting for you and Blitz but first you must go." I defeatedly leave. Thinking of my girls the whole way home.

Bunny's P.O.V

I was helping Blitz heal. For what reason: I have no clue, I just am O.K! Now that I look at him "Ya know ya don't look to bad while sleeping, Blitz *pause* y." I said. Blitz-y I like it. Then Blitz chuckled. What if he heard me. "Are you, by any chance a-awake.?" I nervously asked him. Silence, *whew* that's good. "Ill go for Wisp no for Bunny. Who do I choose if I can't decide!? I really love them both too much!!" He angrily yelled. I stayed calm on the outside but inside I exploded. (Hey I am bunny) Then he started to cry. I wanted him to stop and wake but he didn't. I ran right to the professor. He didn't say anything or let me talk, just poured something in Blitz's mouth. He drank it then woke up quickly. I jumped on him with a bone breaking hug. (He's superhuman he can handle it.) He looked confused but hugged back, still lost and stopped crying. He's okay and that's great but, he likes me!?!

Blitz's P.O.V

I was thinking about how I lost till I saw two pictures. One had a smiling Wisp on my left and a smiling Bunny on my right. I knew I was dreaming but still, I have to choose. "I'll go for Wisp no Bunny. Who do I choose if I can't decide?! I really love them both too much!!" I yelled really angry. I'm trying to choose staring at some stupidly beautiful pictures. They came together and made one. 'I can keep dreaming' I thought to myself. Then I cried. I was being woken up but I stayed asleep. Then I just drunk something.I instantly woke up. Then got tackled by bunny. It hurt and I was startled but hugged back and stopped crying. She smiled, then coat man said "umm..your brother are at home probably waiting for you so umm you may want to go and not leave them waiting." 'I don't wanna' I mumbled before leaving. I was still thinking on the way home, but whatevs.
Well that was a long chapter all in all my longest with over 2,000 words. Wow I know right, I'd never make one this long. It took me forever cause no internet for a while but oh well. Its done its done.
I hoped ya liked it...bye peeps!

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