Chapter 4: Blackness with bright lights

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Natsu P.O.V.
"Ok I will do defences first. From light magic. WING BALL!!" Ashley screams. As she says that white wings wrap around her. "Amazing!" Mira shouted. "You better believe it Mira! This girl can sweep your feet in a mili second!" I shout. "Next is from black magic. SOUL BARRIER!!" Then black branches with blood in them wrap around her. There you could hear screams. "Now two offenses." Says gramps. Mira puts a fake target in front of her. "RAINBOW SHARD!!" She lifts her hand palm facing the target as shards of colored glass shoot from her plam. The target was cut into peices! "Now for black magic attack!" I shout. Mira puts a new target. "SHADOW.... BALL!!!" A black ball appears and goes inside the target. Then it exploded!!! "That was amazing!" Gramps shouts. Mira giver her a mark! "Ok! What color and where do you want it?" Asks mira to Ashley. "I want black with white flames. On my right hip please!" Ashley says. "Ok!" Mira says. She stamps it on her. She is now an official member. YAAASSSS. "LETS HAVE A PARTY FOR OUR NEW MEMBER!" Someone shouts. "YAAAAAAA!!!!" Everyone screams. Party time! "HOORAY FOR ASHLEY!!!" I scream. "HOORAH!!!" Everyone screams.

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