Big Suprises

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'Lilly's POV'

When I wake up in the morning I'm on the floor in the medical room where I fell asleep. I stand up and look at Felix; he's still asleep. I don't want him to leave, he feels like family. But it's what's best for him.... Or so I've been told.

I walk up to the bridge and see the guys, Nya, Sensei, Garmadon and Misako. Nya is finding us a route to the airport, the guys are eating and Misako, Garmadon and Sensei are talking.

I walk in and stand beside Nya

"Hey, how are you feeling" she asks and looks to me

"Okay, I guess" I find a smile and put it on my face

"It'll be okay Lilly, they'll be able to take care of him better then we can" Cole says

"Ya, and if they have kids then he'll have lots of fun" Jay smiles happily

'Felix's POV'

I wake up and nobody is in the medical room with me. I run up to the bridge and hear everybody talking about my 'aunt and uncle'... I don't have an aunt and uncle....

'Lilly's POV'

I only notice Felix when he speaks up

"Uh, Illy" he asks sheepishly

"Morning Felix! What's up" I ask, refusing to cry in front of the small boy

"I heard you talking about leaving me with my aunt and uncle..." He trails off and looks at the ground. I let a single tear run down my cheek

"Ya Felix, they're your legal guardians now" Kai speaks up

"Your going to live with them" Lloyd walks and stands beside me

"But.... I don't have an aunt or uncle..." he looks up to me with his big, dark blue eyes

"What?!?!" Nya shouts

"Then who are we meeting!?" Jay panics

"Calm down ninja. When we get to the airport do not let them anywhere near Felix, we will figure out who these people are when we arrive" Sensei says calmly

"Wait! Does this mean that Felix is gonna live with us?!" I ask hopefully

"Yes Lilly" Sensei nods. I'm filled with happy feelings. Felix squeals as I pick him up and spin him around

"Yay! I'm gonna stay with you Illy!!" Felix giggles

"You sure are Felix" I smile.

Nya lands the bounty by the airport and we all hop off. When we get into the airport a black haired woman and a brown haired man run up to us, Felix hides behind me

"Felix, it's been so long!!" The woman exclaims

"Are you ready to come to your new home buddy" the man asks happily

"I'm not going with you" Felix shouts

"O-of course you are" the woman smiles nervously

"No he isn't" I add firmly

"Zane, please scan these two" Sensei asks

"Yes Sensei" Zane says and scans the man and the woman "Sensei, they are in no way related to Felix. He was telling the truth, he does not have any other relatives" Zane looks to everyone as he speaks

"So who are you two" Kai asks and crosses his arms

"Fine-" the woman starts but the man cuts her off

"Don't tell them anything" he growls, she shuts her mouth right away

"Let her speak!" Cole shouts, the woman starts again

"We wanted the boy because we were going to sell him" She says, the man just glares at her

"That's awful!" Nya shouts

"How do you sleep at night" Misako asks

"Why would you even think of doing that to a child?! As long as I'm around, you will never go near him!" I yell at them

"Look, it's just business" the woman tells me

"Business?!?!" Jay screams

"Well now you know! What do you plan on doing with us?!" The man speaks harshly

"We don't plan on doing anything with you, that's their job" Cole answers and points to the two police who were listening to the whole conversation.

We walk back to the bounty happily. Nobody speaks until we're in the living room. Lloyd, Felix and I sit on the couch, Lloyds arm around my shoulders and Felix falling asleep on my lap

"Hey guys, the weddings in a few days, we've gotta get Felix a suit" Lloyd points out

"He can be the ring bearer!" Jay shouts

"That'll be perfect!" Nya squeals

"Your excited I take it" Misako laughs lightly

"I think excited is an understatement" I smile, everybody laughs

"Ya.... ummm I've.... I've got an announcement to make...." Nya stands up and motions for Jay to stand up with her, he walks up and puts his hand over hers on her stomach

"We were going to wait until the wedding to tell everyone, but I can't wait anymore. I'm pregnant!" Nya shouts. Everyone cheers and claps. I hand Felix to Lloyd

"Nya!! Congratulations!!" I scream and hug her

"Thank you Lilly" she laughs, Kai walks up to us as I release her

"Jay..." he starts, Jay looks like he's prepared for the worst "take good care of her" he smiles and hugs Jay.

Jay looks surprised but hugs him back. They release and he turns to Nya

"Good luck sis" Kai says and hugs her

"Thanks Kai" She smiles and hugs him back

"Congratulations, all the best wishes to you and your new addition" Misako hugs Nya as well, Nya thanks her, still smiling happily

"This is exciting news, I am happy for the two of you" Sensei smiles at them

"I'm sure you will both be great parents" Garmadon smiles also

"I wish you good luck" Cole pats Jay on the back

"Thanks Cole" Jay laughs

"Hey Lilly" Lloyd calls me

"Ya" I prompt as I walk over to him and the now sleeping Felix

"We should get him to sleep" Lloyd says and motions to the sleeping brunet in his arms

"Here, let me take him" I say and take Felix out of Lloyds arms

"Night Felix!!" Jay yells, not noticing that he's asleep

"Shut up Jay!" Lloyd shouts

"Why?" Jay asks quietly

"He is asleep" Zane answers

I smile as I carry the small boy out to Lloyds old room, or as it's now referred to as; Felix's room. I set him down in bed and kiss him on the forehead

"Goodnight Felix" I whisper as I close the door to his room.

When I go back out to the living room it's buzzing with the excitement of Nya's pregnancy, and the wedding that's in two days.

We talk and laugh for hours.

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