Felix Garmadon

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'Lilly's POV'

The next week passed quickly. In that week I had gone for my, now monthly, doctors appointment to see how the baby's doing.

We'd also moved Lloyd's stuff into my room, as we are going to be sharing a room from now on. That leaves his old room empty for the baby.

Lloyd, Felix and I walk into the adoption agency. We walk to the lady sitting at the front desk. She looks to us

"Hello, um, we made an appointment for today" I say quickly

"Names?" She questions

"Lloyd and Lilly Garmadon" I answer

"Alright, if you three would sit down I'll go get Tina" she stands up and walks into a door on the other side of the room

A few minutes later she walks out the door, being followed by a redheaded girl, who I assume is Tina

"Mr. and Mrs. Garmadon" she calls. Felix, Lloyd and I stand up "hi, I'm Tina, I'll be the one helping you adopt this child today. Please, follow me to my office." We follow her down a few halls and into a nice, bright office. We sit down and she starts explaining how this is going to work.

At the end of her explanation she asks Felix "are you absolutely sure that you want these two to be your adoptive parents?"

Lloyd and I look to Felix, who is sitting on Lloyd's lap "Yes, I am positive" he answers

"Alright," Tina smiles "I need you to sign here, here, here and here" she gives both me and Lloyd pens and gets us to sign a bunch of papers

"Congratulations, you are now legally the parents of Felix Garmadon" Felix squeals happily and hugs Lloyd tightly. He then runs over and hugs me

We walk out of Tina's office "thank you" I smile at her

"It was my pleasure" she hugs me, it surprises me at first, but I find myself hugging her back "congratulations".

We soon arrive back at the monastery and Nya's waiting for us at the door. As soon as she sees us she smiles and hugs us

"Congratulations Lilly"

"Thank you Nya"

She then releases and I see Cole

"There's my new nephew!" Cole throws Felix into the air and the brunette giggles wildly.

There is lots of congratulation that night, but Lloyd and I are happy to have Felix finally belong to us.

Felix has begun to call me mom, and Lloyd dad.

The next few months pass without any problems, I'm now six months pregnant, and things had been going really well... Until that night...

I walk into Felix's room to put him to bed. That's when I see him; Evil Lloyd stands in the shadows of Felix's room

"Felix! Come here, now!" I scream. He jumps up and runs to me, hugging my leg

"What is it mom?" He asks, he then proceeds to follow my gaze to Evil Lloyd

"Felix, go find the others!" I never move my eyes from Evil Lloyd

"Dad!" Felix calls as he runs away from his room

"Lilly, I see you're going to be a mother again" he reveals himself "how nice"

"What do you want from me Evil Lloyd?"

"Oh dear, you know what I want." he runs towards me.

'Lloyd's POV'

Felix runs into the living room, screaming for me

"Dad! The Evils' are here!! Mom needs help!" He screams. Everyone shoots up

"Where is she?!" I ask

"In my room!" He begins to run to his room. We follow him in a panic.

'Lilly's POV'

I hold Evil Lloyd away from me as well as I can. The guys get there quickly

"Lilly!" Nya yells and runs in front of me. I get to Felix as quickly as I can

"Nya, get out of there!" I scream as the other Evils' come out of the shadows

"Lilly, take Gwen, Jackson and Felix on the Ultra Dragon, get away from here!" Sensei begins to fight the Evils' as well

"Mom! Dad!" Jackson and Gwendolyn scream in unison

"We'll contact you when it's safe to come back!" Misako calls, as the Evils' begin attacking her as well

"No..." I feel like crying

"Lilly, go!" Lloyd yells. He holds his Evil away from himself

"Felix, Gwen, Jackson, lets go!" They follow me quickly out of the monastery.

I signal the Ultra Dragon and we fly into the night sky

"Illy, will mommy and daddy be okay?" Gwen asks

"Yes, they'll be fine" I tell them

"I hope so" Jackson sighs.

Where do I take them? I wonder. We can't just fly around for hours, I'm sure the kids are getting tired...

I think about going to my dad's house, but I'm sure that's the first place the Evils would check for us.

I land The Ultra Dragon in a small clearing in Ninjago's deepest forest

"Try and get some sleep" I take off my big, baggy sweater, leaving me in a tank top and pants, and lay it overtop of the three children. They lay on the second set of seats on the Ultra Dragon.

I set my hand on my baby bump. I hold my necklace and begin talking to my mom

"Mom, if you can help them in any way, please, please, please, help them..." I whisper. I feel her presence, then it's gone...

I end up falling into a light sleep, only waken up by my commutation device ringing

"Yes?" I answer

"Lilly, we're all safe and the Evils' retreated, it's safe for you to come home," Misako's voice sounds much calmer then it did when I left. I hear Nya's voice in the background

'Is she alright?' Nya asks

"Alright, I'm on my way." I tell them and climb into the drivers seat on the dragon.

'Lloyd's POV'

The Evils' disappeared soon after Lilly left. I will not let her die... I will protect her with my life!

Lilly gets home quickly and I rush out to see her

"Are you alright?" I ask

"Yes Lloyd, I'm fine," she answers, smiling. I help her off of the Ultra Dragon and wrap her in my arms. She kisses my cheek and I can tell that she's still smiling

I hear the others run out and we pull away from the warm embrace that I was holding her in

"I'm so glad that you're all alright..." Lilly trails off and looks to the ground

"The Evils' didn't stand a chance against us!" Kai exclaims confidently

"Actually, Kai, they had a great chance of beating us," Zane tells him. Nya and Jay pick Jackson and Gwen up and I get the sleeping Felix.

"Was anyone injured?" Lilly lifts her head as she speaks

"No, do not worry Lilly," my father speaks calmly and Lilly breathes a sigh of relief

'Lilly's POV'

"All you need to worry about is keeping yourself safe," I know what Misako tells me is true. But I know I'll still worry about the others...

"Until the baby is born, Lilly must not be left alone, since she is the one they want to destroy," Sensei says.

All at once the guys and Nya say; "yes Sensei"

"Great, now, everyone to bed," we turn and walk into the monastery.

I tuck Felix in with Lloyd and then proceed to go to Lloyd and I's bedroom. I sit on the bed and hold my head in my hands

"Lilly, what's wrong?" I hear Lloyd close the door and look up to him

"I can't do it Lloyd... What if they kill someone because of me?! I can't just watch helplessly as you all fight them! I can't do it!" I begin to scream as tears fill my eyes and run down my hot cheeks

Lloyd sits beside me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest "Lilly, until the baby is born, you can't use your powers, you know that... So until then, let me protect you, I won't let them hurt you. And the others can handle themselves... We'll all get through this, together," he tells me, petting my hair all the while

"B-but... They'll target the baby after it's born..." I let out a sob, muffling it with my hand

"Lilly," Lloyd pulls away just enough to look me straight in the eyes "I will not let them harm you, Felix, the others, or the baby... I promise you that..." I smile through my tears and push my lips to his.

I believe him, I trust him, I love him. All worry has been pushed to the back of my mind by the time we pull away

"Thank you..." I whisper softly. He lifts his hand and wipes away any tears that remained on my cheeks

"Try and get some sleep," he stands up. I nod and crawl under the covers.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

It doesn't take me long to fall deeply into sleep.

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