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'Lilly's POV'

Over a year passes. The Evil Ninja haven't "attacked" us, but they've been showing up around Felix more and more frequently. The twins have grown quite a bit, they're now four years old. Felix turned eight a few months ago, and Ari is only one year old, yet he's already learned to speak and walk.

Everyone sits in the dining room. No matter how much we think about it, we can't figure out why they haven't actually attacked us, and have only been around Felix for the past year...

I sit beside Lloyd, who holds Felix on his lap, Ari sitting on my lap.

"They must know something about him that we don't," Kai shakes his head

"But what?" Jay sighs

"Whatever he has, they want..." Lloyd looks down to the brunette sitting on his lap

"Why would they want anything from me? I'm just a regular kid," Felix looks to the table and plays with the hem of his shirt, almost nervously. My eyes widen and my breathing hitches, everyone looks to me

Suddenly, I remember something. It was the night of Felix's eighth birthday...

~Flashback~ A Few Months Ago~

I heard a muffled scream come from Felix's room. Standing up from my spot on my bed, I rushed to his room and threw the door open. Felix sat in the corner as a shadow, one that resembled Evil Lloyd, disappeared. But he was holding something... A needle?

A lamp was broken, but it was on the other side of the room.

"Felix, what happened?!" I asked in panic as I made my way to him quickly

"E-Evil Lloyd... H-he... The lamp.. I..." he couldn't finish his sentience, but I didn't force him to. I held him close to my chest and pet his hair as he began to calm down...

~End of Flashback~

I assumed that Evil Lloyd had broken the lamp and didn't put much more thought into it. But, now I realize that it could be more

"Lilly, what's wrong?" Nya asks

"Zane, I need you to do a background check on Felix's family!" I demand, looking to the Nindroid. He blanks out, coming back to reality after only a few minutes

"Alright, I have found his family tree. What would you like to know?" He asks

"Were any of them Elemental Masters?"

"Hmmm...." I can see him concentrate "yes... His great, great, great grandfather, on his father's side, was The Master Of Air..." He answers "but it seems that his powers were not passed on to any of his children, or their children, or their children... That includes Felix's father,"

"Lilly, what-" I cut Cole off, they haven't caught on to what I'm thinking yet

"Sensei, is it possible that Felix could have inherited his great, great, great grandfathers powers, even though his father never had it?" I look to Sensei

"Yes, that has happened before, and it makes the powers very strong, and therefore very dangerous, especially if he ends up in the wrong hands," he nods as he speaks

"So that's what they want; his powers," Kai, finally catching on nods his head. The others nod as well.

I look to Felix and ask him, "why didn't you tell me you broke the lamp?" I ask. His eyes widen and he averts his gaze, bringing it to the floor between myself and him

"I... I didn't want you to think I was a freak... I thought you'd get rid of me... So I kept it to myself..." His blue eyes fill with tears. Lloyd speaks before I can

"Felix, we would never get rid of you. Never."

"Never," I repeat

"Never," Ari smiles. Felix looks back up and smiles as well

"So, if they're after powers, wouldn't they go after Ari as well? He did inherit Lloyd's power, after all," Jay asks

"No, it is likely that they want to attack us soon," Sensei starts

"And Ari is to young for them to manipulate his powers, he can barely control them himself. So, they went after Felix," Garmadon finishes

"But, how would they have found out about Felix's powers?" Cole asks, we look to Misako, hoping that she has the answer

"I'm... Not sure..." She speaks slowly and shakes her head slowly

"Well, how they found out is not important, what's important is that they found out, and now want to manipulate his powers for their own uses," Sensei speaks up

"So, they aren't going to leave me alone until they get these 'powers'?" Felix asks

"No, it doesn't seem like it," Misako answers

"What are we going to do?" I ask "because, as long as I'm here, they aren't laying a finger on him," Suddenly, a cold wind rushes through the room, and all of the lights flicker off

An evil laugh rings loudly through my ears "so you've finally figured it out... You really are slow ninja..." The lights turn back on and Evil Lloyd is standing behind Lloyd... But, he's holding Felix's hand... An evil smirk is plastered on Felix's face...

"Don't touch him!!" I scream, quickly handing Ari to Lloyd, who stands up, along with the others

"Why are you targeting a child?!" Nya screams, Gwen holding her leg in fear

"You're right, they are slow!" Evil Kai laughs

"You see, we've already injected him with pure darkness..." Evil Lloyd smirks at me. I remember that night on his birthday

"No..." I whisper "no!!" I dive at Evil Lloyd, holding around his neck, my grip getting gradually tighter "turn him back!! Now!!" I demand

"Lilly, watch out!" Cole yells, pointing to Felix, who has his arm outstretched. I get knocked back and fly into Kai with a strong wind. Kai quickly helps me up, then standing up himself

"Felix!" Lloyd shouts "let him go!!" He demands

"Do I have to hurt you too dad? I'd really rather spare you and Ari..." Lloyd's face twists into a look of shock, his grip on Ari tightens

"Felix, this isn't you, they're controlling you!" I scream

"Lilly, it's no use, he's turned!" Garmadon shouts back against all of the commotion

"Let's go Felix," Evil Lloyd begins to lead Felix into the darkness, but, before their fully emerged in the dark, Felix whispers

"Goodbye, Mom... Goodbye, Dad..." but it's not the Evil Felix... That was the real Felix, the one who I took as my son. Nya wraps her arms around me as I begin bawling

"We have to get him back!! We have to!!" I scream through my tears

"Felix!" Ari begins to cry as well. Lloyd wraps his arms around Nya and I, placing Ari in my arms. Lloyd begins shaking, I can tell that he's crying too

"Shhh, Lilly, we'll get him back..." Nya whispers shakily. Soon, all of the kids, and the guys, are incasing me in a warm group hug.

When they release, I wipe the tears from my face and look to Sensei

"How do we get Felix back?" I ask, slightly rocking back and forth to soothe Ari to sleep

"Well, we must attack the Evils' before they figure out how much power Felix really has. Only when the Evils' are killed will Felix turn back to normal," he answers. Misako suddenly runs back to her scrolls

"Mom, what's wrong?" Lloyd asks

"Ah, I knew I had this..." She looks intently at the open scroll "it seems that the darkness has only just surfaced in him..." she continues reading "if we don't attack and win within the next week, the affects of the darkness could become permanent... Meaning he'll stay evil forever..." She almost whispers the last part

"Then we have to attack soon! I won't let them make him permanently evil!" My voice cracks as it raises

"We will begin planning first thing in the morning, all of you to bed," Sensei dismisses us

I walk into Ari's room and set the sleeping boy in his crib, kissing him on the forehead as I do.

I walk into Lloyd and I's bedroom, change and sit on the bed, holding my head in my hands as I begin to cry. Lloyd walks into the room and sits beside me, silently wrapping his arms around me.

He tells me everything will be alright until late that night, when I finally fall asleep.

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