Meeting the new one

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'Lloyd's pov'

We where docked near a small village to get Cole's sister. Sensei called us all out to the bounty's deck to meet Lilly. We stood in a line as a girl with beautiful long, wavy, blonde hair and emerald green eyes climbed on to the bounty she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

I assumed that was Lilly and walked over to see if she wanted help with her bags.

'Lilly's pov'

I get up onto the floating ship and see 5 guys and a girl standing there looking at me.

The girl had jet black hair cut kind of in a bob and she was wearing a red dress, the next was a boy who looked Coles age he had orangey browney hair and was in a blue ninja outfit, beside him was a boy with bleach blond hair and his hair stood up, he was wearing a white ninja outfit, next to him was a boy who had brown hair that was in spikes he had a red ninja suit, after him was a cute boy with blonde hair and blue green eyes in a green and gold ninja outfit and next was cole.

The blond one in the green came over to me and asked if I wanted help with my bags I replied with a simple "shure" he took them from me and took them to what I assumed was my new room.

I run over to Cole giving him a big hug and he hugs me back "Lilly!" He says/shouts "I haven't seen you in years!! I've missed you so much!! You look so much more grown up!!" "Cole I missed you too!!" I yelled letting go of him just as I did the girl came up and to me "hi I'm Nya and that's Jay in blue, Zane in white, Kai in red and the one who took your bags is Lloyd" she said smiling "cool" I said as the one I think she called Lloyd came back "oh and also you are gonna be sleeping in my room, if you don't mind, there is already a bed and everything ready for you" she said still smiling "that sounds perfect" I said as she hugged me.

A man with a white beard comes out and comes up to me "so I see everybody is acquainted with Lilly" "yes we are, sensei" said Zane I think, I caught Lloyd's eyes and felt a smile form on my lips he smiled too and started to blush a little I brake the gaze and looked around to notice that every body in the room minus Lloyd was looking at me or at Lloyd this makes me flush a deep red and I think Lloyd might just be redder than me, Jay breaks the silence by bursting out laughing I look over to Nya who is standing beside me she is looking at me trying not to laugh "just laugh you know you want to" I tell her in a sort of whisper "really?" she asks "of course, I mean I see why Jay is" I say and she laughs so hard that I start to think she might die.

Soon Lloyd and I are the only 2 not on the ground laughing, even Cole is laughing Lloyd looks me in the eye and mouths 'sorry' I mouth back 'it's ok it is funny watching them laugh though' and with that we start to laugh too.

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