The Evil Ninja are Back

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*Name List*
Evil Cole-EC
Evil Kai-EK
Evil Zane-EZ
Evil Jay-EJ
Evil Lloyd-EL

'Lilly's pov'

When I wake up I go out to the kitchen "Lilly" dad calls "ya dad?" I ask "you and your team are staying for the weekend and we need milk, could you run to town and get some, please?" he asks "ya I'll go get changed and then go buy some" I tell him and walk back to my old room "Nya wake up" I say shaking her "what" she says sitting up "your coming with me to get milk" I say "ok" she answers getting out of her bed I throw on an old hoodie and jeans over my ninja outfit.

After coming out of the store Nya and I are walking and talking when I hear a yell for help "help!!!Help!!!" I look to Nya and she takes the bag from me I pull my hood on revealing my ninja outfit and start to run and Nya runs home to get help.

The voice leads me into a dark alley "there's nothing here" I say confused "hello Lilly" a voice says "who's there" I ask turning my head from side to side trying to find the source of the sound "you don't recognize your own boyfriend" the voice says as a boy comes out of the shadows, he looks exactly like Lloyd but is paler and is wearing sunglasses "your not Lloyd" I say looking at him "your right I'm his evil" he says "but Lloyd never had an evil" I mumble "true, but I'm from the under world and I brought the other four back with me" EL says as the evils of the other four come out from the shadows "aw, and I don't have an evil?" I ask sarcastically "no, and you never will" EL answers "too bad" I say sarcastically "what do you want with me?" I ask "well we have seen you have great power and you are light, therefore you are a threat to us" EL says to me.

"Threat?Me?!Ha!" I laugh as they surround me "you will talk to us with more respect" EK demands "ya right" I say trying to watch all of them at once, they come closer and I try to shoot light balls at them but as I turn to one side the evils on the other side attack me, they knock me out.

'Lloyd's pov'

Nya gets back and tells us about the person yelling help. We are all in Lou's living room when something happens to Zane and out of his eyes comes a hologram of the evil ninja but there is a new evil "hi ninja, we've caught your precious Lilly" EK says "and as you can see we have a new ninja on our side, evil Lloyd" EC says "what did you do with Lilly?" Cole asks "sorry but we are going to have to kill her" EL says "if you hurt her, so help me I will kill you!" I yell "oh Lloyd, your forgetting I have the same powers as you so you can't beat me" EL says "we beat you once we can beat you again" I say and we hear laughing on the hologram.

The hologram than turns off and Zane gets up "we need to find her" I say worriedly "I have tracked the signal back to the old abandoned house on the outskirts of Ninjago" Zane says "great we'll get Lilly and bring her back here" Cole says as we all help fine tune the plan.

We go to the abandoned house and even Nya comes, we walk in the door "it's too quiet" Jay points out "ya" I agree.

'Lilly's pov'

I'm tied up in an old room "your friends have arrived my deer" EL says coming out of the shadows "your not going to win, I hope you know that" I say and he walks towards me "and I hope you know that once we kill your friends we are bringing you back to the underworld where we will change your powers from light to dark" he says touching my cheek "I'd rather die!" I snap at him "oh my deer, that can still be arranged" he says forcibly kissing me and I notice a difference, while Lloyd is soft and passionate EL is rough and mean, I try to squirm but the ropes are to tight, he stops and smirks at me, I just stand there scowling and trying to break free of my ropes "stop trying to get out you could never do it" EC says to me "Lets go boys" EL says "wait! before you go I just want you to know... your a terrible kisser" I say smirking, he turns and strikes me with dark magic.

'Nya's pov'

We walk slowly and quietly "glad you could make it" a voice says from the shadows, I feel a hand on my shoulder and whip around to see EJ "long time know see, babe" he says to me and I try to punch at him but he returns to the shadows "we missed you guys" EK says "the feelings are not mutual" Kai says "where is Lilly" Lloyd asks trying to be strong but you can hear his voice start to tremble "oh my dimwitted other, she is tied up" EL chuckles, I sneak away and go look for Lilly.

'Lilly's pov'

I'm still trying to get out of the ropes when Nya comes into the room "Lilly" she whisper yells "Nya" I whisper yell back, I turn around and she undoes my ropes "thank you" I say and hug her "Are the others ok?" I ask "as far as I know" she answers me and we run to see the guys fighting...And loosing, "duck!!" I yell not completely thinking my plan through, and everybody ducks at my command, including the evils that I was trying to hit with my light ball. As soon as everybody is up they are fighting, again and good was loosing, again. The fight was lost. How? I don't know, but we where all tied up, again, for me.

"Well isn't this nice, you six will get to watch us bring Lilly to the underworld" EL says smirking at me "like I said, I'd rather die" I tell him again, "oh my deer, you don't want to spend the rest of your life with me" EL asks and I hear Lloyd grunt "no, I don't" I say as he comes closer to me "come on babe" he says looking me in the eye "it makes me want to barf when you call her babe" Lloyd says and I giggle.

EL turns and shoots Lloyd with dark magic and Lloyd's eyes close "Lloyd!! What did you do to him!!!!" I yell at EL "let's face it doll I wasn't getting anywhere with him here" he says coming back over to me "I just knocked him out for a while" he answers me once again forcing a kiss on me, I hear the others gasp and the evils laugh.

EL pulls back letting me breath, and I'm panting I see all of my friends getting struck with magic multiple times by their evil, other than Nya who doesn't have one and Lloyd who is waking up I keep thinking that it's my fault, I know what I have to do, I make a decision "let the others go!" I say fighting back tears and looking up to a surprised EL "what did you say?" he asks "I said let them go! it's me you want" I say hearing a mix of no's and Lilly's but one weak voice stands out and says "Lilly don't do this" I recognize it right away, it's Lloyd "shut up" EL says ready to shoot him with more dark magic "no!!!" I yell at him and he turns to me "Don't hurt him" I plead feeling more tears sting my eyes.

'Lloyd's pov'

I manage to get out those words but nothing more "you can have a minute with your friends before we take you to the underworld" EL tells Lilly undoing her ropes and disappearing into the shadows Lilly rushes over to me "Lilly...please don'" I say slowly "hey, it's gonna be ok" she whispers to me touching my cheek " won'" I say "hey it only matters that your ok" she tells me, I take all of my strength and pull her up into what might be our last kiss and she kisses me back, I let go and the evils are standing behind her, suddenly light shoots out of her in every direction distroying the evils, uniting all of our ropes and reenergizing me in the proses.

'Lilly's pov'

The light stops, the evils are gone and everybody is ok "Lilly you did it!" the guys and Nya yell, Lloyd stands up straight "your all ok?" I ask wiping my tears away "ya thanks to you" Kai says "but if it weren't for me you wouldn't have had to go through that pain" I say half crying "I'm a danger to the team" I cry, I run all the way home, up to my bedroom and onto the roof and start to full on bawl.

A while after I get up there I feel strong arms wrap themselves around me pulling me into a chest "your not a danger" he soothes stroking my hair "but Lloyd, I could have gotten you guys killed" I say "so, I could have gotten all of Ninjago killed...multiple times" he says and I laugh a little "but the guys didn't give up on me, so I'm not giving up on you" he tells me "Lloyd" I say "ya?" He asks "I love you" I say "I love you too" he says and I let sleep take over my body.

'Lloyd's pov'

I see Lilly fall asleep "great, now how am I going to get us both back in the window without killing one of us in the proses?" I wonder out loud "ah ha!" I make my dragon appear, pick up Lilly bridal style, ride him down to the window, step in the window and make my dragon disappear. I place Lilly in her bed and kiss her on the forehead "goodnight Lilly" I say closing her door and going down to watch a movie with the guys.

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