There's A Chance

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'Lilly's POV'

It's been three weeks since Felix fell into his coma. Today, like everyday, Lloyd, Ari and I are going to see him

We walk into his room in the hospital. I set Ari on the bed beside Felix

"Hi Felix. I know you can't hear me... But I need my big brother back... I miss you... Please don't leave me..." Ari begins to cry. I hold his hand, refusing to let any tears fall down my cheeks. Lloyd wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to himself

"Mommy and daddy and the others really miss you too. It's not the same without you here..." As Ari continues to talk to Felix, I can't hold back my tears. I let a few fall down my warm cheeks

"Shh, don't cry Lilly, everything's going to be alright." Lloyd whispers into my ear. I nod my head, unable to find any words to speak.

'Felix's POV'

I can hear them, but I'm not able to talk back.

I want to wake up! Why can't I?!

"We should get going." Dad says

No, I want to come with you!

"Okay, goodbye Felix." Ari lets go of my hand

Ari! Mom! Dad!... Please, don't go...

I try and try to wake myself up, but it's no use, I can't do it... No. I have to do it! I have to!

'Lilly's POV'

~Later that Night~

It's 2:38am, I can't sleep...

I sigh as I stand up and walk to the window. I open the curtain just enough to look at the full moon.

Felix... We miss you... All of us...

All of the moments we shared come back as memories, all at once they race through my mind. I find myself crying once again

I feel strong arms wrap around me from behind

"Lilly, don't cry." He whispers into my ear

"I... I miss him..." I can find no other words, only those

"We all do. But, he's our son, he can do it." Hearing him say that makes me so happy. I turn to him

"Thank you." Just as our lips are about to touch, the phone starts ringing. Who-?

I rush down the stairs and into the kitchen, Lloyd close behind. The ringing has already waken everyone else up, they're making their way to the kitchen

I frantically pick up the phone

"Hello, who is this?" I ask

"Mrs. Garmadon?" The lady on the other end asks


"I am Dr. Linkin, your son, he's awaken, but-" I don't let her finish

"Really?! We'll be right there!" I exclaim and hang up the phone, tears filling my eyes

"Lilly, what happened?" Nya asks

"Who called at 3 in the morning?!" Jay whines

"Felix woke up! We have to get to the hospital!" I run to the door, only shoving my running shoes on before rushing out the door

The others follow and we quickly make our way to the hospital. I run through the hallway, all the way to his room, but, when I get there, he's not there.

I walk inside the room and see nurses cleaning a blood-soaked bed

"You must be Mrs. Garmadon." A middle aged woman with short brown hair and tan skin walks up to me


"I am Dr. Linkin. I am very sorry to inform you of this..." She trails off as the others walk in

"What happened to my son..?" I ask, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks for the hundredth time tonight

"Well, when he woke up, his chest began bleeding furiously. Some of his vital nerves were damaged and we had to do emergency surgery. I'm sorry, but he probably won't make it through surgery. And if he does, I don't know how long he'll live after that." She looks me in the eyes with her pale blue ones

"No... He has to live..." I whisper, I hear Nya begin to cry behind me, she quickly runs to hug me. Tears overflow and fall from my eyes

This is the same thing that happened when I woke up... My wound reopened and I almost died... He can do this, he can survive... I hope...

"Dr. Linkin, you are needed in surgery room 7." The speaker calls out

"That is your sons room. You may stay in the waiting room if you'd like." She quickly walks out of the room

We walk into the waiting room. When I sit down, Ari jumps into my arms, he's also crying

"Mommy, will Felix be okay?" He asks, looking at me with big, teary eyes

"I-I don't know, Ari" I answer, tearing my eyes away from his. He lays down my my chest and tries to fall asleep. Gwen does the same on Nya's chest, and Jackson on Jay's.

I don't know when, but, at some point I fall asleep.

I'm awaken by someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Dr. Linking standing in front of me, Lloyd beside her. I look to the clock on the wall 4am, I was only asleep for an hour.

Everyone except for Misako, Lloyd and I are sleeping

"Mrs. Garmadon, Felix has made it through surgery and is waking up." She tells me with a soft voice

"May we go see him?" I ask, standing up with Ari in my arms

"Yes, but I'm afraid your son cannot come." She looks to the sleeping Ari

"I'll hold him." Misako stands and takes Ari from my arms

"Thank you."

The doctor walks us to a hospital room. She pushes the door open slowly and I see Felix. He's laying, barley awake, in his medical bed. He's got a heart monitor hooked up to him, as well as a blood bag going into his arm

"Felix." I walk to him and slowly crouch down beside him

"Mom, dad." He smiles weakly

"How do you feel?" Lloyd asks, kneeling down beside me

"Tired..." He yawns

"Mr. And Mrs. Garmadon, could I talk to you for a moment, please?" A male doctor calls us out of the room

"Your son has beat the odds, but I cannot assure you that he will live through healing." He looks at us with sympathetic eyes

"What if he does?" I ask, without thinking much of it

"I'm not sure, most people die during surgery. We've only ever had one patient who's lived through being stabbed in the chest. He made a full recovery with no side affects, but he was a full grown man." He tells us

"So there's a chance?" Lloyd asks, the doctor nods. I smile, it's not a big chance, but there's a chance...

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