Chapter 13

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(1320 words)

Your POV

"Professor (y/n), you're being requested in the Headmistress office."

Narrowing my brows as I look at the house elf, one that cowers as I look at it as if it would get hit.

"Thank you, I'm on my way."

He nods before he opens the door for me, closing it and following a bit behind me. Muttering something of walking behind me.

"You can walk next to me."

"Is Professor (y/n) sure? Grimes has never been told to walk next to a witch."

"Yes I'm sure."

He nods gently as he runs slightly to catch up to me and walk next to me. Walking towards the golden statue that held the passage way for the Headmistress' office I wonder about what it could be for.

The upcoming wedding? The baby? There were a few possibilities, all plausible.

Getting up the stairs to the office, my hands laced together as I hear Severus yelling.

"Why are they sending for me again?'

"They have more questions."

"What could they possibly be for?"

"They're trying to get treason charges to stick."

"They're what?!"

They stop and look at me as I have the door open in my hand.

"The ministry is trying to do what?"

Minerva walks around her desk as she sighs gently.

"They're trying to get treason charges to stick to Severus."

"Oh, i heard that part. But what gives them the audacity to think they can?"

"Everything that happened before the Battle for Hogwarts."

"The battle, need I remind you, we won! And one you almost died during!"

"I technically did die-"


He glances away as he does his best to hide the slight jump he made when I yelled.

"(Y/n) I know you're upset, but all the yelling isn't good for the baby."

"Upset? Upset?! Oh, I not upset. I'm pissed off that's what I am!"

Shaking my head as I make a small circle in the room.

"Show them the damn pansieve for crying out loud, pull your memories Severus and show the plan that Dumbledore had, the prophecy!"

"They won't listen, we've tried."

"Legilimens then!"

He shakes his head as he walks over, putting his hands on my shoulders as he looks at me, his brows together in worry, and sadness. Tears fall down my eyes as we both knew he was going to be sent to Azkaban.

"There needs to be something, anything we can do."

Bringing me into a hug he shakes his head as he puts his chin on top of my head.

"I'm afraid there might not be."

"Do they know they're taking you from your unborn daughter?"

He sighs gently and Minerva speaks up.

"I tried to explain that, but they wouldn't hear it."

Hugging Severus tightly I bite my lip, trying to keep it together. There had to be something we could do to prove his innocence. Anything.

There was a knock on the door as we're met with the head of the ministry. Cornelius Fudge.

"Fudge, don't take him."

He takes his hat off as he sighs gently. "there's nothing we can do. there was a unanamus vote."

"That vote is bullshit and you know it, it's been months since he's been on trial, why did it change?"

He sighs gently as he shakes his head. "Someone forwarded an anonymous letter about some treasonous acts."

"Who would do that?"

"It was anonymous, if I knew I would have said."

Going to take a step towards fudge, Severus grabs my arm and looks at me. Sighing gently I nod slightly. Chewing on the inside of my lip, I try to keep the tears back.

"Come easily, we don't want to use force."

He nods gently before kissing me again. Putting his forehead to mine while having a hand on my stomach I grab his hand gently. Holding it in mine. Watching him stand up straight again before he goes to walk towards fudge and leave the school, I hold onto his hand.

Trying to keep him from leaving I feel Minerva put her hands on my shoulders, keeping me back.


"I know, love."

Covering my mouth with my hands as the tears fell, they walked him out of the office. It took a second for the wails to start. They weren't unlike the ones in his home when he left me the message. These were just stronger, the hormones of the pregnancy only being fuel to the fire.

Minerva sat with me on the floor of her office as she held me tightly, waiting for me to calm down. After an hour of nothing ceasing, Hagrid came into the room. I barely remember him picking me up and carrying my screaming self towards the infirmary.

Minerva was on his heels, telling teachers to send the students to their dorms to avoid the sight I was causing. There were tears in his eyes as he carried me across the school to the lower west wing. Students that came out of the great hall immediately turned around or stood there in shock.


Once I was in the infirmary and in a bed, Poppy gave me something to get me to relax. The only thing replaying while I was asleep was him being taken from me for the second time. Waking up and being met with the ceiling, I hear a voice.

"Boys, she's awake."

Looking at where the voice was I was met with Hermione. She smiles at me as she grabs my hand, moving some hair from my face as the tears start again.

"They took him!"

"We know, shh."

She hugs me as Ron and Harry stand close by her, their hands holding mine as I cry.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"We need to figure that out still, but you need to breathe."

Nodding as I try to get it to stop I shake my head.

"I can't,"

Hermione looks at me as she locks her eyes with mine.

"Yes you can, just breathe with me."

Sitting up with Hermione and Harry's help, I sigh shakily.

"Tell us what happened?"

Looking at Harry as Ginny came into the room, she sits down.

"Fudge took Snape, apparently someone made an anonymous letter about him commiting treason."

"Why would anyone do that?"

"That's what I asked, but we don't know since it's anonymous."

Sighing gently we look at each other for ideas.

"A few months ago the ministry put him on trial. There was a unanamus vote to bring him to Azkaban after the letter"

"Then we just need to find out who sent the letter."

"How do we do that?"

Harry hums gently before he looks at Hermione. "any ideas?"

"Who was Voldemort's second hand guy?" "Bellatrix, but she's dead."

Ron and Ginny smile gently as they chuckle. "Mom saw to that."

There was a silence that came over us before I had an idea.

"Hermione, talk to Minerva. Get a list of all the Death Eaters from the Battle for Hogwarts that survived and weren't taken to Azkaban."

She nods before getting up and Ron following her to see Minerva.

Harry and Ginny look at me for a moment as they wait for orders.

"You two might need to help teach his class. You should be fine, with the castle getting destroyed the curse was lifted from the position."

"As if curses scared us anyway."

Chucking gently I nod before they help me off the bed and I sigh gently.

"What will you do?"

"I'm going back to my quarters, see if he left anything or if it can help me with any more ideas."

They nod and we head off to our separate places, walking through the halls I sigh as I narrow my brows. Anger coming over me as I walk. I was going to get him back, our daughter would have her father no matter the cost.

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