Chapter 8

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(1394 words)

Your POV

It's been a couple of weeks. What was originally supposed to be small vacation to Hogwarts ended up lasting until the term started. Tonight is the night the students return. Where the first years are sorted into their houses, and we have the welcoming feast in the Great Hall.

Looking at Severus as he's fumbling with a button on his cuff I smile gently as I walk over to him, my hands grabbing his wrist gently before I button it for him.

"You've worn this suit how many times and you're now having trouble with this cuff?"

He shakes his head slightly. "This button is always stubborn"

Shaking my head I take his hand and we leave our shared quarters. Making our way to the west side of the castle for the Great Hall. Chewing on the inside of my lip I feel him squeeze my hand gently.

Turning to look at him I met with his usual straight face and his dark eyes watching me, the corner of his brow flicking as he looks at me.

"Stop chewing on the inside of your mouth"

"I wasn't-"

"You were, and if you keep it up you'll make a sore spot you'll complain about for a week."

Furrowing my brows I look at him before smirking gently.

"You boss me around like we're already married."

His widening eyes dart to me for a moment as he blinks to himself, a slight shocked expression on his face as he watches me for a moment. Clearing his throat he glances away from me, an ever so slight smirk on his face.

Smiling I rub my thumb against his hand gently and I feel him glance at me before I made my way to the Potions seat and he sits in his Head of Slytherin House seat.

Smiling gently I nod to Professor Flitwick

"Glad to have you as a teacher this year, (y/n)"

"Glad to be back, Professor."

It didn't take long before the wave of first years came to the front of the Great Hall. Watching Minerva at the podium I smile gently.

"Welcome to your first year of Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Before we start the feast for the night, you'll be sorted into your Hogwarts houses. First we have myself Headmistress McGonagall as Head of Gryffindor."

Clapping she smiles gently as we wait for her to continue.

"Head of Slytherin is Severus Snape, he's also our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

Looking down the long table, he stands as we clap. I smile at him as he catches my eyes.

"Head of Hufflepuff is Professor Pomona Sprout. Our very own Herbology Professor."

She stands and smiles with a little wave, looking at Minerva she smiles to me for a moment.

"Last but not least, our head of Ravenclaw. Filius Flitwick, our Charms Professor"

Looking at the professor that spoke to me not long ago, be smiles gently.

"I'll introduce our other staff. Starting with Argus Filch, the caretaker for the school."

She pauses for the clapping to subside.

"Rubeus Hagrid our game keeper."

"Madam Pomfrey our Matron."

"(Y/n) (l/n) as our new potions Professor"

Standing after I process her saying my name i smile gently, trying not to blush but utterly failing. 

"Finally Sybill Trelawny, our Divinations Professor."

"Without further delay, I will not only be Headmistress but I will remain as the Transfiguration teacher for Hogwarts. Now, Professor (l/n) will be taking over and sorting you into your houses. When she calls your name and you've been sorted, you can join the rest of your housemates at your designated house table."

Standing I walk around the table and pick up the Sorting hat and the scroll. Opening the scroll it almost reaches the floor and I hum gently. Finding the first name.

"Angelica Haynes. Please sit in the chair."

A small girl walks up and sits in the chair, putting the hat on her head I watch him think aloud to himself.

"Hmmm, I see. Hufflepuff!"

Taking the sorting hat from her she gets up and goes to sit down. I look at the scroll again.

"Harvey Davids"

The next young wizard comes up to sit in the chair, I put the hat on him and wait for a moment. The kid looks  terrified as he listens to the magical hat. I smile gently at him and he relaxes slightly. The dark hair and his green eyes looking up at me.


I take the hat again and see the next name. "Iris Williams"

She comes up with her long blonde hair bouncing slightly. Sitting down she's sorted into Gryffindor. Her twin sister, Melody following her.

This process goes on for about an hour, putting the hat back onto his small podium I smile gently as I roll the scroll back up and give it to Minerva.

Sitting in my seat we start the feast and I smile to myself for most of the meal. Thinking about class the next day.


Getting ready for bed as I sit at my vanity I smile slightly. Tilting my head as I feel Severus put his lips on my shoulder.

"I wish you sat closer to me in the great hall."

"Why? Can't stand being so far from me?"

"I never can, love."

Giggling gently I hum as I look at him.

"Sounds like it's good we share our quarters. I do also have your old classroom, unless you forgot how to get to the dungeons."

He chuckles as he pulls me into him, kissing my forehead.

"How could I forget the moments we've shared in there?"

Blushing gently I smile at him. "Our first dance."

"I could think of a few first things in there."

Shaking my head I smile. "I'm not sure what my favorite is."

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

Nodding gently he wraps his arms around me as he keeps me close to him.

"I think mine is the first day you were in my class, there was a feeling I couldn't shake everytime you were around, which is why I hated it when you weren't studying in there. Then when you spent the summers here it got worse the more you pried into my past. I finally broke seeing you in that dress during the Yule Ball."

"I thought your curls in your hair were cute."

He looks at me as he blushes slightly.

"That was Minerva's doing. Our first dance was something I should have done  before anything else, but finally asking you to be mine in the Defense against the Dark Arts class will always be my new patronus."

Feeling my eyes well slightly I smile at him. Without a word I pull him into a kiss.

Pulling away I look at him as my hands sit on his chest.

"Did I ever tell you what my patronus was?"

He shakes his head slightly.

"Mine was the day I told you of my past. When I finally understood I wasn't alone and you understood me more than I could ever understand myself."

He smiles gently as he looks at me. "Show me."

Nodding i grab my wand as he leans against the bedframe. Smiling to myself I take a breath.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Casting the spell I watch as a silvery Bat flies around the room for a moment before it lands on Snape's shoulder. He watches it disappear for a moment before looking at me.

"Few people have the bat patronus. It symbolizes rebirth and depth, and you're strengthened by fear."

"I'm strengthened by fear because I understand that it doesn't make me weak. The fear that I have of losing you is what makes me strive to be the best witch I can be. To do everything in my power to keep you safe, it's why I did everything I could in the boathouse."

He looks at me for a moment before he walks over to me. Putting a hand on my cheek as I lean into it he leans down to kiss me.

He pulls away from me for a moment before he grabs my wand from my hand, casting his own patronus. Gasping when I saw the corporeal animal that came from the wand I looked back at him surprised.

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