Chapter 14: Am I Really Ready For This?

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Bethany's P.O.V.

After the entire family day fiasco, I decided to leave everybody alone and be by myself for a while. There was only one place where I felt at ease for the moment; the paddock. The horses were loose so they could run and eat fresh grass. They were my only comfort at the moment.

I was sitting on the top of the fence, watching the horses graze. I smiled as I saw Arabella playing with the foals of the other mares.

"Arabella!" I called out. She perked her ears up and looked up. Immediately, she galloped over to me, slowing down into a trot. She stopped and nuzzled my face.

"Hey, Babygirl." I greeted her. She nickered in reply.

"Well, today wasn't a good day after all." I said, looking down. She nickered softly and nudged my head. I smiled as I pet her face.

"You know, sometimes I think you're the only one around here that gets me." I told her, stroking her cheek. She whinnied a bit before I hugged her neck. I stayed like that for a little while before I jumped of the fence, inside the paddock.

I grabbed onto Arabella's mane and hauled myself up. I got on her back, slowly squeezed her sides, and made her walk off.

As she was walking, I saw my parents in the distance with one of the servants. My eyes widened in fear.

No, I can't face them right now. I've done enough disappointment in one day.

"Come on, Bella. Let's get out of here." I said as I slapped my hand against her.

She neighed and went into a full gallop. We got to the fence and I held on tightly as she jumped over it. She galloped until we went into the Enchanted Forest. I slowed her down to a walk as she began panting.

We passed by fairies, small creatures, dragonflies, and other enchanted beings. The soothing sound of the lake, owls hooting, and crickets chirping made the scene vert serene. I felt at peace and all the guilt I felt earlier seemed to have vanished.

It was then I saw a figure sitting down on a rock, looking at the glowing lake. When Arabella got closer, I recognized the figure as Mason. I gently pulled on the horse's mane, making her stop.

"Hey, Mason." I greeted him. He looked over his shoulder and smiled as he saw me.

"Hey, Bethany." he replied.

I got off of Arabella and let her eat some grass. I walked over to Mason and joined him on the rock. I took his hand in mine and interlocked our fingers.

"Couldn't sleep or what?" I asked.

"Nah. I came out here to relieve my stress." he explained.

"Hmm. Same here." I said. "Guess that makes two of us." he added.

"Mason? Do you think that what happened today was my fault?" I asked him.

"No, Beth. None of this was your fault. You just wanted change and things got a little carried away." he told me.

"The way my parents looked at me. When they said it was my fault. I've never felt more guilty and stupid at the same time. I guess my head was just filled with made up fantasies." I explained.

"Bethany, look at me." he said, placing a finger under my chin. He made me look at his beautiful eyes.

"Don't ever think any of this is your fault. I don't ever want to hear you say that again, okay? My girlfriend should never feel like that, no matter what. If you keep doubting yourself like this, I will do whatever I can to help you feel better. You're going to make a great Queen and I will be there to help you, even if it means sacrificing every ounce of free time I have. Okay?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"Am I really ready for this? To become a ruler?" I asked.

"I know you are." he replied. We pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes.

When it's meant to be, the stars seem to glisten

Bethany & Mason:
Meant to be, all the clouds depart. When it's meant to be

It's destiny callin'

Bethany & Mason:
And if you listen, you'll find your heart

He gently leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, placing a hand on his cheek. We pulled away and continued spending time with each other in the beautiful forest.

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