The prolouge

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Tall, mossy figures stand in front of me, I blink my eyes in confusion. The ground below me was soft, grassy and full of dew, darkness blocked most of my vision, and a grey mist crept in, it had an odd scent to it. "Hello?" A call out, it only echoes into the deep forest. I pad forward, "hello..?" I ask again, still no answer. As the mist closes in on me, it chokes me. I can't breath, I panic not sure of what to do.
My eyes jerk open, and I'm back in my cozy bed. The same thick fog covered the room, still panicking I leap up and look around the room. Fire!! I think, as I see the red hot flames surrounding me. I can spot a small opening were the flames had not reached yet. I bound over the open area and yell, "Marbella! Where are you?" Marbella was my sister, we were very close and I couldn't stand to lose her.

All I could hear was a crackling of the fire for a long moment. Then, a hoarse yelp came from my left, I looked searching for her calico pelt. I spotted it under the small table next to the twolegs long, comfortable den. I leap up onto it, "Come on- we've got to get out of here!" I yell back. Marbella races out under the table and we weave through the fire to our flap door. Everything is a blur of fire, smoke and trees as we sprint out to the forest.

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