Chapter 2: Sunny's Failed Plan

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It's now years later as Sunny and (Y/N) were seen sleeping in bed and sleeping mat as the sun was shining through the half open curtains while an alarm clock was heard ringing which woke the duo up with Sunny's hair more poofy and (Y/N) as the two looked at each other with a smile before (Y/N) began chuckling

"What's so funny?" Sunny asked

"Your hair!" (Y/N) answered

"Huh?!" Sunny asked

Sunny then rushed on over to her calender to see what day it was before it showed a few stickers emoji on a certain day which made her happy before she went to the mirror and looked at herself which made her frown in disbelief before she blew a bit of hair away which just got back before she pulled out a light blue ribbon as she let's (Y/N) help her with making a pigtail which worked as he puts a light blue ribbon on it and after that Sunny grabs her saddlebag and puts it over her leg so it goes down the waist as she nodded in happiness of it, she also has a Cutie Mark containing three pink stars with the center star being followed by a cyan like blue line behind it

"Alright, let's go to our jobs now" (Y/N) suggested

"Great idea, also I should also get some smoothies to the Canterlogic event" Sunny said

"You serious, the last times you went there you always got caught and now you're banned so how would you go in? I mean Hitch is probably gonna keep blocking you out" (Y/N) said

"That may be true but I have an idea in mind so he will let me in and even if he doesn't I always have a plan B" Sunny said

"Alright, but don't tell me I didn't warn you" (Y/N) said

The two then ran towards the top of the lighthouse as Sunny goes to draw something on a giant piece of paper before she pulls it out for up close for her to see

"Perfect" Sunny said

Sunny then wraps it before putting it into her saddleback before she went down the elevator and towards the door as she walks across what seems to be a memorial for Argyle with his glasses, necklace and pictures standing there before he arrived at the door

"Finally! There you are! I was planning on going out together with you, what took you so long?" (Y/N) asked

"You'll find out soon enough, now let's go" Sunny suggested

(Y/N) then opened the door as he walked out first before Sunny walked out too only to turn back to Argyle's picture with her and talks to him as if he's still there

"Today's the day, dad, we actually have a plan this time, wish us luck!" Sunny said

Sunny then went outside and puts on her rollerskates while (Y/N) stretches his legs

"You ready for a race?" (Y/N) asked

"Oh of course, the first pony to finish three laps, gets everything Unicorn and Pegasized and gets to Canterlogic first has to work at the Smoothie caravan for one day" Sunny said

"Deal!" (Y/N) agreed

After that Sunny and (Y/N) prepared to start as they looked at each other before Sunny began singing

[Sunny Starscout:]

Good morning, sun

The singing was the starting point of the competition as Sunny starts skating down the hill of her lighthouse to Maretime Bay as (Y/N) ran as fast as his hooves could hold

No time to chat

I gotta run

'Cause I've got places to be

Soon the duo arrived on top of a Maretime Bay bridge as the duo looked into the distance where the other ponies were

So much to do

Excited yes, but nervous too

A change is starting with us

I never worry 'bout

Upsetting carts, hardened hearts

Sunny then noticed (Y/N) putting two stickers which had a smiling Unicorn and Pegasus face on it which made Sunny playfully grin as they ran down the bridge before they began running or skating again as Sunny went to get her smoothie carriage as she tied it onto her back before skating after (Y/N)

Or wonder 'Will I belong'

I've heard it enough, I'm calling their bluff

I'll never get lost in the grey

There's somethin' inside, burns bigger than pride

Sunny after singing that then does a twirl which loosened the carriage and caused it to spin too before Sunny tied it back on her before racing back after (Y/N) who already began doing a sharp turn and when Sprout heard Sunny's voice he looked away from his newspaper before putting it back down and running after Sunny and (Y/N)

Shines out of me lighting the way

Sunny while skating then turns to other ponies singing with a smile on her face

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Be my day)

(Y/N) who noticed Sunny coming his way thought of a plan to distract her as he ran circles around the Maretime Bay hut of sorts which caused Sunny to do half and go to the railing where the beautiful view of Maretime Bay was

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Oh-oh-oh-oh)

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Gonna be my day)

After looking at the view Sunny skated back to where (Y/N) was as Sprout ran to a nearby table before he drank some drink somepony had before running after but not before also stealing some cookie

Hey there, hello

The friends I make, the friends I know

Today you answer my call

Sunny while skating then began approaching two fillies who were seen at a Unicorn and Pegasus pinata which Sunny assumes (Y/N) put there before whacking them which broke it causing Sunny to get sad for a bit before skating away again

Instead of hide

Instead of staying stuck inside

Instead of building our wall

Sunny then began approaching three ponies who were standing at the Canterlogic ground banner while a filly was looking down in the dumps with a single green balloon which gave Sunny an idea

Come on and party with me

Join the band, understand

We'll all be singin' this song

Sunny then like a crown used a long balloon to make an Unicorn before he gave it to the filly who got happy and loosened the balloon he held before grabbing the Unicorn one and showing it to the two ponies who got shocked

I've heard it enough, I'm calling their bluff

I'll never get lost in the grey 

Sunny then began skating again as Sprout used a skateboard he gained from somewhere to skate after Sunny as Sunny skated over a manhole which made somepony pull their heads up causing Sprout to ride up and fly into the air

Go big or go home, get real or get known

Get ready and raring to go

Sunny then puts some stickers on some trashcans as Sprout started flying over her

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Be my day)

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Ooh-ooh)

Sunny then began doing her second lap around Maretime Bay while becoming more happier by the moment thinking she won before she came across three ponies who were reading some posters before looking at each other

Everyone's afraid

The ponies then looked down at the ground and saw what looked to be a Pegasi which frightened them before they looked up and saw that it was only two kites which accidentally got together which then broke back into two pieces

Always judgin', never budgin'

The three stallions who got frightened then turned to the two fillies in anger as Sunny went to a banner and had an idea in her mind before she picked a red marker and created a heart on the banner along with several tiny ones

Ain't it the time we made 

The team, the dream?


Sunny then skated off as Sprout walked over to the banner and saw the hearts above and alongside the pegasi which shocked and angered him as he turned at the way Sunny rode off starting her third lap around Maretime Bay

Let's open our eyes, sun's starting to rise

And finally able to say

Sunny then cheated as she skated over to the train which was riding before holding on it and skating alongside it towards the Canterlogic place

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Gonna be my day)

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Gonna be my day)

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (Be my... Day)

Sunny soon arrived where (Y/N) was standing which made her sigh in defeat as the last few words were heard


When (Y/N) saw that he began chuckling

"Let me guess your friend arrived first before you and has won the game?" (Y/N) asked

"Yep, pretty much, but I think you cheated" Sunny said

"Huh? Why?" (Y/N) asked

"You made two pinatas one of a Pegasus and one of a Unicorn which two ponies hitted" Sunny answered

"Uh, you said make everything Unicorn and Pegasized which means I didn't cheat besides you did yourself" (Y/N) said

"Huh? How so?" Sunny asked

"You held onto the train which sended you here" (Y/N) answered

"Okay, maybe I did cheat but that doesn't matter, you won because you arrived first along with probably finishing with a lot of Unicorn and Pegasized stuff added so... I'm gonna have to work on the Smoothie Carriage which I don't mind" Sunny said

"Good, now shall we go to Canterlogic then?" (Y/N) asked

"Of course" Sunny answered

Sunny and (Y/N) then walked or skated up the steps of the Canterlogic building before they arrived at a banner where Hitch was hiding as he popped out and he was now sporting a belt which got over him down and sideways with a Sheriff's badge on it while also donning a Cutie Mark which contains of cyan clouds below a golden shield with an dark blue horseshoe on top

"Aha! There you are, guys, just the ponies I was expecting" Hitch said

"Morning, Sheriff Hitch, I see you brought the whole squad along again" Sunny said

After saying that a bird started squeaking which made Hitch look in disbelief at the duo and sigh

"What is it with me and critters? I'm like a magnet to them" Hitch said before he turned to them "Guys, come on, give Hitch a little space" Hitch said

The two birds and crab then went backwards a little bit which made Hitch sigh in disbelief

"So what's up?" Sunny asked

"Oh, please, Like you don't know, today is the annual presentation at Canterlogic" Hitch answered

"Yeah, we guessed" (Y/N) said

"Yeah and we're headed there right now" Sunny said

Sunny then moved sideways before Hitch stopped her

"Uh, no, you're not, listen, I know that you have come up with some harebrained scheme to sabotage it and if you think I'm just gonna let you walk in there---" Hitch started

Hitch then walked sideways as Sunny walked to the other side of him letting go of the smoothie carriage and turned to him

"Hey Hitch" Sunny said singingly

"No" Hitch said unamused

"Come on" Sunny suggested

Just then a pony called out

"Good morning, Sheriff Hitch, hero (Y/N)" Somepony called out

After that (Y/N) and Hitch turned around as the former waved and the latter talked

"Morning, Mayflower, Dahlia" Hitch said before chuckling and when they were out of sight he turned to Sunny with a serious look "Sunny, I'm on duty" Hitch explained

Sunny then pulled out her rollerskate hoof and shook it which made Hitch groan before they did their signature hoofshake

"Up high, down low, Hitch it to a post! Flip it Sunny side-up and on a piece of toast!" Sunny and Hitch chanted

After they finished Sunny skated in a circle hitting Hitch playfully

"Ok" Hitch said before chuckling

Sprout then walked up to the trio gasping for breath which made them look at him with worried smiles

"I did what you asked for, Hitch, she never left my side, not even once" Sprout said

"Wow! You look like you've been through a lot" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, I've been hungry, being flown into the air like a scary Pegasus and trying to erase all of the Unicorn and Pegasi stickers you guys added" Sprout said

After saying that (Y/N) looked at Sunny while chuckling before back at Sprout

"I think Sunny may have rode a bit too fast for you except for me because I was faster than her because she kept being distracted while I threw stuff I could except for two pinata's which I hung myself" (Y/N) said

"Yep, I saw that, I could see why you won, you've trained a lot as a hero" Sprout said

"I sure did" (Y/N) said

Sunny then approached Sprout in worry

"You okay Sprout? You seem kinda wheezy" Sunny asked

"That's Deputy Sprout to you" Sprout corrected

Sunny then rode off along with (Y/N) in disbelief before Hitch called out to her

"Hey! W-Wait up! I'm not finished!" Hitch called out before running after Sunny as the pets followed after him before they both arrived in front of Sunny and (Y/N) "Sunny! Sunny, we both know how this goes, every year you try to sneak in and every year we stop you" Hitch said

"Yeah, I tried to tell you Sunny, but it's near impossible to go in if you're banned, except for me of course since I'm a hero and have to protect others" (Y/N) said

"We know that (Y/N)" Hitch said

"Look, you guys have nothing to worry about, I'll just go into the factory, deliver my smoothies---" Sunny started before Sprout interrupted

"Do I really need to say it again for them?! You can't even step a hoof in there! My mom had you banned!" Sprout said angrily

"But I..." Sunny started

Hitch then interrupted Sunny with a sigh before looking at Sunny with sympathy

"I'm asking you as your friend, Sunny, not as a sheriff,  just please try not to pull any stunts today" Hitch suggested

"Okay, okay, I'll try" Sunny said

"Thank you, now give your delivery to Sprout and go home" Hitch suggested before a piece of paper fell to the ground which made Hitch call out to the pony who did that and ran after them "Hey, hey! That's a violation of Code 33!" Hitch called out

"I'll see you later, Sunny" (Y/N) said in sympathy

(Y/N) then trotted off inside as Sunny skated forward after (Y/N) before Sprout walked in front of her

"Buh-bye" Sprout waved

Sunny in disbelief then pulls off her carriage before giving it to Sprout who walked off laughing as Sunny skated back home before she had a sneaky idea

Inside where the annual Canterlogic presentation was everypony was either waiting, having fun or talking to each other as Sprout walked in only for a pony to run around him in happiness which shocked him a bit before he glared angrily at her

"Hey, watch it!" Sprout called out angrily

Meanwhile at another part of the Canterlogic Factory we saw a stallion talking to a filly

"Welcome everypony, got any questions about the Canterlogic Factory? Happy to answer them" The stallion known as Toots asked

"Oh yeah, where are the free smoothies?" A mare then asked

"Uh, I can't answer that" Toots answered nervously

Soon Sprout arrived to where Hitch and (Y/N) were as Hitch sighed in relief

"You know what, guys? I think I finally got through to Sunny" Hitch said in relief

"I know what you mean, but why do I have a bad feeling she's planning on ruining the show?" (Y/N) asked worriedly

"I'm not sure" Hitch answered now also worried

After saying that the lights turned off before the lights on the stage had turned on which made everypony turn to it and silence themselves

"It's the moment you've all been waiting for, as the founder of Canterlogic, she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last twenty moons, please go wild for the one and only... Phyllis Cloverleaf!" The announcer announced

After that Phyllis walked on stage which made everypony cheer and applaud for her

"Thank you! Thank you! Oh hey, how are ya? Thank you so much" Phyllis greeted to the ponies in the room before she began her speech "We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect ponies like you... From ponies like that!" Phyllis said

After saying that last line she pointed at the two banners which showed a Unicorn and a Pegasus which the crowd booed at 

"And like I always say 'To be scared is...'" Phyllis started before the crowd answered her

"'To be prepared!'" The crowd answered her

"Oh I love it! That's right!" Phyllis said with a smile

"Yahoo!" Somepony in the crowd cheered

"So let's start the show!" Phyllis suggested

After saying that runway music started playing as the first pony came into the room with some metal on her head which had a red light on top

"Up first, we have Sugar Moonlight looking absolutely stunning in our high-tech Anti-Mind-Reading hat, all those Psyshic Unicorns out there are gonna be out of luck when you wear this little number" Phyllis explained before the next pony walked out onto the stage wearing some goggles which went up which makes it so he can't see where he's going "Now let's welcome Sparkle Chaser in his Pega-Periscope Goggles, the easy way to keep your eye on the sky!" Phyllis explained as the pony called Sparkle Chaser couldn't see where he was going as when he was walking he accidentally dropped to the ground below which made the others groan in pain for him as Phyllis tried to calm everypony down "It's all part of the show!" Phyllis called out before another pony walked onstage with his jetpack on as he was looking at the crowd surrounding him "Next up, the Earth Pony Escape Pack!" Phyllis explained

The jetpack then opened as the pony flew up into the air before it went way too effective as he was sent flying out the window no matter how hard he held on while screaming

"Yikes, that's gonna be a lot of paperwork" Hitch said in worry

"I gotta agree with that, I just hope he survives" (Y/N) said

"We take great care here at Canterlogic to ensure the safety of you, our loyal customers" Phyllis explained which caused everypony to sigh in awe at those words before Phyllis talked again "Now stand back!" Phyllis called out as the others did so as Phyllis started talking "This product testing demonstration is fully automated" Phyllis said

After that somepony who works backstage presses a button which caused the product testing demonstration room to lighten up as everypony turned to the room in the center where a yellow and black pony doll was standing until Sunny jumps up and pushes it away which made everypony including Hitch, Sprout, (Y/N) and Phyllis to gasp in shock as Sprout did a spit take while another pony covered their fillies' eyes as Sunny pulls up a board which had the colors of the past Mane 7 on it along with donning a wooden horn and wings as the board also showed a horn, some wings and a horseshoe

"Earth Ponies of Maretime Bay! Fear is not your friend! But the Unicorns and Pegasi can be! Let's extend the hoof of friendship!" Sunny explained

just then Sunny's hooves got wrapped up in some metal like shoes as (Y/N) ran on over to backstage as he tried to mash buttons to try and save Sunny which didn't work as Phyllis was both worried and nervous about what was happening before she pretended to start the show

"That is not what I meant" Sunny said worriedly

Phyllis then turned to (Y/N) who was looking at her and whispered

"Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!" Phyllis suggested

(Y/N) then had an idea as he went to the electric cable and pulled it out of the contact before he along with Hitch ran through the door ready to safe Sunny as the two of them held onto Sunny's wooden plank trying to free her

"Come on! We got this!" Hitch called out

The ponies who were backstage also helped Sunny before they helped her loose as Sunny smiled gratefully at them before she galloped to the front of the stage ready to explain more of her story

"Aren't you tired of being scared all the time? The truth is we're not in danger, it's all a lie, we don't need any of this Canterlogic junk" Sunny explained

"Oh, we don't, do we? How do you suggest we defend ourselves? With hugs and cupcakes?" Phyllis asked

(Y/N) then approached the crowd next to Sunny

"Of course we can be friends with Unicorns and Pegasi, just imagine you'd have a friend who can fly or a friend who can help you protect yourselves from monsters with either their horns or whatever they could, it's like in the olden times where we had Alicorns who always ruled over the land and kept peace around every corner, wouldn't you like some peace without all these Canterlogic stuff?" (Y/N) asked

The crowd then turned to each other thinking of what (Y/N) said before they began booing at them

"Wait! Hold on! We're trying to---" (Y/N) called out before somebody threw a tomato to his face "You've got to be kidding me" (Y/N) said angrily

"Come on (Y/N), it's no use" Sunny said in sadness

Sunny then walked off sadly as (Y/N) went to her

"Sunny, I know you're worried but we can get through this together" (Y/N) said before turning to the crowd "Please! Just listen! I don't know what caused you to hate Unicorns and Pegasi so if you were any of those two how would you feel if somepony started hating you because you're different, especially since that's racist and I know what it feels like especially because everybody is differeht, I know it isn't much but think about it, we can be friends again, no matter what and I'll do whatever it takes to make it so" (Y/N) said

After saying this speech someponies started whispering to each other thinking about this for a bit before a few agreed while others didn't which caused a bit of arguments as (Y/N) fell down to the ground sobbing a bit before Hitch and Sunny approached him

"It's alright (Y/N) you tried your best" Hitch said

"I agree" Sunny said

"Now you two follow me!" Hitch said angrily

The trio then walked off as Phyllis tried to sort things out

"Calm down everypony, what they said must not be true, right, isn't that what you guys believe?" Phyllis asked

After that a few ponies started fighting while others didn't as Sprout, Phyllis and the other Canterlogic Workers tried to calm things down

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