Chapter 1: Sisters Take A Home to Share

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It has now been a month ever since the events of the movie as Y/N was seen flying across Maretime Bay going towards his friends before landing in front of them

"What seems to be the problem, Pipp? I heard that you send a message to my phone which said 'We're in need of your help, can you come?!'" Y/N read out

Pipp then chuckled a bit as Y/N's friends turned to her in worry

"I think I may have done it a bit too dramatic but don't worry, Sunny's gonna tell us now, right Sunny?" Pipp asked

"Yes" Sunny answered before she turned to her new home which was fully blue and was giant and big "Welcome to the home of our dreams!" Sunny announced

Hitch's crab then approached the house and smashed it's top off and after that roars before Hitch pulled him back to him and chuckles nervously at him

"Cool it McSnips A Lot" Hitch suggested

Hitch then turns his head closer to him before McSnips A Lot cuts Hitch's mane which (Y/N) used his magic to fix it back

"There you go Hitch" Y/N said

"Thanks Y/N" Hitch thanked

"No worries" Y/N said

Sunny then turned to Hitch and Y/N with a comforting smile making the two look at her

"Forget the model, we're going to make the real Crystal Brighthouse perfect!" Sunny explained

"Crystal Brighthouse? That does sound magical" Y/N said in agreement

"Thanks Y/N" Sunny thanked

Just then Izzy gasped in realization

"Then we can spend every minute of every day together for the rest of our lives!" Izzy said excitedly

Zipp then chuckled nervously

"You alright Zipp?" Y/N asked

"Yeah, but what do you mean by that?" Zipp asked nervously

Pipp then ran next to Zipp and started talking excitedly

"It's going to be..." Pipp started before singing a bit "Iconic-kuh!" Pipp agreed

"I think we all can agree with that especially since you girls and boys in Hitch's case are the best friends I could ever have outside of Sprout of course" Y/N said happily

"Glad we could both agree on that" Sunny agreed

Hitch then turned to McSnips A Lot who sat on top of his head

"And I'm gonna teach this little fella how to build a shelf! You know, I'm actually pretty hoovesy" Hitch explained as he then twirled his screw driver before throwing into the air before it accidentally landed on the model of the Crystal Brighthouse "Whoops" Hitch apologized

Y/N then fixes the model back up with his magic before Sunny talked once more

"There's a lot to get done but we can do anything if we work together, now, I think if we just---" Sunny started

Sunny started as she went to the basket to pull a few stuff out but before she could finish her sentence her friends all zipped towards the basket, picked out some stuff and ran inside the Crystal Brighthouse to begin working on the preparations "Enthusiasm! I like it!" Sunny called out before chuckling nervously before running after them "Wait up, roomies!" Sunny called out

Inside the Crystal Brighthouse Sunny went inside before she saw her friends working on the preparations making her gasp in shock and happiness while Pipp talked on her phone

"Hello Pipsqueaks! And welcome to the ultimate DIY home makeoveeeer!" Pipp called out

Pipp then zipped off as Sunny followed after her

(Start at 0:11)

Sunny then ran to Zipp who was painting the kitchen walls

[The New Mane Six:]

Just a little touch up

Zipp then flew to the ceiling of the kitchen and threw some paint on the walls of it too

Just a little paint

Sunny then ran towards Izzy who was painting the walls while levitating a paint bucket in her magic

And we'll be done in no time

Izzy then saw Sunny making her drop the paint bucket into Sunny's hooves as Izzy started showing her the wall she's painting with a grin

"Hey, this is looking great!" Izzy called out in excitement

Sunny then rushes on over to Y/N, Hitch and McSnips A Lot as Y/N was putting a few of his own utensils in the kitchen drawer while Hitch was thinking before he draws something on a piece of paper before he grabs a measuring tape and stretches it out as Sunny looked at him before McSnips A Lot snips it in half making Hitch irritated

'Cause they say many hooves

and the work gets lighter

Sunny then met back with her friends who all talked to each other before working again as Sunny looked at them working while singing

And working with your friends

Will make the whole day brighter

The group along with Sunny then began to work as Sunny cleaned all of the dust they let fall away from the ground

Gonna work, work, work

Got so much to do

Sunny then looked up and saw her friends working together before they united together and sang together

Well, I don't mind the work

'Cause I get to work with you

The group then one and one showed the stuff which explained what they were doing

Gonna work, work, work

After that the group was seen preparing the stuff they wanted to do by either painting, hitting with a hammer and more

Make our dreams come true

MrSnips A lot was then seen picking up a hammer and helping Hitch with a plank

'Cause when we work together

There's nothing, nothing we can't do

Just then Sunny noticed things going wrong as she turned to Y/N who started to throw a few utensils towards the cabinet while doing stunts before she noticed Pipp holding a banner with a smile and putting it across her neck before rapping to her fans

[Pipp Petals:]

maakeI found the perfect color

Hitch was then seen holding holding a measuring tape while he and McSnips A Lot wore sunglasses on top of their heads as Hitch rapped

[Hitch Trailblazer:]

Yeah and you know that I measure right

Zipp is then seen flying across the walls painting the walls and ceilings with white paint while rapping

[Zipp Storm:]

'Cause we'll be done in no time

Izzy is then seen holding a paintbucket near a blue wall while rapping

[Izzy Moonbow:]

And we'll make this place a delight

Izzy then splashes purple paint on the wall before Sunny is seen in the middle of the mess in shock and worry over what she did

[The New Mane Six:]

'Cause they say there is magic in everypony

A bird was then seen flying around Zipp before flying into a wall and slapping into it facefirst as he tried to pull his head out

And when I need a hoof

I've got you there beside me

Zipp then turned the bucket around in a nervous look as the bird was stuck because the wall was now glue as Sunny tried to scrub away the dirt

Gonna work, work, work...

The music then silenced a bit as Pipp started flying towards Sunny in excitement

"This black canvas is getting the royal treatment! Big dreams for such a tiny little house!" Pipp said excitedly

Sunny groaned in disbelief as some dust fell onto her head before she noticed Izzy messing up the walls by throwing lot's of paint on it while laughing

"It needs more! More!" Izzy shouted

Izzy then threw more paint on the wall as one piece accidentally got on a poster which made Sunny try to scrub it off before she went to Y/N who was putting some traps near the front door of the house

"What are you doing Y/N?" Sunny asked in shock

"Putting traps on the front door so no one can break in and do something stupid, I'm still planning on putting traps everywhere else with windows" Y/N explained

"No! Don't do that! That's dangerous! Even for us!" Sunny called out

"Sorry but do you want something bad to happen I don't think so" Y/N said

Y/N then flew off which made Sunny even more irritated before she ran to the kitchen to find Hitch and McSnips A Lot working on the shelves as Hitch started moving around unbalanced before falling onto the ground before she went to Pipp who was putting pictures of herself on the walls before live streaming it

"Fan art!" Pipp called out singingly before Zipp started flying all over the walls and putting a lot of wall papers on it "Hey!" Pipp called out in anger

Pipp then flew off after her as Sunny went towards where they were supposed to be

"Up Ponies? I think we're losing focus here!" Sunny said worriedly

McSnips A lot then stole the measuring tape from Hitch before running off with it as Hitch followed after him in worry before catching him as he was mad at him

"McSnips A Lot!" Hitch called out in anger

Sunny then ran back to the main room before seeing more chaos as Izzy was levitating a chair over Sunny's head which almost hit her before she ducked before she turned to see Izzy also holding a few tea cups on one hoof while scrubbing the floor with her hindhoof as she tries to find a place for the chair to stay

"Multitasking!" Izzy explained to Sunny

Sunny then turned around to see Y/N putting more traps on the ground near the windows before smiling

"There we go! Now for the next floor!" Y/N said

Y/N then zipped off as Sunny in worry saw Pipp flying by while putting wallpapers on the wall before live streaming again

"Design Hack! Feature wall!" Pipp explained

Sunny then turned around only to see Izzy accidentally floating a chair onto a plant which Sunny then rushed to safe and put back before Zipp was seen trapped in some lights and wallpapers while struggling to walk before falling to the ground as Y/N was then heard screaming which made Sunny run upstairs and see Y/N underneath a waterbucket

"Well, that was dumb, I'd better dry myself, see you Sunny" Y/N waved

Y/N then rushed off before Sunny went back down the stairs before she saw Pipp trying to push a throne like chair up the stairs with Cloudpuff helping her as if he was a flight watcher of sorts

"How... Much... Further?!" Pipp asked in worry

Sunny then saw Izzy showing off her new robot like invention

"What about my automatic breakfast butler bot?" Izzy asked

Izzy then scrolled the lever before a pancake flew out of it and hit Zipp who was struggling to let himself loose while flying before McSnips A lot started hitting him

"Help!" Zipp called out

Hitch was then seen covering up the windows in worry

"Help!" Hitch called out

After that Y/N turned to the group with an irritated face

"Who put wallpaper on towels?!" Y/N asked

Y/N then pulled out a few towels which were shown to be wrapped in wet wallpaper

Pipp is then seen having trouble which her ice sculpture which started to melt

"My ice sculpture's melting!" Pipp called out in worry

Izzy then started to throw glitter everywhere in excitement including a freezer, a poster and on the glue and bird

"Glitter! Glitter! Glitter! Glitter" Izzy called out before throwing it on Sunny "Glitter!" Izzy called out singingly

Sunny soon washed herself back off before she went back into the halls and saw that everything started to looked more messed up before she arrived in the bathroom which so far hasn't been messed up which made her sigh in relief

"Oh, that's actually quite nice" Sunny said in relief

But that relief was early before Izzy came into it and threw glitter everywhere

"Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!" Izzy called out excitedly

Sunny was then seen back in the living room as her eye twitched while her friends were either worried, excited or in Y/N's case, serious

"I can't get it straight!" Hitch called out in worry

"What about the breakfast bot?!" Izzy asked excitedly

Zipp then began to get hung on a wall as he was worried

"Can someone get me down?" Zipp asked worriedly

"Ponies!" Sunny called out in worry before the breakfast bot accidentally hits the picture from a month ago which caused it to almost fall "No!" Sunny called out in worry before she charged towards it and catches it before it hits the ground as things started to get worse with everypony being worried except for Izzy who was hopping happily with the breakfast bot who shot in spurts while Y/N started putting traps everywhere else to try and make things safekeeping which made Sunny more worried

Sunny then ran towards another room in fright and closes the door before hitting it in sadness and when that was done she sadly turned to the middle of the room where a rainbow light was shining along with an elevator on the bottom as Sunny then approached the side with her bed and stuff as she puts the picture there in sadness before she turned around in worry

"I don't understand, I thought working together would be easy but it turns out it's super messy" Sunny said in worry, sadness and confusion before she stepped on a glued wallpaper which makes Sunny shake it off of her hoof before she walked back to the picture in sadness where she, her dad and Y/N were in making her sigh in defeat and grab it before turning the picture towards her "I wish you were here,  you always knew how to bring out the best in me and right now, I really need my best" Sunny said before she realized something "Wait, maybe that's what my friends need me to do, to bring them together to bring out their best!" Sunny realized before she kissed their portrait "Thanks dad" Sunny thanked

Sunny then went back out the door towards his friends who were still having trouble or in Izzy and Y/N's case figuring out how to make things fun and safe

"Okay everypony! Just stop!" Sunny ordered

After that everypony went silent as Y/N dropped some mousetraps on Hitch's back which made it bite him

"Ouch!" Hitch called out

"My bad" Y/N apologized

Y/N then went back to the ground as he helped the mousetrap off of Hitch's butt before using his magic to free Zipp

"Thanks Y/N" Zipp thanked

"No worries" Y/N said before turning to Sunny "Now what were you going to say?" Y/N asked

"Look, I know how much energy you're bringing to this but this is supposed to bring us together, not to pull us apart and right now..." Sunny started

The group then looked around before they had guilty looks on their faces

"It's a mess" Zipp said in guilt

"Yeah, I-I-I didn't want to say anything" Izzy said in guilt

"I guess we just did what we were all too familiar with instead of thinking about our friendships with each other Y/N said in guilt

"I'm in way over my head!" Hitch said in guilt

"This is a total makeover fail!" Pipp said in guilt

"It's not a fail it's... It's a work in progress, come on everypony, we can do this... Together!" Sunny said before Y/N pulled up his hand as Sunny realized what he was going to ask making her give a serious look "Okay fine but not too over the top like you just did" Sunny said

"Sweet!" Y/N cheered excitedly

[The New Mane Six:]

Gonna work, work work

Sunny then looked at her Cutie Mark while smiling as it started to glow brightfully before Izzy and Y/N are seen putting a chair in the living room at the correct spot

Make our dreams come true

Hitch is then seen helping the duo as he like a police agent or airplan worker helped them set the chair in the perfect position

'cause when we work together

After that Izzy and Y/N dropped the chair on the spot before the screen turned to Zipp hanging lights all over the railings in the room Sunny was in before

There's nothing we, there's nothing we can't do

Sunny then rushes to another couch and throws some pillows on the couch with McSnips A Lot making sure the last pillow on the couch got more comfier

Gonna work, work work

Got so much to do

Pipp is then seen removing posters of herselves before Sunny changed them up with colored paintings of other landscapes

Well I don't mind the work

'Cause I get to work with you ([Sunny Starscout:] I get to work with you!)

Zipp is then seen using her wings to send the dust into some sort of shovel which Izzy held

Gonna work, work, work

Izzy and Zipp then hoofbumped each other while smiling at each other

Make our dreams come true

The group then went to the bedroom area as they all put some of their pictures on their own counters before looking at each other

as Hitch is then seen drilling a nail into a counter with the help of McSnips A lot as the drill

'Cause when we work together!

Pipp then pulled out her phone which made the others look at her before they all went to surround her with smiles on their faces

There's nothing we, nothing we can't do!

"Say besties!" Pipp suggested

The group then took a picture before the screen changed to Sunny putting the picture on the living room counter causing the counter's one side to break as the counter flipped to the side a bit before Hitch and Sunny got a nervous look as Y/N decided to quickly fix it making the two look at him with grateful smiles

A while later the group were seen looking at the beautiful Crystal Brighthouse view in awe as Sunny started to talk in relief

"It's even better than I imagined" Sunny said in relief

Just then the group heard pounding noises making them turn to the source and saw McSnips A Lot hitting the staircase as Hitch turned to him angrily

"Leave it McSnips A Lot!" Hitch ordered angrily

McSnips A Lot then turned around before back at the staircase before hitting it rapidly

"We gotta stop him now!" Y/N suggested worriedly

A few days later above Zephyr Heighs Y/N was seen flying towards the royal palace

"Ever since we created the Crystal Brighthouse and Pipp and Zipp left to pack their stuff back home I've been wanting to see them so I'm gonna do that today" Y/N thought

Y/N continued to fly towards the Royal palace before he arrived as he turned to the two guards

"Hi Mister Y/N, what's up today?" Thunder asked

"Good day Thunder, Zoom, I'm on my way to go see my two friends who have left just two days ago" Y/N answered

"Well, allow us to send you there mister hero" The Pegasus known as Zoom said

"Hehehe, alright then" Y/N said

The trio then began walking into the castle before they were met with Zipp

"Princess Zipp, this beautiful stallion wants to see you and your sister" Thunder said

"Wow! Sweet! Hey Y/N, shall we go see Pipp then?" Zipp asked

"Sure, not to mention she's been missing me, I mean she's send me at least a hundred messages the last few days since you two left" Y/N answered

"Heh, she must've missed you a lot but she's actually doing worse than ever for now" Zipp explained

"Huh? Why?" Y/N asked

"Come on, I'll show you" Zipp suggested

The duo then went on their way to Pipp's room

Meanwhile in Pipp's room Pipp gave an angry look before panting heavily as she then began jumping onto her bag before pushing on it to try and close it before she went on her back and pushed downwards before standing back up and jumping again in worry before the bag opened and all the stuff she had put in it flew out of the bag which made her groan in disbelief

"Come on!" Pipp called out in disbelief before she then pulled the shorts a little higher so she can see before she turned to the mirror making her gasp in awe at the style she had now "Cuuuute!" Pipp called out in shock and awe

Zipp then knocked on the door before giving a playful smirk to Y/N

"Hurry up Pipp, somepony wants to see you" Zipp called out

"Tell them to wait for a minute then!" Pipp suggested

"Fine, then I'll tell Y/N to leave" Zipp explained

After hearing that Pipp quickly opened the door in excitement before Zipp and Y/N saw a bunch of clothes and stuff on the ground with Pipp still wearing the pants like it was a sleeping hat

"Everything okay in there?" Zipp asked

"Yup! Totally... Fine!" Pipp answered nervously

Y/N then rolled her eyes

"Pipp, what seems to be the problem, still trying to pack stuff with a ton of bags like Zipp told me?" Y/N asked

After hearing that Pipp sighed in defeat

"Yeah, I was trying to get my bags prepared for our new stay in the Crystal Brighthouse" Pipp said

"Pipp, I know we are your friends and you want to be prepared for whenever some new emergencies occur but we don't care about that we only care about your wellbeing and your bright smile you mostly have so stop worrying about it and let us help" Y/N suggested

"Ugh! Fine" Pipp said

"So how many bags do you need to make for now so far?" Zipp asked

"About 5 or something" Pipp answered

"Let me help you with that" Y/N said as he then pulled out a few more bags and opened them before putting all of Pipp's stuff in them before putting it on the side "There you go" Y/N said

"Thanks, now let's go get our goodbye from mom and then we can leave" Pipp said

"Alright and if you need me, I'll be in the crowd watching the show" Y/N said

A while later outside the royal palace the doors opened as some pillows were seen going outside which made the Pegasi gasp in shock and awe as two news reporters were seen talking

"And here come the royalloons" Skye announced

After that other ponies began to cheer before one pony started flying backwards and into a statue which didn't move so far before some other pony flew towards the balloon which made Y/N go to them and save them from whatever drama would happen before sending the two ponies to the ground

"I'd suggest you stay with the crowd if you don't want anypony to get hurt, I'm sure you'll get some flight lessons someday but for now sit back and relax" Y/N suggested

"Thanks Y/N" A Pegasus filly thanked

"No problem" Y/N said

The news reporter then turned to Skye in worry

"Another close call Skye" The news reporter said in worry

Skye then started talking through his teeth in worry

"There's been a lot of those lately Dazzle" Skye said worriedly

"It's true, but you know what they say Skye, progress over perfection" Dazzle explained as the royals were then seen riding by on a carriage while seated on three thrones making everypony cheer including Y/N "Here comes the royal family now!" Dazzle announced

The royals then began waving to the ground with smiles except for Zipp who was nervous before she saw her balloon aproaching her and getting closer which made her a little more worried as the balloon squeaked for a moment before she turned away in worry

"For the record mother, this is not a 'little' goodbye" Zipp explained

"Smile Zephyrina, this is all for you" Queen Haven reminded

Pipp then started to blow kisses to the crowd below him as Y/N catched one heart before pressing it against his cheek making him smile warmly before somepony turned to her

"Do you have a little crush on Pipp?" Somepony asked

"No, of course not! Why would I?" Y/N answered worriedly

"Uhuh, we'll see about that" The pony said with a mischievious grin

Y/N then gulped in nervousness before he shook it off and turned back to her three friends and threw a bouguet at her which made Pipp turn at it in shock before back at Y/N with a blushing smile before she shook it off and took pictures of the bouguet while three other ponies threw bouguets before crying in happiness as one filly fell to the ground but not before somepony else catched her before Zipp turned around only to see he was in the frame before going onto her belly in fright

"Pipp! No pictures!" Zipp ordered worriedly

"Come on Zipp, just one, don't you want to remember today?" Pipp asked

 Somepony then flew up which made Zipp turn to the Pegasi next to her which had a Zipp mask on them

"I love you Zipp!" A Pegasi called out from the Zipp mask

Zipp then saw it drop back down before turning to Pipp in disbelief

"And which part exactly would I want to remember?" Zipp asked

"Oh, I don't know, how about the loving send-off from your mother? The queen?" Pipp asked angrily

Queen Haven then turned to the two angrily

"Enough!" Queen Haven ordered before turning to Zipp "Zephyrina, you are the future queen! Now sit up straight and wave!" Queen Haven ordered

Zipp then gave a weak smile before sitting back up along with Pipp and waving at the crowd who were continuing to cheer at them while Pipp shook her head in disbelief before waving to the crowd too

Meanwhile in the Crystal Brighthouse the rest of the New Mane 6 were watching the full show on television as they were getting excited of seeing their friends there as Sunny perked up happily

"Look! There they are! Hi Zipp! Hi Pipp!" Sunny waved

Just then the screen changed to three fillies crying in happiness

"Are those Pegasi crying?" Hitch asked worriedly

Izzy then sighs in happiness and realization

"I know exactly how Pipp and Zipp feel right now" Izzy said dreamingly

[Flashback Start]

Izzy is then seen twirling with her purse on before throwing the purse into the air and onto her back as other ponies cheered while Izzy began moving to the edge of the forest while ponies cheered before Izzy gave kisses to all of them and waving after before the screen got back to normal where Izzy was seen waving to nopony except for a single Unicorn who blew a kazoo

[Flashback End]

After that the flashback ended as Izzy sighed once again dreamingly

"I remember it like it was yesterday" Izzy answered dreamingly

"Uh Izzy? That was yesterday" Sunny reminded

"Was it?" Izzy asked before she turned back to the TV where she saw Queen Haven on screen "Oh look! The queen!" Izzy called out in happiness

The group then turned back to the TV to watch the news

Back in Zephyr Heights Queen Haven was seen giving a speech onstage in front of a screen which had both Zipp and Pipp's faces on them

"It seems like only yesterday my daughters were adorable little fillies but look at them now" Queen Haven explained before she turned to her two daughters as Pipp gave kisses to everypony while Zipp's jaw dropped while he blushed in both stun and embarrasment as Queen Haven started to get tears in her eyes "All grown up, leaving me" Queen Haven said in sadness before she clears her throat and gets back on track "And to celebrate their new adventure together, I now present..." Queen Haven started

Two Pegasus guards then pulled off the cloak and when they did everypony saw the Zipp and Pipp statue which made other ponies take pictures while a few Pegasi flew closer to it only to get close to each other and bumping which worried Y/N as he went to the three and stopped them from hitting or breaking something before sending them to the ground

"If you guys keep bumping into stuff and each other I'd suggest you stay grounded for the time being" Y/N suggested

"But we wanted to take a closer picture of the statue" A Pegasus stallion explained

"I know but do you want to risk this party going wrong or worse have the statue break?" Y/N asked which made the three looked at each other before shaking their heads "Then I'd suggest you stop flying until we figure out a way to make you fly normally while not bumping into stuff and each other, the rest of you Pegasi too of course" Y/N said

After saying that Queen Haven sighed in relief before turning to the rest of the crowd

"As I was saying, may I now present Sisters take Flight!" Queen Haven announced

After that everypony cheered in excitement

After the two sisters gave speeches they started to leave with Y/N following after them with Y/N carrying all the bags in his magic as Pipp turned to Zipp in worry

"Zipp, aren't you going to miss Zephyr Heights even a teeny bit?" Pipp asked in worry

Zipp then turned away in worry

"I don't know but I know I'm ready for a new adventure, you know, together" Zipp answered

"Aww! That's so sweet you girls, I'll also will be there for you girls too" Y/N said

After that Zipp and Pipp started blushing

"A-Anything for you Y-Y/N" Pipp said blushing

"Yeah thanks" Zipp thanked

"No worries, anything for you girls" Y/N said

"Yeah, me too" Pipp said

The trio then gave a hoofbump as Y/N, Pipp and Zipp's Cutie Marks started to glow as they kept flying while holding each others' hooves ready to start a new adventure

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