A Rather Uncomfortable Meal

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"What's for dinner?" asked Clay.

"You're the one making it. You decide." Said the robot.

"Me?" asked Clay as the others started walking to the upper deck. But I can't cook. Not well anyway. The robot seemingly read his mind.

"I can make dinner if you want." He offered. Clay sighed, relieved, as he looked into the white ninja's eyes. They looked kind and playful yet thoughtful and wise. The robot smiled and headed to the upper deck with the rest of them. Clay soon followed.

When he reached the covered upper deck the sound of chatter filled his ears. Motor Mouth was talking to the girl, Cole was talking to the green one, and the robot was in the kitchen with the door open so he could hear the conversation.

"Kai!" The girl was waving to him then she gestured to the seat next to her. Clay sat on the floor mat next to her.

"Hey, Kai, I thought you loved cooking. Why is Zane doing it, not you?" asked the green one. So the robot's name is Zane. Thought Clay.

"Kai just wasn't feeling it tonight." Zane cut in from the kitchen. "He'll do it tomorrow." The green one nodded then continued his conversation with Cole. The chatter continued until an old man with a woman by his side walked in. All talking stopped as he entered and all the ninja rose and bowed slightly, hands clasped in front of them. Clay was quick to jump up and do the same.

"Sit, sit." He coughed. Everyone sat. The chatter between the ninjas continued as Clay sat in uncomfortable silence.

Zane soon came in with the food. Clay smelled ginger, cinnamon, and other spices that made him realize how hungry he was. His stomach growled loudly. The room went silent. Clay could feel himself blushing. The girl started giggling. Then Motor Mouth chuckled with her. Cole and Zane joined in. Then the green one did too. The chuckling turned to laughs. Soon the room was full of laughter. Clay was grinning widely when the laughs died down.

By the time dinner was over Clay had learned that the green one was the leader, Cole had a seemingly bottomless pit for a stomach, and that Motor Mouth was crushing on the girl. Clay went out onto the deck of the sky-ship as the others went to their cabins. The old man walked up behind him.

"I heard that you couldn't get to the tea shop for my tea." The man looked into Clay's chocolate colored eyes. "That is alright. It is better to know you are safe. Now get some rest, Kai." The old man slowly walked back into the dining room. Clay turned back to the view and sighed. How will I get home?

Howdy Howdy! I hope you enjoyed this part and have an excellent day!

Also, if you like this, be sure to check out one of my friends' story The Future Meets the Past (Kai X reader) by Twilight119 here on Wattpad! 

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