Chapter 10: The Citadel

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Soon enough, when Hawkeye and Black Arrow with a group of the Scavengers had led the eight as far as Hawkeye and Black Arrow was willing to go, James, Azari, Lily, and Moon were the first ones to get out of the underground as Moon flew up through the air carrying Azari then while Lily fired her grappling hook and flew up while James was holding onto her into the air before Lily and James climbing the rest of the way. Watching them in silence, Pym and Laura smiled as they looked at Hawkeye and Black Arrow while hopefully asking, are you both of you sure you two don't wanna come? Pym and Laura asked, before mimicking a bows and arrows while saying, both of you can shoot arrows at Spring and Ultron, it'll be lots of fun! Pym and Laura said, come on! Hawkeye and Black Arrow shook their own heads though and Hawkeye looked at Torrun who had been smiling at Pym's antics, and he smiled at her then while saying, stay safe, beautiful, while Black Arrow looked at Zane who also had been smiling at Laura's antics too, and she smiled at him then saying, stay safe, handsome. And with that, Hawkeye and Black Arrow winked at both of them and Torrun and Zane looked surprised before softly smiling as Torrun and Zane blushed, you too, and with that, Torrun and Zane quickly flew off into the air after Moon, Azari, Lily, and James. Hawkeye and Black Arrow smiled at this while Pym and Laura grinned before looking ready to speed and flew off after James, Azari, Torrun, Lily, Moon, and Zane, but then Pym and Laura stopped and looked back at the two Scavengers who was holding Green Tornado's and Vision's heads for them, we'll be back for Green Tornado's and Vision's heads! Pym and Laura promised, take a good care of them! And with that, Laura was gone in a flash with Pym was quickly flew off, leaving Hawkeye and Black Arrow to frown as both of them and the two Scavengers looked at Green Tornado's and Vision's heads before two Scavengers looked at Hawkeye and Black Arrow with looks that made Hawkeye and Black Arrow frown and ask, what? Hawkeye and Black Arrow pointed to themselves then, we have to look after ourselves and with that, both of them walked off together. So, Hawkeye likes the Asgardan girl and Black Arrow likes the Amazon boy, Green Lantern smirked at this. Hawkeye and Black Arrow rolled their eyes at Green Lantern while saying, shut up Green Lantern, Hawkeye and Black Arrow to her. Ah hahaha, Green Lantern laughing at Hawkeye and Black Arrow. Not funny, Green Lantern, Hawkeye and Black Arrow said. Yeah it is, the way of the Asgardan girl and the Amazon boy looked at both of you, Hawkeye and Black Arrow, Green Lantern says. Laughs all you want Green Lantern, Hawkeye and  Black Arrow said to her. Don't worry I am, Hawkeye and Black Arrow, Green  Lantern responded to them. Within the city and using Lily's grappling hook, James, Azari, Lily, and Laura climbed up the rope while Torrun, Pym, Moon, and Zane flew up until finally, James and Lily came to the ground they were climbing up to as James and Lily got through the gap and leaned briefly on the ground while frowning as James and Lily looked around and then at their destination, before both of them looked down at Azari, Pym, Moon, and Laura while saying, all clear James and Lily told them, Azari, Pym, Moon, and Laura, come on and with that, James and Lily jumped through the gap and jumped over the grounds parts, Azari and Laura following suit while Moon and Pym flew after them with Torrun and Zane who briefly looked out before following. Soon enough, the eight had stopped on a pathway on the ground and looked ahead of them then while James and Lily said, the tower as they saw it ahead of them, its heading for the citadel, come on. As the tower continued to move down the pathway towards them, the eight were quick to use Lily's grappling hook once more and as James and Lily with Azari and Laura climbed up while Pym, Torrun, Moon, and Zane flew, James and Lily said while climbing up, come on, Hawkeye and Black Arrow said the entrance is at the top. Pym and Laura in excitement, happily said while climbing and flying, race ya! But soon after, James, Azari, Lily, and Laura had only made it half way in climbing and they were nearing their destination, worrying James and Lily then, we're not going to make it. Torrun, Moon, and Zane exchanged looks at this before quickly flying faster and ahead and much to James, Azari, Lily, and Laura surprise, three grabbed one of them each and flew up into the air while holding them and soon enough, the three landed at the top and dropped the four onto the top when they landed. Pym  and Laura eyes widened though when they saw the tower and citadel connecting through the part that the eight were standing on, was being crushed apart of the plan?! The eight looked at the parts preparing to connect then and knew they couldn't escape now and looked freaked out as the part's connected to each other then while they cried out in panic while steam came out of the two buildings connecting. With Moon's red eyes and Pym neon green light being the only lights they had in the darkness, the eight found themselves trapped in the part with a locked door preventing them from leaving, causing Pym and Laura to ask then, great, now what?! James and Lily frowned as they looked at the door over at Pym and Laura while saying, see what both of you can do about that door. Pym and Laura frowned as they studied the door together themselves and looked over the keycode, before they nodded and said, we're on it! And with that, they approached the door together and looked it over while Moon kept her eyes alight for light. But after looking over, Pym and Laura grinned and looked back at Azari and Moon, hey, Azari and Moon can open this! What? James and Lily raised an eyebrow in skepticism, how do both of you know that? Pym and Laura smiled at this, it's just the maintenance hatches and magnets at home. Azari and Moon looked at each other back and looked back at the door. Getting the point, Moon approached the door while Azari approached the keycode and Azari used his lightning towards the keycode, while Moon aimed before firing the lasers at the door and blowing it off, causing the door to open for the eight as red lights were still surrounding them all. But that was when Azari and Moon landed on the ground and bracing, both of them took a dedicate step forwards together while Pym and Laura looked at each other and looked back Pym and Laura gulped in fear together, uh, Azari and Moon, you two go first. Azari and Moon nodded and quickly jumped over certain part's of the ground, landing soon enough near the wall and at nothing happening, they nodded at the others. Seeing that nothing happened, Pym and Laura smiled and happily strolled forwards together, crossing all part's of the ground in the process and suddenly, they cried out as noises could be heard and suddenly, the walls around them came apart in pieces and flew around or flew away into the brick walls that surrounded the pathway, Pym and Laura watching this in fear until suddenly, they cried out in fear and struggled to keep their ground as a part of their ground gave away as did a part of Azari's and Moon's, the four looking freaked out as James, Torrun, Lily, and Zane watched in horror. But just as Pym and Laura got their balance, the ground continued to switch around and give away and the four panic as Azari and Moon just managed to reach the one last bit of ground, but suddenly, Pym and Laura screamed as they fell into seemingly the abyss just as they tried to reach Azari and Moon, causing Azari and Moon to cry out, Pym and Laura! Just kidding, Pym said as he flew up to Azari and Moon, while Moon panicked, Moon flew down and soon enough, flew back up with Laura, placing Laura on the moving piece of the ground while Laura looked relieved, t-t- thanks. Are you okay, Laura? Azari asked in worry for her. Yeah I am okay now, Azari but thanks for asking, Laura said. I'm glad that you are okay, Laura, Azari said while smiling. Really, Pym, just really, Moon said. Yes, really, Moon, Pym said. Ignored Pym, Moon, Pym is Giant Man and Wasp son, anyway, Azari says. Okay, fine, Azari, Moon said. After watching this though, Torrun and Zane stopped James and Lily from attempting to follow and looked worried for once, we shouldn't be here Torrun and Zane said, James and Lily what if. James and Lily though, gave Torrun and Zane a reassuring look while saying, it's going to be okay, James and Lily said, we promise. And with that, James and Lily held out their own hands to Torrun and Zane and after a moment, Torrun and Zane took it and holding onto James and Lily, Torrun and Zane flew across the darkness and landed on the ground with Azari, Pym, Moon, and Laura and placed James and Lily down first. Azari and Moon frowned as they looked around together in confusion, oookaay, Azari and Moon said, there's no one here Azari and Moon said, continuing to look around together as they gestured while saying, maybe Spring and Ultron assumes no one would be dumb enough to break in. Ha! Pym and Laura laughed, grinning as they approached Azari and Moon while pointing to themselves, we showed them, we are dumb enough! Suddenly though, Pym and Laura stepped on a part of the ground that suddenly lit up red, and the groups saw with wide eyes as the ground seemed to get red glowing cracks and they all watched as the ground in response, seemed to gain more of its back and seemed to go forwards and then the eight saw the lights light up, revealing the pathways led to some cases and when James and Lily even from their own distance, saw what was in them, narrowed their own eyes and began to walk forwards. Torrun and Zane looked beyond worried at this, James and Lily, wait! But James and Lily ignored them both, and continued to walk forwards, across the pathways and despite nothing happening, James and Lily soon looked horrified anyway when James and Lily stopped in front of the cases, seeing with horror, a familiar Iron Man suit and a dark cape in the two cases that looked like it had been torn off. The six soon followed, Pym and Laura confused and scared as they asked, what what is all this? But Torrun and Zane soon stopped next to James and Lily while Azari and Moon looked at the two cases had been looking at and suddenly, Azari and Moon gasped in horror, no. Torrun and Zane peered at it too and at seeing what it was, looked horrified and hugged James and Lily suddenly, crying and muttering, n-n-no.  Azari and Moon banged their own fist against the two glasses in anger, causing Pym and Laura to look away and closes their own eyes while James and Lily, with Torrun and Zane still hugging them, looked around with increasing horror at what was in the other cases, the two mainly what looked to be James father's shield and Lily father's cowl. With names of the fallen heroes all over the cases, Torrun and Zane let go of James and Lily at feeling the two move and James and Lily walked towards the two cases with the shield and cowl, seeing with sadness that it was indeed Captain America's shield and Batman's cowl, looking like it had been torn off their own heads along with Batman beyond fixable belt in the one case, only both recognizable by the star and bat symbols on the middle of it. The six watched them quietly, but then they both stepped forward together, reaching out to the two cases only the ground to light up red once more and suddenly, the eight gathered in horror to see more cases light up in the darkness, holding all kinds of items from fallen heroes and villains alike and up in the air, Lily could see with horror what looked like to be her mother's mask in one of those higher cases along with her whip. Oh no, Lily, Laura said in worry. Azari and Moon looked around in fear together and disgust, it its like it's some kind of trophy room Azari and Moon said, before saying with worry, that means. But James and Lily didn't let them finish, simply saying then, come on James and Lily said, let's go. And with that, the two walked off together, the other six soon following. Still stuck in the two chairs, Tony and Ororo had their own heads lowered while Ororo didn't have her dark cape on her and Tony didn't have his armor on him either, but that was when suddenly, James and Lily could be heard crying out before a shield and a bat a rang hit the two chairs, shutting it down with ease and James and Azari lunged forward in time to catch the injured Iron Man, Azari saying in reassurance then, we got you, Tony, while Lily and Moon lunged forward in time to catch the injured Storm, Moon saying in reassurance then, we got you too, Ororo. Mother, don't worry I'm here too, Azari said. Azari my son, I'm glad to see you safe and alive, Ororo said happily to see her son again. Please Tony and Storm looked beyond worried at the sight of the eight, please don't tell us all eight of you just walked right into Spring's and Ultron's trap. Trap? Pym and Laura smiled happily, how do both of you it's a trap? Maybe we're just that good. Tony, is there something you want to tell them all, don't you, Storm said. Tell us about what? Laura asked in confusion while Lily, Moon, and Zane are also confused too what Ororo meant. Yes I do, Ororo, Tony said. But Tony shook his head, I know because I built Ultron. And got my husband T'Challa killed in first place, Storm said. Okay look, Ororo, I'm sorry for that but I was doing what I been ordered by Cap to get the Avengers kids to safety out of Spring and Ultron grasp, Ororo, Tony said. I know you were just doing your job to get my  husband and mine son out of there, Tony, Storm said. Storm also shook her head too, I know because it's never that easy to get away from the enemies. And suddenly, as if to answer the ten, the walls around them all gave away and suddenly, the eight kids saw with their wide eyes around them as parts of the walls gave away to reveal the Iron Justice League and the Iron Avengers there together and at the ready while the main part of the wall gave away to reveal Spring and Ultron, ax at the ready while Ultron was at the ready to as the eight kids realized what Tony and Storm meant. Really, Tony, a robotic version of my husband, Storm said. Yes really, I know that this looked bad for us right now, Ororo, Tony said. Ororo rolled her eyes at Tony for this, while Tony just smiled at her. Do you two see, a Avenger and a X Men? Spring and Ultron said, rumors of the eight children's existence already has gone around, they couldn't have remain hidden if they tried, even for your son, Storm Spring and Ultron said with a smirk, and now, it's time for the eight to be eliminated as well with both of you. Pym and Laura looked terrified at this and suddenly protested, hey! That's not fair! Pym and Laura said together, before pointing at James and Lily while saying, James and Lily doesn't even have powers! James and Lily just glared at Pym and Laura at the same time. Scanning Avengers and Justice League data files, Ultron said. Ah, yes, James Rogers, son of Steve Rogers aka Captain America, like Captain America who inspired them all, like Captain America, James will inspired them all, and the most dangerous Avengers them all, and also like Captain America, you James, will be the first to fall! Ultron said. Ah yes,  Lily Wayne daughter of Batman and Catwoman who were the first heroes that I eliminated, the most dangerous Justice League, and also just like your parents, you Lily will be the first to die! Spring said. James and Lily looked at a hidden part of the wall and saw with wide eyes Hawkeye and Black Arrow aiming a arrow, causing both of them to smirk as they both said not today, robot and monster. And with that, Hawkeye and Black Arrow shot their own arrows and it hit Spring and Ultron right in the their own heads, exploring on impact but when the smoke cleared up, Spring and Ultron was still standing and looked behind them in anger while snarling, Barton and Queens. Hawkeye and Black Arrow sheepishly smile at this while waving before aiming another arrows that when shot, exploded on impact but still did nothing. But just as Spring growled and went to lunged at them with her ax while Ultron about to blasted them, the walls suddenly gave away and the Scavengers were there, shooting their weapons instantly at Spring and Ultron and as the Iron Justice League and the Iron Avengers tried to deal with it, more Scavengers led by Green Lantern arrived and soon enough, all were aiming weapons at Spring and Ultron and fighting. Seeing their own chance, James and Lily looked at Azari, Pym, Moon, and Laura while saying, Azari, Pym, Moon, and Laura go with Hawkeye, Black Arrow, and Green Lantern they ordered, before looking at Torrun and Zane then, Torrun and Zane, take Tony and Ororo. Torrun and Zane nodded and quickly did so, flying off with Tony and Ororo and as the groups gathered, both Hawkeye, Black Arrow, and Green Lantern shouted in unison, Scavengers, disappear! Leading the way, Hawkeye, Black Arrow, and Green Lantern raced down the walls first and James and Lily pointed at them while saying to the others, go! But just as Azari, Pym, Torrun, Moon, Laura, and Zane with Tony and Ororo followed, James and Lily stopped at Spring and Ultron saying, there is nowhere for both of you to run! Spring pointed her ax them while Ultron pointed his hand at them as James and Lily dared to look briefly, there's no hope for the Avengers and Justice League. James and Lily quickly got out of the way of the ax and blasts and quickly followed  the others, continuing to run with Azari and Moon as they fled. Spring and Ultron ordered in anger then, bring them all to us! And suddenly, the walls in response started connecting once more, almost trapping James, Azari, Lily, and Moon several times as they escape still through the walls, but that was when the walls were speeding up in their connecting and Hawkeye and Green Lantern looked back at the four in worry, move it, you four! The four stopped at their escape slowly closing,  James used his shield while Lily quickly shouted, use your ring! And getting the point, Green Lantern quickly kept the walls apart with a block while using James shield, trying to focused on that and taking the chance, the four jumped through the gap and landed on the ground as the gap closed at Green Lantern getting rid the block and the shield. Following  Hawkeye, Black Arrow, and Green Lantern, they run forward and out of the several closing walls but just as the seven briefly stopped, a wall closed in on the seven and pushed them into the abyss. Having successfully made it to the point of escaping, Torrun saw Hawkeye, James, and Azari as the three screaming through the air while Zane saw Black Arrow, Green Lantern, Lily, and Moon as the four screaming through the air and quickly, Torrun and Zane flew forward and downwards and just as Hawkeye, James, and Azari grabbed ahold of each other while Black Arrow, Green Lantern, Lily, and Moon also grabbed ahold of each other too, Torrun grabbed Hawkeye's hand while Zane grabbed Black Arrow's hand before the seven hit the ground and quickly flew ahead with the Hawkeye, James, and Azari holding onto each other, while Black Arrow, Green Lantern, Lily, and Moon are also holding onto each other too. Hawkeye smiled at this, that was real close, beautiful, while Black Arrow smiled too, that was real close, handsome. Torrun and Zane smiled back at this, better late than never. And with that, Torrun and Zane flew forward and soon enough, they were gone, having escaped for now.

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