chapter 8: Apokalips City

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Moon was the first to speak when this happened, looking worried then, ma'am? Laura got up from her seat and looked Green Tornado over, before looking back at the others in worry while saying, she out of juice. Well, that's just great Moon said, looking ffrustrated fully, so what now? Laura smiled as she looked Green Tornado head over once more, I think I can get her up and running she said hopefully, I'll need to reconfigure her power matrix. But Zane was standing up from his seat then himself and didn't look pleased at the thought of Green Tornado coming to life and taking them into hiding again, I say, thee nay! He said in anger, eyes narrowed then, I will not run, and I will not hide! He pointed to himself while saying this before continuing as he raised his fist, I am the son of Wonder Woman, and Spring & Ultron will pay for what's they done! Moon narrowed eyes as she looked at him then, but Ororo wanted us safe! She protested, fists clenched then, going after Spring & Ultron is exact opposite of that and that was when she looked pleadingly at the other front seat while asking pleadingly, Lily, back me up. But Lily didn't respond, staying silent in her seat, causing Moon to frown in worry then, Lily? Lily was still silent though as she looked out the window as they kept flying, her reflection looking the same solemn expression as Zane asked in worry, Lily? That was when finally, Lily spoke up, I led Spring & Ultron to our home Laura and Moon stared at her for this as Lily continued, Ororo gone because of me. The other two looked unsure of what to say to this as they exchanged glances, but Zane was quick to protest, no! He protested, before narrowed his eyes as he said then, we going after Spring & Ultron and with that, he looked at Laura while pointing to the controls, Laura, take the controls and head for this Apokalips City. Laura smiled at this and sat at the controls, I'm on it, Zane she happily said, before frowning when she looked them over, uhh, two questions how do you fly this thing and where is Apokalips City? With the night sky being lit up by the city red lights and other various lights in the city, the waters were peaceful around the city until the kids jet flew across them and towards the city. Only, that was when after they passed a rock in the waters, a red light emerged from it and as the jet approached the city, the city's defenses activated instantly and fired missiles at the jet which didn't have time to react as the missiles hit dead on and blew up the jet, the pieces of the jet falling into the water and leaving smoke in its wake. Only, Moon and Zane had acted quickly and grabbed Lily and Laura who had grabbed Green Tornado head and as they held onto Moon and Zane, they flew in the air and after seeing the destroyed jet's remains in the water, Moon signed as she admitted in defeat, okay so maybe they would have attacked us and Lily narrowed her eyes at this as she looked towards the city. Walking carefully through the a pipeline they had found, the four soon found the end of the pipeline and they saw four more kids there, a boy with a red hair while possessing blue eyes with a granule on his waist, a girl with a long blond hair while possessing blue eyes with a sword, a boy with black hair while possessing amber eyes and have tattoos on him, and a little boy with black hair while possessing brown eyes, and he was holding a head too. Excuse me, who are you guys? Lily asked. The other four kids heard a voice and they turn around to see four other kids, a girl with short red hair while possessing Sky blue eyes and caucasian skintone with weapons, a boy with chocolate hair while possessing brown eyes and tanned skintone with a sword and shield, and also a golden rope, a girl with long black hair while possessing green eyes and caucasian skintone with a cape, and a little girl with brown hair while possessing hazel eyes and caucasian skintone with another head while holding another head in her arms too. I'm James Rogers, I'm the son of Captain America & Black Window, & these guys are my adopted sister & brothers, James said. I'm Torrun, I'm the daughter of Thor, & the Princess of Asgard, Torrun said. I'm Azari T'Challa, I'm the son of Black Panther & Storm, I'm the Prince of Wakanda, & I'm also a mutant like my mother Ororo Munroe, Azari said. I'm Henry Pym Jr but everyone calls me Pym for short, I'm the son of Giant & Pixie. We are the next Avengers, just like our parents are the original Avengers too, James said. Who are you guys? This is Vision in Pym arms, Azari said. I'm Lily Wayne, the daughter of Batman & Catwoman, & these guys are my adopted sisters & brother too, Lily said. I'm Zane, the son of Wonder Woman, & the Prince of Themyscira and the Amazons, Zane says. I'm Moonlight Kent, the daughter of Superman, but everyone calls me Moon for short, Moon says. I'm Laura, the daughter of the Flash, Laura says. This is Green Tornado in Laura arms, Moon says. We are the next Justice League just like our parents are the original Justice League Members too, Lily says. Laura spoke up why are you guys here anyway? Torrun spoke up we are here to get Tony Stark aka Iron Man who was taken away by Spring & Ultron. Why are you guys here too? Azari asked. Zane spoke up we are to get Ororo Munroe aka Storm or the Queen who was also taken away by Spring & Ultron too. Azari spoke up wait, my mother is alive still, I thought she get kill alright. Wait a second, Ororo Munroe is your mother, Azari, Lily says. Yes she is, she is the Queen of Wakanda, the wife of my father Black Panther aka T'Challa, & the first mutant that become Queen of Wakanda, Azari says. I missed her so much, Azari said. Okay, that makes sense now, Laura said. Can we just get back to our mission in saving Tony Stark aka Iron Man whoever that is & Ororo Munroe please, Moon said. Yeah I'm with Moon, Azari says. And the next Avengers & the next Justice League saw with wide eyes the city that was known as Apokalips City, with drones & paprademons alike through the skies while there seemed to be no signs of human life at all. And as both Pym & Laura saw the various drones & paprademons fly through the air, all Pym & Laura could say was, big as both Pym & Laura watched this in awe & fear. Torrun & Zane was quiet until finally, they both raised their own fists while saying, hear'th be the plan. Pym & Laura raised an eyebrow at hearing this though, We don't think hear'th is right. Torrun and Zane narrowed their eyes at this, shut up, Pym and Laura, both Torrun and Zane said, before continuing, here's the plan and with that, Torrun and Zane pointed out at the city while speaking, we fight our way through the city Torrun and Zane pulled their own sword out then while continuing, get to Spring & Ultron, smite them, free Tony & Ororo, together as a team. Lily and James however, didn't look impressed by the plan, that plan is insane several levels Lily and James said together, both our team can't beat Spring & Ultron. Zane turned to them at hearing this, I am a immortal and invulnerable Amazon Warrior he said, Spring & Ultron holds no fear for me and with that, he turned to face the city while finishing with, besides my mother watches over me. Torrun turned to them at hearing this too, I am Asgardan Warrior she said, Spring & Ultron holds no fear for me either, and with that, she turned to face the city while finishing with, besides my father watches over me. James and Lily looked at each other and back at their siblings. James and Lily groaned as James and Lily pointed out, you both don't know your invulnerable! But Zane ignored James and Lily, raising his sword and shield while crying, for Themyscira! But Torrun ignored James and Lily, raising her sword while crying, for Asgard! And with that, both Torrun and Zane threw themselves through the air and lunged right at a paprademon, easily slicing it in half and destroying it with ease. James and Lily looked worried fully, tell us Torrun and Zane didn't just do that. Yeah, they did it James and Lily, Azari and Moon said together. In response to Torrun and Zane arrival, a drone dropped to the ground and formed a blaster bot, firing at Torrun and Zane instantly, causing Laura to speed and Pym fly down there while Moon flew carrying Azari and James and Lily to the ground, landing perfectly while crying, Torrun and Zane! Torrun and Zane just managed to dodge these blasts attempted and reflected them off with their swords, causing Torrun and Zane to narrowed their eyes as Torrun and Zane saw a two paprademon fly at them both then, causing them to jump out of the way of its attack attempt and slice off its arms then, throwing it at a approaching drone while crying, have at thee! It destroyed the drone at least, but that was suddenly, a two larger plane flew overhead of them and suddenly, dropped more drones to the ground to face Torrun and Zane as they surrendered them both separately and began firing at them separately, causing Torrun and Zane to cry out as they lunged at one of them and sliced its head off, but cried out in pain as they continued to fire at Torrun and Zane while advancing on Torrun and Zane separately until finally, another drones flew in the air and fired one single shot at Torrun and Zane and when the smoke disappeared, Torrun and Zane was standing in a small crater, but that was when Torrun and Zane saw the marks they had on their own arms and instantly, Torrun and Zane looked worried as Torrun and Zane muttered in pain, ow. The drones once more, fired the shot at Torrun and Zane again and making Torrun and Zane to cried out in pain, causing Laura to speed and Pym fly at the drones then, no! And quickly, using her speed force , was quick to tear the drones apart while Pym shoot his stinger at the drones and smirked as Pym and Laura stood still briefly, and there's more where that came from! Though Pym and Laura did have to avoid a blasts then, Pym and Laura was quick to recover and cry, missed! And with, Laura sped around the drones while Pym fly around the drones and made them fire at each other as the destroyed each other in the process. Just as James, Azari with Lily and Moon, who was holding Green Tornado and Vision heads, were about to join the battle though, more drones approached them, causing Moon out of panic to blow ice so a shield formed while causing Azari out of panic to hit the drones with his lightning as his tattoos powered up while James pulled up his hologram shield making bigger with Azari and Pym it between the two opposing teams forces. And suddenly, that was when a blur sped into the scene, knocking Zane down to the ground and speeding over him while a two red giant foots fly into the scene, knocking Torrun down to the ground and stepping on her. When Torrun and Zane opened up their own eyes, looking dazed and confused and in pain then though, Torrun and Zane saw with their own wide eyes that standing above Torrun and Zane was the Iron Wonder Woman and Iron Thor and Torrun and Zane only had a moment to think before Torrun and Zane gasped and screamed then as the Iron Wonder Woman and Iron Thor grabbed them by their own faces and lifted them up with ease, raising her sword to him then while Iron Thor raising his hammer to Torrun then. James, Azari, Lily, and Moon with Pym and Laura saw with wide eyes then as the Iron Wonder Woman threw Zane while Iron Thor threw Torrun into the ground, and causing Torrun and Zane to cry out in pain and causing Azari and Moon to point in worry then, We have to help them! Azari and Moon cried, we have to- but that was when the six cried out in shock and had to jump separate ways at blasts being aimed at James, Azari, Pym, Lily, Laura, and Moon next, more Iron Justice League and more Iron Avengers arriving to the scene together and leaving a crater in the six's wake. But when Moon and Azari backed up against a metal wall with Green Tornado and Vision heads, Moon and Azari cried out in panic suddenly as the wall opened behind Moon and Azari and suddenly, Moon and Azari was pulled in together by something and the wall closed behind Moon and Azari. James and Pym along with Lily and Laura looked at where Moon and Azari had been with wide eyes, James and Lily looking panicked, Moon and Azari! Moon and Azari! But that was when suddenly, the wall opened up behind Pym and Laura next and Pym and Laura was soon gone into the walls together next with a cry as they closed behind Pym and Laura. That was when the Iron Green Arrow and Iron Catwoman along with Iron Hawkeye and Iron Black Window fired at James and Lily next, causing James and Lily to quickly dodge in panic until suddenly, the wall that had opened up for Pym and Laura opened again and something grabbed James and Lily next together, causing James and Lily to cry out as the wall closed behind James and Lily, leaving behind motionless Iron Justice League and Iron Avengers bots. And Torrun and Zane. Torrun looked up from the ground in pain then, struggling to get up as she had mark's all over her and that was when pleadingly, Torrun cried out in pain, Father! Father! Zane also looked up from the ground in pain too then, struggling to get up as he had mark's all over him and that was when pleadingly, Zane cried out in pain too, Mother! Mother! However, just as the Iron Wonder Woman approached Zane with her sword while the Iron Thor approached Torrun with his hammer, arrows suddenly were fired into Iron Wonder Woman and Iron Thor path, blowing up on impact and as smokes gathered from these, two peoples suddenly flew down to Torrun and Zane with their own bows on a separate rope, landing in front of Torrun and Zane then, revealing to be a boy and a girl looked like being older then Torrun and Zane, the girl had short strawberry hair while possessing blue eyes with caucasian skintone, wearing a pair of dark green leather pants, a dark green long sleeve shirt with a sleeveless hooded light green jacket, the hood up and over her hair as she wore light green gloves and light green combat boots with a green mask over her eyes and a belt her waist seemed to be holding spare weapons as she was holding a her weapon, the bow while arrows were in a quiver on her back at the ready while the boy had white blonde hair while possessing a deep green eyes and white skintone, wearing a pair of black leather pants, a long black sleeved shirt with fingerless gloves and had no mask, black combat boots, and a belt holding spare weapons too, as he was holding his weapon, the bow while arrows were in a quiver on his back at the ready. The boy smiled down at Torrun then holding his hand out to her, you ready to get out of here, beautiful? And the girl smiled down at Zane then while holding her hand out to him, you ready to get out of here, handsome? Torrun stared at him in shock and surprise, I.. Torrun stammered, I mean y.. yes. Zane stared at her in shock and surprise, I..Zane stammered, I..mean y..yes. At this answer, the boy smiled while the boy pulled Torrun up and pulled Torrun close while saying, then hang on, while at this answer, the girl smiled while she pulled Zane up and pulled Zane close while saying, then hang on. And just as the Iron Giant man approached the boy and Torrun, the boy pulled a arrow out and fired it, grabbing Torrun just in time as the boy with Torrun flew right out of Iron Giant man grabbing range while Iron Flash approached the girl in green and Zane, the girl in green pulled a arrow out and fired it, grabbing Zane just in time as the girl in green and Zane flew right out of the Iron Flash grabbing range. Holding onto the boy with the white blonde originally like Torrun life depended on it, Torrun looked weakly at where she had been and saw with wide eyes, her sword abandoned on the ground in the crater as bots began to surrender her sword, causing Torrun to cry out in panic as Torrun reached helplessly for her sword, no! While holding onto the girl in green originally like Zane life depended on it, Zane looked weakly at where he had been and saw with wide eyes too, his sword and shield abandoned on the ground in the crater as bots began to surrender his sword and shield, causing Zane to cry out in panic as Zane reached helplessly for his sword and shield, no! Leaving behind Torrun sword that laid on the ground as the Iron Thor looked at Torrun sword, while leaving behind Zane sword and shield that on the ground as the Iron Wonder Woman looked at Zane sword and shield.

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