Chapter 1: loss of a family memeber

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Damian P.O.V.

They say that family runs together, stay together but obviously you haven't met my Family. Raised by a heartless mother who does nothing but train me to be an assassin then ship me off to a somewhat caring father who wants me to be a hero. But does trust me not trust enough to do anything solo he afraid that I might kill someone. I'm not that person anymore not since I've been chosen.

Flashback 9 year ago at The Himalayas

Damian was sent into another trail by his mother to prove he was ready to meet his father. Beaten down and suffering from starvation, Damian slowly feels weakened and close to the edge of death. As Damian kept walking he tripped and fell down too weak to get he finally gave up but he noticed a heart shaped herb. 

"what this doing here?" he asked himself but he didn't care he was too hungry to care, he ripped the herb and ate it. After he eat it he felt the unimaginable pain out of nowhere he twisted and struggle with the pain then undoubtedly cover himself with snow. he finally pass out from the pain and then awoke into a strange new place.

"hello, young warrior" A voice called out, Damian turn and see a man in white.

(R.I.P. Chadwick Boseman the true king.)

"who are you? Damian asked, overwhelmed at what was happening.

"My name is King T'Challa, son of King . I was the sovereign ruler of the nation of Wakanda and the second Black panther. you are in the astral plane after eating the heart shape herb." He said.

"The wha?"

"The Heart-Shaped Herb, It granted us enhanced strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, agility, and instincts to those who consume it.'" He explained.

"So I have powers?" he asked curiously. He couldn't believe he was given power by eating some plant. "Mother wouldn't approve of this."

"Ah yes, the woman you call mother, but is she really what she says she is?"

"What do you mean?" he replied. She is his mother right.

"Instead telling you let me show." T'Challa places his hand on Damian's head then shows him a vision of the truth about Talia and her true nature then shows what a real mother was supposed to be.

"After all the training gaining her approval she was just using me. same with grandfather what can I do?" Damian asked.

"Whatever you want child, no one can dedicate what you can do. you can crave your own path, be your own person, don't let no one tell otherwise." T'challa said. For the first time in life Damian feels happy and at peace. "Now let train you to use new gift." Damian smile in determination.

End of flashback.

After training with T'Challa I've gotten to my powers but I had to hide them from my mother. T'Challa showed me the way of the Black panther; he taught me that all life is sacred and that we should cherish them. But not to be Afraid to make hard choices even if you don't like them. I return to face my mother for the final fight where I have hid my abilities. After witnessing her true motive I can't let her know about them. The fight ended with me victorious. My mother was a bit suspicious of me,, but less so when we were ambushed by Deathstroke. It was the day she finally introduced me to father . At first I was excited but over the years I became disappointed with him. He doesn't want to spend any time with me, to get to know me. I am afraid he sees me as some burden and it helps when Tim and Jason are always making fun of me. I discover Batman doesn't like enhanced people in Gotham and once again I have my power a secret but I have a plan. I have a safehouse somewhere in bludhaven with it I have a costume made and a lab to work at. Hey just because I'm no longer Robin doesn't mean I quit being a hero. I just didn't think I would need it so soon.

Flashback a month ago.

Batman and Robin had made it to the Joker's hideout. they heard intel that he was planning something big.

"So are we waiting for something." Robin asked, wondering why they were still standing there. With his heightened senses he heard four footsteps coming.

"What got something better to do, Demon." Red hood mocked. Robin just ignored him, not the mood for a childish banner.

"Quiet, I word that the joker that is planning something, what it is I don't know yet." Batman explained.

"Wait where did you hear this?" Robin asked, something doesn't feel right.

"Never mind that robin."


"I said Drop it." Batman said sternly. Robin grungy drops it and hears the snicker coming from Red hood and Red robin.

"Why do I bother?" He thought. Batman the signal and the team head inside, the pit in Robin's stomach grows as he fears something bad will happen. It turned out he was right as the light came on.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Hello bats." the joker said as he came out with his new sidekick Punchline. "How it going"

"Joker it over." Batman growled.

'oh let me guess, You thought I was planning something big like destroying Gotham right?'' Batman was silent which caused Joker's grin to widen. "Wrongo basty, see you play right into my trap HAHAHAHAHA." The eyes widen "Yeah your so called information was a ploy by me. I gave your spy false information to lead you here HAHAHAHAHA."

"Great." Robin muttered.

"shut it demon." Hood hissed at him. Once again Robin ignored the taunted, Robin looked around to find some kind of escape.

"It seems like you got sloppy Beloved." a voice said and out came Talia al ghul.

"Great the wicked bitch of the west." Robin thought.

"Talia why are you with the Joker?" Batman questioned.

"Oh nothing personal, just here for answers." She said as she narrowed her eyes at Damian.


" you're hiding something soon and now you're gonna tell me what it is." she demanded.

"Or what?" Robin retorted.

"Or you can say goodbye to your friend.'' She smiled evilly. with a snap of her finger two goons brought a bruised and beaten boy.

"Felix" Robin gasps, then glares at his father. "What did you do?" he snarled.

"Pull yourself together." batman said sternly

"Fuck you, Now tell me what the hell did you do?" Robin was furious that his only friend that actually cared for, that got to know him and now he was in danger because of his asshole father.

"He wanted this."

"You heartless bastard." Robin had to do something before Talia killed Felix. Talia pulls out a syringe filled with green liquid. "Talia don't you dare."

"What did you call me?" she hissed

"I called you Talia, you may have been my trainer, my tormentor, but you sure as hell never have been my mother." Robin said shocking everyone.

"You little SHIT!!!!" she jammed the needle into Felix's neck.

"NOOOO!" Robin took a great big leap to Talia and Felix, he pushed a shocked Talia out the way and he went over to Felix. "Felix, listen to me, you're going to be ok."

"DDDD..Damian...RUN" he yelled

Felix went berserk and started killing everyone, the team try to stop him but they were overpower by Felix. Robin had a difficult choice was either let his family die or revel his power.

"Look like it time T'Challa." Damian jumped down and attacked his out of controlled friend.

(Damian is T'Challa and Felix is bucky)

After the fight Felix escaped Damian tried to go after him but held my batman who wanted an answer.

Time skip.

"Damian, you are going to tell me how the hell did you manage to all that." Batman orders Damian to sign , then proceeds to tell them the whole story.

"So all this time you kept this from us, you know you could have helped us." Nightwing said disappointment.

"Yeah, this is completely selfish of you." batgirl (Barbra) said after hearing what happened there.

"So apparently the demon kept something from the family." Tim Mocked.

"He wouldn't be able to hide anything since he isn't part of it.." Jason sneered. That broker Damian heart hearing all he realized that this was never his family.

"If that's what you think then, congratulations I quit." he ripped the badge and ran away Ignoring yells to come back.

End of flashback

Ever then I never saw them and to tell you the truth I don't know I ever will. I moved to BludHaven to become the hero I was made for. Sometimes I wonder if my family missed me but I doubt I moved on. Becoming my own hero, I continue the legacy of the Panther.

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