~ Chapter 1 ~

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~ (Author's POV) ~

On a peaceful island located somewhere in Vale....we get a shot of a young man, painfully suffering the recent abuse session from his "family".

This young man was F/n Branwen (as his birth name was). You see, he was once a happy child, but after his father died protecting him from a Grimm attack...things changed dramatically.

Not only did his family fall into heavy sorrow, but they also blamed him for Tai's death as he was "weak" & a "burden".

It started with ignorance and slaps, then it escalated to full-on physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. This left him with nightmares and suicidal thoughts.

Now, he only thought how and why his life had gotten worse...thanks to "them".


~ (No One's POV) ~

???: Mr. Branwen!

The young man snapped awake, right in the middle of Peter Port's class. The other students snickered at him.

Port: Have you been paying attention?

Seeing no point....

F/n: *sighs* No, sir.

Port: Well, then. Detention after class.

The students snickered again, leaving him humiliated.

After class, F/n left along with the other students and went to the lunchroom. Grabbing his food, he simply went on and ate alone, getting glares from the other students. As he sat there silently eating, he heard trays clattering around him. Looking up, he saw his male friends: Jaune, Ren, Cardin, and SSSN.

Jaune: Hey, F/n.

F/n: ...Hi.

Jaune: Not really in a talking mood?

F/n: Could you blame me?

Ren: No, we couldn't. I mean, we know there's no way you could've caused a Huntsman death intentionally.

F/n: *scoffs* Well, you can try telling them that. Apparently though, they're too swallowed up in their pride to look past a damn false lie that those two decided to spread!

The group and some nearby were taken back by his sudden outburst (and the others just glared at him), but they didn't blame him for it either.

Sun: Well, I can't even imagine what made them do so. Either way, that is messed up.

Cardin: Right, that team clearly think they're better than others just because of their own "achievements".

F/n: Nonetheless....don't worry about me.

F/n then gotten up and left to go eat on the roof, getting glares (again) as he left the area. His friends just shared looks and shrugs with each other before going to discuss a certain matter.

~ Timeskip ~

F/n was later seen in Goodwitch's class (his most disliked class). And to the expected...

Glynda: Mr. Branwen?

F/n: Yes?

Glynda: Since your grade in my class is low, you'll be going against Team RWBY.

F/n heard cheering and had an offended expression on his face.

F/n: But, Ma'am! Why...

The woman shot him a glare.

Glynda: Young man, I will not tolerate any more of your foolishness! Either you participate or I'll have you expelled!

F/n wanted to say something, but either the words were lost or he couldn't find anything to throw his protest out. Sighing heavily, he just went to the locker room and grabbed a spare sword from the rack before stepping out to face his opponents.

Yang: *cracks her knuckles* Ready for another lesson, "brother"?

F/n just shook his head and gotten into a stance, holding the grip of the sword with both hands and leaning slightly forward.

Glynda: And...begin!

(Author: Since I'm not in the mood to write out the full details of the fight, here's how it goes.)

F/n was on the defense while Team RWBY was on complete offense. Aside from Ruby & Yang being the most battle eager, Weiss stayed back to provide support while Blake stayed in the middle of it.

He had difficulties keeping up with Ruby's constant use of her Semblance and Weiss' as well, but he just stood his ground and did what he needed to land a hit wherever. Blake used her Semblance and Dust occasionally while Yang kept him on edge with her "acting before thinking" mentality.

Predictably, F/n lost again, a small pool of blood underneath him and pain surrounding him.

And of course, Goodwitch was as disappointed with his performance as she would be with Jaune.

~ Timeskip ~

F/n was seen waking up in the nurse's office and sighed heavily at his situation.

F/n: Ma'am, I apologize for being a burden to you.

Nurse: Don't worry about that. Just try to fight back, one way or another. You can go now.

F/n nodded and got up to leave. It was dinner time, but he decided he was not going to the lunchroom. As he was walking back to his dorm, he bumped into somebody.

Team RWBY!

Of course, they were not so friendly.

Yang: What the hell are you doing, loner?

F/n just gave her a face that told her "So what?", but still answered.

F/n: Why do you care? It's not like you have before.

Yang did not like that remark, so she suddenly grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall, her eyes red.

Yang: Look here, you bastard! It's already enough that you had to ruin our lives at home, but being at school with us it another story!

F/n didn't say anything, so Yang continued with her rant.

Yang: If Aunt Quill had just gotten an abortion, life would've been better that way.

And of course, the "Little Red Brat" had to share something as well.

Ruby: Yeah, this place is for future Huntsmen, not killers.

Finally, F/n decided to shoot back.

F/n: You two think you have the right to do things to me just because of a misunderstanding!? Well, think again because this is not a fantasy world!

In complete anger, Yang punched F/n hard in the face, breaking his nose.

Yang: Just shut up before I show you your place!

With that, she let go of him, letting him slide down the wall. Then, she beckoned the others to follow. While Ruby did, their teammates stayed behind.

Weiss: They do have a point. You being here is nothing but a nuisance for others.

Blake: Right. I think it's better that you do leave. You're nothing but a burden to everyone around here. You're useless, F/n.

The two then left glaring at him. Clearly, F/n was at loss for words. Perhaps....they were right?

Picking himself, he walked back to his dorm and dealt with his nose himself. Deciding that he wasn't hungry anymore, he just went to sleep, lingering thoughts implated in his mind.

F/n: *Dad, if you're there...I hope you're living better than down here.

The screen then faded to black on F/n's tear-streaked face.

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