Aunt Marinette

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Bug Boy's POV:

My miraculous actually didn't go off. It's the fact that Emma's parents were standing in front of and I'm head over heels for there daughter. Do you think I could ask for there approval now or do I really have to wait? I zipped through the street's of Paris towards Nana Sabine's house. I saw what was Emma's balcony in present time and jumped on it. "Tikki Spot's off!!" 

I jumped through the window to see that no one was there or I thought when I heard someone say "What are you doing in my room Nino?" I turned to see a younger version of my aunt Mari. "Umm I'm n-n-not Nino I'm sorry mamem I--." Then Mari's Tikki flew from her purse and said "This isn't Nino Marinette this feel's like he's from the future." I nod in agreement "Yea umm we lost an akuma in this time called Timebreaker, do you know where it might have been?" She grins and hesitates "I saw a guy on roller blades a little bit ago. Chat and your partner Kitty should be re-energized so we should head back now." I nod and transform at the same time as My aunt and she turns and say's "Are you Nino's son by chance you look a lot like him?" I nod and my mind question's "How can she tell that, but she can't tell Chat's Adrien Agreste."

Emma's POV:

"Dad stop crying ok I mean Mari- I mean't Mom loves you as much as you love her!!" He only sigh's as he get's up, "But I only see Marinette as a friend right now." I see my Plagg facepalm as I join him. "Don't we need to help Ma- Ladybug with the akuma Dad." He nods and we both yell "Plagg Claws Out!!" We run and Catch up to Bug-boy and Ladybug as we watch Timebreaker chase Alya I yelled "I 'll save Au- Alya mew guy's go cat-ch up with Father times son." I heard Ladybug and Bug-boy groan as Chat said "Nice one." Then I jumped down and yelled to Alya who turned her head and squealed "OMG It's the fut---." I only jump and grab her saying "Not now your future daughter pissed off someone." She only shrugs "Sound's like me." I sigh and said "Stay here got it!!" She nods and runs behind a pillar and I return to my partner and parents who were finishing up the fight. "Ready to go back?" Ladybug say's as we exchange glance and I say "Well Bug-boy's has only three minutes so yea." She grins and Yell's "Miraculous Ladybug!!!"

As the miraculous transferred us all back in time Bug-boy waves at me yelling "See ya again Kitty!!" I nod and mutter "I have a father to speak to." I run in my house and was about to say father when I saw a blonde lady that looked a lot like my father staring down at her son once again.....

Happy Or Sad Or Do you just want to kill me because I left such a cliffhanger?

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