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Emma's POV:

Beep beep beep

I slam my hand down on my alarm clock as I hear my brother Hugo yell "Emma get up your gonna be late and Mom said if you don't get up your walking to school." I groan as I yell back "Five more minute's PLEASE." As I know that's not an option. I get dressed in my usual clothes and walk down stair's to see Mom baking cookies. "Mom you do know every time you bake cookies you cry right I don't understand why you cook them if they make you sad." I never understood why my Mom did this to herself, but she always said "It always reminds me of a very good friend." I only pick up two pieces of toast and a orange juice as my Dad yells after me "That's not a good meal." I only roll my eye's yelling back "Neither is croissants Dad I think your start getting chubby their." I say as I turn around and pat my stomach, and run out the door where Hugo was talking to Nina and Hunter. 

"Hey guy's." I say as I run and get the front seat. "Hey I called that first."Hugo complain's as he sit's in the back beside Hunter who has offically made it tomato level. "Hunter do you have a fever your turning red." I say as I reach back and feel Hunter's head to make sure he's okay. He only sputter's "I-I-I--I'm fine Em-Emma th-th-thank y-y-you." I swear sometime's does he hate me because he never talk's to me normally. I watch as Dad kisses Mom and Louis on the cheek and walk to the car. "Hey Dad how you been?" I tease knowing he's still upset with calling him fat. "I'm not talking to you Emma." He say's as he playfully shove's my shoulder and turns his head dramatically. "Fine Mom was my favorite anyway." I continue to tease. He sputter and say's "I thought I was your favorite.You wound me princess." And he dramatically put's his hand over his heart as if he'd been shot and begins to fake cry. "Na you were my favorite last week.Mom made me macaroons." I flick my hand over my pants like there was something on it and look at my fingernail and grin as I glance over at Dad who was still pretend crying "Sis be nice to Dad." Hugo buts in. "Make me." I say as I jump out of the car and walked with Nina giggling "Uncle Adrien is so dramatic sometimes I think he should be an actor." 

We all walk in when we hear Amanda yell "Hugo Bear you finally made it." She said as she shoved me away. "Really Amanda you have to act like a whale push me. So rude." I huff as I get up and walk in. I hear Amanda whine "Did you hear what your rude sister said she called me a whale. Personally I look like a model I think she's just jealous."I roll my eye's and look around to see an old man I assumed was the janitor drop a couple thing's so Nina and I run over and pick up the things and hand it to him. "Are you okay sir?" I say as Nina give's him his bag. "Oh yes thank you young ladies do you mind pointing me toward's the principal's office."I nod and point toward's the wooden door to the left and we walk toward's Mr. Nathaniel's class. 

Once we get there we see a blonde with pink highlights waiting for us. "What has took you so long that you are almost late on the first day of school." Taylor say's as she shake's her finger at us and sit's in her usual seat which was behind me in the third row. "Hey Sorry jeesh I try to enjoy my sleep. Side's I heard last night your Mom went into labor." Taylor only nod's and mutter's "Yea and I had to sleep in a hospital chair. I mean look at my hair its a total mess and my nails need to be done." She looks down at her nails as if her life depended on them being done correctly. "Sorry to hear about that." I say as Hugo and one of his friends Dylan (Ship crasher) comes in. "Hey Ems." Dylan say's as he winks at me. Oh did I forget to mention he's Mr. Nathaniel's son. Yea he's the exact copy of his father A tomato. As Mr. Nathaniel walks in so does Amanda who blows my brother a kiss who gags. We were all about to get started with our lesson when Bennie the son of Mylene and Ivan came and accidently tripped on a set of steps. As he tripped a piece of paper fell in front of Amanda who picked it up and examined it. Then she sneered "Why would I like an ugly troll like you Bennie? And whats up with your name did your Mommy name you after a toddler show." All of a sudden I stand up and snatch the paper out of her hand yelling "How dare you don't you have any feelings that was rude." And I ran after Bennie but he ran into the bathroom and I had to listen to him cry as I said "Hey Bennie do you wanna talk about it." I say as I knock on the door one last time before I slump into the locker room sometimes it sucks when people won't let you help them. 

New Hawkmoth POV: 

I had to leave my current job because I felt the negative emotion of heartbreak. "Go my little akuma and darken his heart." I sit there and watch as my dark purple butterfly fly towards its victim. While I think She'll regret the day she was born. (Who is this Hawkmoth only I know.)

"Hello Stoneheart your heart was broken I know how you feel so I will give you the strength to destroy the one who destroyed your heart. Only at one price get me Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous." I finished and I got a satisfied  "Yes Hawkmoth."

Emma's POV:

I was walking out of the locker room and into class when I heard someone scream "Amanda!" Oh good lord Jesus Christ did that person do now. I watched a stone beast burst out of the locker room and towards me. I only scream "Please don't hurt me." The beast stops and looks at me and then walks past me. "OK so is school canceled now."

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