The Last Chapter (For there is a Prequel!)

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Tear's of joy were over now its time for the twisty reveal!!

Emma's POV:

I pulled out my tablet getting ready for a project with Hunter when a loud crash was heard outside. I ran to see a girl in a fox suit was chasing people hitting them up side the head with her flute. (Violent Volpina pt 2) I groan as I know the project is due today "UM Hunter can you stay here I have to um, check on my father." I ran into my massive closet.

Hunter's POV:

I watched as a dangerous akuma got loose I heard Emma say something, but I didn't listen as I ran into Emma's giant closet and turned to see Emma transform into the flirty, annoying, cat punning, partner that I learned to put up with. "EMMA YOUR KITTY NOIR!!" I shout as I partailly pass out and she shout's "Hunter are you OK? OMG you can't tell anyone okay Bug-boy's gonna murder me into a spite." I gasp as I whisper "My partner is the girl I've been crushing on this hole time. I'm an idiot I'm an---." Tikki fly's out of my man purse and say's "No time for this you need to catch that akuma." Kitty nods as she say's "Wait--- that's a--." I nod as I yell "Tikki Spot's On!!" 

Emma POV:

I watch in awe as my "best friend" transform into the love of my life. I screech "I friend zoned Bug-boy." I walk away in shame and sob "Now Senpai will never love me." He only giggles as I yell "This is know laughing mat-- OK I can see where it is a little funny." We jump through my window together as he say's "Are you ready partner?" as he holds out his fist. "Purready as I'll ever fur bee>" I say as he groans "Please stop the puns." As we jump out the window together. 

We chase the akuma as we catch up we realize the Volpina was Amanda. She turned to us and sneered "OH look who finally joined the party Dumb Bug and his sidekick mangy feline." I growl as I smooth out my hair " Last time I checked the rodents you." She hisses at me as I let out a fake laugh "Ha I thought I was the cat around here, but it looks like your the mangy-." She wacks me upside the head with the flute and I get flung a good 6 feet. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Bug Boy shouts as he chases her and then stopped and yelled "Lucky--." He didn't get time, because as he was yelling I saw a mysterious figure behind and tackled him to the ground yelling "Watch out!" 

We look up as a man in a purple suit walks out chuckling "AH Bug-boy and Kitty Noir we finally meet. I suggest you hand me your miraculous so we stop this little game of cat and mouse." I stand up and snort "Never!" "As you wish Kitty Noir!" Then Volpina show's up and I block her blow with my right hand. All of a sudden I see white, and a boy with black hair. "W--Where am I?"

(Many years later)

A man holds two miraculouses in his hand as a blond man yell's "Don't do this Hunter wishes are dangerous!" Hunter snap's "Don't you want your daughter back?"

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