Chapter 6 ~ He Is the Rake

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The Next Proxy

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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June, Jeff, Masky, & Hoodie were all walking in the woods in silence. Masky & Hoodie walked together side by side calmly through the thick woods, while Jeff grumbles to himself. June was folding her arms in silence too. Once they made it out of the woods, they walk through June's backyard & walked into the house without anyone seeing her.

June made her way up the stairs & walked into her room. Everything was where they were the last time she was in her room, but there was no time to waste. So June grabbed she suite-case & started packing her things, her clothes, her books, phone charger, headphone, laptop, etc... Just before she walked out of her room she remembered her grandma's book that laid on her desk; without hesitation she took the book, & shoved it in her backpack, then walked downstairs where Masky & Hoodie where looking out the windows.

But Jeff was staring at the wall with all the family photos were. His face was unsettling, like he woke-up from a bad dream. June slowly walked over to him, laid a hand on his shoulder. "You alright, Jeff?" Jeff snapped out of his thoughts, & said.

"I'm fine. I don't need you pity."

"Geezz, don't need to get pissed at me. I was just wond-"

"I don't care what you feel about me. Okay?! Just stay out of my way." Jeff growled, & walked out the back door as the door slammed behind him.

"Geezz... What's wrong with him? I'm only trying to help, but he just gets pissed off, yells at me, & runs off." June said, Masky walks up to June.

"...Well the thing is... Jeff acts weird when he sees people with families or even a picture of a family. As much as he denies it, I think he still feels guilty from his past..."

"What do you mean?"

"... I won't go into too much detail, as it's really not my place to tell you this, but from what I gather, Jeff lost his entire family when he was just a child..."

"Oh, I've heard of a family who was murdered after a boy name Jeffery just got out of the hospital from the horrible fire incident." Sadness filled June's heart. "I feel bad that he lost his family from a serial killer-"

"Actually... *sigh* To be more precise... He murdered them." Masky said. June's eyes widen.

"He... WHAT?!... His OWN?!"

"Yes, & quiet brutally too. That's why you need to be careful around him, June. It's probably hard for you to understand given the very unusual circumstances in which you were introduced... But you must not forget that first & foremost, Jeff is a killer... all of us are... You HAVE to remember that, no matter how comfortable you may become around us, you should never make the mistake of fully letting your guard down... It's in our nature to do terrible things..."

"Don't worry Masky. I was best friends with a killer too, I was friends with the Slenderman when I was but a child myself, & I'm staying with a bunch of killers too, not to manchen sharing the same bed with on. I... think I can handle it." June said. Masky sighs in relief, & nodded his head.

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Everyone walked out of the house, quietly tip-toed through the yard, & run into the woods. Once they were out of sight they began the silent walk... again. Suddenly there was a noise coming from somewhere, Hoodie looks up to see dark clouds covering the sky, the wind was blowing hard, then suddenly it started to rain. Like raining cats & dogs.

"GREAT! JUST FREAKIN GREAT!!!" Jeff yelled out. "It just had to freakin rain."

"Oh cry me a river, Jeff." Hoodie said. "Come on, there's a building up a head. We'll stay there until the rain clears up." Without any hesitation they ran towards an old building. Inside the building there were lots of rooms with empty beds, chairs, & sometimes words written on they walls.

"Great place you picked, Hoodie." Jeff said with his hands on his hips. "Just the place to lock up killers like me, & let them rout in there."

"Wait?" June said. "Are you saying that we're in an... a-asylum? Like for crazy people?" June was scared, she've heard stories of people being locked up in these every rooms, & become insane. She could feel the madness around her, it was hard for her to breathe; panic crept into body again.

"Yea, for crazy people. Even though..." Jeff steps closer to June's ear & whispers. "Even though you're standing next to one." The cut out smile grew wider then usual.

"Hoodie & I are gonna check out the place, just to be safe. You & Jeff stay here until we get back." Masky said as both Masky & Hoodie disappeared into the dark hallway of the asylum. June looked around the place to find something warm, suddenly she heard a whoosh like noise coming from behind, she turned to only see Jeff making fire.

"Man, it's freezing in here." June said, shivering in her soaking wet clothes. She saw a closet, she walks over, opens it. To her delight there was a blanket, but the problem was that there was only ONE blanket. "Aww, man. What am I gonna do? I have to get these wet clothes off or else I'm gonna freeze to death, also there's only one blanket. I can't be selfish because I'm important."

"You could take off your clothes, & share the blanket with Jeff. He's shivering too." Herself said. A shade of pink & red covered her face.

"Are you crazy?! There's no way in heck am I gonna take off my clothes, & share the blanket with him!"

"You do that or you freeze to death." Herself told her again. June sighed, & walked back to Jeff who was sitting closer to the fire place, warming his shivering bleached hands. "I found a blanket." June said, Jeff stares at the blanket.

"Thanks." He said as he grabbed the blanket. "Wait? Is there another one." Jeff said, but June only shook her head.

"That's the only one." June said staring at the ground but Jeff held the blanket to June.

"You should have it. After all you ARE the Proxy, & it's my job to keep you safe." June shook her head.

"How about we share it, that way we can keep each other warm." Jeff sighed, & spread out the blanket, but just before Jeff & June could snuggle with each other June began taking her wet clothes off in front of Jeff. Jeff's bleach face colored.

"W-what are you doing?!" Jeff said as he covered his eyes.

"I have to dry them, & so do you mister." Jeff looked down at his clothes; he hesitated for a bit, but took off his clothes anyway. After they were done changing out of their clothes, they stared at each other. Jeff stared long & hard at June in her green laced bra & green striped panties. Jeff was wearing black boxers.

They both quickly covered themselves up with the blanket, & snuggled closed to each other. June stared deep into the fire, thinking about her grandma keep the family secret from her, also she was thinking about Jeff. She turned her eyes towards Jeff for he was in deep thought too.

Her heart pounded against her chest, she could feel the smoothness of his bleached skin. She liked the feeling of his skin, so she snuggled close to him, & rest her heavy head on his brad shoulders. Jeff jerked a bit, but then relax, he let a heavy sigh & said.

"I'm sorry that I was a jerk to you today, it's just..."

"Just what, Jeff?" June said.

"It's just ever since I'm murdered my family I've been on my own. No one to laugh with, no one talk to, no one being there for me, & no one to cry with. It's been-"

"Lonely. That's what a killer like feels? Lonely?"

"Heh. That's how it will be for me. I have to pay the allotment price for what I did." Jeff paused for a bit. "A 13 yr. old boy who was living with a terrible family that was falling apart. They parents thought it would be a GOOD idea to start fresh as one big happy family... but they were wrong." Jeff's voice got darker. "It was the mother that was ruining the happy family. If she hadn't cheated on numbers of guys at her work they would have stayed at their old house, but the mother was a slut going off sleeping with other men while the father is trying everything in his power to make the mother stay for his 2 son's sake so they wouldn't have to be motherless."

June stared deep into his icy blue eyes. "And if it weren't for those boys at that party that 13 yr. old boy wouldn't end up as a freak of nature. Like I am today..."

"He said I." June said.

"Then I would have had a good life with my loving parents, &..." Tears were treating to come out of Jeff's burnt eye-lids.

"And your brother..." June turned her head towards the fire place. "I know how you feel when you lose the one you love. Gone forever, never coming back. I'm sorry." Then out of nowhere Jeff rested his head on her shoulder; June was a bit afraid, she didn't know what to do?

"Can I lay on your shoulder?" Jeff said, June was shocked, but she nodded yes, & let Jeff rest his head while June lightly ran her fingers through his black hair. His hair was soft than she expected, & smelt of woods & rain. She liked his sent, she could smell him all day.

Jeff's eyes were closed; even though he was asleep he said one word that came out of his mouth. "L-Liu?..." June gasped a bit.

"Liu?" She thought for a moments, then she remembered about his brother. Suddenly she saw a tiny tear drop fall down his bleached cheek. June couldn't help herself by whipping the tear away, but her body was begging to do something else so she lower her head & slowly kissed his cheek.

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The Rake was running through the wet woods. He sniffed the air for any scent of the human child, then he picked up it's trail, & followed it. The scent was getting stronger; he halt to a stop when he saw the abandon asylum. He parted his lips to show his yellowish long sharp teeth.

He began creeping slowly, & quietly with his long sharp claws dragging into the forest floor. His mouth was drooling with spit, he took a deep breathe, & said. "I found ya... Proxy"

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