Chapter 2

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Nightsong whipped her seawing tail around, smacking into an unseen dragon. She heard the clang of metal, and the grip on her didn't loosen. Armor. She thought angrily. 

"Shadow!" She cried, but the attacker slammed an iron clam around her jaws. She tried to break free, but the dragon roped more chains around her, tying her to a tree. 

"This one's secure!" He called. Nightsong blinked. Her seawing night vision revealed a skywing wearing armor. 

"The nightwing is too!" called a voice somewhere from Nightsong's right. Shadow! Thought Nightsong. More calls confirmed that Dagger, Honeydew, and Cloud had been captured. Nightsong wriggled against the chains, blasting blue fire, which melted the band around her snout.

"Blue fire?" gaped the skywing who captured her. "Those are the hottest flam-" Nightsong shot a pillar of fire at him, lighting a tree on fire. The light revealed her companions chained to different trees.

"Shadow!" she called, turning to the nightwing first. Shadow struggled against her chains. Honeydew spat venom at the tree behind her, and the chains fell loosely around her. Nightsong melted the rest of her chains. Dagger shot frost breath at his, and broke through them easily. Shadowcaster and Cloud were still chained. Nightsong ran to shadow, but a huge skywing blocked her path. It was five skywings against three dragonets. The skywing pinned Nightsong down, but she shot blue flame in his face, making him scream and run off, crashing into trees. Nightsong ran to shadow, melting her chains. The nightwing jumped to her feet. Cloud struggled against his chains, and Dagger ran to him.

"Back off!" snapped cloud, "You'll freeze me!" Dagger kept coming.

"No I won't you have to trust me." She gently blew frost breath across the chains, and cloud broke through them. 

"T-thanks.. Watch out!" He blasted flame at a skywing behind her. Shadow and Nightsong stood back to back, swiping at teh skywings.

"Um.. is it just me, or is there more?" Nightsong asked. Shadow looked around and cursed. Three skywings were surrounding them, Dagger and Cloud were fighting off four, and Honeydew was cornered by two. 

"They just can't get enough of us huh?" joked shadow, blasting flame at a skywing. Nightsong smiled,  swiping at a large red dragon with her claws. More skywings kept coming. Nightsong and Shadow pressed against each other, surrounded by six large dragons. Cloud and Dagger weren't much better. A skywing landed one dagger's back, making her howl as he scratched her. Cloud blasted flame at him, and the dragon lept off. Dagger reared her head back, frost breath building up, but a skywing slammed her head down into the soil. She struggled, but they put a steaming hot clamp around her mouth. She tried to scream, writhing in pain, but couldn't. The skywing took more hot chains and bound her to a rock, where she slumped over. Cloud roared.

"Stop!" He yelled, charging at the skywing. She whipped around, shooting flame. Cloud dodged, but the fire burned his leg, and he fell to the ground. The skywing snarled, breaking his wings with two loud snaps. He screamed in agony, but the skywing put a metal band against his mouth, wrapping chains around him and throwing him to the ground. Honeydew spat venom at her attackers, but they stepped back, and it fell short.

"Pitiful." chuckled the first.

"She won't be any trouble. Just a lazy rainwing." Drawled the other. Honeydew straightened.

"Just.. a lazy... RAINWING?!?!?" She roared, rearing back her head and spraying venom. It hit the dragon who spoke first, and he screeched, falling back, scales melting. The second stepped back, whistled, and two other skywings lept out of the bushes on either side of Honeydew. She reared back her head, but they slammed the clamp over her mouth. She struggled, turning bright red, but the skywing grabbed her head and slammed it into the tree behind her. Honeydew crumpled to the ground. Shadow and Nightsong watched their teammates being defeated.

"Enough!" yelled Nightsong,

"We won't be beaten so easily." Shadow snarled.

"I won't let you hurt my friends!" Nightsong hurled herself at the skywing in front of her, shadow slamming into another. Nightsong unleashed her blue flames, and two dragons fell to the ground. Shadow raked her talons down one skywing's side while shooting fire at another. She whipped her tail around, tripping dragons. "Shadow!" yelled Nightsong. Shadow turned to see a skywing rake it's claws across Nightsong's neck.

"No!" Shadow yelled as they chained Nightsong to a tree, not even bothering to bind her jaws. Shadow fought wildly, killing two dragons in her rage, before something hit her from behind, and all was dark.

The skywings stood proudly, looking at their prisoners. They ignored the five dead dragons. There were seven left.

"Who are you?" asked one skywing, pointing to a dark orange female. "I don't remember you being on the list, there were only eleven elite dragons, and I see twelve." 

"Chrysalis." replied the female. She sprayed fire in a circle, felling the dragons. Her scales changed, and in the skywing's place was a strange dragon. She had a mane of fur all down her back, and a tail with a spike on the end. She had super sharp horns, and a horn on her nose. Her horns/spikes were all black, and the fur was dark grey. She had dark green scales with purple and other colors flowing through them, and they were always changing. She had purple eyes, and the undersides of her wings looked like the northern lights, with stars through them like a nightwing's. "I'm a changewing." Changewings had the power to turn into any tribe, as well as any animal. Chrysalis speared each of the skywings with the end of her tail, before dragging them away from the clearing. She cleaned her tail off in a stream, before returning to the clearing. She lay down, eyeing the Night Casters. She placed her head between her paws and waited for them to wake up.

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